Ten Directions God King The latest chapter, the 1808th chapter kills the five elements (first), floating astronomy
    The Heavenly God Initial Stage-level blood-winged scorpion is amazing, but Lin Tian doesn't care.

    For him today, only Heavenly God Intermediate Stage and above can make him jealous.

    "I am going to die today? You really can't figure out the situation! ”Qiu Qianmo stunned, with madness, sneered: "Give me a kill!"

    As he fell, the blood-winged scream immediately screamed, shaking the ten-party void, and a fluttering rushed to Lin Tian.

    However, at this time, the sound of the break sounded, and Lin Tian moved along with it, stepping out in one step, and the next moment appeared in front of the blood wing.


    Without any extra action, he directly punches, and the pure Physique trembles like a thunder.

    The next moment, his fist fell on the blood-winged scorpion, directly smashing the blood-wings, and the huge demon body was broken in the distance.


    Seeing this scene, Bai Ziqi, Ling Yun and Fan Yingxiong are all shocked, but it is a beast that is comparable to Heavenly God Initial Stage, but now, Lin Tian is a punch. What is the punching power?

    Qiu Qianmo is naturally also eclipsed. In order to capture Lin Tian's Primordial Chaos Tower, he deliberately asked the old man in the family to press a Heavenly God beast to control. It was thought that the Lin Tian could be easily suppressed and killed by Primordial Chaos. Tower, but I didn't expect it to be a confrontation. The Heavenly God beast that he released was smashed by Lin Tian.

    Moreover, in the vagueness, he felt Lin Tian's cultivation, and he had already reached the True God Intermediate Stage, which surprised him. Originally, he thought that in the past ten years, Lin Tian had reached the True God Initial Stage. I didn't want to be a little better than he expected, and he was stronger than he is now. He is only guessing True God Initial Stage.


    In the distance, the blood wing screams, and has reached the level of Heavenly God. After the demon body is smashed, it re-aggregates at this moment.

    As the demon body reunites, the rumbling, bloody light is intertwined from its body, turned into a group of blood awns, rumbling and screaming, shaking the ten-square space Trembling, the power is obviously much stronger than just now.

    Qiu Qianmo's nephew has become cold again: "After all, only Physique is stronger!" In the face of the Heavenly God-level beast, the pure Physique is strong and will not be of any use! ”He ordered the blood wing again: "Give me a kill!"

    After he was asked by the family to suppress the old man, he was engraved with the script of the child, and now he must not violate him.


    Another big bang, the blood wing slammed the blood wing and rushed to Lin Tian again.

    This time, the bloody demon in the body is extremely horrible, and the squeaking of the air is very terrible.

    Lin Tian's expression remains the same, directly proposing Samsara Chart, while the infamous, the Divine Dao and the natural Divine Dao work together, and merge with Samsara Chart to become the most powerful of his life. Divine Dao Samsara Chart, the unbridled breath of the first time, is the most powerful means for him today.

    He took a step and held the Divine Dao Samsara Chart, directly covering the rushed blood-winged scorpion under it, ruthlessly running over.


    Blood Splash, bloody scorpion under its Divine Dao Samsara Chart, the first time is crushing.

    Moreover, the connected monster is also annihilated in an instant.

    strokeKilled a Heavenly God-class beast, this…So exaggerated? ! ”

    Five Elements Alligator blinks.

    Bai Ziqi and Fan Yingxiong are also shocked, even though they know that Lin Tian has already sacrificed the current strongest force, very tyrannical, but seeing that bloody scorpion is so annihilated, still tolerate Can't live without it.

    After all, it was a Heavenly God level beast, although it was just Heavenly God Initial Stage, but it was Heavenly God!

    "This guy, can you kill the Initial Stage Heavenly God now?!"

    White Tiger winks.

    Ling Yun was guilty, but after paused, it recovered some calmness. "In fact, it is normal. After all, the Mo Bairen can kill the Initial Stage Heavenly God at the True God Intermediate Stage. When Lin Boy’s capital is in the same realm, it is impossible to do this.”

    "Oh, it makes sense."

    Five Elements Alligator nods.

    Lin Tian is the strongest Samsara Body, and has experienced Heavenly Tribulation more than a dozen times. Forcing forgings several times with Heavenly Tribulation, such capital is not likely to be worse than that of Mo Bairen.


    The sound of the broken sound sounded, a black shadow rushed to the distance, Qiu Qianmo retreated, and this moment directly chose to walk away.

    Lin Tian's combat power was beyond his expectation. He thought he would bring this Heavenly God-class beast, which can absolutely suppress Lin Tian, ​​but he doesn't want to, this Heavenly God-class blood-winged scorpion is actually born by Lin. Tian smothered him in front of his eyes.

    Even this Heavenly God-class blood wing 猿 Lin Tian can kill, he naturally does not feel that he can now block Lin Tian.

    "Hey, when the bastard just appeared, he looked like a god, and he didn't want to run away so quickly."

    White Tiger satirically smiled.

    Lin Tian has no expression changes, watching the other side flee, just take a step and instantly stop the other side.

    "I said, today, you will die."

    He calmly said.

    Said, he directly hands, a slap shot.

    Qiu Qianmo propped up the Divine Power light curtain to resist, but it was ruptured in an instant, Lin Tian's slap directly fell on his cheek, slamming his half face.

    "God damn it!"

    He screamed with anger, and the whole body was intertwined, and the gods were surging. In the twinkling of an eye, the Mortal Body was reunited.

    However, he just reunited Mortal Body, Lin Tian's second slap was arrived, and in a blink of an eye it fell on his cheek, and his face shattered his half face.


    The glory of the glory, the fascination of the fascination, is amazing, and in a blink of an eye, he once again re-aggregated the Mortal Body.

    At this time, Lin Tian's third slap was pulled out.

    With a bang, half of his cheeks were crushed again, and his teeth were mixed with blood and broken meat.

    "Lin Tian !"

    His Divine Soul came out and he could see that Lin Tian was humiliating him.

    "Not so loud, I am here."Lin Tian was very calm, once again explored the big hand abstraction, and also put Divine Dao Samsara Chart together: "Send you on the road."

    He slammed down, this time slamming Qiu Qianmo's smash, and then Divine Dao Samsara Chart fell down together, tying Qiu Qianmo's broken bones together with the god Soul Body.

    The breath of God to the Holy Spirit and the pressure of the overbearing turmoil, intertwined in this ten-party space, so that Qiu Qianmo immediately shook the Soul Body, the first time I felt the threat of destruction, could not help but shouted: " stop! Everything is good to discuss! ”

    The Mortal Body was smashed, Divine Dao Samsara Chart fell, and the powerful powers suppressed everything, so that he couldn't even open the King's domain and the Knowledge Sea vision at this time.

    "There is nothing to discuss."

    Lin Tian Road.

    The man had to kill him twice to win the Primordial Chaos Tower. He naturally couldn't show his mercy. Divine Dao Samsara Chart pressed down and instantly annihilated each other's broken bones, then smashed directly from the other Divine Soul. Shake its Divine Soul.

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