Ten Directions God King The latest chapter, the first thousand eight hundred and forty chapters of Chaos portal, floating astronomy
    God Emperor level turbulence, five God Emperor level strong hands together, divine ability fluctuations than before did not know how many times stronger, at the same time shrouded to the old drunkard, the singularity of the earth, this ancient road rumbled The sound of the sound, as if the next moment will be completely shattered.

    "Old guy, be careful!"

    Lin Tian can naturally feel the horror of these divine ability fluctuations, even though these divine abilities are all pressed against the old drunkards at the moment, there is no trace of breath on him, but it still makes his internal organs cold, Divine Soul seems to be like The next moment will be broken down.

    The old drunkard is still facing the Chaos King. It’s too good to go to Pluto and so on. The divergence of the faint fascination in the body, the divine ability of the five people is instantly shattered. At the same time, the divine light in the body is like water, and it will be completely covered by Chaos and Chaos King.

    Chaos King and too High Grade people have their own divine ability shocks, but they can't compete with these divine lights. Even they can't even get rid of them. Every time they change their faces.

    Lin Tian immediately lost color, and the body could not help but shake it, but five peak God Emperor, are famous people of ancient and modern, but now they are so easily suppressed by the old drunkard.

    Five Elements Alligator and Bai Ziqi and others are naturally more shocked, and all of them are scared by the strength of the old drunkards.

    At the same time, the old gangster stared at the old drunkard, and then the pupil could not help but shrink: "Is it…Beyond God Emperor? ! ”

    Chaos King and others have already taken the God Emperor to the end, and none of them are ordinary cultivators. But now, five people are attacking the old drunkards, but this is simply suppressed by the old drunkards. This strength makes him whole Changed color, some are too scary.

    The old drunk looked at Lin Tian and said: "They want to take your Mortal Body and take World Seed. World Seed is on you for a day, and you are in danger every day."He looked at Lin Tian: "I am now erasing them, or waiting for you to become stronger and solve them by yourself."

    With such words, his voice was calm and his expression was calm, as if to erase Chaos King and others would not be laborious.

    This also made Chaos King and the turn of Saint King and other five faces more ugly at a time, the old drunks are scorning them.

    They all screamed, and the sounds shook in the sky, all of them sacrificed their full strength, and the impact of the old drunks shrouded in their bodies.

    However, this is not useful at all. The goddess of the old drunks who are shrouded in their bodies looks very thin, but they are tough and sultry, and they can't break through their full impact.

    This is undoubtedly making the face of the five people change again. At the same time, Five Elements Alligator and Bai Ziqi are also shocked, and everyone is shocked by this scene. This strength is terrible.

    Lin Tian naturally also shocked this scene. Although she knew that her master was very powerful and perverted, she still couldn’t help but tremble. Chaos King and others were completely suppressed. Moreover, it was so simple, just by virtue of it. The breath completely suppressed the five people.

    What’s it say? I kill, or you will kill later. ”

    The voice of the old drunkard rang again.

    Lin Tian’s shock suddenly dissipated, and her mind became extremely agile. She looked at the old drunkard and looked at the five people who were suppressed by Chaos King. Finally, her eyes fell on the old drunkard, and she said: “I kill !"

    How old the old drunk is now, he doesn't know, but he can see it. It is absolutely not difficult for the old drunk to kill Chaos King and so on. It should be very easy, but he doesn't want to have a strong opponent. The old drunk shot. These five people came from the World Seed that he took him. He wanted to suppress him and kill him. He was his enemy. This time, he wanted to face himself, even though he can’t beat these five people now, keeping their lives on themselves. It is dangerous, but it is also a motivation that can force him to improve his strength very quickly.

    And, there is a very important point. Among the five, the too ups and turns of Saint King attacked Wu Yi. On the other hand, it burned an incarnation and banished Wu Yi to the airless space. He couldn't bear it. Now, although he believes that these two are not Wu Yi's opponents, Wu Yi is his wife, and the two attacked his wife. No matter how strong Wu Yi is, even Wu Yi can raise his hand and kill both. Man, but standing on his position, he wants to kill both of them by hand. No, this is his responsibility and responsibility as a husband.

    The old drunk looked at Lin Tian: "OK?"

    Lin Tian nodded: "OK!"

    The old drunkard licked Lin Tian's hair and smiled: "Very good!"

    As he fell, he raised his hand directly and slid back and forth. A glimmer of light fell directly on Chaos King and others. He swept all five of them and disappeared into the Ancient road in a blink of an eye.

    This scene has made this place a heart of people.

    Five peak God Emperor, all of them are extremely horrible characters in the ancient legends, but nowadays, they are directly shot by the old drunkards. What kind of monk is this? !

    "This…this…"This is supreme talent? ! ”White Tiger 哆嗦, looking at the old drunkard: "It's too strong! Grandpa Tiger is so admired by this man! This strength, this means, is simply…"

    Even the old gangsters were shocked, and they stared straight at the old drunkards, with an incredulous expression on their faces: "Where is the living fossil that jumped out?! This strength is simply…"


    Ni Yaoyao muttered.

    The old drunkard looked at Lin Tian and reached out and touched it. Immediately, there was a ray of light flashing, and a world portal was opened directly beside Lin Tian, ​​in which a strong Chaos breath came out.

    "Chaos World, let's go."

    The old drunkard looked at Lin Tian.

    Lin Tian nodded and recognized that this is the gateway to Chaos World, which has a Divine Object that can make World Seed's flowering result truly evolve into a real Grand World. He needs to get it.

    At the same time, this is also an experience.

    Since the old drunkard let him go, he will definitely go.

    He nodded seriously to the old drunk, then looked at Bai Ziqi and others: "What about you? Go with me? ”

    Bai Ziqi shook his head, and Ling Yun and others all shook their heads.

    Over the years, they have followed Lin Tian, ​​and their cultivation and strength have improved rapidly. However, this is basically based on Lin Tian's search for various Xianbao upgrades. Now, they are like the first time they left Ten Directions Heaven. When I was in the Domain, I wanted to go and walk by myself, relying on myself to seriously polish my body.


    Little Taichu screamed and fell on Lin Tian's shoulder, making it clear that she was going to Chaos World with Lin Tian.

    The Five Elements Alligator is smaller and can also fall on Lin Tian's shoulders, and also go with Lin Tian.

    In the end, everything decided, Little Taichu, Five Elements Alligator and Lin Tian went to Chaos World, and everyone else went to other places.

    In this regard, Lin Tian did not say anything, respecting their choices.

    Moreover, he also knows that this is really good for them.

    "What kind of gods are needed, and we can also talk to us. If we meet, we must try our best!"

    Yang Qí Road.

    PS: First of all, I apologize to everyone. It was already early in the morning when I got off the plane. I was asleep after the code was written. I finally couldn’t update it. I couldn’t even send a message and the big guy said, I’m sorry, I’m sorry. ! I'm Sorry! I'm really sorry! Then, there is still a chapter update today, about 23 o'clock in the evening.

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