Ten Directions God King The latest chapter, Chapter 1, 621, Golden Immortal, Astronomy
    Compared with many other Ancient Stars in Starry Sky, the Ten Stars are not very large, but they are colorful and lingering, giving a sense of mystery.

    “This is where the Master was originally cultivation?”

    Tu Xianxian looked at the ten-party Ancient Star, his eyes bright. Previously, she had heard a lot about Ten Directions Heaven Domain from Lin Tian's mouth, and now she has finally arrived here.

    "Let's go."

    Lin Tian Road.

    After a few hundred years to return to here, he has some feelings and a smile on his face.

    At the moment, the three entered the Ten Star Ancient Star, and soon entered the Ten-party Ancient Star and appeared in the Tenth Heaven Domain.

    In the past many years, since Lin Tian first unsealed the 10th Heaven Domain, although the Spirit Qi in this Heaven Domain is far richer than the 9-layer Heaven domain below, there is still no big force in this Heaven Domain. The entire Heaven Domain is a grassland. The only change is that, compared to the past, there are more and more excellent disciples who have brought this Heaven Domain to the cultivation of the big Inheritance of the lower Heaven Domain. At this time, many excellent young cultivators can be seen. This Heaven Domain is cultivated and maintains a very harmonious atmosphere with each other without any fighting.

    The reason is that when Lin Tian was still in Ten Directions Heaven Domain cultivation, in order to resist the invasion of Netherworld Clan, the great forces of the entire Ten Directions Heaven Domain were once linked together to fight together. After that, many big forces were involved. It is rare to reproduce the battle, the entire Ten Directions Heaven Domain's cultivation environment, unprecedented peace and tranquility.

    Lin Tian finally looked at this Heaven Domain, and Wu Yi sang, then took Tu Xianxian into the ninth Heaven Domain.

    Looking around, the ninth Heaven Domain is one of the mountains, and the river is one along the other. However, compared to some other Great Star worlds in Starry Sky, it is a lot worse, and Immortal Territory is even more incomparable.

    "Go to Misty Mountain?"

    Wu Yi asked Lin Tian.

    Lin Tian thought about it and nodded, "Good."

    After hundreds of years returning to Ten Directions Heaven Domain, Wu Yi must return to Misty Mountain. At this time, he asked him if he wants to go to Misty Mountain. He naturally would not refuse. After all, Zi Jingling and Little Ai are in Misty Mountain. He wants to see him.

    Wu Yi nodded, and there was no movement. The next moment disappeared. With Lin Tian and Tu Xianxian appearing between the vast mountains of the side, it was Misty Mountain.

    Subsequently, the three climbed the main peak of Misty Mountain.

    On the main peak, Zi Jingling and Little Ai Ai were all practicing, Lin Tian, ​​Wu Yi and Tu Xianxian boarded here. The two immediately felt that they woke up in a flash, and then they were all surprised and happy. Stop practicing.

    "Small clothes, big brother."Zi Jingling floated over, like the Immortal Territory elf, quite curious to look at the two, and then looked at Wu Yi, said: "Where did the small clothes were arrested? How did you meet your older brother? Actually came back together. ”

    For the time when Wu Yi was forcibly detained through the innocent, even if it had been for hundreds of years, she was not worried at all, because no one except Wu Yi knew more than Wu Yi. Not many people can threaten Wu Yi between this world.

    "I am not small."

    Wu Yi Road.

    Lin Tian couldn't help but laugh. Every time Zi Jingling called Wu Yi's small clothes, Wu Yi had to refute that I was not too small, which made him feel really interesting.

    Zi Jingling smiled, and floated behind Lin Tian, ​​holding a Lin Tian's neck like a little princess, saying: "Which big brother, have you been with the little clothes all these years?" Is there something happening? ”She said this with Lin Tian, ​​while Wu Yi next to her, with a little sly expression in her laughter.

    Lin Tian, ​​Yan Jing, Zi Jingling, this intuition is really accurate. In recent years, he has always been with Wu Yi.

    Zi Jingling took Lin Tian's neck and smiled at Lin Tian, ​​then saw the next Tu Xianxian.


    She asked Lin Tian.

    "My second discussion, Tu Xianxian."

    Lin Tian introduced Tu Xianxian to Zi Jingling, and then introduced Zi Jingling with Tu Xianxian.

    Also introduced to Little Ai Ai and Tu Xianxian.

    "Teacher is good, Little Ai is good."

    Tu Xianxian is very polite.

    After this, Lin Tian and Tu Xianxian stayed in this place for seven days, and then they left.

    After leaving Misty Mountain, about half an hour later, Lin Tian took Tu Xianxian to the outside of the a side Immortals Mountains.

    Looking around, the Immortals Mountains are full of temples and many floating islands. The Spirit Qi intertwined is very rich and many times stronger than any of the Big Inheritance in Starry Sky.

    “This is the first Immortal Courtyard created by Master?”

    Tu Xianxian has a bright look.


    Lin Tian laughed.

    When he came here, he did not stop, and took Tu Xianxian directly to the main entrance of the Immortal Courtyard, and immediately attracted the immortal sect of the Immortal Courtyard.

    "Immortal Emperor adults!"

    A group of celestial soldiers will be simulaneously bowed.

    Lin Tian was very easy-going, so that he didn't care about him. Then he took Tu Xianxian into the Immortal Courtyard.

    Soon after, he came to the a side courtyard in the depths of the Immortal Courtyard, including Lin Xi, Ji Yu, Bai Qiu and Xue Ye.

    Seeing the appearance of Lin Tian, ​​all the girls are a glimpse, and then they are all showing joy.

    After all, it has not been seen for hundreds of years.


    Lin Xi flew directly.

    Women such as Ji Yu, Su Shu, Xue Ye, and Bai Qiu also came along.

    "After a few hundred years, it is back."Bai Qiu said: "The idiot and Little Taichu, didn't come back with you?"When I left Ten Directions Heaven Domain, Five Elements Alligator and Little Taichu were with Lin Tian, ​​but now Lin Tian is back, but she has not seen the shadows of Five Elements Alligator and Little Taichu, which makes her curious. Later, she saw Tu Xianxian, followed by Lin Tian, ​​and asked Lin Tian: "Is this?"

    "Because of some special relationships, and Little Brat and idiots are separated, they should be fine."Lin Tian said, then introduced Tu Xianxian, said: "This is my second discipline."

    He said that he introduced Tu Qixian to Bai Xianu and other women.

    "Is the little fox you mentioned before?"

    "So cute."

    Bai Qiu and other women immediately surrounded the past.

    When Lin Tian first returned from Starry Sky, and they mentioned Tu Xianxian, when Lin Tian mentioned it again, they thought about it.

    Tu Xianxian is very polite, and I am very happy to see Ji Yu and others. After all, it is a close friend of the Master, and the next one is going to Ji Yu and others.

    This night, the compound in the depths of the Immortal Courtyard is very lively. Lin Tian returned after hundreds of years, and Ji Yu and others are naturally very happy.

    The night passed quickly and the sky became brighter. Immediately, the time passed quickly, and the half moon passed.

    Back to Immortal Courtyard, Lin Tian accompanied Ji Yu and other women for half a month. He entered the Immortal Emperor Tower in the center of Immortal Courtyard and was trapped in the airless area for more than 300 years. He has not cultivated for more than 300 years. Can not ruin the cultivation.

    At the same time, before the retreat, he took out a lot of Tiancaibao and handed it to Tu Xianxian, which was enough to make Tu Xianxian repair a big cut in a short time.

    As for Ji Yu and other women, it is absolutely unnecessary, because there are many Divine Objects that he used to send back to the Immortal Courtyard and Stars Stone, which can make Eternal Realm in a short time, plus the past. For more than three hundred years, and a few women are either King Body or aptitude is amazing, these many factors combined, now this time, several women's cultivation is already very strong, stronger than he is now Quite a lot,

    The heavenly treasures on his body, etc., are not of much use to several women such as Ji Yu.

    "Three hundred years."

    Lin Tian is quite a bit shameful.

    I have been trapped for more than three hundred years and cannot be cultivated. Even my sister’s cultivation has surpassed him. This has to be said to be a very embarrassing thing.

    However, for this, he is more happy. After all, the close people around you have become very strong, which is undoubtedly a great thing.

    Inside the Immortal Emperor Tower, he took a deep breath, and the Sun Heart Sutra went straight, with a light golden divine light coming out.

    A squint, dozens of breaths, he runs the Sun Heart Sutra to make his body spirit reach the peak state, and then take out a few purple fruit from the body, it is the purple wood that was originally obtained in the airless field. fruit.

    These gods are very extraordinary, refining a purple woody fruit, can allow anyone under Golden Immortal to upgrade a small step in a short time.

    He ran Sun Heart Sutra, and took a deep breath, and then began to refine the purple wood fruit.

    For a time, the very rich purple brilliance floated out of the purple woody fruit, and it blended into his body. It contained an amazing number of Immortal Dao fragments and was mixed with other miraculous powers. During the refinery of Sutra, the Immortal Dao shards and other miraculous forces were quickly absorbed into his flesh and blood and Divine Soul, making his spirits fast and strong, and repairing at a very amazing speed Climb up.


    For a time, his golden body in the body is more intense, and the power of the road is also stronger.

    So, a dazzling, a full year passed.

    A year past, this day, immortal courtyard above suddenly sounded a horror thunder, rolling paint black Thundercloud The first time together, evolved a side huge black vortex, the entire Nineth Heaven Domain became dark down, The breath of destruction and repression is overwhelming, making the nineth heaven Domain countless creatures blink trembling, as if the end of the world will come to the general.

    However, these circumstances did not last long, just a few breaths, the dark thunderclouds on the Scorpio were scattered, and the scent of destruction and repression disappeared instantly.

    At the same time, in the Immortal Emperor Tower of Immortal Courtyard, Lin Tian wraps around a golden divine light. At this time, his eyes are opened, and two thunders are dying.

    After a year of retreat, refining several pieces of purple woody fruit, and seriously understanding the body of the Thunder Immortal Dao and the nameless way, now, he entered the Golden Immortal level, which led directly to the gold Immortal Great Tribulation. However, at that moment, he temporarily withdrew from the Golden Immortal, causing the floating Golden Immortal Thunder Retribution to quickly dissipate.

    After all, he can't rob the Immortal Courtyard, which would directly ruin the Immortal Courtyard. Even this ninth Heaven Domain will suffer.

    "Be prepared, go to Starry Sky and cross the Golden Immortal."

    He is talking to himself.

    PS: The second is about 21 o'clock in the evening.

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