Don’t Make Trouble, Mr. Bo!

Chapter 1488: Repeated tricks?

   Chapter 1488 Replaying old tricks?

   I really don't agree with Shen Fanxing's direct refusal to perform maintenance obligations to Jiang Rongrong in court.

   "When you meet an elder like this, just stop her mouth a little bit, and save her from entanglement, why do you have to do things like this?"

   "Yeah, this kind of person can't wait to live 20 years less once she sees it, and it's okay to give her some money to pass it on."

   "Before the trial, it was doomed that this case could not be won, and you are still so persistent. Do you want to go to jail?"

   "Well, it's not very good to spread it out."

   Sang Yu and Xu Qingzhi, whose cats had been below for a long time, are now at a loss.

   is urgent and dry.

   "What is Fanxing going to do? He dares to say that in court! I really want to taste what it's like to be in jail!"

  Sang Yu comforted Xu Qingzhi, "Big brother won't let my sister-in-law go to jail."

   Xu Qingzhi glanced at the calm man sitting in the front row, and secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

"But I forgot about him." It was easy to hear rejoicing in her tone, but she was still indignant afterward, "Is there a man who protects her and does whatever she wants? She is just too independent now, relying on men everywhere, it's not that she doesn't know, How unreliable a man is."

   Bo Jingchuan's ears moved imperceptibly, and his face was already covered with a thick layer of frost.

  Shen Fanxing's words made the judge on the spot a little at a loss. What is she?

  I broke the law in court!

   With so many people watching, she said, what should I do for them?

  Jiang Rongrong stared coldly at Shen Fanxing's smiling face, a trembling heart that even had difficulty breathing.

   "It seems that you would rather go to jail for breaking the law than give me money? It's only 5 billion. You shouldn't know this about your current worth? Are you really more ruthless than me, do you want money or not?"

  Shen Fanxing smiled lightly, "I want money to die. Of course it's not as shameless as you asking for money."

   Jiang Rongrong's eyes narrowed suddenly, staring at Shen Fanxing for a long time, the familiar unease and fear in her heart gradually enveloped her.

   Shen Fanxing's state at the moment, she has really seen too many times.

   If it wasn't for her absolute certainty, she would never have behaved so calmly and calmly.

   "What the **** are you trying to do?"

  Shen Fanxing raised his hand and brushed a handful of fluffy hair, "You are the plaintiff, I am the defendant, I was brought to court by you, what the **** am I doing?"

   Jiang Rongrong wanted to refute, she wanted to say that she was not like this before, it seemed that they were always aggressive, but in fact, in the end, she was the one who was in control of the whole situation and watched all the jokes of them all the way.

   But how can this be said?

   admitted that she was aggressive towards her at the beginning, but still said that she was not as good as others, and was played around by her.

   "So you really want to go to jail by rejecting my request now?"

"What are you talking about, Ms. Jiang?" Shen Fanxing straightened up with a smile, "I have nothing to do with you, so why should I agree to your request to give you alimony? Five billion is impossible, and two billion are not to be discussed. You can't even get any money from me."

   Jiang Rongrong heard Shen Fanxing's words over and over again, and she was extremely disgusting.

   She came here for money, but she said that she would not give a penny, and it would be disgusting to let anyone.

  Yuan Sichun looked at Shen Fanxing with a sullen face, from the beginning to the present, her eyes almost never left Shen Fanxing.

   Her calmness from beginning to end made her more and more disgusted.

   That's it again!

   is like this again.

  Why is she always like this?

  Why can't she just see her panicked and helpless look?

   This kind of behavior is obviously a violation of the law, why is she so calm?

  Jiang Rongrong clasped her hands tightly, looking at Shen Fanxing, her heart began to feel uncertain, "If you think it's more than 5 billion, I can also reduce it a little..."

   "Stop talking, Ms. Jiang, I said, I won't give you a penny..."

   "Shen Fanxing!!" Jiang Rongrong was completely confused, she glared at Shen Fanxing and said, "Don't give your face shameless, I've given you too much face recently, haven't I?!!"

   "..." Everyone sighed and watched Jiang Rongrong splashing there.

"Have you figured out where this place is?! No matter how dissatisfied you are with me, and you don't want to face me again, you are my granddaughter and I am your grandmother. This is a hard truth. You must lose this lawsuit. On the one hand, if you don’t want to be too embarrassed, you’d better get to know each other…”

   "What hard facts? Jiang Rongrong, since I'm here, it means that I can't lose!"

  Shen Fanxing said, the smile on her face has subsided, she turned her head and glanced at the lawyer beside her.

The lawyer nodded, stood up, and handed the judge the document in front of him that he had never opened since he sat down.

   Everyone looked at each other in confusion, there was a commotion in the audience, and they had absolutely no idea what Shen Fanxing wanted to do!

  Jiang Rongrong and the lawyer also looked at each other, wondering what Shen Fanxing's words and deeds were doing today?

   Yuan Sichun clenched his hands into fists.

   She also didn't know what the **** Shen Fanxing was doing, she stretched her neck and wanted to get up from the wheelchair.

   And the judge looked up at Jiang Rongrong for a long time after reading the documents that Shen Fanxing's lawyer handed over to him.

   finally turned to Shen Fanxing and asked:

   "Are you sure what's on this document is true?"

   "Sure. If you don't believe me, I also invited experts from the hospital to come here. Do I need to summon her?"

  The judge thought for a moment and nodded.


   Then, while everyone was looking forward to it, a woman in a white slim down jacket walked from the subpoena channel to the witness stand.

   showed his qualification certificate, "I am Tang Jian. President of the Central Hospital, I promise to be 100% true to everything I say below."

   The words are simple and neat, and even the oath is directly avoided.

  When Tang Jian said she was the dean, even Shen Fanxing was taken aback.

   After getting along for so long, she didn't know that this woman was actually the director of the Central Hospital!

   And still so young...

   Her appearance caused everyone present to fall into silence for a while,

   A possibility appeared in everyone's heart.

   Even Jiang Rongrong sneered because she was nervous, with a thick nasal tone in her voice.

   "Why, do you want to repeat the old trick? It was proved that Qianrou is not of your father's blood. Now, do you want to use the same method to get rid of your relationship with the Shen family?"

   "But don't you feel ashamed to do this? If you are not your father's daughter, then what is your mother Ji Fengmian? As the daughter-in-law of the Shen family, she gave birth to a wild seed with another man?"

   (end of this chapter)

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