Ten Directions God King The latest chapter, the 1770th chapter waste, floating astronomy
    The silver Four Form Seal is mixed with the power of annihilating Seal. The purple Five Thunder Shake Heaven Secret Art is directly swayed by the ten-party space of this place, and the mighty Qiu Qianmo is falling towards the opposite side. under.

    At the same time, the Knowledge Sea vision of Qiu Qianmo and several other Divine Techniques ushered in.

    The two men’s surgery hit their eyes together.

    For a time, with a bang, everything around it exploded, and there was a big storm here.

    "Good! Not even weaker than I thought! There is a value of killing! ”

    Qiu Qianmo sneered.

    Lin Tian's expression is indifferent, step by step, directly propped up Samsara Chart, and does not want to spend time with this Qiu Qianmo.

    As Samsara Chart came out, a bang, the breath of God's sacredness, illuminate the space of the ten squares.

    Qiu Qianmo squinted and greeted the picture, and he actually raised a bit of pressure.


    He sneered.

    The next moment, a bang, five pieces of the real Grand World from behind him, five different Immortal Dao, such as Jinmu Shuihuo, flashed in it, intertwined with amazing five elements, as if you can suppress everything.

    This is……Five elements? ! ”

    "King's domain of the Five Elements King Body! That Qiu Qianmo, directly propped up King's domain? ! ”

    "This breath, really, really…"

    Inside the Emperor God Academy, a disciple of the emperor's courtyard moved.

    Qiu Qianmo, the five-line King Body, Hundred Immortal List Third, this time with Lin Tian, ​​actually directly supported King's domain.

    King's domain, this is the most powerful means of King Body!

    DeadOutside the imperial court, the void rumbling and humming, Qiu Qianmo looked at Lin Tian, ​​King's domain, and the five elements of the sky directly pressed, really like five real Grand World in the fall: "Primordial Chaos Tower, I will use it for you. To the strongest!"

    Rumble, the five elements of the body of the mighty atmosphere, in the twinkling of an eye is the pressure to Lin Tian near, the momentum is forced.

    Lin Tian is expressionless, does not evade, and directly rushes to the front of Samsara Chart.

    Then, the next moment, with a bang, he walked directly through the five elements and came to Qiu Qianmo.

    This scene, the sudden Qiu Qianmo face changed, his King's domain turned out to be invalid for Lin Tian?

    At the same time, other disciples in the Imperial Academy were also eclipsed.

    "Before Ye Yinshang's talent Divine Ability didn't work for him. Now, the King's domain of the Five Elements is also useless to him. So, what's going on?!"Many people are shocked and can't figure it out.

    Outside the Emperor God Academy, Qiu Qianmo is a pupil who stands up: "What have you done!"

    His glare is pressing, and Lin Tian asks Lin Tian, ​​and at the same time quickly retreats, the Tiansara Chart pressed by Lin Tian is terrible.

    "I don't want to kill me to win the tower, what are you going back now?"Lin Tian irony: "Waste!"

    "What do you say about me?!"

    Qiu Qianmo's nephew immediately stood up, and the dawn became more aggressive, like a fierce beast.


    Lin Tian repeats, Samsara Chart is not scattered, once again pressed to the other side.

    Qiu Qianmo's scorpion became extremely cruel, full of dark hair, killing intent, forced: "You are looking for death!"

    A bang, a full number of Immortal Dao was propped up by him, and the Tao Man was forced. At the same time, the Knowledge Sea vision and other dozens of Divine Ability were sacrificed together, and the body even had red divine ability surging. Out, illusion of a blood phoenix.


    The phoenix is ​​earth-shattering, and in a twinkling of an eye, it combines with the dozens of Immortal Dao, the Knowledge Sea vision and the dozen Divine Ability. It turns into an even more colorful phoenix.

    Moreover, King's domain is also supported by the five elements, blending into this colorful phoenix, and the atmosphere becomes stronger.


    "It is rumored that Qiu Qianmo had been quenched with phoenix blood in the past, and with some of the power of the gods and phoenixes, it seems that there really is such a thing!"

    This is……The power of the five elements of King Body and Faerie Shenhuang? ! ”

    Inside the Emperor God Academy, a lot of disciplines can't help but tremble, and they are heartbroken by Qiu Qianmo's power.

    At the same time, Lin Tian felt a huge threat, and the power that Qiu Qianmo offered made him slightly cold.

    However, his expression is the same, and the prodig divine light is interwoven.

    With a bang, Samsara Chart was motivated by him. Immediately, the nameless, Thunder Immortal Dao and the natural Immortal Dao emerged. The eye and Samsara Chart merged into Immortal Dao Samsara Chart, and Divine Technique such as Four Form Seal also Come out and meet each other.

    In a blink of an eye, the two hit together.

    In the Kakakka, surrounded by the void, the pieces collapsed in a piece, and the divine light smog drowned in the blink of an eye.

    The next moment, two sounds, two figures flying at the same time.

    Lin Tian's mouth was bleeding, and the body was broken, and the blood was dripping.

    On the other hand, Qiu Qianmo didn't have a good place to go, and half of the body collapsed, and the head was almost cracked. /p> "And, and that Qiu Qianmo, is comparable?!"

    "It’s not long before he and Ye Yinshang fight, and his strength is so strong?"

    "Is it already comparable to the Hundred Immortal List's third Qiu Qianmo?!"

    Inside the Emperor God Academy, many disciples of the emperor were shocked.

    "Lin Tian, ​​you are very good!"

    Qiu Qianmo shot a compelling glow in his eyes, whispered, and reunited Mortal Body in a blink of an eye, rushing to Lin Tian again.

    "better than you!"

    Lin Tian's cold ice and ice road, do not evade, the front meets.

    Qiu Qianmo is very powerful, it is a five-line King Body, and bathed in the blood of the fairy phoenix, Physique has become even more amazing, but how can he be worse? He is the Supreme Samsara Body!

    Moreover, not long ago, he reached the Immortal King peak from the Immortal King Intermediate Stage, and his combat power increased. In the case of only one small step difference from the other side, the combat power is never weaker than the other side.


    He waved Chaos Emperor Fist, and his fists were so powerful that Xianwei was shocked. In the twinkling of an eye, he collided with Qiu Qianmo again.

    Rumbled, the two touched each other, and the surrounding voids collapsed into pieces.

    It didn't take long for the two to fight to the heat of the day.

    At this time, in the Emperor God Academy, the Five Elements Alligator flashed a glimmer of light in the eyes, sneer: "Brothers, up!"

    As it said, it was the first to rush out, and it was very fast. In the blink of an eye, it came to the battlefields of Lin Tian and Qiu Qianmo, and directly propped up the strongest big five-line technique, and the mighty downhill toward Qiu Qianmo.

    At the same time, Ling Yun and Fan Yingxiong moved, Bai Ziqi and Yang Qí were no exception, all rushed out.

    Ling Yun, White Tiger and Yang Qí directly propped up the Knowledge Sea vision, spurred by the Immortal King level, and pressed against the ten sides.


    Thunder frightened, Bai Ziqi propped up King's domain God Weeping Palace, interweaving the power of the thunder.

    Fan Yingxiong did not reach the height of Immortal King, but it also reached the level of Half-Step Immortal King. At this time, King's domain was also motivated. The fairy mountain was magnificent and very motivated.


    The voice of the milk sounds from the sound of the milk, Little Taichu shakes the wings, the talent Divine Technique four spirits guard up, the power is stunned.

    All the killing Divine Technique, together with Qiu Qianmo fell.

    With so many killing Divine Techniques, Qiu Qianmo, who is confronting Lin Tian, ​​immediately trembled, and his back could not help but cool: "You…"

    (End of this chapter)

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