Ten Directions God King The latest chapter, the 1882th chapter, the astronomy
    The atmosphere of the twelve wings is too horrible, Lin Tian has never felt the majestic atmosphere, and, with the five ancient beings such as Chaos King, so even if he has seen The old drunk is very powerful, but still can't help but worry.

    The old drunkard naturally saw Lin Tian thinking about this time, Lin Tian said: "Don't care, go."

    Lin Tian paused, then clicked on it, and finally said goodbye to the old drunk, and mixed with the old, and together with Five Elements Alligator and Little Taichu, directly into the Chaos portal.

    The old drunkard looks free, let him go to Chaos World now, don't care about the matter here, although he is somewhat worried, but he is more convinced of the old drunkard, I believe that the light and shadow of twelve pairs of wings threaten the old drunkard.

    "Hugh think!"

    The voice of indifference sounded, the twelve-wing light and shadow divine light surged, the light body gradually solidified, turned into a tall black armor man, the voice of the scorpion was extremely indifferent, and the twelve wings flicked behind him, directly with a large divine light Pressed toward the Chaos portal where Lin Tian entered.

    Now that the Chaos portal is not closed, he wants to destroy the gateway to Chaos World, suppress Lin Tian and capture World Seed.

    The old drunk turned around, the outer divine light illusion, the large-scale sword glow emerged from the air, facing the black armor carrying twelve pairs of wings.

    Awkward, in a blink of an eye, the divine light of the middle-aged black-and-white sacred sacred to the Chaos portal was all smashed and turned into a light spot.

    At the same time, the gateway to Chaos World disappeared and disappeared without a trace.

    The middle-aged scorpion carrying twelve wings flashed through the cold mang, and looked at the old drunkard: "I don't think, in this lower world, there are people like you."As he spoke, as he walked toward the old drunkard, the breath outside the body suddenly became like a flash flood, and he did not know how many times stronger than before: "First kill you, then take World Seed."

    As he walked, the ten parties trembled and the atmosphere of destruction was extremely impressive.

    The old drunkard didn't say much, just raised his hand and pointed out a finger.

    With a bang, a divine light flew out from its fingertips, and the speed was so fast that it passed through the middle chest of the black armor.

    The black armor trembled in the middle age, and the terrible momentum in the body immediately became confused, and then quickly decreased: "You…"

    He looked at the old drunkard, his eyes were shocked, and his face became ugly. At the next moment, the body collapsed directly and the light dissipated.

    In this scene, Chaos King, Rotating Saint King and Di Shitian are all discolored: "The Holy Messenger!"

    The horror of the black armor with 12 wings, they know very well, although now they only call the Divine Soul in the middle of the black armor, which is equivalent to only one incarnation, less than one percent of the strength of the peak. But it is still very horrible, far from being comparable to them, but now, even one finger is destroyed by the old drunkard.

    At this moment, looking back at the old drunkard, the faces of the five people were full of horror. This person is terrible, and the method Traverse Heaven may be stronger than the middle body of the black armor they called.


    The emperor released the sound of the low voice, flew directly, and did not dare to stay for a moment. His eyes rushed out of endless distance and disappeared into the distance.

    At the same time, Chaos King and others are also flying together.

    At this time, a few people were really worried, and in any case did not think that the sudden appearance of the old drunkard would be so terrible.

    The old drunkard stood on the original place, did not stop, let the five people disappear and disappeared, the eyes fell on the side of the old gang, paused, said: "Destroy."

    The old blunder was originally shocked by the strength of the old drunkard. After listening to these two words, the color of the face suddenly became more intense than ever.

    "Which is not old?!"

    He stared at the old drunkard, and his eyes couldn't help but tighten.

    Destroy the world, this is his slogan before the endless years, there are not many people who know the whole world, this person actually knows!

    The old drunkard did not say anything, looked at the old faint smile, and then looked at Lin Tian and left for Chaos World. The gentle light in the scorpion was also very deep.

    In the next moment, his figure became faint, silently disappearing into the original place, as if it had never appeared before.

    The old gangster stared straight, looked at the place where the old drunkard left, and then looked at the place where Lin Tian left: "This kid is surrounded by the girl who is against the sky, and there is such a Master…"He talked to himself and then frowned again, looking back at the place where the old drunkard disappeared: "This person, in the end is…"


    With a dark vision, Lin Tian walked into the gateway to Chaos World with Five Elements Alligator and Little Taichu, and walked through the void of silver.

    A dazzling moment, a full time passed.

    After a long time, at this moment, a bright light suddenly appeared in front of it. Then, a strong self-defense emerged, directly smashing one person and two beasts out of nothingness and re-stepping on the real land.

    Looking around, one of the mountains is connected, and every mountain has a large number of ancient plants, and the air is intertwined with a thick fragrance of Spirit Qi and Chaos.

    “This is Chaos World?”

    The Five Elements Alligator looks at the square.


    Lin Tian Road.

    The atmosphere of Chaos in the air is too obvious, and it is very consistent with Chaos World. The most important thing is that this is the world portal opened by the old drunks to send them here. Since it is the world portal opened by the old drunks, they are sent here, then Here, it must be only a Chaos family, there can be no error.

    Five Elements Alligator nodded and looked around, then his eyes fell on Lin Tian: "Lin Boy, your metamorphosis Master is getting more and more scary. Chaos King has a few ancient existences. There is no resistance in front of him. And the twelve-wing light and shadow, obviously stronger than Chaos King and others, but it seems that you can't help your metamorphosis Master, your metamorphosis Master, what level is it reached?!"

    "Don't know…"Lin Tian shook his head, but his eyes were intertwined with the fine mans: "However, it is very powerful!"

    His own Master is so powerful that it is easy to suppress the ancient existence of Chaos King and Emperor Shi Tianna. He is naturally happy and feels very proud.

    “Uncle Alligator naturally knows it is very strong.”Five Elements Alligator said: "What I want to say is that your metamorphosis Master will not have gone out of God Emperor. And the person with 12 wings, will it also exceed the God Emperor Level? After all, Chaos King and others have represented the most peak power in the God Emperor Level, but your metamorphosis Master and the 12-wing light and shadow are obviously stronger than Chaos King and others, and it is already on the Level. Big gap! ”

    It went on to say: "And what is the origin of the person who bears twelve wings? It seems obvious that it is a group with Chaos King and others. Is there a more terrible force behind Chaos King and others? ”

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