Don’t Make Trouble, Mr. Bo!

Chapter 1456: seven meat and eight vegetarian

   Chapter 1456 Seven meat and eight elements

  Damn, this woman is poisonous!

   I haven't seen each other for a few days...

  The Adam's apple rolled up and down a few times, shifting her gaze from her face to the pot in the cook's hands.

   The eyebrows couldn't help frowning, and there was a little accusation in his tone.

   "There's a chef here, what are you doing to join in the fun?"

  Sang Yu pursed her lips, her eyes flickered, and finally shifted to another place, hiding the loss in her eyes, moving slightly, pushing Bo Jingxing away from his arms.

   "I have nothing to do. I heard that the Sichuan chef your brother hired for your sister-in-law is very good, so I came in and took a look. I was a little curious."

The    embrace was full for a minute or two, but looking at the empty embrace, Bo Jingchuan suddenly felt a little uncomfortable.

   A dish was finished quickly, the chef put the dish on the plate, and his eyes turned on the two people.

   then gave up his position and said to Sang Yu:

   "Didn't you just say you want to try it? Try it now."

  Sangyu nodded lightly, stepped forward to pick up the spatula skillfully, and turned to wash the pot.

  The chef took the dish, glanced at Bo Jingxing meaningfully, and said in a low voice:

   "Women want to cook, generally not to satisfy their own tastes."

   After saying that, he smiled at Bo Jingxing, and greeted him to help the cook out of the kitchen.

   "Ten minutes is more than enough for a dish. I'll come in in ten minutes."

   He turned around and warned Sang Yu.


  Sang Yu responded, took a clean cloth to dry the pot, turned around and put it on the stove.

   Carefully opened the fire and warmed the pot, thinking that Bo Jingxing would go out with him.

   As a result, that presence is still released in the kitchen.

  Sang Yu couldn't help turning his head and said to him, "The smell of oil is so strong, what are you doing here?"

  Bo Jingxing stared at her for a long time, then slowly walked towards her.

   The beating flame in her black eyes made Sang Yu's heart tremble, she turned her head quickly, looked at the dried pot, picked up the oil and poured it into it.

  Bo Jingxing finally stopped by her side and watched her movements without saying a word.

   Mulberry, elm, onion, ginger, and garlic were sautéed in a pot, and the sound of prickling and prickling instantly completely covered up her heartbeat.

   She thought she had relaxed, but in the next second, she stuck behind her, and the body that was completely wrapped in her arms made her hand holding the spatula slam, and her body froze.

   A warm touch suddenly came from the ears covered by a few strands of hair.

   "Sangyu. We haven't seen each other for a few days, eh?"

   Bo Jingxing's low voice suddenly sounded from his ears, and Sang Yu's eyebrows jumped.

   "About...a week or so."

   Specifically should be six days.

   "Hmm. It's only been six days."

   Bo Jingxing's dumb voice seemed to have some temper.

   It's only been six days, why does he feel like months and years have passed?

  This woman is really poisonous.

   Otherwise, how could he be so confused about time?

   Seven meat and eight elements, seeing her, the whole body is not good.

The    lips lightly touched the slender neck exposed behind her.

  Sangyu was a little nervous, and when she turned her head to the kitchen door, she whispered to Bo Jingxing:

   "Don't make trouble..."

   Bo Jingxing's deep and warm breathing was particularly clear in her ears.

   "Don't do it... let's go downstairs."

   Downstairs is their "home", and his intentions are too obvious.

  Sang Yu's heart almost jumped out, and his legs couldn't help but soften.

   "No, don't make a fuss... There are other people outside... The dishes are going to be mushy..."

   Seeing that the onion, ginger, and garlic in the pot tended to be mushy, she raised her hand to pick up the dried chili that is necessary for Sichuan cuisine, and her chin was turned over by the man.

  Sang Yu's hand trembled, and the number of peppers on the plate was poured into the pot.

  When the dry pot meets the pepper, the consequences can be imagined.

   A pungent spicy smell instantly filled the entire kitchen. Bo Jingxing was enjoying himself when a dry and spicy smell entered his nostrils. He was unprepared and coughed instantly.

   Even Sang Yu covered his nose and coughed.

   For a while, in the kitchen, in addition to the dry and spicy nose, the two people coughed one after another.

  The people outside heard the sound and came in curiously one by one.

   Before Shen Fanxing and Xu Qingzhi entered the kitchen, they couldn't help coughing because of the wafting smell.

   "Cough, cough, are you cooking chili peppers?"

  Xu Qingzhi couldn't help coughing and said, Shen Fanxing turned to look at the cook and assistant cook, covered his nose and pointed inward.

   The cooks rushed in quickly, and Bo Jingxing pulled Sang Yu and ran out from inside.

   The kitchen was smoky, and Shen Fanxing could even see that Bo Jingxing and Sang Yu who rushed out were still carrying a thin layer of smoke.

   looks like a fairy floating out of a fairyland.

   It's just that they cover their noses and bend over to cough, which makes people laugh a little bit.

   In the end, Sang Yu gave up cooking in person, and sat and chatted with Shen Fanxing in the living room.

  Bo Jingxing was at ease wherever he went. Sitting with the three women, he didn't feel embarrassed at all. He was enjoying playing games with his mobile phone in his hands.

   just occasionally glanced at Sang Yu who was sitting next to her, pursed her lips, and continued to fight again.

  Sang Yu's choked hot throat, holding a water cup, drank water for a while, and her bright red lips were soaked in the water and became shiny and pink.

   Bo Jingxing also felt that he was really thirsty,

   Just because I just looked at Sang Yu for a while, I was given a second in the game.

   was given seconds by that vixen named "Daji".

   "Nima, this fox-raccoon-fine!"

   couldn't help but let out a low curse, the three words fox-fox-fine were almost forced out of his teeth.

  The three women looked at him in unison.

  Bo Jingxing shook his phone, "Game, I was beaten to death."

  Shen Fanxing blinked and leaned over.

   "Killed to death? What game are you playing?"

   "Here! That's it!"

   Bo Jingxing showed the phone to Shen Fanxing.

  Shen Fanxing looked at it, "It should be very relaxing."

   "Of course, I'm not in a good mood. Going to kill a few people in the game will naturally be refreshing."

  Shen Fanxing nodded, "I see."

   Bo Jingxing looked at her with a very interested look, and immediately settled her:

   "Play together, sister-in-law, I'll teach you."

  Xu Qingzhi suddenly sneered beside him, stood up and walked to Bo Jingxing.

   "Come on, let me see what game, since it can decompress so much, I think this is the most suitable for us pregnant women!"

   So in the end, the other three women in the house downloaded the game on their phones.

   Before the game was downloaded, the restaurant was shouting for dinner.

   (end of this chapter)

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