Don’t Make Trouble, Mr. Bo!

Chapter 1465: What are you thinking

   Chapter 1465 What are you thinking

  Since you like to dance, then let you dance alone, no one will pay attention to you, and you will sing a one-man show throughout the whole process, and naturally the popularity will go down.

   I have been following the news of Shen Fanxing for the past few days. Seeing that she has nothing to do, everyone can't help but be influenced by her. She has completely forgotten the three-day deadline that the old witch Jiang Rongrong said.

   Of course, this does not include those journalists who scour news everywhere.

   Today, Jiang Rongrong went to Xingchen International to make a fuss, her attitude is domineering, shameless and clear——

  If you don’t give me money, I will take you to court!

   Someone shouted Jiang Rongrong a few words of indignation, but was surrounded by the navy again.

   A ripping battle was about to ignite gunpowder smoke. As a result, Bo Jingchuan suddenly appeared in the camera, and the painting style changed instantly.

   "Fuck! This man really is superb."

   "It's a good throw, it's a wonderful throw, I'm very happy when I throw it!"

   "Ahhhh! Give me a wave of this kind of good man."

   "I scolded him a few days ago... I regret it so much... How could I use such ugly words to scold him? I am guilty, I repent!"

   "Is this the point?! It's not! Who is going to tell me who the shy woman in the camera is?!"

   "It's President Shen! It's been a long time since I've seen you! Women are indeed fickle!"

   "Is this the point?! This is not! The point is, I'm about to be buried by this pair of dog food! Why is it so delicious and so sweet?!"

   "Is that the point?! It's not! The point is, where are these two going to have lunch today, hmmmm? You know!"

   "Yes, yes, haha, this is the focus of today! I hope you two must eat more~"


  Bo Jingchuan had instructed the chef to make lunch in advance. The two of them had just entered the house, and Shen Fanxing sighed lightly when the heating came from the room.

   "It's better to be at home."

   His body was suddenly pulled into his arms by the man behind him, and the zipper on the down jacket was slowly pulled down by a sharp-boned hand.

   "It's because you wear too little. If you wear such thin clothes in the future, don't go out."

  Shen Fanxing opened her arms, obeying and naturally cooperating with Bo Jingchuan to let him take off her down jacket.

   Her skin, lined by a grey slim-fit sweater, was white and clean and fresh.

  The body wrapped in the down jacket instantly exudes a strong fragrance.

The aroma of   , which was unique to Shen Fanxing, gradually deepened Bo Jingchuan's dark eyes.

   This smell is by his side every day. At night, when this soft body burrows into his arms with the same smell as it is now, he doesn't know how much effort it will take to just hold her in peace.

   It's only at night, he will remind himself to be vigilant and not be too reckless with this woman.

  Otherwise, the consequences, it is himself who will be teased and uncomfortable.

   I've had too many somersaults from her.

   But now, he didn't think that even if he helped her take off her coat, she could unknowingly be picked up by her.

   Shen Fanxing was unaware that she had already set the man next to him on fire, and reached out to help Bo Jingchuan unbutton his coat.

   "I have almost arranged the company's affairs. In the future, you can see the arrangements for Xingchen International."

  Bo Jingchuan's eyes chased Shen Fanxing's hands pounding on his chest.

   "I'm looking at the arrangement?"

   "Yeah." Shen Fanxing nodded, all the buttons were undone, she looked up at him with a smile, and said:

   "I'm pregnant, how can I manage so many things? So it's still hard for you."

   A faint smile flashed in Bo Jingchuan's eyes, "Are you willing to let go of the company?"

   "Why not? The tiring thing of managing a company is not suitable for me now! It affects the development and physical and mental health of babies. Of course, babies are the most important thing than the company."

  Bo Jingchuan raised his eyebrows, and without waiting for Shen Fanxing to take off her coat, he directly [hug] her up and put her on the counter in the Xuanhuan corridor.

   Shen Fanxing let out a low cry, put his hands on Bo Jingchuan's shoulders, and fixed his eyes on the man who was already approaching.

   She tucked her chin slightly, stared at the man's dark eyes, and listened to his low voice slowly wafting into the air.

   "Babies are the most important, eh?"

   Shen Fanxing's lips are hooked with a beautiful and delicate arc.

   "You are important too."

   These words, no matter how you listen to them, you may feel perfunctory.

   Bo Jingchuan snorted lightly, "I'm also important, so you're pushing me to be so tired of managing the company?"

   "But you are Dad, you have to feed us. So it's been hard work in the future, oh, Dad..."

  Bo Jingchuan's black eyes moved slightly, his body leaned forward, his forehead pressed against hers.

   "Are there any rewards?"

  Shen Fanxing pondered for a few seconds, and finally put his lips and kissed him.

   Bo Jingchuan twitched his lips, his voice hoarse and low.

"This is enough?"

  Shen Fanxing thought for a while, then touched him again.

  Bo Jingchuan raised his eyebrows, "Huh?"

   "Isn't it enough?" Shen Fanxing said and kissed him again, Bo Jingchuan leaned over to reach her, but she didn't expect her to retreat halfway.

   The distance that I thought I could kiss her 100% had suddenly changed.

   Seeing him fluttering in the air, Shen Fanxing immediately bit his lip and smiled like a little fox had succeeded.

  Brows and eyes are curvy, cunning and cute.

  Bo Jingchuan's heart swayed slightly, the hand on her waist tightened slightly, and his voice was low and hoarse.


  Shen Fanxing immediately felt the danger, and quickly put away the smile on his face, shook his head, and said very seriously:

"not at all."

   Bo Jingchuan sneered, his fingers rubbed her tender cheeks, his low voice was a little lazy and charming.

   "Little Fox J."

  Shen Fanxing looked at the man who was close at hand, a handsome face that was absolutely forbidden, his face flushed quietly.

  Who would have thought that this man, who was always indifferent and indifferent, would one day seduce a woman with such a charming gesture.

   And how fierce he was at some point.

  Xu is that the time span was a bit long, and when I thought of some pictures that I shouldn't have thought of, Shen Fanxing's face suddenly became very hot.

  Bo Jingchuan's eyes narrowed slowly, his hand rubbing against her cheek paused, his slender **** hooked up her graceful curved jaw, and raised it gently.

   "What are you thinking?"

  Shen Fanxing's eyes trembled suddenly, and his dodging eyes were completely as if he was suddenly caught doing something bad.

  Bo Jingchuan hooked his lips and spoke again:

   "Are you thinking of me?"

  Shen Fanxing blinked quickly, "What Xiao think?!"

  Bo Jingchuan ignored her nervousness and continued to smile:

   "Want to do something with me that will make us all happy..."

  Shen Fanxing blushed and couldn't bear to look directly, her voice was shy and soft like Yingyan murmured.

   "I didn't have..."

  's voice was squeamish.

   Bo Jingchuan's eyes were as deep as a pot of thick ink was poured.

   (end of this chapter)

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