Don’t Make Trouble, Mr. Bo!

Chapter 1477: can not

   Chapter 1477 Can't

   The little monk went out to prepare tea, and a few minutes later, the abbot also opened the curtain and walked out.

   put his hands together and bowed slightly to greet them.

  The abbot Hao Ran is already a fairy.

   Finally sat opposite Shen Fanxing and Bo Jingchuan.

   looked around the two of them for a while, then looked at Sang Yu and Xu Qingzhi, smiled and nodded.

   "Good morning, all benefactors."

   He smiled, but his eyes looked straight at Bo Jingchuan and Shen Fanxing who were sitting opposite.

   Bo Jingchuan's facial features are deep and gentle, and his slender eyebrows are now flat on the dark ink eyes. His eyebrows are far away, calm and restrained, without showing any emotions.

   just sits there and doesn't move, his noble aura is enough to show his extraordinary identity and status.

   Facing the gaze of the opposite abbot, his eyebrows moved slightly, and he glanced at him lightly.

   Abbot didn't seem to be embarrassed to be caught, just smiled lightly, and looked at Shen Fanxing calmly.

   "Is there anything you want to ask me about, the donor?"

   Shen Fanxing was a little surprised by the blunt words of the abbot.

   But soon she returned to her usual calm.

   "There are so many people here, why are you the only one who has questions to ask you?"

The abbot    smiled, "Because apart from this gentleman, you are the only one who is hostile to me. The gentleman is very confident and has an extraordinary destiny. Even if he pursues fame and fortune his whole life, he will never ask for others. But the hero is sad at the beauty pass..."

   He said, paused, and looked at Shen Fanxing meaningfully: "Although his temperament is indifferent, he is also too paranoid..."

  Shen Fanxing paused, then Shen Fanxing turned to look at Bo Jingchuan.

   Abbot turned his eyes and smiled again at this moment, "You seem to have a lot of dissatisfaction with me, so his hostility is too obvious."

The implication of    is that no one can bully Shen Fanxing, otherwise he will be the first to forgive anyone.

   Looking at Bo Jingchuan who did not say a word, but frowned slightly because of the abbot's words, Shen Fanxing still smiled slightly.

   was obviously told by the abbot.

   "So, does the donor have something to ask me?"

  Shen Fanxing retracted his mind, the expression on his face gradually became serious, and his eyes were also filled with a bit of coldness, even a bit of mockery.

   "Since the abbot is so powerful, guess what I have to do with you?"

   It was precisely because of his words that her life was messed up.

   For him, she never complained.

   His words almost ruined her.

The abbot    still looked at her with a small smile, watching the little monk put the tea tray on the table, and then poured tea for them by himself.

   Waited until everyone's tea was pushed to their respective grounds, then lifted his eyes to look at Shen Fanxing, and said slowly:

   "Donor, everyone has their own destiny. You are in the Shen family, and your destiny was destined from the beginning."

  Miss Shen was stunned.

  Xu Qingzhi couldn't help but tremble in his heart, and looked at the abbot with caution, " do you know her surname is Shen?"

   "Everyone has a destiny, and the donor's destiny is numbered, and there is no second person in this world."

   This time, even Bo Jingchuan slowly lifted his eyes and looked at the old abbot opposite.

   "The Shen family has a daughter, the phoenix is ​​born, the phoenix is ​​hidden in the forest, there is a nest and there is no way to return, the villain is a scorpion, the fate is many, and the phoenix is ​​born, and the phoenix is ​​nirvana.

  Shen Fanxing: "..."

   "Naturally, my appearance is also your fate." The abbot continued, if he didn't appear, Jiang Rongrong would not have turned her and Shen Qianrou's lives upside down just because she believed him.

   "Monks don't slander, these are all facts. Hasn't the donor found out yet?"

  Sang Yu widened his eyes in shock.

   "Tianshengfengming...isn't this...sister-in-law, aren't you the princess of country Y?"

Xu Qingzhi answered, "Does it mean that you have been sent abroad in the past few years? And what Jiang Rongrong and Shen Qianrou did after returning to China made it impossible for you to return to the Shen family completely? Is it hard to return to a nest?"

The abbot smiled lightly, "Your life is very precious, but there are too many cause and effect. return."

  Shen Fanxing pursed her lips tightly, and opened her mouth again, still with a hint of mockery in her cold tone.

   "Cause and effect? ​​What mistake did I make, what cause did I plant? I am the Shen family, why do I have to go through that?!"

"The Shen family was supposed to be my sanctuary, and everyone in the Shen family was my closest blood relative in the world? I never thought about asking them to make those so-called fearless and selfless devotions to me, but they should also look like relatives. , I don't ask them to love and protect me everywhere, but at least they don't give up on me at a critical time, don't fall into trouble when I'm helpless, don't try to pull me into the water when I'm a little successful!

   If it is someone else, I will never care about heartbreak for irrelevant people.

  But they are not irrelevant people! Even if I was wounded by anyone, it would be better than if they stabbed someone in me! "

  The resentment and hatred that have been accumulated for so many years has finally found an outlet today.

Although the Shen family had no place in her heart for a long time, she couldn't deny that back then, she was given up again and again by the Shen family, hurt again and again, and pressed step by step. To be so humiliated now.

  From the time she knew that Jiang Rongrong actually treated her like this for such a reason, she was completely powerless except for an angry sneer.

   Her life, Shen Fanxing, was turned into such a mess because of the words of a monk.


   Everything she encountered in the first half of her life was the betrayal of those closest to her!

  What did she do to create such a cause and effect?

  Shen Fanxing's seldom shown cold and hysterical questioning made everyone present silent for a while.

   About her, they were all watching, from beginning to end.

   Xu Qingzhi is particularly clear about what Shen Fanxing has experienced by himself over the years.

   Even if she didn't say it, she was pretending to be strong, how could she not see it.

   Ke Rao is her closest friend, but she can't share any sorrow for her.

   She doesn't understand why there are so many people who can name the best best friend and can share the pain.

  God knows how much she hopes that Fanxing will be better. In such difficult days, if she can really share the pain, she can share it for her.

  But, can it really be done?

can not.

   This is something she and Fanxing are tacit.

   They have always known that when the knife cuts on their own body, no one can share the pain for you.

   Not at all.

   [End of No. 25. good night~~]

   (end of this chapter)

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