Ten Directions God King The latest chapter, the first six hundred and sixty-six chapters of Ning Yueyue hundreds of years later, floating astronomy
    Lin Tian listened to White Tiger's words, paused, saying: "First to help you improve, then, we go to Immortal Territory."

    Five Elements Alligator and Little Taichu are still in Immortal Territory. He had originally planned to go to Immortal Territory to find them after the White Tiger, but he didn't want to enter the curse because of some accidents. However, this accident made him find Ling Yun here, but it was also a matter of luck, because at that time, if he did not enter the world because of accident, Ling Yun would be very dangerous, or it would be because of the night And the suffering will be caused by the rising cone in the black Ancient Temple.

    Because, the night of the South tribe is in that square to seek ascending evil cone, find ascending evil cone where the ancient Temple is only a matter of time, also absolutely have the ability to break open black ancient Temple outside restriction, and this lineage as long as the foreign people live in that piece, Will be ruthless kill, so, in the discovery of the black ancient Temple in the Ling Yun, in the break open ancient Temple outside the restriction, will definitely Ling Yun under the killer. When the ascending cone disappears, Ling Yun will suffer. After all, the mouth is too terrible. If he did not call the old gangster, he would die because of the evil cone.

    Now, with some heavenly treasures to help White Tiger improve, he is ready to go directly to Immortal Territory.

    "Go to Immortal Territory?"

    White Tiger blinks.

    "Kid, can you reach the legendary Immortal Territory directly from this world?!"

    Ling Yun is also very surprised.


    Lin Tian nodded.

    Now, they live in the curse world. The space barrier of the curse is very strong. It is not much different than the Immortal Territory. To open a space tunnel from the curse to the Immortal Territory, at least the Heavenly Immortal level is repaired. Normally, he is now It is impossible to do this step. However, the Immortal Emperor Tower in his body gathers the power of endless faith, and with the power of these vast beliefs, from here to open a road to Immortal Territory, barely can do it.

    At the moment, he found a hidden point in the Fangshan masses, engraved a large blockade of the ban, and then took out a pile of Tiandi Dibao and Stars Stone to the White Tiger.

    “First reach Eternal Realm with these, and after some time, refine and refine other Tiandi treasures and upgrade to True Immortal.”

    He is on the White Tiger Road.

    At present, he has a lot of talents in his body, which is enough to make White Tiger reach the realm of True Immortal. However, White Tiger is now only Void Emperor Realm, and once it reaches True Immortal, it is too fast and not good for Dao Foundation, so he is ready to let White Tiger reach the eternal and inextinguishable state, and then completely stabilize the Dao Foundation. , refining and refining Tiandi Dibao rose to True Immortal.

    After that, he and Ling Yun defended the White Tiger, and White Tiger began to refine the pile of heavens he gave.

    So, a dazzling, a month passed.


    On this day, this place ignited a strong and powerful demon, and there was a demon wind sweeping around.

    White Tiger, through the many natural treasures given by Lin Tian, ​​reached Eternal Realm on this day in the past month.

    "This is the Eternal Realm Level, and it will never die under normal circumstances. This feeling is really different! ”

    White Tiger has bright eyes.

    Eternal Realm is a big watershed on the cultivation road. Once you enter Eternal, you can live with the world. At this time, the White Tiger is somewhat excited, until the past dozens of breaths are calm.

    "Now, into Immortal Territory?"

    Ling Yun asked Lin Tian at this time.


    Lin Tian nodded.

    He left White Tiger to break into this place of Eternal Realm, took White Tiger and Ling Yun to a relatively empty place, let the two go further, and then directly called Immortal Emperor Tower from the body.


    As he moved his mind, the power of faith began to emerge from the Immortal Emperor Tower, a piece of white, just like the source of the world.

    Then, these beliefs are getting more and more and more and more concentrated, and it is almost necessary to drown this space.

    FaithWhite Tiger moved: "Are you going to force the way to the Immortal Territory from here?"

    For the pure white light that emerged from the Immortal Emperor Tower, it is clear that it has been clear. Over the years, it has been preaching with Tu Xianxian, but it has not touched these forces.

    "Faith, so much?!"

    Ling Yun was also surprised. She knew that this was the power of faith. When Lin Tian returned to Ten Directions Heaven Domain, she mentioned this power.

    Lin Tian nodded and said: "After all, it is a small fox and a small Ye Tong for hundreds of years of hard work."

    As a result, more of the power of faith has flowed from the Immortal Emperor Tower, and in a blink of an eye it has gathered into a sea of ​​a side faith.

    Lin Tian's scorpion is intertwined with the finest characters, and the mind is fretting, compressing these vast beliefs and then gathering them into his right fist.

    This process lasted for dozens of breaths, his fists radiated a pure white light, no horrible pressure and horrible fluctuations, only an indescribable purity, and a boundless vastness.

    He closed his eyes and the Immortal Dao law emerged, sensing the position of Immortal Territory. After half a ring, he opened his eyes and slammed directly over the sky.


    A loud explosion, a great earthquake, directly broke through a huge space tunnel, there is an amazing Immortal Dao wave from the space tunnel, which is more than ten times stronger than the Immortal Dao of this curse. many.

    Ling Yun and White Tiger felt the sensation of Immortal Dao, and they were shocked: "There is the legendary Immortal Territory?"

    Lin Tian nods, puts Immortal Emperor Tower down: "Go!"

    In the words, he wrapped the White Tiger and Ling Yun in golden divine light and walked directly into the space tunnel on the sky.

    For a moment, he, Ling Yun and White Tiger disappeared into this curse.

    Immediately, the next moment, the space tunnel on the sky was closed.

    The two men and one beast were drowned by the innocent darkness. After that, I don’t know how long it took. There was a bright light coming forward, and one of them vigorously shocked the two people and one beast.

    Looking, from the space tunnel, they are at this time in a side vast ocean, there are terrible waves in the tumbling, the air with amazing moisture, while the spirit Qi fluctuation is also unusually strong, to a farther position to see, you can see a seat island, There is a towering Immortals Mountains tower.

    "Here, is Immortal Territory?"

    White Tiger and Ling Yun looked around.


    Lin Tian Road.

    Immortal Territory The atmosphere in the air is very different from other worlds. He is not the first time to come to the Immortal Territory. The position that appeared at this time, although he has not been in the Immortal Territory before, but he is still the first time to be sure This place is Immortal Territory.

    Moreover, after sensing the Immortal Territory, he broke the space and shredded roads with the power of the vast and unbelievable faith. There was no accident during this period. It was impossible for them to walk through the space tunnel. Other places, only Immortal Territory.

    “Here, is the endless ocean position of Immortal Territory?”

    He is talking to himself.

    Originally entered Immortal Territory, he saw many ancient book, immortal Territory not only countless great province, and there are vast expanse of ocean and desert area, this time, they appear in Immort Al Territory, looking around, the quartet is the ocean that cannot see the end of the sea, is located in a huge island, so, here should be immortal Territory endless sea.


    Suddenly, not far from the a side of the island, the powerful Divine Power fluctuated, with the amazing Immortal Dao rule intertwined.

    Lin Tian immediately moved, looking towards the island not far away.


    At the edge of the island, dozens of Divine Power were surging, and in this, he felt a familiar atmosphere.

    Ling Yun saw his strange expression and looked at the island not far away: "What's the kid?" What did you feel? ”

    Lin Tian's eyes are intertwined with singularity, and suddenly a flash of light is shining. One step is endless, and it is across the island.

    Ling Yun and White Tiger are curious and puzzled, and they are now up.

    The two people and one beast are very fast, headed by Lin Tian, ​​and soon they are at the edge of the island.

    Looking around, at the edge of the island, a dozen men surrounded a girl in the middle, all at True Immortal peak.

    "Small girl, I will hand over the immortal grass, we can put you in a path, otherwise, not only immortal grass will fall into our hands, you will also…Hi

    One of the shirtless men sneered and flashed a sinister light in his eyes.

    The other twelve men, all with a smile on their faces, stared at the girls at this time are very naked.

    The girl is very beautiful, she is dressed in a green dress, she is slim, and she has a sword in her hand. Her face looks pale. She is already very seriously injured. She has a lot of blood on her body. She is staring at 13 men: "You can't think about it." !"

    Lin Tian looks at the girl in the green dress far away. Although she has been driving for so many years, although the girl has changed from a 13-year-old girl to a slim girl, he still recognizes it at a glance. This is Yue Yue, Ning Yueyue, the direct descendant of the founding ancestor of the Purple Unfettered Treasure Faction he joined after entering the Immortal Territory.

    At the Purple Unfettered Treasure Faction, he was embarrassed by a Golden Immortal elder who injured him and even killed him. At that time, if it wasn't for Ning Yueyue, he and Five Elements Alligator and others estimated that they had to suffer. He also remembers how the 13-year-old Ning Yueyue to defend him, see his face angry after his injury, for he even will purple unfettered treasure faction of the apologetics killing Array has opened, forcing the Golden I Mmortal elders and several other elders apologized to him, and then deprived the golden Immortal elder of his hands of a year of salary, depriving him of all the cultivation resources that had provoked his inner door disciple three years.

    "Toasting, not eating and drinking!" Hey, don't blame us later! ”The sinister light in the eyes of the shirtless man becomes more intense: "A woman like you, who is so watery, will taste very good! After I got the immortal grass, I waited for it to take turns! Hey, by the time, you can also taste the scent of flying on the sky…"


    Swords and screams, interrupting the words of this person.

    Lin Tian started, a golden sword glow, the speed across the lightning, and the eyebrows passed through this person.


    Blood Sputtering, the body of this man was instantly shattered by a sword, and also disappeared together with the god Soul Body.

    Such a scene, the time is exciting for the other twelve men and the green skirt girl is simultaneously discolored.


    Twelve men were horrified, and they were visually looking towards the direction of the golden sword glow.

    The girl in the green skirt also looked at the direction of the golden sword glow, and then she saw Lin Tian. First, she was surprised and happy: "Lin Tian brother!"

    PS: The two chapters of tomorrow are updated, probably at night.

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