Don’t Make Trouble, Mr. Bo!

Chapter 1420: embarrassment

   Chapter 1420 The embarrassment of fans

   In the end, her soft body was directly hugged by the man. Looking at her blushing cheeks, the corners of her lips hooked, and she opened the door and entered the room.


   As soon as the door was closed, a burst of laughter broke out in the empty and quiet corridor.


   "Hahaha... my God..."

   Bo Jingxing and Yin Ruijue directly held their stomachs and rolled in the carpeted corridor, laughing earth-shatteringly.

   "God...God kisses, hugs, hugs and turns around..."

   "No, I'll die of laughter, I'll die of laughter! I'm really going to die of laughter by these two people!"

   Such a fascinating and embarrassing thing, two people actually did it from beginning to end!

   "I'll drop a mother! Help, help..."

   "I'm running out of energy, ha...haha..."

  The two fools are really helpless...-

   Early the next morning, Bo Jingchuan took Shen Fanxing for breakfast.

   Bo Jingchuan's face was pale, and he was obviously still sighing.

   After all, he was angry, and he softened so quickly, doesn't it seem that he has no face.

   Shen Fanxing looked at Bo Jingchuan's face the whole time, and was very pleased to serve Bo Jingchuan with food and milk, very busy.

   Bo Jingchuan pursed his lips, but still pushed Shen Fanxing's favorite food in front of her.

   When Bo Jingxing and Yin Ruijue arrived, they saw the two of them and looked at their awkward way of getting along, and couldn't help laughing again.

   The two were clearly handsome men and beautiful women, and their auras were so strong that most people would not dare to approach them.

   But when I think of the two people last night "begging for kisses, hugs, lifts, and circles", I really want to die of laughter.

   Being able to act cute and coquettish in Shen Fanxing's sake is unique in the world.

   "You have epilepsy?"

   Seeing the two people inexplicably laughing and leaning back and forth, Bo Jingchuan said coldly, his face gloomy and terrifying.

   Bo Jingxing and Yin Ruijue both shook their heads, walked to the dining table with their stomachs in their hands, and found a place to sit down.

  Shen Fanxing glanced at them, "Are those three sent back?"

  Bo Jingxing nodded, "If you're full, send it back. Sister-in-law, don't worry."

  Shen Fanxing didn't speak any more, lowered his head and concentrated on eating what was in front of him.

   Bo Jingxing and Yin Ruijue ordered and ate, "Where are we going to play today?"

  Bo Jingchuan watched Shen Fanxing eat very appetizingly, the corners of his lips twitched slightly,

   However, his voice was cold and hard, "Are you still in the mood to play?"

   Bo Jingchuan and Yin Ruijue's expressions froze, and they quickly buried their heads to eat.

During the    period, Shen Fanxing's cell phone suddenly rang next to the dining table, she swallowed the noodles in her mouth, picked it up and took a look.

   Then there was a bright smile on his face.

   She waved her phone towards Bo Jingchuan, "Twenty billion, it has been transferred to my account."

   Bo Jingxing and Yin Ruijue raised their heads in unison after hearing this.

  Two pairs of eyes twinkled with excitement and admiration.

   "Sister-in-law, please take care of me!"

  Shen Fanxing glanced at them, and the smile on her face was really gentle.

   "First ask your brother Bo whether you agree or not."

   The two men froze, and the pupils in their eye sockets slowly slid to the side of Bo Jingchuan.

   Bo Jingchuan gracefully took a bite of the dish, and after a while, he lifted his eyes slightly and directly blocked the gazes of the two of them.

   There was absolutely no expression on his face, just a pair of dark and deep eyes, swept over lightly, making them feel what is called the polar cold for no reason.

   The rumored sense of seeing in one's eyes.

   The two made a decisive decision with firm eyes, "It's just a joke, we are not short of money, we just want to worship the super boss."

  Bo Jingchuan didn't want to bother with them now, he turned to look at Shen Fanxing, and said lightly:

   "So much money, what are you going to do?"

  Shen Fanxing didn't hesitate at all, "Of course it's for you."

  Bo Jingchuan raised his eyebrows, "Huh?"

  Shen Fanxing smiled and stood up after eating and drinking.

   "Yesterday you didn't play anything, today it's up to you to play."

   Bo Jingxing and Yin Ruijue looked at Bo Jingchuan expectantly.

   They didn't have much fun yesterday, and it's still early today, but it's enough for them to have fun.

   "Brother, let's go, haven't you played yet?"

   "Yes, Brother Bo, although you may not be as good as my sister-in-law, but I am a fan of honey and believe that you are definitely not bad."

  Shen Fanxing looked at Bo Jingchuan with a smile, but he had never seen Bo Jingchuan sitting at the gaming table.

   But think about it, it's very handsome.

   He is so smart, he must be sitting there with a steady, calm, and strategized look.

   Bo Jingchuan glanced sideways at Shen Fanxing, the expectation in those star eyes was too obvious.

   was silent for a while, but in the end he surprisingly did not refuse.

   Anyway this woman expects.

   However, when a few people arrived at the casino, there were quite a few people outside the casino.

   Bo Jingxing looked around and joked:

   "This casino is really profitable! So many people line up to play during the day?"

   Yin Ruijue said: "I don't think so, there are so many casinos in Las Vegas, there is no need to guard one place to play!"

  Shen Fanxing also felt that what Yin Ruijue said was reasonable, and she didn't quite believe that the casino still had a reason to let the guests who brought money to the door wait.

   But looking at the cameras in their hands, she seriously doubted that these should be journalists.

   pursed her lips, did she make a big fuss about taking Leis yesterday?

  It shouldn't be, they and Reis yesterday, but I'm willing to leave the venue.

   That should... Maybe it was her big gamble yesterday that attracted the attention of this group of reporters?

   That’s about it.

   However, the thought went through his mind, and they were already at the door.

   Just wanted to go in, but was blocked by several tall bodyguards at the entrance of the casino.

  Shen Fanxing immediately frowned, "Is this... not allowed to enter?"

   At this time, someone hurried from the inside. Seeing them, the expression on his face trembled fiercely, and his forehead was covered in cold sweat.

   "Hello everyone, everyone."

   Bo Jingchuan looked at him coldly, "What do you mean?"

  The manager reached out and wiped off the sweat, then raised his eyes and hurriedly glanced at Shen Fanxing.

   "Dear guests, our casino is also a small business, please do your best and let us live!"

  Shen Fanxing blinked, "We're just here to play, what's wrong with you guys?"

   The manager was in a cold sweat, and when he heard Shen Fanxing's words, the muscles on his face twitched violently.

   "Miss, your **** of gamblers is reborn... we really... can't support you..."

   Last night, they studied the surveillance records for a long time, and finally did not find any cheating behavior by this woman.

   (end of this chapter)

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