Ten Directions God King The latest chapter, Chapter 1, 821 Immortal Spirit World Town Chaos God Child, Astronomy
    Chaos Divine Sword is so shocking that the gods are forced to slam.

    Little Taichu shook the smooth wings behind him and rushed up quickly. Bai Ziqi and others also rushed forward together, trying to help Lin Tian to resist the sword. However, the speed was far less than this sword, and it was too late to catch up. .


    Jian Ming, in a blink of an eye, Chaos Divine Sword pressed to the top of Lin Tian.

    Lin Tian's breath at this time is already very weak, his face is very pale, but there is still Divine Power in the body, and now it is holding up Divine Dao Samsara Chart to meet.


    Divine Dao Samsara Chart is breathtaking and intertwined with Chaos Divine Sword, which greets Chaos.

    A roar, the two collided, the Divine Dao Samsara Chart propped up by Lin Tian was crushed and shattered, and then Chaos Divine Sword, which Chaos blazed, fell directly on him, causing his Mortal Body to blast again. .

    Blood floats in the air, everywhere is broken bones, rapid creep, and soon Lin Tian reunited Mortal Body.

    There was blood in his mouth, a big gasp, and forced to withstand the violent attacks of Chaos several times. Today's situation is already terrible, completely stepping on the death line.

    Chaos scorpion micro-condensation, a person of the True God Intermediate Stage level, who suffered several consecutive Divine Ability attacks, did not die, this is the first time he encountered such a person.

    "Interesting, harder than I thought, then take another sword and see if you can survive."

    Looking at Lin Tian, ​​he took a high-profile view of the top, behind the Chaos light, another Chaos Divine Sword manifested, stronger than the previous sword.


    He snapped his finger and the sword fell directly toward Lin Tian.

    The fierce sword potential, the first time shattered the ten-party void, pressed to the top of Lin Tian with a divine ability that destroyed everything.

    In the face of this sword, Lin Tian gritted his teeth, although he knew that he couldn't stop it, but he still propped up Samsara Chart.

    However, Samsara Chart, which he propped up, was crushed in a blink of an eye and could not stop it.

    Chaos Divine Sword did not change the trend of the fall, and even closed the space around him, not giving him a chance to dodge, the power of destruction fell to his head.

    At this time, Little Taichu leaned closer to the front, and saw Lin Tian's weak look at this time. In the big eyes, he was anxious and angry. His hair was upside down, and the six-color Shenhui jumped up. .

    In the next moment, the a side of the light world emerged from it. Inside, the Immortals Mountains are connected to one another. There is a link between the gods and the rivers. Every inch of the void is filled with the brilliance of the fascinating fascination. .

    Chaos Chios Divine Sword fell down and fell directly into the light world, disappearing without a trace.


    Lin Tian immediately moved.

    At the same time, people like Five Elements Alligator and Ling Yun were also surprised.

    "Yes, that's that, that piece…"

    Five Elements Alligator Blinking, this side of the world, is the original Immortal Spirit World that the emperor broke into Little Brat. It didn't think that this time, Little Brat actually called this Grand World from the body. Come out.

    Even Little Taichu himself was a little surprised, looking up at the small Imagortal Spirit World from the body.

    Just now, it just looked at the heavy and extremely dangerous Lin Tian was injured, very angry to motivate the body's divine ability, and then this Immortal Spirit World emerged, not that it propped itself up, it still There is no ability to propel itself up, just like the Seven Color Divine Sword in Lin Tian.

    Chaos ignored the Immortal Spirit World propped up by Little Taichu, his eyes flicked, coldly snorted, and once again condensed Chaos Divine Sword, tens of times stronger than the previous sword, ruthlessly fallen.

    However, this sword was crushed, just like it was, after falling into Immortal Spirit World, it was directly disintegrated.

    Lin Tian blinked through the eyes and said to Little Taichu: "Little Brat, take him in!"

    As Little Taichu propped up Immortal Spirit World, he was directly thought of a lot as Chaos ignited two consecutive attacks.Chaos is very powerful and powerful, but after all, it is only Heavenly God Realm, and Little Brat is propped up by a real Grand World whose side is not worse than Immortal Territory. It is not evolved from Divine Power. The Grand World, with its endless divine ability, is by no means a cultivator in the Heavenly God Realm world.

    Immortal Spirit World, which was held up by Little Brat at this time, is a big killer. They can reverse the battle of this battle!

    Listening to Lin Tian's words, Little Taichu immediately nodded, his wings fluttered, and directly drove up the Immortal Spirit World, which turned into a six-color divine light, rushing toward Chaos, propping up from a long distance. Immortal Spirit World fell to the other side.

    "It's very unusual, but it's no big deal!"Chaos's blazing voice is cold: "One hit you!"

    As the words fell, a bang, a Divine Sword all over the ancient lines rushed out of its body, intertwined with the flames of the sky, awesome Divine Weapon.

    He holds the Divine Weapon Divine Sword, and Chaos is full of light, all wrapped in the Chaos flame, holding Divine Sword to Little Taichu.


    The four sides of the void were completely annihilated in the first time. This is a sword of the monk, which is enough to obliterate the ordinary Initial Stage God King. Everything seems to be destroyed by this attack. In the twinkling of an eye, it is the little Taichu, the power is shocking. .

    However, the next moment, when the sword hits Immortal Spirit World, all the divine abilities on it are annihilated.

    Chaos blazing for the first time, his face became a bit cold, and Divine Weword, Divine Weapon, took the dip.

    However, at this time, the purple thunder flashed, a side purple thunder sea emerged, Lin Tian propped up the Divine Ability in the field of Five Thunder God Domain, which appeared in the blink of an eye after the slamming Chaos.

    "Get in!"

    He whispered, raising his hand is a Chaos Emperor Fist, bombarded with all the divine power he has left.

    With a bang, he jumped in the field of the Divine Ability of the Five Thunder God Domain, and then slammed the punch. The boxing was very fast. The Chaos blazing and escaping was too late to dodge, even turning around was too late. A fist hits the back.


    With a muffled sound, Chaos was swayed by the hustle and bustle, falling directly into Immortal Spirit World, which was supported by Little Taichu.

    Falling into Immortal Spirit World, Chaos looked up at Lin Tian and his face became extremely cold. His powerful Heavenly God peak was able to kill the ordinary Initial Stage God King, but now it is a True God Intermediate Stage. The human hit a punch.

    For him, this is a shame.

    Looking at Lin Tian, ​​his voice is very cold, and his eyes are full of biting killing intent: "Humble human! cut……"

    As he said, his words suddenly stopped and his face suddenly changed.

    What happened

    He looked at his hands, and at this time, Divine Power in the body was completely solidified, and nothing could move.

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