Don’t Make Trouble, Mr. Bo!

Chapter 1709: i just for myself

   Chapter 1709 I'm just for myself


   Shen Fanxing's calmness made the old man even more angry.

  Meeting the president of INT in private is considered humble enough for him.

   He has always hoped that Bo's development will be in a good direction. At least, in his lifetime, he can see Bo's return to the No. 1 position in the world.

   But the bones that have been hardened for a lifetime have long since become iron. Sitting here now, for him, in a sense, it can be regarded as a loss of face that cannot be taken on the table.

   Now, Shen Fanxing was slammed into the face, and his old face was about to be thrown away.

   "You're just... so unreasonable, so unreasonable! Actually following me..."

  In the heart of the old man, Shen Fanxing is either the culprit who has left the Bo family torn apart, or an outsider who hates seeing him. Now that he admits to following him, he doesn't have any good feelings for her.

  The Steve and his wife looked at Shen Fanxing standing at the door with a confused look, and were curious about the conversation between the old man and her.

  Shen Fanxing's expression was indifferent, the coldness in his eyebrows was far from the so-called cold and terrifying, with ridicule and disappointment.

   "Stalking is wrong, but we are also not good people and should not be qualified to blame others, what do you think?"

  The old man's face was gloomy, "You kept admitting to following me, and even broke through my door, and now you say that I have no right to accuse you?"

  Shen Fanxing nodded, stared at the old man's face for a long time, and suddenly sneered.

   She pursed her lips, raised her head slightly and smiled helplessly, and finally put her eyes on the old man again.

   The smile in his eyes gradually became cold and frozen.

   "It's just that I still don't give up and want to leave some space between us."

  The old man's face froze, "...What do you mean?"

Shen Fanxing looked cold, "I'm very puzzled, why are you insisting on it? What is the reason for you to hate me so much? Is it for your dignity that you have not disobeyed for many years? Then you are sitting here now, don't you think so? An act of smacking yourself?"


   "Or do you think..."

  Shen Fanxing's voice suddenly rose, interrupting Mr. Bo's words, his eyes were cold and ironic.

   "Or do you think that Ah Chuan is the kind of person who will return to Bo's house obediently after you crush me or even have nothing?"

   The old man's face stiffened.

"If you really think so, then I feel endless sadness for him. He has been by your side for thirty years, but I don't know as much about him as I, who came out halfway, or even knew him for less than a year. Thirty years...what are your eyes looking at?"

  Yin Ruijue and Bo Jingxing gradually fell into a cold silence after taking a deep breath at Shen Fanxing's words.

  Yes, even they know that Brother Bo has never been someone who is easily dominated.

   As long as he doesn't want to, no one can.

  However, what is the old man looking at after so many years?

"Don't look at it like this, are you angry? You will be angry if you say it right. I will tell you what you are looking at. You can only see how much benefit he has brought to Bo. Is there anything more today than yesterday? To be better, do you have the ability to take the Bo family to a higher level? The meaning of his existence is completely based on the Bo family. If you disobey you and give up the Bo family, he will be nothing..."

  The old man trembled with anger at Shen Fanxing's words, and he held the edge of the table tightly with both hands, shaking violently as well.

   "It's arrogant, it's a bunch of bullshit! Do you know what is the most important thing as a man? You made his life worthless and meaningless! It was Bo who made him, and it was you who ruined him..."

   "It was never the Bo family who made him! And his existence is the greatest meaning!"

  Shen Fanxing interrupted him again, leaving the old man speechless for a while.

   However, his face was still full of anger, and he didn't want to approve a word of Shen Fanxing's words!

   Seeing him like this, Shen Fanxing sneered and sighed.

"Forget it. I'm more stubborn than you, and I'm ashamed. Tonight, pretend I never said these words, but I still hope you can understand that tonight, we... give you one last decent chance. "

  Shen Fanxing paused, trying her best to be euphemistic, but when she said it, seeing the old man's more angry expression, she knew that there was no possibility of easing the relationship between the old man and Bo Jingchuan.

   Compared to being stubborn and stubborn, she really has nothing to do.


   She is so spineless, and even now, she still wants to compromise with him.

   However, she didn't have any bargaining chips in her hand that could compromise with him.

   It was impossible for her to take a step back and give up Bo Jingchuan as he wished.

   She felt that she had vaguely returned to the time when she was at a loss when her mother had just left six years ago.

   He hated the injustice of the Shen family to his mother and himself, and humbledly did not want to lose them and lose the last refuge.

   Those experiences are enough for her to experience alone.

   From the moment she was with Bo Jingchuan, she said that she would not become a burden to him and a flaw in his life.

   Yet she still made him lose too much.

   She loves him and wants him to be the happiest person in the world.

   She knew that no one and everything could be perfect, but she just wanted Bo Jingchuan to become that perfect person.

   She is not afraid to compromise with the old man, because for Bo Jingchuan, she thinks everything is worth it.

  However, the old man is impregnable, and there is no chance of compromise at all.

   "Sister-in-law... gone."

  Bo Jingxing pulled her from the side at the right time, although he was stunned at first, but now, when he suddenly ran into the old man and what he just said, he probably knew what was going on.

   This is still trying to ease the relationship between the old man and his brother.

   But where is that easy?

   The stubbornness of the old man was something that Grandma spent her entire life unable to change.

   But he still hasn't given up, and it's true... His own brother's eyes are too vicious.

  Who would have known that the infamous woman at the time was actually so charming and powerful.

   Even now, Shen Fanxing didn't plan to stay here, she pursed her lips and turned to leave.

   As a result, there was a sudden roar from behind.

   "You stop!"

  Shen Fanxing paused, looking indifferent.

   "Follow me here and forcibly break into my box, you plan to walk away without anything happening?"

   This time, even Yin Ruijue, who was beside him, secretly spit out a word of "Fuck".

  This old man is really bad.

  Bo Jingxing's face has long since lost the cynicism of the past, and it is too gloomy to resemble Bo Jingchuan.

   "Grandpa, it's almost done! How old are you, and you're still bad over there, embarrassing a woman, thinking it's something so majestic, right?"

   The old man's face shook violently, "What kind of ecstasy did this woman give you, all of you confuse you into this kind of virtue!"

  Yin Ruijue scratched the back of his head, looking confused.

  He, I don't want to talk to this old man, but now, this is really too much.

   First, he is an elder after all, and second, he is a bad old man in someone else's family. It is the best policy to protect himself.

   But not saying a word, I feel really uncomfortable.

"Lord, look, you said so, isn't that the answer? First of all, I think you have to obey the old man, and your aesthetic vision is completely different from ours. For example, you like the eldest lady of the Yuan family. We don't like her. Second, you have lived most of your life, so you probably won't believe that there is an ecstasy in this world. If you have it, it's just because my sister-in-law is very attractive. You can praise my sister-in-law for her charm in disguise. Why does it sound so awkward? How good is it to be frank?"

  Besides Bo Jingxing with a cold face, he couldn't help laughing with a "poof".

   This special mom is a pure joke.

  Shen Fanxing also puckered his lips. With so many people around, it's really a luxury to be in a low mood.

   "Look at what you have become! You have no skin and face, and sooner or later you will all have to pay for it!"

   Bo Jingxing sighed, for the old man's words, he probably had calluses in his ears.

"Okay, anyway, we still have the blood of the Bo family on our bodies. It's a simple relationship, and you also hope that we have some good things. If it's not something, we won't be able to pick up our ancestral graves. Do you think so? ?"


   Shen Fanxing grinned, but he didn't expect Bo Jingxing's mouth to be quite vicious.

   really hit the nail on the head.

   is not a mortal enemy.

   "Go away, no need to send..."

   Mr. Bo's face suddenly sank, "Am I allowing her to go?"

"if not?"

   Bo Jingxing wanted to say something else, but suddenly there was a cold voice from Bo Jingchuan behind him.

   Immediately afterwards, he saw his tall figure standing in front of Shen Fanxing, hugging her waist, and looking at the old man with cold eyes.

   "Otherwise, what else do you want her to do?"

   When Mr. Bo saw Bo Jingchuan, his ugly face was extremely ugly.

   "What do I want her to do? She's here today for me to find her unhappy! Even if I really do something to her, what can you do to me?!"

   "So, I'm asking you, what do you want her to do?" Bo Jingchuan's voice seemed even colder.

   "Let her get out as soon as possible! Don't try to be embarrassed by participating in this year's international summit! If you don't participate this time, if you are not qualified to participate next time, don't create a topic for others!"

  Shen Fanxing laughed angrily, "What does it have to do with you if I'm embarrassed?"

  The old man sneered, "Are you going to the international summit with a little white face?"

   He said, his ironic voice and eyes fell directly on Bo Jingchuan, and even his gloomy face was filled with cold irony.

   "Or how honorable do you think this is? Everyone knows that you are the grandson of my Bo Qifeng. Let me see you participate in the international summit as a little white face. Where do you put my face?"

   Bo Jingchuan looked at him coldly, and then sneered for a long time.

   "I'm afraid you forgot the press conference you held before you came."

  The old man frowned tightly.

"I'm afraid no one knows that I was kicked out of the Bo family by you long ago. So whether I am honored or disgraced has nothing to do with you. You can rest assured that even if I really become a beggar begging for food in the future, I will still have nothing to do with you. I will never ask you for it. So, the attempt to suppress Fanxing is just to force me to go back to this abacus, you better give up as soon as possible."

   Bo Jingchuan said coldly, there was no other emotion in his words except ice and cold.

   "How can you beg for food?"

   Tighten his waist, Shen Fanxing was led by Bo Jing to turn around and couldn't help but say something.

   She doesn't like to hear that.

   Bo Jingchuan pursed his lips, but his face did not improve.

   Bo Jingxing and Yin Ruijue also closed the door and followed behind them.

   The waiter who was leading the way beside her had a pale face of impending disaster, but she could hear the conversation just now.

   They are all big people who came to participate in the international summit, and no one can offend them.

   Although Bo Jingchuan's face was not good, he still took Shen Fanxing to the box next door.

   He vomited in the dark not long ago, no matter how angry he was, he couldn't let the woman in his arms go hungry.

  Shen Fanxing ordered four or five dishes in one go, Yin Ruijue and Bo Jingxing also ordered a few, secretly waiting to eat again.

  With these two living treasures, the atmosphere in the box can be considered lively, and the dinner was very satisfying and satisfying.

   "Come to H City to eat Hunan cuisine, we are also very immortal."

   On the way back, Yin Ruijue rubbed his stomach and burped.

  Shen Fanxing didn't speak, and glanced at Bo Jingchuan all the way, her gloomy expression really made her a little too complimented.

   Back at the hotel, the two entered the room, Bo Jingchuan silently took off Shen Fanxing's scarf and her coat.

   There was no expression on his face the whole time.

  Shen Fanxing smacked his lips, grabbed Bo Jingchuan's clothes, and looked up at him, "I'm sorry, today I..."

  Bo Jingchuan frowned suddenly, his warm big palm directly clasped the back of Shen Fanxing's head, and kissed her with extra force.

   Shen Fanxing's eyes widened in surprise, not quite sure why Bo Jingchuan made this sudden move.

   Isn't he angry?

   So kissing her is venting your anger?

   There was a long-lasting pain on his lips, Shen Fanxing frowned, Bo Jingchuan let go of her, but his forehead was on her forehead.

   "Why apologise? What's wrong with you?"

  Shen Fanxing blinked, "Then why are you angry? Isn't it because I deliberately went to see the old man? I admit that I did have some emotions in those words, and I lacked respect for his books..."

   Bo Jingchuan's body pressed down towards her again, and the sudden heavier weight made her stop and look at him puzzled.

   Bo Jingchuan was silent for a long time, and his tone was extremely helpless.

   "'re right, I'm angry."


   "I don't need you anymore because I have any compromises."

   Shen Fanxing's somewhat helpless expression gradually returned to normal.

   She was silent for a while, "In the final analysis... the reason why you and the old man have become like this is me..."

"Shen Fanxing!" Bo Jingchuan said solemnly, "It's not you, it's him, it's too much, I know who's right and who's wrong, you compromise with him, other things are said, just watching him succeed is unreasonable to gain the upper hand. , I won't be happy, you know?"

   "I also think that the words Yin Ruijue said at the airport today and the words he chanted are quite reasonable."


"I also think that even if we endure, we won't be able to endure him for long. What's more, I feel that if we continue to care about him, we are really comparing his pedantic past with his current ignorance and punishing ourselves. I just want to let myself , I am more at ease with you. I have never been a selfless person, and I said that I compromised with him, and I just wanted to make myself better in the future. "

  【I always feel that Mr. Bo does have a personality problem, but for Shen Fanxing, no matter whether the problem lies with her or not, with her feelings for Bo Jingchuan, she will feel a little guilty in it. Feelings are humble online, I can't tell you a little bit, I hope you can understand~ Online humble asking for a monthly ticket~]

   (end of this chapter)

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