Ten Directions God King The latest chapter, The 1797th Lin Ruoxian, Astronomy
    After the failure of the robbery, he fell into this world. He wanted to really protect everyone in the village. Now, this idea has not changed.

    Nowadays, the cultivation is gradually recovering. He feels that it should be able to completely calm the world of this wild beast, so that the people in the village can be truly safe, and no longer have to worry about the threat of the wild herd.


    Wu Yi nodded.

    The two walked in the village and looked very warm.

    Time flies, blink of an eye, and a month passes.

    In a month, the wild beasts still appear outside the village. Although the tens of thousands of wild animals in the fierce mountain in the dozens of miles outside the village died under the scent of Wu Yi, there are more than one of the nearby vicious mountains. There are a lot of wild beasts in each of the murderous mountains. There are often wild beasts jumping out of the beasts and appearing outside the village to rush into hunting.

    In this month, Lin Tian's repairs have been restored from the total waste to the Divine Pulse Level. In addition to the wild beasts that have appeared from time to time, I began to teach some people in the village to cultivate and return to the Divine Pulse Level. Human cultivation.

    When I first came into contact with cultivation, the people in the village were shocked and excited, and then revered Lin Tian.

    At the same time, during this month, he will still go to the big mountain outside the village to build an unknown tomb. Every time he goes, Wu Yi will always follow, there is no help, just watching it quietly. With.

    On this day, once again in the big mountains outside the village, Lin Tian built a group of unknown tombs to greet Wu Yi back to the village, and vaguely felt that Wu Yi's spirit was weaker.

    What’s the matter? Uncomfortable

    He asked Wu Yi.

    Wu Yi shook his head, paused, micro-channel: "have it."

    With these two words in mind, her expression is still very quiet.

    Lin Tian couldn't calm down. These two words fell in his ears, and they were shaking like a big bell.

    Is Wu Yi pregnant? !


    He eagerly asked.

    Wu Yi nodded, and there was a new life in her body. Her breath was affected and weakened.

    With a positive answer, Lin Tian is even more uncertain. He is ecstatic and holds Wu Yi up.

    How can he not be excited when he learns that he has flesh and blood?

    This is more pleasant than the depleted life source is re-lighted, he is going to be a father!

    "Go back to the village."

    Wu Yi is soft.

    In the eyes of her own pregnancy, she also has a slight glimmer of light, but compared to Lin Tian's ecstasy, it can be called no wave.

    "Okay, go back!"

    Lin Tian was very happy and took Wu Yi to the village.

    Time, a little passing, the plains, Lin Tian teaches the villages cultivation, with these guests resisting the attack of the beasts once and again, building an unknown tomb in the mountains outside the village, and then, at other times, They are all around Wu Yi.

    In a blink of an eye, more than eight months passed.

    For more than eight months, his repairs were restored to Spirit Immortal Realm. Many of the villages under his guidance, the strongest to reach Divine Pulse 1-layer, the weakest reached the Body Refinement 7-layer, many times resisted The beasts that appear, only these guests can do it.

    After more than eight months, the day was sunny, and a baby’s crying sounded loudly in the village.

    There is no amazing vision of heaven and earth. It will be bred in nearly October. Everything is very calm. Like ordinary people, everything is very calm. On this day, Wu Yi gave birth to Lin Tian's flesh and blood. It is a girl, like a pink and jade, very cute.

    "You come to name it."

    Wu Yi is on Lin Tian.

    Lin Tian couldn't hide the excitement, smiled and nodded, and took the cute baby from the middle of Wu Yi.

    This is the child of him and Wu Yi, he and Wu Yi's daughter.

    "When she grows up, she will be as beautiful and powerful as you are."Looking at his flesh and blood, watching Wu Yi, his eyes finally fell on his daughter in the hands of him, he smiled and said: "If Ru Xian, Lin Ruoxian."

    In the middle of it, the newborn child seems to be able to understand his words and make a scream, like cheering.

    Lin Tian smiled more happier, then, the next moment could not help but tremble, deep in my mind, the shadow of a white girl suddenly flashed, faintly with a bit of playful, dying.

    This made him not help, what was the figure just now?

    "What happened?"

    Wu Yi asked.

    Lin Tian turned back and shook his head and said: "Nothing."

    The daughter of Yuli was tampering, and his mind was instantly attracted to the past, and all of them were full of this child.

    "How about this name?"

    He teased his daughter and asked Wu Yi.


    Wu Yi nodded and looked at the Small Ruoxian in Lin Tian's hand and smiled.

    Lin Tian is slightly stunned, and then laughs more intensely.

    "Congratulations to the brother! Congratulations! ”


    Wu Yi gave birth to Small Ruoxian on this day. The people in the village naturally knew it. Everyone came to congratulate and sent many things.

    These things are very common, but Lin Tian still collected all of them and thanked the people in the village one by one.

    On the day of great joy, others sent their minds, and he would not refuse.

    Time passed without knowing it, and it was five years in a blink of an eye.

    Five years later, Small Ruoxian was five years old. He could already run anywhere, and occasionally ran and ran. He would fly on his own and shocked many people in the village. Lin Tian himself was shocked.

    During these five years, he often accompanied Small Ruoxian, along with Wu Yi, with Small Ruoxian through many corners of the world, and even occasionally took himself to the Small Ruoxian, and was very fond of Small Ruoxian. But I have never taught Small Ruoxian cultivation, Wu Yi has never taught it. It can be said that Small Ruoxian has no repairs for Body Refinement 1-layer.

    However, it is just like this. Small Ruoxian can fly and run and do what Imperial Sky Realm can do. It is hard to let him move. This is really awkward.

    At the age of five, you can do this without cultivation. How amazing will it be if you step on the cultivation road in the future?

    "The guess when I first named her was really true. It will be as powerful as you in the future."

    He smiled happily and said to Wu Yi.

    The power of Wu Yi, he has a real understanding, a few years ago, when the charming woman of Imperial Sky Realm humiliated him, Wu Yi exudes a breath of sorrow, he knows a group of the most powerful, Chaos King Heavenly Vendor, the old gangster, the fairy lord and the burial dragon Heavenly Venerable, he has seen the body and experienced their peak breath, but the peak breath of those people, but no Wu Yi's breath at that time 慑People, Wu Yi at that time, like the Ruler of the world, Wan Dao is panicking.

    Now, seeing the strangeness of Small Ruoxian, he can't help but think that after Little Brat grows up on the cultivation road, he may actually be compared with Wu Yi.

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