Don’t Make Trouble, Mr. Bo!

Chapter 1707: the one who kills

   Chapter 1707 The one who kills

  Yin Ruijue withdrew the hippie smile on his face, and rarely became serious.

"This old man, isn't it good to take care of his old age after abdicating for so many years? He is so restless, he has to worry about everything. It's 9102 now, and he still thinks it's decades ago when he only covered the sky and looked after me? I don't want to. Do you think he can toss for a few more years?"

The words    vaguely carry a bit of transcendence, and there is a little meaning that the old man will not live for a few years, but it is also a fact.

   Even though the old man can live a hundred years, they are still very young.

   Their generation is the successor of socialism, okay?

   Bo Jingchuan was expressionless, and Shen Fanxing did not waver at all.

   As if he didn't understand the meaning of the old man's words.

  Bo Yuelin walked forward with Mr. Bo, and reporters followed him, trying to get more news.

   Finally, getting closer and closer to their security team, the old man stopped and looked at them coldly.

  The reporters stood aside, looking at Bo Jingchuan and his party, and then at the old man. They stayed there for a while, quietly waiting for the grandparents and grandchildren to create some sparks.

   As two families with a good relationship, Yin Ruijue still greeted the old man out of courtesy.

   "Hello, old man!"

   However, the elder, the old man, just snorted coldly and did not give him a good face.

  Yin Ruijue raised his eyebrows with a carefree look, but he didn't care.

   glanced at the reporters around, suddenly cleared his throat and sighed.

   "At this moment, I suddenly want to recite a poem~~"

  Suddenly Wenxuanxuan's words immediately attracted everyone's attention.

   Shen Fanxing twitched the corners of his mouth, this is so funny, what kind of treasure do you want to play?

"Qinyuanchun, snow~~The scenery of the northern country, thousands of miles of ice, thousands of miles of snow drifting... The country is so beautiful, it attracts countless heroes to compete. It is a pity that Emperor Qin and Han Wu lost a little literary talent, Tang Zong and Song Zu, a little less romantic, a generation of genius Genghis Khan, only knows how to bend the bow and shoot the eagle. All of them are gone, and the number of romantic figures, also (huan)! Look! Today! Dawn!"

   The last sentence was recited in a melodious tone, and even with arms outstretched, the two words now lead directly to Bo Jingchuan and Shen Fanxing on the side.

  Bo Jingchuan: "..."

  Shen Fanxing: "..."


   The beard at the corner of the old man's angry mouth trembled violently.

   If he can't even hear the first words after living for so long, then he has lived in vain.

   This stinky boy is nothing more than saying that his thinking is outdated and has long since become the past tense. Now, he is no match for them?

   He didn't look serious, yet he actually learned to ridicule him in this way!

  The old man glared at him, "Look at the present? Okay, I'll take a good look at it, what kind of storms can you romantic people make!"

   This full-fledged voice was loud, and Yin Ruijue grinned, watching the old man walk forward angrily.

   "Hey old man, the VIP security check channel is here, and there is no road ahead."

  The old man's body really stopped.

   was really confused.

   Yin Ruijue smiled, took two steps with his long legs, and began to accept the security check.

  Private jets also need flight routes, and domestic flights are also required. However, during the international summit, the safety hazards are more stringent than before, so everyone needs to undergo security inspections.

   Yin Ruijue was the last one to pass the security check. The old man was angry, and there was no way to repair him at this moment.

   After passing the security check, they boarded the plane directly and waited on the plane to take off.

   Bo Jingxing was teased by Yin Ruijue, covering his stomach and laughing for a long time, and now the whole plane is filled with his laughter.

   "Fuck you, Yin Ruijue, are you **** poisonous, you suddenly want to sing a poem...Fuck! Don't sully other people's literature, okay? It's so funny coming out of your mouth!"

  Yin Ruijue gritted his teeth, "I can at least memorize it! Today I have also applied what I learned just right? What right do you have to laugh at me?"

   "Whoops, you're so smart, you can still memorize it even now, should I tell the primary school Chinese teacher this good news, maybe he can be moved to tears."

   "You don't need to tell me. Are you afraid that the teacher won't see the news after a while?"

   "Pfft...Nima, I'm going to die from laughing at you! Go away, stay away from me! I still want to live another five hundred years!"

  Shen Fanxing was still a little depressed at first, but Bo Jingxing laughed at the airport for a long time, and he was not in high spirits. As a result, seeing Yin Ruijue and Bo Jingxing messing around, his mood was inevitably affected.

   turned his head to watch them play tricks, and couldn't help covering his mouth and laughing at them making trouble.

  Bo Jingchuan seemed to be used to their commotion today, turning his face sideways, all his eyes were on Shen Fanxing,

   The pink dress looks soft and cute.

   He has been particularly fond of her contrasting cuteness recently.

  In the eyes of outsiders, a woman who is cold and indifferent, with a strong and arrogant wrist, is not easy to approach, but in front of him, she is soft and outrageous.

  Empathetic, clever and eloquent, soft and fragrant when hugged, the contrast is too great.

   In his eyes, Shen Fanxing is the cutest and invincible woman in the world.

How cute is   , just like every time recently, even the style of picking her clothes has changed drastically.

   Bo Jingchuan didn't even realize that he was poisoned by this woman named Shen Fanxing, and was fascinated by her.

   also completely unaware that his attitude towards her now is exactly like raising a baby.

  Babies are so cute, I want to give them all the cute things.

  Bo Jingchuan to Shen Fanxing, that's how it is now.

   Accustomed to Bo Jingchuan's taciturnity, Bo Jingxing and Yin Ruijue were playing around in the corridor in the middle of the plane. Seeing his own brother's idiotic appearance, he couldn't help twitching the corners of his mouth.

   is really outrageous.

   Where are you going to be a little white face for life?

   This is completely fascinated by fairies wow!

   No wonder grandpa always said that he was bewitched by women.

   Now it seems, doesn't it?


   There were many people who abstained from **** and did not know the fireworks of the world.


People are going to change.

  Bo Jingchuan stared at Shen Fanxing for a long time, the more he looked at it, the more cute he felt, he suddenly reached out and grabbed the strap hanging down from Shen Fanxing's chest, pinching it hard.


  Shen Fanxing's face froze, and she turned her head, only to see Bo Jingchuan's dark eyes staring at the raised bunny ears on top of her head, looking at the novel expression of the New World.

The    expression doesn't float too much, but it's just that obvious.

   Full of interest.


  Shen Fanxing was angry and ashamed, her face flushed.

   As a result, Bo Jingchuan pinched it twice, watching the son of the rabbit fall and rise again, the smile on his face was even stronger, and now it is even more interesting to match it with Shen Fanxing's blushing pretty face.

   After hearing the sound, several people on the plane got up and turned to look at him, only to see Bo Jingchuan leaning on his side, like a "rogue" bullying a woman from a good family, pinching his rabbit's ears, and the woman was blushing.

  People: "..."

   See you soon.

   Shen Fanxing couldn't stand the sight of them, and reached out and pulled the hat off his head.

   looked at the hat with a rabbit face painted on it, twitched the corners of his mouth, and stuffed it into Bo Jingchuan's arms.

  What do you think, prepare this kind of thing for her?

  There was nothing to play with, Bo Jingchuan retracted his gaze and scanned the surroundings lightly. Everyone in the cabin silently returned to their seats.

   Actually, it's not just Bo Jingchuan who has too many things that he didn't notice.

   Even Shen Fanxing is the same.

   In the past, she would have reacted with hindsight, but now, being spoiled by Bo Jingchuan, some things have already subtly changed.

  's personality is no longer as cold as before, and she has learned not to care about some things, and even more learned to ignore them.

   What's more, she can do things without worrying so much, because there are omissions, Bo Jingchuan will help her make up for it.

   In fact, before she knew it, she had already started to rely on Bo Jingchuan.

   It's just that Bo Jingchuan wanted more.

   Maybe it's because of her pregnancy, maybe it's really because of Bo Jingchuan's unbridled petting and pampering. Now, she can play a little temper without the slightest pressure.

  These, she knows, but most of the time she doesn't.

   However, all these changes are just changing in the direction that each other most expects.

   Although she was teased by Bo Jingchuan, she felt a little depressed, but Bo Jingchuan took care of her in every detail along the way, which made her little mood disappear.

   Arrived at H city two hours later.

  Shen Fanxing slept for a while on the plane and is in good spirits now.

  Because the temperature in H City is pleasant, without the scarf and hat, Shen Fanxing felt a lot more relaxed for a while.

   The bloated coat was also replaced by a caramel-colored woolen trench coat, so her face was particularly recognizable.

   In addition to the few outstanding men following her, she immediately attracted a lot of attention.

   Just arrived at the exit, and was surrounded by reporters.

   Facing the reporter, Shen Fanxing had long since returned to his usual indifferent look, being protected by Bo Jingchuan in his arms, he walked forward with no expression on his face.

   The question is nothing more than the same thing, asking Shen Fanxing about the estimated value of Xingchen International, as well as the future development direction.

   There is also the evaluation of Bo Jingchuan on the Internet, as well as his thoughts on leaving the position of the CEO of Bo's consortium and now attending the international summit as Shen Fanxing's partner.

   These problems are all sinking into the sea.

   As for the people behind Yin Ruijue, Shang Qingmo, Li Tingshen, and others, all of them now have a cold face, which makes all the reporters shy away.

   In fact, to be honest, when they are reporters, they can only find some soft persimmons.

   Shang Qingmo, Li Tingshen and other news, they absolutely dare not offend them.

   If it wasn't for Bo Jingchuan being kicked out by the Bo family now and his reputation on the Internet is not good, they wouldn't dare to chase him for interviews so recklessly.

   There was a driver waiting in the airport parking lot. A few people got into the car safely and went straight to the hotel.

  Shen Fanxing remembered the special snacks in H City, Bo Jingchuan didn't let her go out for a walk, and directly asked Yu Song to bring back almost all the specialties here.

   Hope is very good, but the ending is very tragic.

  Shen Fanxing is completely unsuitable for the taste here. She used to have no morning sickness, but now she vomits upside down while holding the toilet.

   This was completely cheap for Bo Jingxing and Yin Ruijue and the others, looking at the table full of things, the two unconscionable eaters were extremely happy.

   As a result, Bo Jingchuan finally threw the table out of the room with a cold face.

   After tossing for more than an hour, Shen Fanxing got better.

   When she came out, Bo Jingchuan was standing by the window with a cold face on the phone.

   "Come over now, or you won't be a doctor in the future. Don't ask the hospital!"

   "I vomited a lot. Before eating, the... unsanitary in H City?"

   After he finished speaking, he hung up the phone and called Yu Song, "Which restaurant did you buy those things from, it's closed, and the door is closed..."

At the same time, there was a knock on the door of the room, Bo Jingchuan hung up the phone, turned to see Shen Fanxing, pulled her to sit down on the sofa, did not have a chance to speak to Shen Fanxing, and went to open the door with a cold face without saying a word .

   Nearly a dozen doctors in white coats stood outside the door, still out of breath.


   Several people poured in one after another.

   The hotel ordered a high-end suite, and the huge living room is now very crowded.

   Everyone looked at Shen Fanxing sitting on the sofa, and for a while they didn't know what to do.

   When they came, they had already heard about the condition of the "patient".

   Patient: Pregnant woman.

  Symptoms: Vomiting.

   How can they check?

  Morning sickness experienced by most pregnant women.

   What if they find out?

   "Madam, have you ever felt sick before?"

  Shen Fanxing shook his head, "I have nothing else to do. Every pregnancy test result is healthy."

   Bo Jingchuan said with a cold face, "Is it food poisoning? Or is the restaurant unsanitary?"

   Before the door of the room was closed, Yin Ruijue and Bo Jingchuan were feasting on the table around the door.

The    doctors glanced at them, pointed at them and said:

   "Sir, are you talking about the food they are eating?"

  Bo Jingchuan turned his head to look over, his face sank: "..."

   "If it were those, it should be... no food poisoning, and if it's unsanitary, it wouldn't be so quick..."

   "Then why did she vomit so badly just now?"

  The doctors looked at each other, holding Shen Fanxing's historical medical report in their hands. After hesitating for a long time, they slowly said, "It's a normal reaction to pregnancy."

  Bo Jingchuan: "..."

  Bo Jingxing walked in with a mouthful of West Lake vinegar fish at this time, took a banana in his hand, and handed it to Shen Fanxing.

Then he said to Bo Jingchuan: "Look at what you're making a fuss about, at most, the taste is not in line with my sister-in-law's appetite! My sister-in-law likes to eat sour and spicy food now, and the food here is too sweet and deceiving. Your move, let you stay here for a while. God, don't you want to re-turn over the entire H city?"

The doctors beside    nodded again and again, "Yes, yes, it's a matter of taste."

   Bo Jingchuan still refused, "She didn't have this kind of situation before, she hardly had morning sickness."

  The doctor said: "There is no fixed statement. Some pregnant women will not have morning sickness during the entire pregnancy, and some pregnant women will have the reaction throughout the pregnancy..."

  Shen Fanxing took Bo Jingxing's banana, peeled it and took a bite, it tasted surprisingly good.

   When Bo Jingchuan frowned and looked at her, she was almost finished with the bananas in her hand.

  Bo Jingchuan: "..."

  The doctors looked at each other awkwardly, "...Mrs. is in good health, sir, you can consider making something she likes to eat..."

   Finally, the doctors left one after another. Bo Jingxing gave Bo Jingchuan a very mocking smile and was kicked out of the room by Bo Jingchuan.

   Looking back at Shen Fanxing, it was as if the person who had just vomited was not her at all.

   But Bo Jingchuan breathed a sigh of relief, sat on the sofa and pinched his eyebrows.

   Either don’t toss, or toss is really fatal.

   He was nervous from start to finish, Shen Fanxing could see it all.

   Seeing him like this, she got up and walked to his side, cradled herself into his arms, raised her head and kissed his face lightly.

  Bo Jingchuan looked down at her rare and well-behaved appearance today, and felt helplessly tight.

   "Little goblin."

  【I can die laughing at the title, it has been blocked for the past two days, and the editor also told me not to be a headline party, so this title will never go wrong. 4300+. Because the end is about to end, I can't help but want them to be more loving, and then I can't control and write more~~ Don't spray, because the author is a kind, weak, beautiful and lovely fairy. 】

   (end of this chapter)

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