Ten Directions God King The latest chapter, the first seven hundred and seventy-seven chapter Mo Bairen shot, floating astronomy
    The figure that came out of Stone Coffin was full of red hair, like a bloody demon, a breath of breath.

    As it screamed, a dozen emperor disciples were shattered, and even Divine Soul minced meat was swallowed up. These scenes really shocked everyone.


    Some people yelled and the voices were a little trembling.

    Awkward, each and everyone The emperor discipline was evacuated at a faster rate and was frightened by this red-haired ancient corpse.

    Lin Tian's group of people is also very fast, and in a blink of an eye is a long way to retreat.


    Ancient corpse roaring, pupils infiltrating people, like a snake-like sensation eyes sweeping over everyone, then fell on Lin Tian's group of people, directly to Lin Tian and others.

    Fuck that, man. So many people, how can we chase us? ! ”

    A glimpse of White Tiger.

    With the red hair ancient corpse chasing, this place, the entire ancient tombs are shaken, and there are other evil spirits rushing out, also rushing toward them, as if the red hair ancient corpse horse head is like, Follow the other side and move.

    "It should be that Blood Qi, who is sensing our group, is the most honest and strong, so chasing us."

    Lin Tian sighs.

    With this in mind, he waved his hand and sacrificed the Five Thunder Shake Heaven Secret Art to create a purple thunder.

    These thunder and light have great restraint on the evil spirits, and in a blink of an eye, they are crushed onto the red hair ancient corpse.

    However, the strength of the red haired ancient corpse is too strong, and the purple thunder he sacrificed is completely useless to the other party.


    Red hair ancient corpse 嘶吼, faster, mixed with smoldering, very fast.

    Behind him, the piece of Yin Soldiers will follow, like a long river of death, pressed to Lin Tian and others.

    These pictures have to be said to be awkward.

    A group of people started to dig out the Divine Ability Secret Technique, bombarding them backwards, while blocking the approach of the red-haired ancient corpse, while cleaning up the ordinary Yin Soldiers along with the red-haired ancient corpse.

    The sound of Pū Pū Pū continues to blast, and each and everyone's ordinary Yin Soldiers will be turned into ashes under the pedestrian's Divine Ability.

    However, this has no effect on the red-haired ancient corpse, and it can only block the other's footsteps.


    A sigh, red hair ancient corpse stepped in, blink of an eye in Lin Tian's group of people, the surging death breath can seem to annihilate everything, shocking.

    Lin Tian changed color and first propped up Immortal Dao Samsara Chart, intertwined with vastness and majesty, and greeted each other.

    With a bang, Immortal Dao Samsara Chart fell on the ancient corpse, making the red cient corpse a cockroach.

    However, it was only a moment. The next moment, the red hair ancient corpse once again pressed to a group of people.

    "Attack together!"

    Lin Tian whispered, Immortal Dao Samsara Chart propped up again, shaking the ten-square space and shaking again, hitting each other again.

    At the same time, Ni Yaoyao and others all offered the strongest means to bombard the ancient corpse.

    This time, the red haired ancient corpse was shaken out dozens of feet away. Lin Tian and his team seized the opportunity and stayed away.

    However, the next moment, the raging dead air is once again, and the red haired ancient corpse once again rushed toward the party.

    "I …Can someone else chase after him? ! ”

    Five Elements Alligator airway.

    Lin Tian didn't say anything. The pedestrians retired at a faster speed. It was this red-haired ancient corpse that was a bit horrible, and the front side was counterbalanced.

    In a twinkling of an eye, they are escaping far away.

    Just then, in front, there were footsteps in the darkness, very steady, and a youth came over from there.

    Looking at this person, Lin Tian immediately moved.

    At the same time, Bai Ziqi and others also had a slight complexion.

    "The Hundred Immortal List first, Mo Bairen, he also entered this ancient tomb?!"

    White Tiger whisper.

    Almost as its words just fell, a slamming sound, the rear of the red hair ancient corpse suddenly skyrocketed, directly from it and Lin Tian lined up next to people, this time did not care about them, and went straight to Mo Bairen.

    “It’s really the first goal of Blood Qi’s honest people!”

    Five Elements Alligator Eyes move, Mo Bairen is in the True God Intermediate Stage, and Blood Qi is definitely a lot more frustrating than them. Now, the red haired ancient corpse rushed to Mo Bairen, and Lin Tian’s previous speculation was Right.

    Lin Tian stopped and looked at the front.

    At this time, the red hair ancient corpse is very scary, and it is rushing to Mo Bairen, and it sounds like a scream of sensation. The black mist of the whole body is completely surging, and the first time to explore the corpse, toward Mo Bairen grabbed the past.

    Mo Bairen is very silent, there is no expression change, and the pace has not changed. It seems that he did not see the red-haired ancient corpse that was attacked. He walked directly from the other side of the attack and was not hit by the other's ghost claws. .

    The pace is still very smooth, even as if he did not see Lin Tian and others, walked by Lin Tian and his party.

    At the rear, the red hair ancient corpse did not move, as if it had been fixed.

    Then, the next moment, when Mo Bairen walked completely from Lin Tian's line of people, a sigh of sound came out, and the red haired corpse exploded directly, and the black ash that turned into pieces was dissipated.

    "This, this, this…"

    The White Tiger spoke up and his hair blew up.

    Next to them, Ni Yaoyao, Bai Ziqi and Yang Qí are also eclipsed.

    Even if it is as powerful as Lin Tian, ​​the eyelids can't help but jump.

    The red hair ancient corpse, but comparable to the Half-Step Heavenly God level, but just attacked Mo Bairen, Mo Bairen walked by him, he did not even see Mo Bairen shot, but that red hair The ancient corpse was destroyed.

    What is the strength of this? !

    Five Elements Alligator blinked and couldn't help but swallow: "Hundred Immortal List First, rumors have killed the Initial Stage Heavenly God, fruit…Sure enough, it is a well-deserved name! ”

    The footsteps of Baobaba echoed between the tombs. Mo Bairen stepped slowly and crossed the depths of the ancient tomb, and soon disappeared in front.

    Lin Tian looked there, his eyes could not help but blink, until after a few breaths, it was calm.

    "We also keep up."

    He said.

    "Come up? What to do

    White Tiger is slightly suspicious.

    Lin Tian squinted at it: "What can I do to find the treasure inside?"

    White Tiger roll one's eyes : "Grandpa Tiger thinks it's alright, there is Mo Bairen, what can we get?"

    "Look at your lack of interest."Lin Tian, ​​looking at the direction of Mo Bairen's departure, said: "With his current strength, the general things are difficult for him. I guess he should have other purposes to enter this ancient tomb, not Come for the treasures of the treasures in this ancient tomb."


    Listening to him saying this, White Tiger couldn't help but look bright, and the Five Elements Alligator on the side couldn't help but move.

    "No reason, intuition."

    Lin Tian Road.

    He said, he greeted a group of people and went straight to the depths of the ancient tomb.

    He has gone so far, and other people have naturally followed.

    "I hope it’s as you guessed it."White Tiger fangs, paused and some curiosity, said: "Speaking, what happened to the previous red cient corpse? A blood pond is filled with a Stone Coffin, and it seems obvious that someone deliberately did it. ”

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