Ten Directions God King The latest chapter, the first thousand seven hundred and fifty-six chapters of the dead sea of ​​blood, floating astronomy
    Ye Yinshang is in the heart of Half-Step True God. It is not far from the realm of True God. It is the ninth in the Hundred Immortal List. It is very powerful. He listened to White Tiger and asked him three questions to share with him. In the mood of Lin Tian's fist, his throat suddenly became cold and cold, and the cold sweep of the White Tiger.

    "Hey, hey, Grandpa Tiger? Is it fast enough to kill Grandpa Tiger? Nothing, come here, Grandpa Tiger gives you the opportunity to stand here and not move, you can kill and watch. ”

    The White Tiger stood up and screamed at Ye Yinshang.

    Around, a group of Emperor God Academy disciple is speechless. This station allows Ye Yinshang to kill in the Emperor God Academy. Can Ye Yinshang kill?


    Someone whispered.

    Ye Yinshang's face was colder, ruthlessly sweeping the White Tiger, and then stepping outside the Emperor God Academy, one step is to go to the emperor.

    At the same time, this time, he just walked out of the emperor's court and started to work. The right hand was raised, and the large-scale yin light turned into a rainy day.

    The space around the perimeter is completely eroded by this rainy weather.

    Lin Tian does not evade, the action is simple, and it is directly punched.

    With a bang, the two sides collided in a blink of an eye, and the ten-square space of the direct earthquake shook.

    Ye Yinshang's eyes are cold and cold. After the rainy weather, the whole person turns into a dark fog. For example, in the form of a shifting shadow, a large piece of killing and shading is swung from different corners, and the direction of extinction is pressed against Lin Tian.

    Lin Tian moves and moves like lightning, driving a thunderous light, waving Pure Heaven Sword Scripture, and waving the sky with a sword.




    The sullen light and the Pure Heaven sword light collide like a flying rain, making a squeaking sound, and the two are cracked and broken.

    Ye Yinshang directly propped up a cloud of fog, in which a pair of bloody scorpions lit up, as if they could swallow the heavens and the earth, and made a snarling roar in the fog, and shrouded straight toward Lin Tian.

    These scenes are a bit horrible, like the endless evil spirit that has been sealed in the Purgatory of the Ages. It seems to be swallowing up everything, and the temperature of this space suddenly drops.

    "This, this blow…"

    In the Emperor God Academy, the disciples of the emperors are all in vain. This scene is really awkward and shocking. Many people only feel that the next moment is like a broken down.

    "This Ye Yinshang is really a bit scary."

    Five Elements Alligator condenses eyebrows.

    Even the elders of the Royal God peak on the side of the True God peak can't help but be shocked by the power of this attack. It's hard to imagine that this is an attack that Half-Step True God can make.

    Lin Tian meets these skills, and naturally feels its terrible, but it is not afraid.


    He propped up the Four Form Seal Divine Technique. The silver divine chart has a diameter of several tens of feet. It is intertwined with the power of the Seal and the power of the enchanting force. It is straight toward the Divine Ability of Ye Yinshang.

    The two collided together, and immediately set off a side of the amazing storm in this place, shattering everything on the side of the lake, and a piece of gravel splashed toward the sky.

    Then, with two screams, the two men rushed together at close range, touching each other again and again, and the different gods passed through Secret Technique.

    "Some strengths are beyond my expectations."

    Ye Yinshang eyes are cold.

    "You are not bad, but this strength is in my expectation."

    Lin Tian is very calm.

    They talked in this way, but they did not stop, and the different gods were still in constant confrontation.

    Ye Yinshang's expression is cold, the unruly mans are intertwined, the whole sky is trembled, and the shadows seem to destroy the Heavens and extinguishing the Earth.

    Lin Tian is not afraid, just stepping forward, the different gods light surrounds, waving Chaos Emperor Fist to bombard each other, as if the God of War is born again, the battle is raging, a simple punch seems to destroy everything.




    After repeated collisions, the ten-party space violently vibrates and collapses everything.

    The two men’s battles were earth-shattering, and various treasures were intertwined on the periphery. In the blink of an eye, they were fighting for more than half an hour. The inch of land outside the Emperor God Academy could not stop breaking.


    Lin Tian threw a punch and fell on the chest of Ye Yinshang, and the slamming sound made Ye Yinshang's chest run through and sprinkled a large blood.

    However, at the same time, Ye Yinshang fell on the shoulders of Lin Tian with the claws of killing and shame, and directly grabbed a large piece of flesh and blood, almost tearing down Lin Tian's entire arm.

    Lin Tian's eyes are indifferent, no joy or no sorrow, Sun Nirvana Technique runs on his own, and the injury is in the blink of an eye. He is back to the other side and flies directly to Chaos Emperor Fist. /p> A bang, as he punched down, the space of the ten parties collapsed in the first place, and the sinister fog of the sky was intertwined.

    Ye Yinshang also punched, punching a large piece of cloudy fog, mixed with the power of endless corrosion, waving toward Lin Tian's head.

    In a twinkling of an eye, the two collided together and broke out with Heavenly God.

    Behind Lin Tian, ​​various heavenly visions rise, and at this moment, the Heaven Development Divine Technique is propped up. Every Heaven Development Divine Imitation has a breathtaking atmosphere that seems to be able to destroy everything.

    Ye Yinshang's expression is unchanged, the yin is condensed, and a ghostly ghost is formed, and there are complicated gods. The intertwined characters are intertwined with extremely amazing strength.




    The two collided again, and the different gods came out together, annihilating the ten-party space again and again.

    In the end, the two men went from the outer periphery of the Emperor God Academy to the vast wild mountains not far away. In the twinkling of an eye, there were several mountains that were annihilated by the collision of two people. The vast gods were surging, and the different gods passed Secret Technique. Explicit, both are very popular.

    "The two people, really, really…"

    In the Emperor God Academy, the Emperor God Academy disciple is more heart-wrenching, and many people can't help it. It is really a collision between Lin Tian and Ye Yinshang. It is terrible, and it is a divine force aftermath. Let everyone feel tremble.

    The True God peak emperor is also moving again. Lin Tian and Ye Yinshang are both at the Immortal King Level, but it is such a powerful force that really shocks him. At the beginning, when he was at this level, how could he have such a terrible strength?




    Time flies and half an hour passes. In the deserted mountains outside the Emperor God Academy, the collision between Lin Tian and Ye Yinshang has almost reached the stage of white heat. The divine light has been touched again and again, and the two have injured each other again and again. They were all injured and the battles were comparable.

    Enough is enough.

    The icy sound sounded, and Ye Yinshang’s scorpion was indifferent and slamming, and behind him, a vast ocean of waves and waves rushed up, interweaving the shocking blood of the human body, as if the blood of God Emperor was out of the crowd. It seems that everything in the world can be completely melted.

    "Death blood!"

    Inside the Emperor God Academy, a group of cultivator simultaneous trembles.

    (End of this chapter)

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