Ten Directions God King The latest chapter, the 1671th chapter of the Xianta manifestation is fascinating, floating astronomy
    The ancient scrolls are intertwined with vicissitudes of life, all over the ancient and varied patterns, and the atmosphere is grand and sultry.

    "With the deadline Bloodline, the Hundred Immortal List is the ninth, and also the next leader of Dead Spirit World. It really has a powerful means. If the scroll is out, even if it is trapped by the Killing Mark, There will be absolutely nothing!"

    "That Lin Tian, ​​without the Killing Array killer, in the current state of the above-mentioned bantam, I am afraid…"

    Many cultivators are scared.

    Lin Tian was also the first time to move, this scroll that covered the ancient lines made him feel a huge threat.


    Ye Yinshang indifferently said, directly down to Lin Tian.

    As his words fell, the ancient scroll went straight down to Lin Tian, ​​and the void in all directions was solidified for the first time, making Lin Tian have no way to retreat.


    The next moment, the ancient scroll exploded, directly drowning everything in the space, the sky and the earth collapsed together, and even the rolling magma rose to the sky.

    The atmosphere of destruction made everyone tremble.

    For a time, the light and fog will drown everything there.

    "That Lin Tian, ​​finished…Is it finished? ”

    Someone stared at the place.

    "It should be over, and in that state to meet such a blow, there should be no reason to survive."

    There is a cultivator road next to it.

    At this time, with a bang, a golden sword glow rushed out of the sky, and the speed was extremely fast.


    The blood splashed, and Ye Yinshang's chest was directly penetrated.

    There, the light and fog dissipated, revealing Lin Tian's figure, dying with blood, protected by a broken pagoda, intertwined with a glimmer of purple light, vast and majestic.

    ALIVEStill alive? ! ”

    WellDidn’t that kill a single blow? and they stay alive. This this……"

    A group of cultivators were shocked, even though the True God peak elders of the Emperor God Academy and the Lan Tianzhen were also moving.

    The scrolls that are all over the ancient lines can be destroyed even with the Initial Stage Heavenly God, but Lin Tian survived under the Divine Power, which consumed most of the time.

    "Is that remnant tower protecting him and blocking the bantam?!"

    "The remnant tower, and so on…Then, the breath is…Primordial Chaos Origin Qi ? ! ”

    LikeIt seems to be really Primordial Chaos Origin Qi, and it is very pure, it seems…It seems that only the legendary Hongmeng Tianjing can exude such a pure Primordial Chaos Origin Qi! ”

    HeIs his crucifixion, is it…"

    “Is it made of Hongmeng Tianjing?!”

    Looking at the purple residual tower outside the body of Lin Tian, ​​all the cultivators are discolored.

    Haven'tExactly! It is forged by Hongmeng Tianjing, it is not wrong! ”

    The Emperor God Academy's True God peak elders opened their eyes and were full of shock.

    It is absolutely impossible to make mistakes with people of his level.

    Outside the Emperor God Academy, the mountain group in the battlefield was almost completely scrapped. Ye Yinshang repaired the wound on the chest, looked at Lin Tian, ​​who was still alive, and looked at the purple remnant tower outside Lin Tian. The pupil could not help but shrink. Naturally, the residual tower of Lin Tian in vitro was forged from Hongmeng Tianjing.

    Opposite, Lin Tian is dyed with blood, breathing, and the Sun Nirvana Technique is running fast to repair the wound. At the same time, the broken purple tower in vitro is also rapidly polymerized and soon becomes complete.

    This is his Immortal Emperor Tower. Ye Yinshang was killed by the 10,000 shackles. The ruin was too strong. He only called the Immortal Emperor Tower, which was forged by Hong Kong Tianjing. body. Even so, the scroll still caused him to be hit hard, and the Immortal Emperor Tower was also broken.


    Suddenly, a broken sound sounded, within the Emperor God Academy, a figure rushed out and went straight to Lin Tian, ​​which is the tenth Lan Tianzhen of the Hundred Immortal List.

    "This tower, I want it!"

    Intertwined with the cold voice, Lan Tianzhen instantly appeared in front of Lin Tian and grabbed directly towards the Immortal Emperor Tower.

    A pagoda forged by Hongmeng Tianjing, this is the embryo of the peak Divine Weapon, which can evolve constantly, and even if it is destroyed, it can be reunited and worthy.

    "court death!"

    Inside the Emperor God Academy, Five Elements Alligator immediately yelled.


    Little Taichu moved at this time and rushed straight out. The six-color divine light covered the sky and the vastness pressed against Lan Tianzhen.

    The six-color divine light is turbulent, intertwined with unparalleled power, and annihilates everything for the first time.

    Lan Tianzhen, the pupil of the micro-coagulation, he heard that Lin Tian had a very terrible little beast and knew that it was the one that rushed at this time, but he did not expect such a strong, these six-color divine light pressed It directly made him feel a big threat.


    He pulled back and shunned the six-color divine light of Little Taichu.

    Immediately, the next moment, he rushed to Lin Tian again, and the raging gods rushed up, and dozens of Immortal Dao rules were also propped up together, and they had evolved a path of imagery, and forced Lin Tian from all directions to snatch Lower Im Tian's Immortal Emperor Tower.

    Little Taichu screamed angrily, six colors of fire rushing, drowning all the divine light illusions that were born to Lan Tianzhen.




    A series of crisp sounds came out. Under the six-color fire, Lan Tianzhen's phantom eyes were all burned.

    His real body was forced out, his face was so heavy, and his face was as strong as him. At this moment, he could not completely break the block of Little Taichu.

    Little Taichu looked at Lan Tianzhen, dissatisfied with the screaming, and the more raging six-color gods of fire intertwined, as if the waterfall of six-color gods was flooded toward Lan Tianzhen.

    At first, the Immortal Spirit World was incorporated into the body. After such a day, Little Brat has begun to extract the power within it, and it has reached the level of Immortal King peak.

    In the rumble, the ten-party space was annihilated for the first time, and it was completely ruined by the six-color fire. The turbulent flow of the space and the Chaos light were completely burned.

    Lan Tianzhen moved, and now propped up a powerful Divine Ability, greeted the six-color fire that Little Taichu offered.

    Lin Tian looked at the scene behind him and looked at Little Taichu. He smiled and looked at Lan Tianzhen. His eyes were a little cold, and then he looked at Ye Yinshang.


    Little Taichu completely dealt with Lan Tianzhen. He did not care about Lan Tianzhen at this time. He drove back to the original Immortal Emperor Tower and directly suppressed it to Ye Yinshang. At this time, he would kill this powerful enemy.

    However, at this time, in this battlefield, a black man appeared like a ghost, and immediately appeared to Lin Tian, ​​and immediately raised his hand to the Immortal Emperor Tower of Lin Tian, ​​the breath was better than the peak of Ye. Yinshang is still strong.

    That's…Yuan Yunfu! Hundred Immortal List Eighth, he…He is coming too? ! ”

    Inside the Emperor God Academy, the disciple of all the emperors is discolored.

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