Don’t Make Trouble, Mr. Bo!

Chapter 1469: Was it originally...

   Chapter 1469 Could it be that...

   "Okay, it's not over yet. Are you tired?"

  Sangyu panted, her hair wet and messy.

   His hands were still clutching his clothes tightly.

  Bo Jingxing seemed to have lost patience and pulled back the clothes in her hands.

   brought the women into his arms.

  The woman resisted and struggled, Bo Jingxing threw the clothes aside, and stretched out his hand to encircle her body.

   "Okay, no matter how angry you are, it's almost time to vent."

   "I'm not qualified to be angry. Let me go!"

   Bo Jingxing pursed his lips, he really knew how to stop him.

   "Let go of where you are going, be calm, or I want you to look good!"

  Sangyu was weak and exhausted.

   was unable to resist Bo Jingxing in terms of strength, and in terms of momentum, he was not his opponent at all from the beginning.

   She couldn't be right in front of Bo Jingxing.

  Because this was the marriage she had planned, she had an empty heart.

  The relationship between the two of them, now all the rights are in the hands of Bo Jingxing.

   He said it was over, she had to end it.

   He said continue, she has no right to say stop.

   "Do you really want a divorce?"

   She calmed down and allowed Bo Jingxing to rip off the wet cloth from her body and asked in a flat tone.

   "Fuck away!"

  Sang Yu's temper was stuck in his heart again, standing aside, staring at him angrily.

   "Then what did you just smoke?!"

   Speaking of this, Bo Jingxing couldn't help but think of Sang Yu's attitude of coming down without hesitation just now, and he felt gloomy and impatient.

  Divorce anyway, he hadn't thought about it now, he just saw that her obedience was not pleasing to the eye.

   always felt that she was ready to leave at any time.

   However, it turns out that she is really as he expected, and she has no hesitation about divorce.

   So he was angry!

   How free and easy is this **** to be able to do this.

   Facing Sang Yu's glaring eyes, Bo Jingxing rushed at the foam on his body, glared at her, and said angrily:

   "I just saw that you were not pleasing to the eye, okay?"

   Sang Yu took a breath, and the anger that filled the sky jumped from her chest to her head. To this man, she was really speechless now.

   looked unreasonably at this upright and rogue man in front of him, and finally turned around, about to leave in anger.

   However, Bo Jingxing lazily turned off the switch of the shower head, and with his long legs, he picked her up naturally and walked out of the bathroom.

   "You let me go!!"

   Several times, Sang Yu was really mad at this man.

   fluttered in his arms, slapping him.

   Bo Jingxing didn't care what she did, he leaned his neck back to prevent her from hurting his face with her claws and claws, and the steps under her feet were steady like walking on a mountain.

  Sang Yu was really angry, seeing Bo Jingxing's insistence, he straightened his fingers in anger, and scratched twice on Bo Jingxing's honey-colored skin.


   Bo Jingxing ignored her for a moment, and immediately took a breath.

   The next second, he put her on the soft bedding, put his hands behind her head, and leaned over to look at her.

   "Damn, you're a cat!"

   "If possible, I would like to belong to a tiger!" He turned his head sideways, and took a bite out of Bo Jingxing's arm.

   "Grass!" Bo Jingxing cursed in a low voice, but he just looked at her and didn't move away.

   But that lethality, in Bo Jingxing's eyes, is really weak and pitiful.

   "Just like you, do you still want to be a tiger?" Bo Jingxing raised his arm with two rows of teeth marks and shook it in front of her, Bo Jingxing sneered.

   "Cats hurt more than you bite!"

  Sangyu is completely gone.

   The disparity in strength and aura, and even the dead skinned face, she can't keep up.

   She simply stopped talking, didn't look at him, turned over and turned her back to the man, out of sight.

   She really couldn't understand what the man was thinking and why he changed his face so quickly.

   "Bo Jingxing, why do you think that what you just said to me can be passed so easily?"

   The expression on Bo Jingxing's face froze a bit, "What if I can't get through? Can you still turn the sky over for me?"

  Sangyu didn't speak for a while.


   Her silence made Bo Jingxing feel uncertain.

   had no idea what she was thinking at this moment.

   This kind of feeling is clearly right in front of you, but you can't grasp the incomprehensible feeling, it's really **** embarrassing.

   "When will you get divorced?"

   After holding back such a sentence for a long time, Bo Jingxing suddenly laughed angrily.

   "What do you say? It's over, isn't it?"

"I'm serious." A muffled voice came, full of seriousness, "I did wrong when I asked you to marry me, and I apologize to you. You were silent when you got married, and you definitely won't get a divorce. It will be a big fanfare. You are still the second young master of the Bo family, a diamond bachelor, and some women are willing to follow you.

  To be honest, you have not only given me a shelter in the past few years, but you have not given me much substantive help. The company is still the same, and I still face the problem of being kicked out of the company by my uncle anytime, anywhere.

  I have fulfilled all the obligations between husband and wife, we can get together and part..."

   Bo Jingxing was silent for a long time, but Sang Yu felt like a light on his back.

  Bo Jingxing stood up and looked at her with irony in his eyes.

   "So, after all, you think I have a substitute for this shelter, right?"

  Sang Yu took a deep breath, once the two of them started talking about an issue seriously, they would always come back to this matter after going around.

   "These have nothing to do with you. You never cared about this issue before, didn't you? Divorce is something you have always insisted on, isn't it?"

   "But I don't want to." Bo Jingxing's sneering voice sounded coldly behind him, "If you agreed to leave me earlier, I would be very happy. But now, if I agree, doesn't it seem like I'm a spare tire?"

   (end of this chapter)

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