Ten Directions God King The latest chapter, Chapter 1,266, Swallow God Devour Dao, Astronomy
    Looking at the black shirt that you walked into the distance, Lin Tian still has a look. The slightest movement is the distance from the endless distance. The next moment appears in front of the black shirt, and the other side is stopped.

    The black shirt is amazed, quickly changing direction and walking away from another position. At this time, he already understood that he, Blue Youth and Huangpao Youth had kicked the iron plate this time. This person is definitely not the one he can now compete with. Now, only the escape is the possibility to save his life.

    However, Lin Tian's speed is much faster than him, and it is to stop the escape route, and the palm of the hand is pressed down.


    A powerful palm, Physique is unparalleled, and interwoven with Pure Yang Flame, on the spot is the crush of the black shirt youth.

    However, this time, he did not directly kill this person like the yellow robe youth and the blue dress, just smashed the man's Mortal Body and left his Divine Soul with the power of Four Form Seal. Detained to his own eyes.

    "Kid, the divine light he just shot…"

    White Tiger looked at the center of the mountain. Before that, the black shirt had a divine light there.

    Lin Tian swept his eyes in that direction and said: "It's nothing more than a strong person who is in that position in the power behind them. Reporting about us, it's no big deal."

    As he said, his gaze fell on Divine Soul, who was shackled by Four Form Seal.

    "You…What you will do …

    Looking at Lin Tian, ​​the black shirt has a fearful color in the eyes.

    Lin Tian didn't take care of each other. The original Divine Sense was sacrificed for the first time. He did not directly enter the person's Divine Soul and rudely searched for everything in this person's Divine Soul.

    Soon, dozens of breaths passed, and Divine Sense, who had not entered the Divine Soul, withdrew, and smashed a Pure Yang Flame to burn the Divine Soul.

    "How, what did you find? Can you know where we are now? ”

    White Tiger asked.

    "The curse world."

    Lin Tian Road.

    As he had guessed, the space that he and White Tiger entered through the crack in the space in the black hole was indeed the curse, the blues youth and the black shirt before you performed the magic, and it was indeed the Divine Technique. .

    "The curse?"

    White Tiger is slightly suspicious.

    For these two words, it was the first time I heard about it.

    After all, it hasn't been to Immortal Territory, and is not familiar with the many other Grand World parallel to Immortal Territory.

    “The Grand World, which is far wider than Starry Sky, is not much worse than the Immortal Territory.”

    Lin Tian, ​​and White Tiger talk about the curse.

    “Is it much worse than Immortal Territory?!”

    White Tiger was surprised.

    Although it has never been to Immortal Territory, but the legend of Immortal Territory is naturally known, listening to Lin Tian said that this curse and Immortal Territory are not much different, naturally it is a bit shocking.

    Lin Tian is a head-on, looking towards the center of the mountain.

    Only from Divine Soul in the black shirt, he not only confirmed that the world is a curse, but also learned about other things…Black shirt youth, blue clothing youth and yellow robe youth, three people are the children of a very old family in the curse world, the family name is "Night South", which is very tyrannical in the whole curse world, and there are many strong people in the family. This time, there are many strong people entering the mountain range in the night, and there is more than one hundred people in Profound Immortal, just for the ancient artifacts in the “Impertal King’s Immortal Palace” mentioned by the blue youth. There are several Half-Step Heavenly Immortal powerhouses coming together, and the lineup is amazing.

    Yellow robe youth, blue clothing youth and black shirt youth, three people come with the strong in the family, patrol the periphery of this mountain, guarding anyone to enter, in order to avoid obstructing the strong people in the family to explore the artifact, the inspection process No matter who enters this mountain range during this period, it will be treated with obliteration.

    "Swallow God Devour Dao."

    He whispered.

    Known from Divine Soul in the black shirt, the specific tier-rank of the artifact is hard to say, but it is extremely powerful, with a very awesome "Swallow God Devour Dao" ability to help the owner devour Enemy's Divine Power and Dao Power. Those who hold this piece of ancient artifacts, in the same big realm, whether facing any opponent, can be invincible, leaving a name in the history of the entire cultivation.

    "Swallow God Devour Dao? “What are you talking about?”

    White Tiger is slightly suspicious.

    Lin Tian didn't hide it, simply told the story of the ancient artifact.

    At the moment, White Tiger is surprised: "So exaggerated?! Anyone who controls it is enough to be invincible in the same realm? ! Doesn't that mean that anyone under the Profound Immortal can be swept by a normal Golden Immortal Initial Stage cultivator? Anyone with a normal Profound Immortal Initial Stage cultivator can stay unbeaten under Heavenly Immortal? ! ”

    "According to the perception of the piece of artifact in Divine Soul, that is true."

    Lin Tian Road.

    White Tiger is even more surprised: "This…"

    If so, the piece of artifact is terrible, purely in terms of value, comparable to the peak Divine Weapon, even more amazing than the Divine Weapon.


    Suddenly, the strong divine ability emerged from afar, and the five figures rushed toward this place, and it was almost in the blink of an eye.

    These are five middle-aged people, and the Divine Power in vitro is very undulating, with a hint of Profound Immortal, all in the realm of Half-Step Profound Immortal.

    "The three people who belonged to the same family belong to the same family, because the divine light that the black-shirt boy played, has it been killed from the center of this mountain?"

    White Tiger immediately moved.

    "Get rid of it."

    The five middle-aged people are indeed the same trio as the blue-shirt youth, and they are indeed killed here because of the divine light from the black shirt. The divine light contains the Lin Tian and White Tiger that appear in this mountain range. The figure includes the things that Lin Tian kills blue and you. This time I came here, the five middle-aged hands started directly, and they shot together, without any mercy. Obviously, they didn’t want to “see the ancient wares of Swallow God Devour Dao in this mountain range”. Any kind of interference, it is necessary to prevent someone from discovering such things and will be leaked out.

    As the five people worked together, the rumble, the whole piece of void was shaking, it seems that the next moment will collapse.

    In response to these divine abilities, White Tiger involuntarily squatted and asked Lin Tian: "Kids, have you played?"

    It knows that Lin Tian is so powerful that he has just stepped into the Golden Immortal Initial Stage to kill the strong of the Golden Immortal peak, but now he faces five Half-Step Profound Immortal, but he is not sure if Lin Tian can stop it. After all, although Half-Step Profound Immortal is still in the realm of Golden Immortal, the combat power is far from being comparable to the Golden Immortal peak cultivator.

    "By relying on the strength of your own body, you can't beat it."Lin Tian said, but his face is not a taboo expression, it seems very calm: "However, do not care about them."

    Ps: Tomorrow's update schedule, the first is about 12 o'clock, the second is around 18 o'clock.

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