The latest chapter of Ten Directions God King, the oldest forbidden place in the 1884th chapter, floating astronomy
    The God King level is intertwined, coming from the sky, and the speed is very fast.

    "Let's go!"

    Lin Tian's face was dignified and looked in that direction. Now I greeted Five Elements Alligator and Little Taichu and walked in the other direction.

    Their team is not weak, but the gap between them and the God King-class power is still huge. It is impossible to be the opponent of the God King-class power. It is naturally impossible for the strong players in this level to compete positively. Can withdraw.




    One person and two beasts are very fast, and in a blink of an eye they are far away.

    However, the pressure of the God King level coming from behind is getting closer and closer, and soon, a purple sable appears in the middle age.

    "You can't escape!"

    The voice of this man is cold, surrounded by the Chaos light in the body, apparently a strong Chaos Clan.

    With a bang, the momentum in the outside world climbed, and the distance between Lin Tian and his party was a lot closer.

    At the same time, this person explored a big hand and pressed to Lin Tian.

    God King breaths and shakes the ten.

    One person and two beasts naturally felt tremendous pressure, and they did not dare to care about it. While flying fast, they vigorously propped up the Divine Ability Secret Technique and rushed toward the middle age behind them.

    This is naturally not to hurt the middle-aged sable, but to resist the opponent's attack and interfere with the other party's pursuit.


    The divine ability of one person and two beasts smashed into the eyes of the middle-aged prostitute of the purple sable, and burst out of the Heavenly God.

    The big hand that the purple scorpion explored in the middle age was shaken off, and the Divine Ability Secret Technique of one person and two animals collapsed.

    The middle-aged coltly snorted, the speed of the sable is getting faster.

    One person and two beasts don’t dare to have the slightest wish.

    However, their speed is not comparable to the God King level, and it is not long before they are chased by the other side.

    "The ants in the area, I still want to escape in the hands of this seat!"

    The middle-aged sable of the purple scorpion, God King breathe the body surface, there is a piece of light flying out, sweeping to one person and two beasts.

    In an instant, the large divine light flew straight, and Lin Tian, ​​Five Elements Alligator and Little Taichu couldn't help but tremble.

    After all, this is the killing of the God King-level powerhouse, and the ten-party void is closed.

    Lin Tian directly propped up the Grand Dao Samsara Chart, and Little Taichu and Five Elements Alligator also did their best to meet these divine lights.

    In a blink of an eye, the Divine Ability they sacrificed collided with these killing lights and burst open.




    Three muffled sounds came out, and one person and two beasts were all shaken by the earthquake, all of them overflowing.

    "It’s completely unstoppable, and the gap is too big!”

    The Five Elements Alligator sighs and looks very dignified.

    Little Taichu "Eyah" screamed, and was also alert to stare at the middle age.

    Lin Tian bleeds in the mouth, saying: "Continue to retreat!"

    In this collision, they were seriously injured, but the space that was closed around was also restored.

    He greeted Five Elements Alligator and Little Taichu and went to the distance again.

    There is no other way to do this. In the face of the God King level, they can only retreat.

    The middle-aged coldly snorted of the purple sable, did not care about the escape of Lin Tian and others. He was a God King-class strong man, and the three True Gods in the district could escape from his eyelids.

    For a time, Lin Tian, ​​Little Taichu and Five Elements Alligator fled in the first place. After the middle-aged pursuit of the purple scorpion, the distance between the two sides was constantly drawn. The purple scorpion middle-aged hands, Chaos light intertwined, and the different gods could bombard Lin Tian et al.

    Lin Tian, ​​Five Elements Alligator and Little Taichu all sacrificed a powerful divine ability, but it was impossible to completely block the attack of the God King-class powers. In the blink of an eye, they were not injured.

    However, there was no pause for one person and two beasts, and the wounds were repaired with their respective Secret Techniques while continuing to fly.

    In a blink of an eye, it took more than one hour to pass.

    At this moment, there was a black crack in the front, and there was a lot of width in the front. There was a black light that rushed over the crack, exuding a very infiltrating breath, as if you could swallow everything.

    Lin Tian immediately moved to say that the Five Elements Alligator and Little Taichu stopped, and the crack gave him a very dangerous feeling.

    At the same time, behind him, the purple scorpion chased after the middle, and immediately after seeing the black crack, it stopped.


    When the pupil was condensed, the face of this person changed significantly.

    Lin Tian watched the other party stop, did not continue to pursue, and suddenly saw that the other party is very jealous of this black crack.

    "What is this?"

    he said.

    Since the other party is jealous of this black crack, it is obvious that this black crack is what.

    The middle-aged coltly snorted of the purple sable, did not answer Lin Tian at all, looked at the black crack, and took another step to force Lin Tian.

    "It’s over here, you have no way to escape!"

    Looking at Lin Tian, ​​he stepped forward and stepped forward, with caution and vigilance in his eyes.

    Of course, this alert and vigilance is not due to Lin Tian, ​​but because of the black crack in front.

    Lin Tian looked at the black crack in front and looked at the purple scorpion that was forced to come: "Do you seem to be afraid of this thing?"

    The middle-aged nephew of the purple scorpion was cold and cold, and he did not answer. He continued to push to Lin Tian. His eyes were still armed and alert, and he was always in the process of Lin Tian, ​​paying attention to the black crack.

    "It seems to be."

    He said.

    Speaking of this, looking at the middle-aged, he greeted Five Elements Alligator and Little Taichu, straddle the black crack.

    "Kid, do you really want to go there?" Uncle Alligator feels that it is completely a life restricted area! very dangerous! ”

    Five Elements Alligator blinks.

    The black crack is horizontally forward, and the breath is a bit horrible, so that it can't help but get cold.

    "It's very dangerous inside. If you go in, you may die for a lifetime. However, if you don't go in, you will be suppressed in a blink of an eye, and then the ending will only die."

    He glanced at the middle age and said to the Five Elements Alligator.

    Five Elements Alligator can't help rolling one's eyes : "Okay."

    Today, it is really such a situation, not going to the black crack, they are only suppressed by the middle-aged Zi Yan, and then killed.

    As a result, at this time, the black crack that entered the front is the best choice at the moment.

    Now, it and Little Taichu followed Lin Tian, ​​stepping across the black crack.

    The black crack is huge, as if a peerless beast opened the bloody mouth, giving people a feeling of utter dismay.

    The middle-aged face of Zi Yan changed immediately. He looked at Lin Tian and said: "That is the oldest forbidden place in Chaos World. Since the past, God Emperor has several people buried in it. You dare to go inside and find death! Still not stopping! ”

    He is naturally not worried about the safety of Lin Tian and others, but because Lin Tian is the king of their family to live and suppress the people who brought back to the Chaos Temple. Once Lin Tian really broke into the black crack, he would die. Once the task of the king of their family will be directly defeated and will never be completed, it will have a great impact.

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