Chapter 1712

   Mr. Bo snorted coldly, "If you can't stand it, get out, thinking that you will go to heaven to participate in an international summit, right?"

  Shen Fanxing closed his eyes deeply, trying to keep himself calm and not bother with him.

   then opened his eyes and looked at him silently.

"I also hope that you will recognize your position. Even if I really want to go to heaven, it has nothing to do with you. Also, this international summit is not your home, nor is it held by you. I am invited to come here today. If you insist on getting me out today, then please… go to the World Economic Federation first, if they agree with your suggestion and go back on their invitation to me on the spot, then I will naturally go out.”

   "Or, actually, you don't take the World Economic Federation in your eyes, and they all obey you, so I can go out today."


  The old man shuddered all over Shen Fanxing's words.

  The form of the World Economic Federation is equivalent to the United Nations of the World, with the same function.

   It’s just that the World Economic Committee is mainly responsible for the understanding of economic statistics of various countries in the world, and the decision-making of major economic conferences such as development proposals.

   Combinations from various countries play an extraordinarily important role in establishing diplomatic relations in the society and have an extraordinarily sensitive organizing committee.

  Shen Fanxing's words, the former, agree with the old man's words, and drive out the invitees who were unanimously approved by the World Economic Union.

   This is undoubtedly making them slap their federation in the face, and what has just been decided will soon go back on its word.

  The latter, the old man, as the old chairman of the Bo Consortium, has completely ignored the World Economic Federation, his eyes are above the top, his hands are covering the sky, and he is pressing on the head of the Federation to issue orders.

   No matter what the possibility is, the old man will not be able to get any benefits in front of the Federation, and even later, offend the Federation, and the trouble caused is not something that ordinary people can worry about.

   In just a few words, he almost made him offend the entire Economic Federation.

  This woman should not be too careful and vicious.

   The expressions of the people around are also a little serious. This federation is really not to offend casually.

  If you really offend, then a Bo family will be targeted sooner or later.

   For any reason, in any way.

   "You don't have to sow discord here!"

   He suddenly gave a heavy drink and stared at Shen Fanxing with round eyes.

   "You really have a vicious mind."

Shen Fanxing raised her eyebrows, "Since you chose to look down on me with a high profile, I never thought of climbing high. Sir, we could have been peaceful tonight, maybe you forgot that the person who speaks rudely today seems to have never None of them."

  Everyone nodded, indeed, it was indeed this old Mr. Bo who was unhappy about looking for others first.

   "You... the child in your belly belongs to my Bo family..."

   "Master, don't you feel that you are contradicting yourself?"

   Mr. Bo couldn't let go of the child in Shen Fanxing's belly, but his words made Shen Fanxing's face cold.

"You drove A Chuan out of Bo's house, and you didn't recognize me as his wife, but you were worried about the child in my belly. What? You don't want your grandson, and in your eyes, I'm just a child. Tool, it is a matter of course for your Bo family to have a child?"


"Old man, I can't control your old and pedantic thinking. For the sake of your elders, I can also do it for the sake of not caring about you and respecting each other. However, discrimination against women is discriminatory against me. Others can accept it. But I can't accept it. I never owe you anything, I owe you Bo's family! And I can't take the child in my womb to pay you anything back."


"Although the words are unpleasant, they are true. Although the occasion is wrong, you did not give me the right to say these words on the right occasion. After all, today is an international economic summit, and well-known entrepreneurs from all over the world are watching It's better not to be a topic maker in the eyes of others, what do you think?"


  What should be said and what should not be said let her finish.

   Now she thinks about the overall situation.

   The old man was very angry with her.

   However, Shen Fanxing had already withdrawn his gaze, swept around in a circle, and then smiled lightly:

   Hello everyone, I am the person in charge of Xingchen International, Shen Fanxing, I hope to receive your attention in the future. "

  Take care...

   Everyone looked at each other with strange expressions.

   They can't take care of them.

   I only heard that she was at odds with the Bo family consortium before, but who knew that this time it would actually start a riot right on the spot at the international summit.

   Rather than choosing her as a nobody, they were even more reluctant to offend Bo.

   At least it won't be too obvious on the surface.

Shen Fanxing just smiled lightly, "It seems that you don't have anything to do with me anymore, it's okay, it's all about your love and my wishes, I respect everything that doesn't damage my interests and personality. See you today. I am very happy."

  Faced with the differences in cultural exchanges between different countries, Shen Fanxing tried his best to keep his words as straightforward and simple as possible.

   Mrs. Steve looked at her suspiciously, "I know that this is your first time participating in an international summit this year. Do you want to cooperate with other companies?"

   "I'm just expressing my position. I really want to make friends with everyone. Even if I can't reach a cooperation, I won't be targeted in the future."

   Her frankness surprised Mrs. Steve, "Are you also interested in discussing cooperation today?"

   The word "also" made the expressions of everyone present change.

   Talking about cooperation here will surely be something that everyone cares about.

  Shen Fanxing smiled, "It's always good to make more friends. If there is a need for suitable cooperation, I will naturally think about it."

   "Think about it?" Mr. Bo squinted sideways at Bo Jingchuan, "Do you have a chance to consider it? I dare to ask all the entrepreneurs present, who would want to cooperate with you?"

   Bo Jingchuan looked at the old man coldly with a dark fog forming between his eyebrows.

   "Looks like you can speak on behalf of everyone present."

Mr. Bo sneered, "Think with your brain, what kind of thing is she on today's occasion, just treat her like a treasure! Cooperate with her small entertainment company? Does she have gold on her face? "

   Shen Fanxing chuckled lightly at this time, leaning his shoulders in Bo Jingchuan's arms, and said:

"I don't have to worry about it if I don't put money on my face. Talking about cooperation with people naturally depends on whether I'm happy or not. If I don't talk to me personally, I will definitely agree. To be honest, some People are not qualified to talk to me."

  The muscles on the old man's face trembled, "...Ignorance, arrogance!"

   Shen Fanxing hooked his lips, "That also requires arrogant capital."

   "Of course I want to talk about cooperation. You Bo thinks you are superior, but in my eyes, you are not qualified to talk about cooperation with me. At least I am not happy!"

   The expression in the old man's eyes suddenly darkened, and the anger on his face made the atmosphere extremely depressed.

   Shen Fanxing was unmoved, her face sank, she could bear his sarcasm, but Bo Jingchuan, not.

  The opportunity has given him time and time again, relying on his status and power to rely on the old and sell the old in front of them, no one will have 100% patience and an endless bottom line.

"It's just a Bo clan, and being able to show off your power here is just the respect others show you out of morality and quality, not how much you deserve respect. If you really want to count it carefully, no matter how strong you are, you are only second in the world. …”


   As soon as these words came out, there was an uproar in the audience.

   is only the second in the world...

   What a big tone.

   And these words also happened to hit the point that the old man was most concerned about.

   Second, second…

   Seeing that Mr. Bo was burning with anger, Bo Yuelin stepped forward at this moment and said with a sullen face:

"Miss Shen, I still want you to look like a junior. No matter what the old man does, he can't deny the fact that Jingchuan is his grandson. You are so disrespectful, have you ever thought about how you will face him in the future? "

"Second uncle, the younger generation has the appearance of the younger generation, so the elders should also have the appearance of the elders. Do not do what you want to others, and respect is mutual. In fact, if the old man hadn't been aggressive, everything today would not have happened. He Come to the international summit, I am not allowed to appear at the summit for some reason."

  Bo Yuelin frowned, for Shen Fanxing's sharp teeth today, he was justified.

   "Stop talking nonsense with her, a small business that just attended the summit, actually laughing at me that Bo's consortium is second, it's a big joke, it's stupid!"

Shen Fanxing sneered, "We are each other, old man. We are also participating in the international summit. You are qualified, and I am also qualified. We are actually elite companies in this world. You are so powerful, you are the first to come and ridicule me. I despise it. Me. You are second and I am last. You laugh at me for not being on the stage. Isn't this a fifty-step laugh? The second and last place are both losers, but I remember someone said that the second place The biggest loser. So do you still think you're better than me? You're just more of a failure than me!"



  The audience was silent, even Bo Jingxing, Yin Ruijue, Li Tingshen and others who had been hiding behind watching the play were all shocked by Shen Fanxing's remarks, and some were even shocked.

   Bo Jingxing said in a low voice behind him: "This is not for participating in an international summit, but for an international debate, right? Sister-in-law's eloquence is absolutely amazing!"

  Yin Ruijue nodded and added next to him, "The courage is not ordinary."

   Dare to publicly anger the old man on such an occasion, who is the bigger if she is not brave?

   Seeing that the old man was obviously choked, he couldn't say a word, and his face was blushing, Bo Jingchuan pulled his lips imperceptibly.

   After living for so many years, it is time for him to experience what a "cruel society" is.

  I'm so naive to think that everyone is the only one, and no one's disobedience is allowed...

  This world has never belonged to him.

   However, Shen Fanxing's words were not finished.


  Everyone was speechless for a while, what else? !

"Besides, although I am not as good as you now, I still have a lot of time. Human wisdom is endless, and the future world belongs to me, not yours. Don't look at people on the surface, and take a long-term perspective. , it is better for you to hold on to me now, but you are not as good as others? My company is still very young, but I have a backer that I can rely on, and I will be stronger than you sooner or later. I don’t know if I am too arrogant, or How much do you think about yourself."



  The old man is now blowing his beard and staring, and his body is almost unsteady.

   " have a backer...King Y..."

"Of course the royal family is my backer, but today, now, my backer is not them! How can I make you see yourself more clearly, and don't move out the 'Ming' group that oppresses you, it's not enough to relieve our mutual hearts Depressed mood for a long time!"

   To hate someone, of course, you have to pick the opponent's fate.

   "You mean... your backer is the Ming Group?"

  Shen Fanxing leaned against Bo Jingchuan's arms with a smile, reached out and stroked Bo Jingchuan's neckline, and said lightly:

   "Otherwise, how could I have the courage to yell at you here for so long?"

   You also know that you have been "clamoring" for a long time? !

   Besides, why didn't they know that the backing of the sister-in-law was the "Ming" group?

   The eyes of several people all turned to Bo Jingchuan.

   Worried that he would suddenly change his face because of this explosive news.

  Shen Fanxing's words can be said to be amazing.

   Her backer is the "Ming" group?

   "Ming" group?

   This is the topic they are all looking forward to tonight.

   It is said that the top person in charge of the "Ming" group will make an appearance today, but what about people?

  Everyone looked around the whole venue, trying to find the top person in charge of the so-called "Ming" group, but they didn't even know what the parents were like.

   Then, he turned his attention to Shen Fanxing.

   Just as he was about to ask questions, the reporter next to him rushed over after hearing the news.

   "Ms. Shen, do you know the 'Ming' group? So where is the person in charge of the 'Ming' group now? We just waited outside for a long time. In fact, you are the last ones to arrive at the venue."

   "The 'Ming' group will not participate in the economic summit this year, will it?"

   "Is there any way you can contact him?"

  The reporters' words greatly disappointed the people around them.

   Obviously, since they are the last people to come, the "Ming" group is afraid that they won't show up again this year.

   "As much as I have high expectations, I will be disappointed. My only wish this year is to make this legendary figure simple."

   "Me too, I wanted a chance to work together, but I was disappointed again."

   "The 'Ming' Group? Do you know the person in charge? I'm curious about this group, and I admire it very much. I hope Miss Shen can give me a chance to introduce it to me?"

  Mr. Steve suddenly said excitedly, looking at Shen Fanxing's eyes with deep urgency.

  The reporters also drilled every hole, "Miss Shen, is there anyone in the Ming Group today? Who is the top person in charge of the Ming Group? What's his name? Where is his nationality? How did you know him?"

Shen Fanxing said lightly: "Of course he will come, he is from the same country as me, I met him in Pingcheng Hospital, and he is too sticky, he can't escape, he can't get rid of it, so that's all. We've been in a relationship..."


   Yin Ruijue and Bo Jingxing touched the wine glasses, and just drank the wine into their mouths, when they heard Shen Fanxing's words, the wine in their mouths spurted out.

   Bo Jingxing was opposite him and was successfully sprayed.

  【I'm chasing a very upright drama recently! Some vocabulary and ideas are derived from above, very 6, diplomatic situation, it is estimated that your parents, grandparents will like it! I may be old? Call me auntie later. (-)_]

   (end of this chapter)

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