Don’t Make Trouble, Mr. Bo!

Chapter 1453: thunder strike

   Chapter 1453 Lightning strikes from the sky

   took a deep breath, and his angry face became harmless and helpless again.

"Fanxing, do we mean that our relationship can be broken? Even if the bones are broken, the tendons are still attached, why do we have no relationship at all? I haven't taken a good look at you for so many years, come, let grandma Take a good look at you..."

   She said, reaching out to touch Shen Fanxing's face.

With a    "pop", Shen Fanxing beat Jiang Rongrong's outstretched hand to one side without hesitation.

   Jiang Rongrong was in pain, and the flesh on her face twitched.

  Shen Fanxing looked at her coldly, the coldness emanating from her whole body made everyone shudder.

   "Don't play emotional cards in front of me! And don't try to hold me down with the title of grandma! Whether you're phony or fake, it makes me feel sick!

   Jiang Rongrong, I will never forgive you! I advise you not to appear in front of me again! Because when I see you, I will think of all the things you have done to me in the past, which makes me feel that I was really too kind to you back then!

   Don't use up the face I left for Grandpa! "

   said, she stood up straight and looked down at Jiang Rongrong, her voice even colder.

   "You really need to understand that you still have the chance to show up here and play with me, all because of Grandpa.

   In fact, to be honest, apart from giving me some compassion and kind words at the beginning, he actually failed to give me the protection that an elder should give me!

   To him, I have already done my best, so what if I don't give him face? "

   Jiang Rongrong turned pale, pointed at Shen Fanxing, and said repeatedly:

   "Okay, okay, you Shen Fanxing, it's a pity that your grandfather always turned to you at the beginning! Even the shares in her hand, she gave it to you behind my back, and now you actually say that to him, you..."

   "Not at all!" Shen Fanxing's voice was extremely cold, she looked straight into Jiang Rongrong's eyes, her eyes were like two dry ices that were bubbling with air.

   "Otherwise who should he give the shares to? Shen Qianrou?"

   Jiang Rongrong's face froze instantly, but Shen Fanxing sneered and continued:

   "Don't forget, Shen Qianrou, she is the child of Yang Liwei and another man, and you Jiang Rongrong raised other people's children as treasures for more than 20 years!

  What if grandpa gave me the shares? As the real and only granddaughter of the Shen family, shouldn't I have it? He indulged you to favor Shen Qianrou, indulged you when you sent me abroad, indulged you and Shen Qianrou to persecute me time and time again, seduce, lead the judges, and steal Shen Qianrou's recipe, can he really believe me or even defend me? What? not at all! Do you think I should really be grateful to him? "

"Jiang Rongrong, the only reason I can miss him is that after all of you have abandoned me, he still knows a little bit of guilt for me! Don't think that you have given me a great gift, if it wasn't for you Stupid and ignorant, I don't have an experience that makes me want to tick off bones and cramps from my life once it is mentioned!

  I warn you again, don't appear in front of me again, let alone betray the old with me. Otherwise, I will often think of all the things you have done to me in the past, and make me want to give it back to you a hundredfold and a thousandfold!

  Don't question my words, look at the gap between us now, if I really want to do it, you don't even have the ability or opportunity to resist! roll! "

  Shen Fanxing sternly said, the last sentence was heavy and cold, with a strong voice.

   Jiang Rongrong was stunned by her roar, her face twitched and her lips trembled, but she couldn't say anything.

   The word "roll" made him feel humiliated to the extreme.

   "I...however I say you are your actually..."

  She didn't utter a complete sentence for a long time, and finally her eyes turned cold and her heart sank, and she said directly:

   "No matter how much you say, it's useless! You can't change the fact that you are my granddaughter!"

   Shen Fanxing looked at her coldly and let out a sarcastic smile.

   "What do you want to say?"

   Jiang Rongrong saw Shen Fanxing talking, and immediately said:

   "Anyway, Lan Yun is now in your hands, so you deserve it. I'm old, so I won't argue with you, but don't forget, you still have the obligation to support us!"

   "Huh." Shen Fanxing sneered, although she had already planned to come here to toss, but hearing her say this with her own ears made her feel ridiculous, and even got goosebumps all over.

   "It's rare! How can there be such a shameless person in this world, and he is still an elder who has done so many **** things in the past, and now he still has to pay alimony to others!"

   "I'm embarrassed for her! It's so disrespectful!"

   "Knowing that she suddenly came over to make such a fuss today, it was because of money that she couldn't escape, but it turned out to be true!"

   "What's so strange about this witch, she almost sold her granddaughter because of money!"

   "This is because the business didn't work, but it's considered a cash cow! This old witch is so brazen and shameless, crazy!"

   Jiang Rongrong ignored others' angry accusations and cynicism, looked directly at Shen Fanxing, and said angrily:

   "What are you laughing at?! Even if I did something wrong in the past, should you support me or support me! The company has given it to you, and now you want to cross the river and demolish the bridge?!"

   "Crossing the river and demolishing the bridge?" Shen Fanxing murmured, "I took Lan Yun from you by my own ability, what gift did you give me worthy of saying that the river was demolished?

  If you want alimony, Jiang Rongrong, if you die, I will not give you a penny. "

   Jiang Rongrong was furious, pointing at Shen Fanxing, which was close to hysteria.

"You're so shameless when you're young, you spend 20 billion to openly support a man, but you don't even give us a penny of the alimony that you should give us the most, you... You really are a loser! Even if Qianrou is not my relative What about the granddaughter, she has a more conscience than you!"

  Shen Fanxing smiled indifferently, "Since she has a conscience, then you just go to her, why come to me to be ashamed? Go, I won't stop you, as far as I know, is she still in the hospital now?

   It’s been more than a month, so the hospital bills must have been spent a lot, right? Go to her, maybe she still has private money on her body, so she can give you a few flowers with a pure, kind, sensible and conscientious mind.

   She can't do it if she doesn't give it. For so many years, she has lived a prosperous life under the title of the Shen family's orthodox miss, and I'm afraid that the real wealthy eldest misses from other families can't compare with her.

  You paid so much for her, doted on her for fear that she would be wronged, and enjoyed your grandmother's love for so many years, if she didn't give it, it would be a thunderstorm! "


   (end of this chapter)

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