Ten Directions God King The latest chapter, the 1970th chapter of the unknown tomb, floating astronomy
    It’s a miracle, because of the unprepared circumstances that led to True God’s robbery, and the chaos of the 180,000 innocent creatures, which can be said to be a miracle, but now He was still very low when he was exhausted.

    Compared with this, what makes him more uncomfortable is the death of the 180,000 souls, which is like a magic mountain on his shoulder.




    A voice rang, the door of the house was pushed open, and a little boy opened the door and saw Lin Tian woke up, revealing a touch of joy.

    "You wake up!"The boy was about eight or nine years old and walked in from outside the house. He said: "My grandfather and I saw you hurt outside the village. When you have a lot of blood, you will bring you back. You have been comatose for a few days. ”Then the little boy ran out and shouted: "Grandpa, he is awake!"

    Soon, an old man appeared in front of Lin Tian, ​​about 60 or so, his face was somewhat wrinkled, but his mental outlook was very good. He could see that his body was very good. He smiled at Lin Tian: "Wake up, just the old man burns. Have some food, get up and eat a little, it is good for the injury."

    Lin Tian thanked the old man, walked out of the house and went to another hut. The old man quickly came to the meal, very simple, but the taste was not bad.

    This time is noon, during the meal, Lin Tian learned a lot, the old man named Liu Shengde, the little boy named Liu Shengshi, the two grandsons and sisters, and the "small stone" is the name of the little boy.

    "Let the small stone take you to the village to get familiar with it. For the time being, you will live in the old man's house, and you won't get in the way."

    After the meal, Liu old told Lin Tian, ​​Lin Tian informed the old man's own name, and told him that he had not gone there. Now he is repaired as a total loss. He knows that this world is not Immortal Territory and cannot leave this world. Immortal Territory or Ten Directions Heaven Domain, and in this world, he really has no place to go, and he doesn't know where to go.

    "Thank you, old man."

    Lin Tian thank you.

    In fact, at his current age, his seniority is far higher than this old man. However, it is naturally impossible for him to call the old man as a junior. It is obviously inappropriate.

    "Let's go Elder Brother Lin, I will take you around."

    Small stone road.

    Lin Tian and the small stones went out and walked in the village, the air was very fresh.

    Looking at it, the village is very large, and there are probably more than a thousand households. There are also many people walking around the village, and there are some mountains around.

    Lin Tian and Xiao Shi walked in the village. I know that this place is not Immortal Territory. It is a wild world, but it is difficult to care about it at this time. Although I am walking in the village, I am thinking about other things, thinking about his accidental killing. Eighty thousand souls, thinking about his total loss of cultivation.

    "Elder Brother Lin, you seem to be very sad, what happened?"

    The small stone looked at him.


    Lin Tian shook her head and barely smiled.

    The little stone was suspicious, but it was not asked.

    Lin Tian continued to walk in the village with the small stones, and then the night slowly descended, and the time passed quickly, and three days passed.

    In the past three days, Lin Tian has been staying in the village. She tried to find ways to restore her cultivation. However, there is no way at all. The source is exhausted, let alone the restoration of the past, and even the recultivation is already impossible.

    During the three days, he often worried about his own cultivation and thought about his loved ones. After he was repaired, he could not leave the world and could not see friends and family again.

    The more thoughts are still the 180,000 people who have been killed by him. These days, as soon as they close their eyes, they are full of fears before they die, making it difficult for him to sleep, even if they fall asleep. I have always had a nightmare. In my dream, the 180,000 dead creatures became Malicious Ghost and demanded him.

    "Sorry, I really didn't mean it."

    In three days, he often talks like this, his eyes are often confused.

    Three days later, on this day, he walked out of the village alone, dug a pit in a barren hill outside the village, and then stood on the monument, but there was no word on the tablet.

    He accidentally killed 180,000 creatures. He did not know the names of those people. He could only set up an unknown tomb.

    Time, day by day, he often walked out of the village and had been doing this in the mountains. At night, he thought about the old people who were in Ten Directions Heaven Domain.

    On this day, when he was preparing to go to the mountains to set up a tomb for the 180,000 souls, there was a panic and scream outside the village. There were beasts with black hairs appearing outside the village, and more than one, more than 80 Around the head, a few of you just out of the village were directly attacked. In a blink of an eye, one person died and the body was torn.

    "How……How come suddenly so many wild beasts? ! ”

    In the village, a lot of villagers have changed their faces.

    This world, a variety of wild animals, all are very fierce, there are often wild animals outside the village, but generally only two or three, and never have so many wild animals once, All the villagers were shocked. It was only after a few breathing hours that someone reacted and shouted "Help me quickly."

    At the moment, some other young and middle-aged people in the village have quickly returned to the house to take hunting knives and hunting spears. Because there are many beasts in this world, the people in the village will naturally prepare some sharp weapons that can hurt the wild beasts.

    At this time, Lin Tian naturally saw this scene. Seeing several horrified escapes facing dozens of wild beasts, there was a horror in the mind before the death of the 180,000 souls. I didn’t even think about it. Directly rushed out and ran towards the dozens of wild beasts.

    "Elder Brother Lin, dangerous! You have no weapons! ”

    The small stone saw this scene and could not help but scream.

    Some other villagers saw Lin Tian rushing out of the village and rushing toward the dozens of wild beasts. Obviously, Lin Tian was going to save people, and they were all moving, because Lin Tian was completely rushed out.

    Lin Tian did not respond to these people for a while, and soon rushed to the dozens of wild beasts outside the village, and saw humans rushing, dozens of wild beasts, directly a singularly tall beast, screaming, fierce He rushed, the probe biting Lin Tian, ​​and a stinking smell came from his mouth.

    Lin Tian had no expression on his face, swaying away from it, while his right hand swung out and a fist fell on the neck of the wild beast.


    The tall beast of Zhang Xu was screaming and screaming, and the blood in the mouth rushed, and it fell quite straight, and did not climb again.

    This scene, immediately seen in the village a group of villagers vividly eclipsed.

    "Hands, just a punch, just…"

    Many people are shocked.

    Good.That's awesome!

    Xiao Shi and Liu Shengde’s old man were also surprised.

    At the same time, several besieged guests who are shunning the beast attack also change color. They often exercise themselves on weekdays. Their bodies are very burly and their strength is not weak, but they are far from being able to do a boxing killing of a wild beast. Lin Tian, ​​who is much thinner than them, has done this easily.

    "You go first."

    Lin Tian said to them, while another fist fell on a wild beast, in a tragic sound made this wild beast fall on the spot.

    Nowadays, he has repaired all but lost, but after all, he used to be a powerful cultivator. The strength of Physique that has not been cultivated is far from being comparable to other people who have not been repaired. Moreover, the combat experience is extremely abundant, not to mention these are the most The ordinary savage of the Body Refinement 3-layer, even a group of Divine Pulse Realm cultivators, can't be his opponent. He can easily capture the deadly points on the body of these wild beasts, and then simply hit them. inverted.

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