Don’t Make Trouble, Mr. Bo!

Chapter 1449: make an appointment

   Chapter 1449 Dinner

   In fact, it is not impossible.

  If he can really do it, he should do it well, unless...

  Unless Ye Qingqiu was with him now, he didn't give any emotion, let alone have any expectations.

   The relationship between them, I am afraid, in Ye Qingqiu's eyes, there are only the words "coercion and lure".

   She can't fight Li Tingshen in every way, so she can only be forced to "come with the status quo" and stay within a close range that he can accept.

   She didn't want to have any more expectations from Li Tingshen. The only reason for her to accept Li Tingshen's persecution was that he gave her a relatively worry-free life, and... money.

   Ye Qingqiu needs money very much,

  "Money" sounds the most vulgar, but without money, her precious son cannot see the colorful world in this world.

   It's just that Li Tingshen is able to cope with such "coercion and inducement", will he be satisfied?

  The filming progressed very smoothly, and Pei Yaochi was almost treated like a little ancestor in the crew.

  The young lady of the Pei family in Kyoto, this identity alone is enough to make people jealous.

   Not to mention, Pei Yaochi didn't act like the eldest of the Pei family. He worked hard for filming, and was always kind and humble to the crew. No one would think about making trouble for her.

   Everything is fine.

  The amount and quality of announcements from other artists are also gradually improving. Naturally, there are some artists who cannot find the right direction and are still standing still. This is something they need to experience, and it is normal.

  The company has recently entered so many powerful agents one after another, and they naturally have some considerations in terms of cultivating artists.

  So, next, should she find a manager for the company to manage the company on her behalf, and she...

  Should you also take care of your baby with peace of mind?

   reached out and stroked her stomach, she smiled lightly,

  Yes, she really should give the most time to her two babies.

   Having made this decision, Shen Fanxing started to collect the knowledge before the fight.

   After being so busy, it was noon before I knew it.

   When he stopped to rest and prepared to eat lunch, he took the mobile phone and chatted with Xu Qingzhi.

   asked her if she had time to have lunch together.

   She is looking forward to the day when two pregnant women will raise their children together.

   Thinking about it, she is not a competent friend. The recent events have been one after another, and she has really been ignored.

"Shen Fanxing, you unconscionable scum, do you still know that you are the father of the child?! Leave our mother and child behind and fool around with the dogs outside, I will report you for always being a mess, abandoning your wife and abandoning your children! "

  Shen Fanxing smiled, "Dear, as the father of the child, I have to work hard to earn money to buy him milk powder."

Xu Qingzhi snorted twice, "Of course the baby's father bought the milk powder, but it's also a fact that you are fooling around with the dogs outside! You actually spend 20 billion to raise other dogs, I don't think I can take care of you well. "

   For this matter, Shen Fanxing is really speechless.

   After all, she made the matter of taking care of Bo Jingchuan public.

   "Okay, okay, I was wrong. In order to apologize, would you like to invite you to dinner today?"

  Xu Qingzhi raised his eyebrows, "What to eat?"

  Shen Fanxing laughed softly, co-authoring the fact that she spent 20 billion to support Bo Jingchuan, isn't it as important as a meal now?

"What do you want to eat?"

   "Hmm..." Xu Qingzhi's voice came over indefinitely, obviously thinking of something solemnly.

   Obviously having a lunch is really more important than 20 billion.

   "Compared to those sweet and greasy, hot and sour are more suitable for my current taste. I heard... Bo Jingchuan found you a Sichuan cook?"

  Shen Fanxing raised his eyebrows, the news was quite well-informed.

   "Then go home for lunch?"

   "Anyway, you don't have a big business, right? Why don't you come to Auntie's side?"

  Shen Fanxing paused, she still hasn't digested what happened in country Y.

   also didn't know how to ask her when facing her mother.

   She could also imagine that there would be too many things going on in the mother to divert the subject.

   What she didn't digest, maybe her mother didn't know how to explain it to her.

   So after returning to China, she did not go to see her for the first time.

   She thought, they all need time to accept and digest this matter.

   She waited for her mother to get ready, and when she went to ask, she could explain it to her well.

   "No, come out, I'll call the chef and let him prepare the dishes."

  Xu Qingzhi thought about it, but didn't insist. After saying "OK", he hung up the phone.

   stood up from the chair, Shen Fanxing arranged the afternoon's work with the secretary, put on his coat, and left the office.

   I suddenly thought of Sang Yu who lived downstairs, so I called her too.

   "Hello, sister-in-law." The call was quickly connected, and Sang Yu's gentle voice quickly came through.

  Shen Fanxing replied softly, "I'm having dinner with Qingzhi at home at noon, are you free? Let's eat together."

  Sangyu pondered for a few seconds, and finally responded.

   "Okay, do you need to buy anything? I'll go back and buy it on the way."

   "No, you just need to come here."

   "Okay, I'll go back now."


   The elevator door opened at this time, Shen Fanxing reached into the pocket of his down jacket with one hand, and lifted his foot out of the elevator.

   hung up the phone during the process, looked down at the phone, and exited the call log interface.

   However, when she walked out of the waiting hall, put the mobile phone in her pocket, and looked up again, she found that someone at the front desk seemed to be entangled in something.

   She stopped immediately, and glanced at the person in front of the front desk. She was in a good mood just now, but it was freezing cold in an instant.

   "You are so presumptuous, don't you know who I am?!"

   "You guys are always my granddaughter. Which grandma have you ever seen to see her granddaughter and need an appointment?!"

   is Jiang Rongrong.

   Standing in front of the main desk on the first floor, he scolded something with a gloomy face. No matter his demeanor and tone, he was full of aloof and arrogant air.

   In the face of Jiang Rongrong's entangled attitude, the lady at the front desk looked embarrassed.

  Xingchen International, as an entertainment company, has a good momentum at present. There are countless brand partners going back and forth in the company every day.

  There are also celebrities in the company who are coming back after the announcement, or just went out to run the announcement.

   Seeing this admiration in the hall, I couldn't help but stop.

  Although some people are entertainers, managers, or assistants in the company, there are very few opportunities to meet their immediate bosses.

  Some people haven't even seen Shen Fanxing's real face up close.

   I heard news about Shen Fanxing at this time, so I was concerned.


   (end of this chapter)

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