Doctor Chen, Don’t Be a Coward!

Chapter 222: Exam, shocked!

   Chapter 222 Assessment, shock!

   Surgery is about to begin.

  The nurse has prepared related props such as alcohol lamps and fire needles.

   They are used to these operations these days.

   However, the people in the room outside the assessment and observation room were a little uncomfortable.

   After all, surgical operations have always been combined with modern technological products. It is really rare to combine traditional Chinese medicine surgery with modern medicine like Chen Nan.

  Although Chen Man has also seen this fire needle combined with superficial vein surgery, to be honest, after seeing these acupuncture instruments and alcohol lamps with his own eyes, he still feels very abrupt.

  Not only her, but also everyone who came to visit and study.

   These people are basically from Western medicine and have certain attainments in the field of surgery. After they suddenly saw the fire needle, the inner impact was still very strong.

   "Is this really a serious operation?"

   I don't know who in the crowd suddenly said such a sentence, and everyone burst into laughter.

If it weren't for the fact that fire needle combined with percutaneous superficial vein surgery has attracted a lot of people recently, and their curative effect and recovery time have saved a lot of time compared to traditional surgery, reduced surgical openings, and reduced patients' medical costs, they also Really a little underestimated.

   This kind of contempt is deeply ingrained.

   is not to say that there is targeted discrimination against Chinese medicine, but that Western medicine surgery has always represented an advanced, leading and technological sense.

   Chinese medicine represents a magical "earth flavor".

  The transformation of Western medicine is often accompanied by the innovation of medical equipment, such as the generation of pulsed instruments, laser therapy, etc. The introduction of these technologies into the medical field has produced a special impact.

   Chen Nan's improvement seems to be a bit "returning to the original".

   Ruan Yongyi smiled and said, "Why are there so many fancy things in surgery? To be able to successfully treat the disease and better help the patient is the ultimate starting point."

  Chen Man nodded, she agreed with Ruan Yong Ng's point of view.

   Here, the surgery is about to begin.

   Listening to everyone's discussion, Wang Lun hesitated for a while, but collected the situation here and sent it to Lu Xianping.


   Surgery begins.

  Chen Nan grabbed the fire needle and directly started the bloodletting therapy.

  When the blood in the varicose vein was released, Changru hurriedly began to wipe, but he did not have any hemostasis behavior, but waited for the blood to continue to be released.

   For bloodletting therapy, in fact, it is relatively easy to accept at home and abroad. After all, in the West, bloodletting therapy is their traditional craft.

   However, fortunately, after their traditional craftsmanship combined with the development of modern technology, they have come out of a suitable path.

After    fire needle combined with bloodletting, Chen Nan's operation really began.

  Percutaneous superficial vein surgery requires precise finding of blood vessels and then related ligation work.

   This is a very test of the surgeon's level.

  This time, everyone is cautious.

   They also tried percutaneous superficial vein operation, but the operation of this operation is too difficult!

  The current percutaneous superficial vein surgery is already very different from what Chen Nan researched at the beginning.

  The opening is smaller. After strict requirements, only a 1.5 cm opening needs to be opened. There are many operations that can be performed by this opening.

   If it wasn't for Chen Nan's repeated demonstrations to Ruan Yongyi, Ruan Yongyi would be very embarrassed now, because at the beginning, his opening was three centimeters.

Don't underestimate the gap of only 1.5 cm. The smaller the wound, the more in line with the current concept of minimally invasive surgery. Those laser instruments even require an incision to insert the tube in order to find the blood vessel. cm or so.

  How could Chen Nan use 1.5 cm to complete the operation?

   This is the most attractive surgical detail.

   When Chen Nan made the incision wound decisively, Chang Ruyi hurriedly stopped the bleeding, but he only used two pieces of gauze, because the bloodletting of the blood vessels just now had significantly reduced the pressure on the target blood vessels.

The choice of    incision is the most important.

  You can deny his anatomical skills in a Chinese medicine practitioner, but don't underestimate his grasp of the acupoints and meridians of the human body.

   In fact, the premise of small incision in percutaneous superficial vein surgery is to choose the opening point.

   Compared with the traditional high saphenous vein ligation, Chen Nan does not need to operate on the great saphenous vein.

   For example, the great saphenous vein is equivalent to a total valve.

   Varicose veins of the lower extremities refer to the superficial venous system of the lower extremities - the great saphenous vein, the lesser saphenous vein and their branches in a state of elongation, meandering and dilation.

   And he has many branches, the most important are the five obvious superficial veins, the superficial circumflex iliac vein, the superficial epigastric vein, the superficial external superficial vein, the superficial medial femoral vein and the superficial lateral femoral vein.

   And the operation is obviously impossible to carry out with these branches.

  Otherwise, the difficulty of an operation will soar a lot.

  The easiest way is to destroy the main valve of these superficial veins.

   However, there are bag-shaped valves in both the great saphenous vein and the small saphenous vein. There are 9-15 pairs of valves in the great saphenous vein and 6-12 pairs in the small saphenous vein.

   The destruction of these valves is the main cause of varicose veins.

The destruction of the    valve causes the femoral vein blood to flow back into the great saphenous vein, resulting in lower extremity varicose veins.

   Some people may ask, isn't it easier to repair the valve?

   However, how many people can afford this cost?

   The price of a biological valve ranges from a few thousand to several hundred thousand.

   How much do you exchange?

   This is just a small operation, and the problem can be solved by closing the main valve of the great saphenous vein or the small saphenous vein.

   However, in this way, the damage to the blood vessels is even more!

   Similarly, to deal with the great saphenous vein and the small saphenous vein, a larger incision is required and there are more hidden dangers.

   This is followed by improvements.

   The purpose of the improvement is still to destroy the large blood vessels.

   However, with the participation of fire needles, Chen Nan has more options to deal with multi-point destruction of blood vessels,

   He can use the many effects of fire needles, such as carbonization, activation, promotion, etc., to effectively and accurately deal with some small blood vessels that destroy the valve.

   Then, select a branch, make an incision, perform surgery, and just deal with this broken branch.

   Just now, Chen Nan has found a suitable surgical site for the superficial medial femoral vein and made an incision.

  When Chang Ru cleaned up the blood from the wound, everyone stared at the big screen for a while!

   "What about the wound?"


   This question surprised everyone at the scene.

   Because they didn't find an opening from the skin for a while!

How is this going?

   Ruan Yong Ngai disapproved in his heart, looked at everyone's reaction, smiled and shook his head.

   Do you really think our improved art is so easy to learn?

   If that was the case, Lao Tzu would have been so awesome.

   However, when the red blood oozing out, everyone stared at the wound and said in surprise, "Such a small hole?!"

   "This is... 1 centimeter, right?"


   "Can this work?"

   "One centimeter how do you solve the operation?"

   "Didn't you say 1.5 in your paper?"

Ruan Yongyi burst into laughter in his heart, but he was still calm, and said with a casual expression, "Oh, the purpose of 1.5 written in our material is to not increase everyone's psychological burden and difficulty in surgery. Breaking through the 1cm mark!"

   Hearing Ruan Yongyi's intangible pretending tone, Xing Daqing and Zhang Zhixin on the side were itching with anger.

   At this time, Chen Nan started his operation.

   The slender fingers entered the wound like a bug, and it didn't take long for him to find a tortuous blood vessel.

   This process is coming, and everyone can take a deep breath.

   "I... I went?"

   "This... so fast?!"

   "He is..."

   "My God!"


   A group of people were shocked by Chen Nan's efficiency.

  Because it took Chen Nan less than a minute from opening the opening to finding the blood vessel, and then to taking it out!

  This Nima, is it a bit too much?

   How can someone be so fast!

   This finger can't be so fast with GPS navigation? !

   However, seeing the figure of the inner femoral superficial vein, everyone fell silent.

   Ruan Yong Ngai looked at everyone and couldn't help but smile...

That's it?

   Is this start to surprise?

  Haha, is this the beginning?

   Ruan Yongyi glanced at Xing Daqing and Zhang Zhixin disdainfully, you laughed at me for being a licking dog for Xiao Chen.

Ha ha!

   Don't you know how perverted this guy is?

   I really don't know how flexible his hands are.

   Ruan Yongyi feels that if Chen Nan wants to study surgery and perform surgery, he will definitely be at the national level!

   What does it feel like to see the tip of a needle wander over a blood vessel?


   Ruan Yongyi felt his scalp tingle when he thought of that scene, but thinking that today was the assessment, he couldn't help but sigh...

  Hey, I have to leave after all.

   The next surgery is a routine operation.

   The medial femoral superficial vein needs to be ligated, removed, stripped…

  This process, for a vascular surgeon, is the key point to see your ability.

   However, with Chen Nan's skilled operation, the room was silent.

   If Chen Nan's fire needle was a picture they couldn't understand just now, then Chen Nan's operation now is an operation they couldn't understand!

   "This... how did you peel it off?"

   "Fuck me!"

   "No, why is the draw just now so accurate!"


   "How is this done!"

   "Cum!" With these bursts of voices, many directors in the room stood up excitedly.

   They stared at Chen Nan's hands with wide eyes, their faces were incredible!

Because Chen Nan's operation is too delicate and accurate and fast, because after ligating the blood vessel, the medial femoral superficial vein needs to be treated, so theoretically, the ligation time is shorter, the damage to the tissue will be less, and the prognosis will be less. Recovery will be better!

  Chen Man was also shocked by Chen Nan's operation at this time!

   If it wasn't for Chen Nan's fire needle just now, they must have suspected that this operation was definitely performed by a top surgical expert!

Do not!

   It is impossible for a master to have such a speed. Although they are highly skilled, their techniques will become stiff with age, and it is impossible to be so calm and delicate and fast!

   How long does it take to process a blood vessel?

   If it was before, their answers may be different.

   Most can't be less than 10 minutes! long did Chen Nan's operation take?

   Counting the stitching!

and many more…

   Is this stitching?

  Chen Man felt a little disbelieving his eyes.

  Chen Man has been in cardiovascular surgery for a long time, and he has also performed aortic transplantation with the world's top experts, so Chen Man has seen too many wonderful operations, and he has seen suture speed like a suture genius!

   However, she had never seen such beautiful and delicate stitching.

   She swears!

   She suddenly had a feeling: "This is clearly not an operation, but... dancing on the blood vessels!"

  Chen Nan is famous for being fast!

   Acupuncture and moxibustion can achieve 12-needle combined tremor at the limit.

   What is this stitching?

   And they all fell silent when they watched the operation after the ligation.

5 minutes!

   done all the operations.

   What the **** is this speed?

  A boy, you are so fast, do you feel inferior? !


  Xing Daqing was also the first time to see Chen Nan perform a blood vessel waltz. After watching it, he couldn't help but blurt out, "I'm Cao!"


   At this moment, he couldn't think of a second adjective that could represent his feelings at this moment.

   Chen Nan's technique, technique, experience, speed, and accuracy have all reached a point that shocked him.

   Not only him, Xing Daqing's national quintessence can be said to express the voice of everyone.

At this moment!

The    operation has also come to an end.

   After Chen Nan's fire needle treatment.

   The wound is less than one centimeter... He still sutured a few stitches, watching Chen Nan suture the skin, everyone couldn't bear to look directly...

   They felt that Chen Nan's suture of this wound was the last respect for them!

   Makes them feel less embarrassed…

  To be honest, no matter how small the wound is, there is no need for sutures, and it may grow back with a dressing...

   I can't say, I had surgery, but... I didn't suture the wound!

   Ruan Yongyi looked at the people around him contemptuously and smiled. We haven't used traditional Chinese medicine, maybe we don't need to suture at all...Tomorrow, the granulation tissue will start to grow gradually.

   It can’t be said that after an operation, no sutures are required!

   That's right!

  Chen Nan's final ending is too formal... Just like you must wipe your mouth after eating, life requires a sense of ritual.

The same goes for    surgery.

   "Cough cough!" One person couldn't help but coughed and said, "I think... this stitching is too much..."

   Several other people couldn't help but laugh!


  Chen Man couldn't help shaking his head at this time, Chen Nan shocked him enough today.

   They tell the truth, it is hard to believe that this is an operation performed by a Chinese medicine practitioner.

  Chen Man smiled and said, "Let me tell the truth, if I hadn't known in advance that he was a Chinese medicine practitioner, I really thought...he is a top vascular surgery genius!"

   "It's just, it's a pity!"

   As soon as these words came out, they were immediately recognized by many people at the scene.


   "These hands are like born surgeons."

   "If he does surgery, his future is definitely brighter."

   "That's right!"

   "How about... persuading me now? Maybe there is a chance to change careers!"

   "Yeah, they're only 25 years old! I'm Cao!" After the man finished speaking, he surprised himself.

   Yes, Chen Nan is 25 years old, this is the age when a surgeon is just starting out, and his future... unlimited!

   Wang Lun, who was in charge of supervising this assessment, was looking at the text messages on his mobile phone and didn't know how to reply.

   "How is the situation? How do the examiners rate Chen Nan? -Lu Xianping"

   Wang Lun didn't know how to answer!


   What the **** should I do?

   After hesitating for a long time, he replied with four words: "Shocked!"

   He scoured all the adjectives in his mind and couldn't find the most suitable one.

   He wanted to say "I'm Cao", but he didn't dare!

  Wang Lun sighed, shook his head, and said, "The assessment is over, the examiners are ready to score!"

  Xing Daqing muttered, "I don't think I deserve to be this examiner!"

   This sentence caused everyone to laugh.

   But no one denied it.

  Chen Man smiled: "This is a vivid teaching subject!"

   Everyone nodded in agreement.

   After some small talk.

  Wang Lun took the examination results in his hand, with the signatures and scores of the examiners on it.

   There is no doubt that all the score sheets are all 100 points, full marks!

  Wang Lun smiled, he thought, Chen Nan should deserve this score.


   At this time, no one in the room discussed the issue that Chen Nan was a Chinese medicine practitioner. Everyone was discussing the direction of combining Chinese and Western medicine in the field of surgery.



   After the morning assessment was over, Chen Nan did not go back to the hotel directly to wait for the afternoon assessment.

  Because… Nguyen Dung Nye brought a contract and hoped he would sign it.

   Even Song Aiguo came in person.

  Chen Nan looked at the contract with some hesitation, but it was not because the contract had harsh requirements or little treatment.

   Quite the opposite!

   The first is scientific research: Chen Nan's medical practitioner qualification certificate is affiliated with Dongzhimen Hospital, and he will receive scientific research support from here, with an annual guarantee of more than 2 million scientific research funds.

  The hospital will also organize irregular scientific research training and other related work, qualifications for recommendation in international conferences, and the right to reimburse all expenses for publishing papers.

  Song Aiguo attaches great importance to Chen Nan's scientific research ability.

   The assessment has not ended this morning. Song Aiguo has received invitations for cooperation from many hospitals, hoping to establish cooperation and exchanges with the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

   Although this thing doesn't seem to be of much use, it is indeed a real achievement in the hospital!

   This means that the development of TCM surgery in Dongzhimen Hospital has been recognized by the industry!


the most important is…

  Clinical aspects: Chen Nan is here, he can obtain the qualification for surgery and the right to be the chief surgeon.

   This thing, other places can't give it at all, if it weren't for Dongzhimen Hospital as a demonstration site in the traditional Chinese medicine hospital, they would have nothing to do.

   This means that Chen Nan can perform surgical operations at the practice site of Dongzhimen Hospital!

   This is also the most attractive point for Chen Nan.

  Surgery, surgery, these are the points where Chinese medicine lags behind.

  Chen Nan feels that he can definitely take an unusual path. Who said that Chinese medicine cannot perform surgery? Who says Chinese medicine can only prescribe internal medicine to treat diseases?

   This is definitely possible!

  Chen Nan can even become a benchmark in this field.


  Chen Nan is not directly affiliated with the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine Surgery, and the department is not fixed. Although the hospital has no way to give him a first-level professor external contract, but... he can give Chen Nan first-level treatment!

The position of the affiliate is the director level, and the salary is an annual salary of one million yuan, and everything is met. The contract requirements, after three years of age: solve the problem of children's education, solve the problem of housing and household registration, and solve the problem of family employment, these are all is standard!

   will even arrange assistants and drivers in the capital for Chen Nan to help him carry out related work here (limited to the capital)!

   Chen Nan really couldn't find any fault with this treatment.

   Full of sincerity!

   Actually, it's normal. Although Dongzhimen Hospital doesn't look as rich as those western hospitals, but... you mustn't underestimate a hospital that handles more than tens of billions of traditional Chinese medicine every year!

   Their energy is absolutely terrifying!

   For Chen Nan, the most important point is that this is the best place for his contacts.

   To tell the truth, even though Chen Nan has a bit of fame in Jin Province, but... people around him will know that some serious illnesses need to go to the capital for treatment, so Chen Nan is equivalent to having an identity here.

   In other words, Chen Nan is in the capital and has already taken root!

  Song Aiguo smiled and looked at Chen Nan: "Xiao Chen, do you have any problems? You can mention all the conditions that need to be supplemented."

  Chen Nan laughed dumbly: "President Song, to be honest... I don't think I deserve this treatment!"

   "I'm afraid my virtue doesn't match!"

  Song Aiguo smiled: "Humility is a good thing, but ... Xiao Chen, your value to you is far less clear than we can see."

   "Although you are not willing to leave your parent hospital right now."


   "We are definitely much stronger than Yuancheng People's Hospital in terms of digging out your abilities or maximizing development."

   "What the platform brings to you is actually the ability to realize the ability."

   "How capable you are, we can provide you with a corresponding stage."

   "I believe that you will come soon!"

  Chen Nan did not deny it this time, he fully recognized Song Aiguo's remarks.

   Ability realization effect, this time he saw it.

  In Jin Province, many of Chen Nan's thoughts were unable to be put into action.

   Is it possible to rely on the tens of thousands of yuan in scientific research funds given by the hospital?

  Thinking of Director Mi Leimi running around for the project, but unable to get scientific research funds to carry out research, if it hadn't happened to meet Mo Xiangqiang, everything might have been strangled in the cradle!

   But here is different. Every special treatment of Chen Nan can be accurately discovered by these directors and put into scientific research.

   This is the gap!

  Some things cannot be changed.

   For example, Chen Nan is in Jin Province, it is difficult to carry out surgery.

  Chen Nan signed the contract.

   He couldn't even find a reason to refuse.

  Song Aiguo held Chen Nan's hand and said with a smile, "I look forward to your real arrival!"

   "Happy cooperation!"

  Chen Nan smiled slightly: "Thank you, President Song, for a pleasant cooperation."

   However, since it is a contract, there are also requirements for Chen Nan, and Chen Nan needs to be here no less than 4 days a month.

  Chen Nan calculated it like this, 12 months a year, or about 50 days, 1 million…

   Twenty thousand yuan a day!

  Chen Nan sighed with emotion.

   Ruan Yongyi watched Chen Nan sign the contract, and was very happy inside, hugging Chen Nan excitedly: "Hahaha!"

   "Keep you!"

   Chen Nan knew that Director Ruan was really happy, but he did not reject the other party. Even if the other party had body odor, Chen Nan held back.

   "Xiao Chen, your assessment is over today."

   "Tomorrow is Saturday, and our department would like to hold a farewell ceremony for you."

   "You must participate then!"

"Ha ha!"

  Chen Nan did not refuse this time, but agreed with a smile.




   In the huge classroom, a hundred people sat neatly in it.

  Shen Yuyuan sat on the podium, looked at the crowd, and said seriously: "This time there is one more rule for the exam questions."


   "Saving people is like putting out a fire! In the treatment of patients, there will be development and changes in the condition within a short period of time, so I hope everyone will pay attention to this."

   "Time will become a bonus item. The test is 100 minutes long, and you will get 1 point if you take 1 minute before handing in the paper. If you finish it in 60 minutes, you will get 40 extra points!"

   "So, I hope everyone pays attention to the timing."

   "However, there is a requirement here. If the score of the full-text test paper is less than 60 points, or if it is filled in randomly, it will be regarded as a violation and will not participate in the bonus points!"

   As soon as these words came out, everyone below was stunned.

   This is the first time I have seen such a rule appear!

   A matter of time!

   This was something no one thought of, and it was also an ace in Shen Yuyuan's hand.

   Even Lu Xianping and the others did not know.

   But what if he knew it?

   He is the real person in charge of this talent selection.

  In the classroom, there are more than a dozen invigilators who patrol the exams.

   Li Shuo and others are among them.

  When the test papers were sent out, the moment everyone opened them and saw the test papers, they were all blinded!

  50 multiple choice questions!

   Plus 10 big questions!

  There are 5 points for each major question and 1 point for each multiple-choice question.

   The key is... This motherfucker's fifty multiple-choice questions are all indefinite choices.

   So, is 100 minutes really enough?

   For a time, everyone was stunned.

   Even He Ye, after seeing the test paper, his whole brain was buzzing, because he didn't know about the multiple-choice questions at all.

   Originally, he was still secretly overjoyed, because he had some questions in his hand, but... Now it seems that those fifty multiple-choice questions can be fatal!

  These fifty multiple-choice questions were randomly obtained by Shen Yuyuan from the question bank.

The question bank of    comes from the question bank of excellent talents examination papers, which is the question bank for the selection of outstanding TCM clinical talents in China.

  The National Excellent Talents have only been held a few times in total, so the question bank is impossible to leak!

   Shen Yuyuan was also worried that some people were not very kind, so he made this decision.

   Anyone who has done multiple-choice questions is well aware that single-choice is the easiest, while multiple-choice is the hardest, and indefinite-choice questions are even more difficult. No one knows how many correct answers are there!

   So, the scene was so silent, no one spoke.

  Chen Nan couldn't help but smile at this moment, picked up the pen, and started to answer directly.

   His basic skills are really solid.

   Now, his basic ability of Chinese medicine is 60 points, the diagnosis ability of Chinese medicine is 61 points, and the treatment ability of Chinese medicine is 62 points.

   This 60 points is not as easy as a simple pass, it is 60 points of the highest ability 100 points.

   The industry peak ability system is judged to be 100 points, and he has 60 points.

   And this 60-point ability, placed in the Master's and Doctoral Chinese Medicine Examination, is definitely a full score.

   Therefore, Chen Nan is not surprised at all about these topics.

  "1 The basic pathogenesis of Jue Syndrome is:

  A. The yin and yang are not in harmony

  B. Deficiency of yin and yang, rejection of internal and external

  C. Yang Qi is deficient and weak, and the temperature is not as good as

  D. The cold and heat are mixed, and the Qi machine is inversely chaotic”

   The first question is pathogenesis, and it relies on the theory of typhoid fever. This question is difficult to a certain extent, but Chen Nan has the answer at a glance!



The questions behind    are not difficult for Chen Nan at all. For him, multiple-choice questions are as easy as fill-in-the-blank questions.

   Basically, at a glance, the answer is there.

   Therefore, for Chen Nan, these fifty questions are as easy as giving points.

   After he answered all of them, only 10 minutes passed!

   Next is the big question.

   There are many cases.

   However, the first question is not difficult.

  Zhu, female, 30 years old, visited the clinic on May 6, 2018:

   Chief Complaint: Fatigue, chest tightness, shortness of breath for 1 day.

  The patient went out to play at noon on his birthday 2 days ago, and was exposed to the cold wind from the air conditioner on the bus under the scorching sun. He developed aversion to cold, fear of wind, headache, no sweat, and fatigue that night.

   On the second day, the symptoms worsened during the day, and the symptoms were relieved after taking pueraria decoction and other antidepressants, but the fatigue did not diminish, and chest tightness and shortness of breath persisted until now.

Immediate diagnosis: fatigue and chest tightness, shortness of breath and lazy speech, slight fear of wind, no sweat, no hot breath, conscious palms, slight foreign body sensation in throat, slight cough, no sneezing, no dry mouth, poor appetite, no stomach bloating ; Stool for 2 days/time, formed, dry, small amount, no abdominal distension.

   Mild dysmenorrhea during menstruation, last menstrual period: 27/6.

   Pale red tongue, yellow and greasy fur, slippery pulse. Minor skin and nails on the lower extremities.

   Chen Nan couldn't help shaking his head when he saw so many things. This was a case of a cold symptom.

   However, Chen Nan frowned a little... The other party even wrote down the patient's date of birth and the time of diagnosis. This... Is it necessary to test the five luck and six qi?

   This fucking!

   Obviously, Chen Nan underestimated the difficulty of this assessment.

   Patient’s illness date is May 4, 2018.

  Chen Nan began to think about the solar terms in 2018...

After some analysis, Chen Nan had something in his mind.

The disease occurred from May 4-6, 2018, which is the Wuxu year. The second qi dominates the qi Shaoyin and the fire, and the third qi dominates the qi and Shaoyang relative fire. Suppressed.

"Su Wen: Six Yuan Zheng Ji Da Lun": "Where the sun controls the governance of the sky...the three qi, the qi of the sky is distributed, the cold qi moves, the rain falls, the people's disease is cold and the fever is reversed, the carbuncle is injected, and the heart is hot. Stuffy, those who cannot be cured die”, suggesting that there are many syndromes of external cold and internal heat.

   Soon, Chen Nan had the answer.

   But...when he was ready to continue writing the treatment plan.

   Suddenly stunned!


Birthday? !

   A thought suddenly flashed in his mind, the date of birth of the patient!

   was born on May 4, 1988.

   After making some calculations, his eyes widened.

   The patient was born on May 4, 1988. The fire luck is too much to coincide with the sun and cold water in the sky, and the lunar wet soil is in the spring.

   "Water can win over fire, and it is equal to peace. It is the year of Qi Hua, so when Hexi meets Shangyu, it is the same as Zhengzheng, and it becomes a year of fire luck and peace."

this means…

   The patient has a cold and damp constitution!

   If you follow the treatment just now, maybe there will be relief for a while.

   However, after a long time, there will definitely be adverse effects.

  Chen Nan quickly revised his plan!

   Time, minute by minute.

  Besides this question, there is no second question about the five lucks and six qi, which directly increases Chen Nan's speed.

   Less than 30 minutes!

  Chen Nan successfully completed the test paper, got up directly, and walked towards the front.

   At this moment, everyone in the room was stunned!

   Because there are many of them, the multiple-choice questions have not been completed.

   for a while!

   Everyone looked at Chen Nan with a little more incredible and shocking eyes.

how can that be?

   Even Shen Yuyuan on stage and the invigilators in the audience were shocked by Chen Nan.

   so fast? !

This this…


  ps: Thank you for the 7500 reward from the "Ignore Ignore" boss, thank you boss!

  Thanks to "dusker" for the 1500 tip. Thank you big man, big man mighty.

  There are only so many things today, hey… I feel a little guilty, but the writing is too slow, and many things have to be checked.

  Write more tomorrow.

   (end of this chapter)

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