Don’t Make Trouble, Mr. Bo!

Chapter 1444: thank you all

   Chapter 1444 Thank you

   There were too many puzzles in her heart, but before she could think about it, they were blocked by two young girls.

   The one in front looked obviously bold, and the one in the back hid behind, holding the phone to the two of them.

   "Bo..." The girl in front seemed to have mustered up a lot of courage, took a deep breath, and then raised her head and planned to say something to Bo Jingchuan with righteous indignation.

   As a result, when I saw Bo Jingchuan's handsome face at close range, and looked at her blankly, the words she was about to say were stuck in her throat.

   Obviously there is no expression, let alone any joy or anger, but that face and the aura emanating from him are too lethal.

   is getting close, she even thinks, this man is perfectly unworthy of having a woman.

  No, no woman deserves to be by his side.

   However, this face and temperament are the culprits that make countless women hearts.

   No wonder…

   That woman, Yuan Sichun, did so many despised and absurd things in order to be with him.

   Such a superb man, if he has the chance, he has to give it a try even if he wants to risk his life.

   is simply a man who brings disaster to the country and the people.

   But, in reality...

   Maybe there will be such a prince-like man, but there is absolutely no so-called Cinderella.

  The prince can only be with the princess.

   Just like their goddess, President Shen.

  Although I have seen Bo Jingchuan up close now, if I have to arrange a woman for this man.

   Then it must be Mr. Shen.

  The real princess is smart and wise, with a good figure, and her appearance is not a problem.

   is enough to match the man in front of him.

  So...the two of them are known to be a good match.

but! Now! !

  The bold girl stared, and raised her head again to meet Bo Jingchuan's face.

   Just wanted to speak, but Bo Jingchuan lightly opened his thin lips and let out a cold voice.


  The bold girl instantly wilted in one breath.

  This...even the speech is so beautiful, it sounds good.

   gathered up her courage, she suddenly pointed at the tightly wrapped pink polar bear in Bo Jingchuan's arms, and said loudly:

   "Although you are handsome! But being handsome is not your scumbag!"

   Bo Jingchuan raised his long eyebrows slightly.


  The girl hiding behind the bold girl quickly echoed: "That's right."

  The bold girl nodded, "It's okay to cheat, but they are still together so openly and honestly! They look so handsome! Don't you fear that she will be sad for our President Shen like this?!"

   "You're really going too far! Do you know that our President Shen was cheated on by a scumbag? As a latecomer, you don't know how to cherish her!

   She is so good, she needs a figure and figure, beauty and eyebrows, and ability, which woman dares to compare with her?

   Don't leave such an excellent woman as her, for her...for such a polar really don't know your happiness in the bliss.

  I tell you, you will regret missing our President Shen.

  You don't know how to cherish, some people like her a lot, love her!

  We will definitely protect him and find her true happiness for her!

  You are just a passer-by in her life! "

   What a rhetoric!

  The bold girl said with a loud voice, and the girl behind immediately nodded in agreement,

   "Yes! You are a passerby!"

   However, the two girls suddenly shuddered in the next second, and when they opened their eyes, they saw the man's face that was cold at some point.

  Icy can almost make them freeze into ice slag. did this man change so much?

   is still the expressionless face.

   "You...what do you want to do?...Talking about your pain, ha...haha...I...we are not afraid...what I say is the truth!"

   "And you... polar bear, I'm talking about you! Don't dare to do it, if you have the ability, show your face and hide it for what?

   The man who robbed our President Shen, will you be able to live in peace in the future?

  Let's not talk about President Shen's attitude, if you dare to rob our President Shen, we will tear you apart first! "

   is really getting more and more exciting. Once the chatterbox is opened, it can't stop.

   Dare to say anything.

   said at the end, a gesture full of righteous indignation and justice.

  The girl behind the bold girl held the phone in her hand and immediately stretched it forward.

   A determination to expose Xiaosan!

  ? ? ?

   Shen Fanxing, who had been held in Bo Jingchuan's arms, blinked after hearing these words, and looked up at the expressionless Bo Jingchuan.

   It is estimated that this man has never been trained like this by others.

   And this was wronged, comparable to Dou E.

   pursed her lips and smiled, she patted the man on the shoulder lightly, and said with a smile:

   "When did you find another woman behind my back?"

  Bo Jingchuan immediately lowered his eyes and gave her a cold look.

  Shen Fanxing was not afraid at all, he stretched out his hand and pulled down the scarf that was covering a third of his face, revealing the two rows of white teeth to Bo Jingchuan.

   smiled harmlessly.

  As a loyal fan of Shen Fanxing, upon hearing this and the voice, the two little girls were stunned, looked at each other, and then turned to look at the woman in Bo Jingchuan's arms.

The    expression went from puzzled to wide-eyed in surprise, and the process was particularly obvious.

   "Shen... Mr. Shen?"

  Shen Fanxing smiled at them, "Well, it's me."

   The expressions of the two girls were even more surprised.

  Two pairs of eyes scanned her body for a long time, and finally gradually accepted the reality from disbelief.

   Then he breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile:

   "It turned out to be you, we thought..."

  The words stopped abruptly, and the bold girl raised her head stiffly, looking at the tall and handsome man in front of her, she almost wanted to cry on the spot.

   Then what did they just say?

   Those words...

Ah ah ah ah ah! !

   is really going to die! !

   "Yes... I'm sorry, we thought... we didn't know it was Mr. Shen..."

  The bold girl immediately explained, and at the same time, she took a few steps back fiercely, so as not to be torn apart by this Rakshasa-like man in front of her!

  Shen Fanxing kicked her legs twice, signaling her to go down, but Bo Jingchuan had no such intention at all.

   hugged her tightly and walked forward.

  The two girls immediately gave way.

   Watching him walk past them with Shen Fanxing in his arms, the two of them did not forget to shout:

   "I wish the two of you a long and happy relationship!"

  Shen Fanxing stood up from Bo Jingchuan's arms, crossed his shoulders, and smiled at the two girls.

"thank you all!"

   It was not until the two of them walked out of the hospital door for a long time that the two daughters recovered one after another.

   " this video still posted?"

   "Don't ask me, my legs are weak! Quickly help me to rest."

   (end of this chapter)

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