Ten Directions God King The latest chapter, the 1860th chapter of the Taishang attack, floating astronomy
    Incarnation incarnation, the destruction of Pluto incarnation, the imitation of the book of life and death, and the destruction of the Lord of Hell, the Extreme Cloudy Palace and the Fuya Temple were also destroyed. This happened in just one day, which made Lin Tian difficult. Moving.

    "The few people are simply…"

    An Shuishui took a cold breath.

    Outside the rumbling, the Extreme Cloudy Palace and the Fuya Temple are all divided, and then the split part is constantly broken and turned into pieces of stone.

    The Heavenly Venerable incarnation, the Heavenly Venerable incarnation, the Heavenly Venerable incarnation and the nameless souls live there, and the Heavenly Venerable suddenly looks in the direction of Lin Tian.

    Like the Heavenly Venerable and others, the appearance is hard to see, only a pair of deep scorpions can be seen.

    "Brother, that boy…"

    Heavenly Venerable asks Heavenly Venerable, and there is a hint of doubt in the scorpion of a black hole.

    Heavenly Venerable shook his head and said: "Go."

    Dao Ren Heavenly Venerable finally looked at Lin Tian's position, and the next moment, the four disappeared silently.

    "all gone."

    Lin Tian speaks to himself.

    He looked in that direction, Extreme Cloudy Palace and Fuya Temple still ruined, until after a dozen breaths, Extreme Cloudy Palace and Fuya Temple collapsed completely, completely turned into fly ash, only a dust and The fog is floating in the air.

    Looking at it, he paused, then took a deep breath and called Wu Yi, and the group landed on the ground.

    "I really didn't think that I could see three of the nine people in this place, and they are actually the reincarnation of the Xeon's predecessor, and they are all brothers who belong to Lineage. This is really ……"

    Five Elements Alligator expressed his enthusiasm for the appearance of Heavenly Venerable and others and the fact that the group was reincarnation and the same door.

    Moreover, the battle that took place here today is full of shock, and it is a legendary battle.

    Lin Tian looked at the place where Heavenly Venerable and other people disappeared. He said: "Look, Taihang, Pluto and Hell Lord are a camp, Heavenly Venerable, such as Heavenly Venerable, and the first taboo god. Both belong to one camp. The two parties seem to have been fighting since the ancient times. They have continued to this era. What is the reason?"

    "Nobody know!"Five Elements Alligator said: "However, for whatever reason, the a side of Taishang, Pluto and Hell Lord is definitely not a good thing. This is for sure."

    "I think so."

    An Shuishui feels the same.


    Little Taichu screamed with a small claw, apparently expressing the same meaning as Five Elements Alligator and An Shuishui. Previously, Fu Shi Wang, the subordinate of Hell's Lord, sealed it, and it was quite unhappy. Since Taishang and Pluto are the same side as the Lord of Hell, it is certainly not a good thing. Little Brat's thinking is as simple as that.

    Then, Little Brat's eyes were bent into a small crescent, standing on Wu Yi's shoulder, and the relatives glared at Wu Yi's cheek.

    Wu Yi raised his hand and licked Little Brat's small head.

    An Shuishui looked at this scene, envious of her face, and wished that she and Little Brat would immediately exchange their positions.

    Lin Tian looked at Wu Yi, smiled, and then asked: "To Wu Yi, what are the plans?"

    Wu Yi was involved in the Immortal Territory because of his relationship with the blood-sweeping blood of the blood ancestors. It should have been in Misty Mountain before. Now, everything in this place is over. He doesn't know Wu Yi. I plan to go back to Ten Directions Heaven Domain at this time, or temporarily with them.

    Wu Yi looks at Lin Tian and looks around, paused, and Lin Tian: "With you, take a walk."

    Good.Lin Tian naturally knows what Wu Yi means. Wu Yi has been staying at Misty Mountain almost all the time. She rarely walks around and is now accidentally involved in Immortal Territory. She obviously wants to walk around. He looked at Wu Yi and smiled. "I also think you should go out and move around."


    Wu Yi nodded lightly, then suddenly a slight glimmer of light flashed through the eyes, and the divine ability moved directly to the side of Little Taichu, leaving Lin Tian, ​​An Shuishui and Five Elements Alligator together. Go on.

    Almost in the next moment, an indifferent voice sounded, and it was the voice of the former Extreme Cloudy Palace: "It feels good, so you can find it."As the sound came out, in a moment, a huge whirlpool of a side emerged on the side of Wu Yi, directly involved Wu Yi: "This Divine Sense incarnation, this is my family left for other things, but It is more valuable to deal with you. Burn it and exile Eternal. ”

    The indifferent voice disappeared, but the dark vortex was always there, and Wu Yi was swallowed up faster.

    This sudden scene made Little Taichu, Five Elements Alligator and An Shuishui all shocked.

    Lin Tian was also shocked. He never thought that the extremes of the Extreme Cloudy Palace would suddenly attack, and that ancient existence would secretly sneak up and burn the Divine Sense incarnation to deal with it. Wu Yi, at the same time, he also instantly knew why Wu Yi had just shaken them all out, obviously to avoid their suffering.

    At this time, seeing Wu Yi being swallowed into the dark whirlpool, he was in a hurry, directly exploding the current fastest speed, turning into a humanoid lightning and rushing over, grabbing Wu Yi who was involved in the dark whirlpool. Hand, I want to pull it out of the dark whirlpool.

    However, it’s amazing how the dark whirlpools are, even Wu Yi, who can kill the ordinary Half-Step God Emperor in the Half-Step God Sovereign, can get involved, how can he get True Immortal? Pulling Wu Yi out of it, the horrible attraction of the dark whirlpool brought him in, and with Wu Yi, he disappeared instantly into the original place.

    The next moment, the dark whirlpool also dissipated.

    "Clothing! Lin Tian! ”

    Little Taichu vibrates the six-color wings and flies past, but Lin Tian and Wu Yi have already disappeared. Even the slightest breath has not remained in the original place, disappearing without a trace.

    "Cancel, disappeared…"Five Elements Alligator The whole pupil is big: "Don't it be…"Looking at where Lin Tian and Wu Yi disappeared, it trembled.

    An Shuishui is also anxious, and knows what Five Elements Alligator is thinking at this time. He said: "It should not be swallowed up. Before that, before the disappearance, the word "exile" was mentioned. They must be alive. of!"

    "exile?! Where did the exile go? ! ”

    Five Elements Alligator asked in a hurry.

    "Don't know…"An Shuishui shook his head, his eyes full of worry: "But…Certainly not a good place. ”Then, when she gritted her teeth, she was also anxious when she was worried: "The old one is not dead. It is obviously one of the oldest existences before the ancients, but it is so sneak attack, the bastard!"


    In the endless darkness, Lin Tian can't see anything, and nothing can be sensed. Only the palm has a soft touch, let him know that it is Wu Yi's hand.

    At this time, in such endless darkness, he could not see the surroundings, could not sense the surrounding, and could not even make a sound, but it was surprisingly calm. He is still alive now, then Wu Yi must be fine, and he Now pull Wu Yi, Wu Yi is next to him.

    Time passed silently. After that, I didn't know how long it took. The darkness gradually dispersed. He felt a strong force on his body, and then the vision became brighter and stepped on the real land.

    Looking at it, the sky is slightly faint, surrounded by some exotic plants, and the soil is very poor.

    "Not stupid."

    The soft voice rang next to him.

    Lin Tian looked at her head and saw Wu Yi's side face, quiet and beautiful, calmly looking at the distance.

    He knows what Wu Yi's words mean, knowing that the dark whirlpool at that time can be involved in the Half-Step God Sovereign level. He can't do anything when he rushes over, but why should she shake him off? After that, I rushed over and put myself in a difficult situation and danger.

    "How can you watch your eyes being caught in the unknown vortex? Rushing past, if a miracle can pull you out of it? If you can't, at least you can bear the danger with you. ”He smiled and said: "And, we are not all right now."

    Wu Yi looked at the distance, there was no change in his expression, but there was a faint light in his eyes.

    "Here, we are not good."

    She spoke.

    "why not? There is no injury, isn't it good? ”Lin Tian was a little confused, then looked at Wu Yi, and was curious, paused said: "Speaking, the two sentences you just said, did not use Divine Sense."

    Wu Yi has always been pronounced with Divine Sense. Since he and Wu Yi have known each other, it seems that he has only seen Wu Yi Zhangkou once, but at this time, in this place, Wu Yi is connected with two sentences. Spit, not the pronunciation of Divine Sense, makes him feel a bit strange.

    Wu Yi looked at the distance, the delicate lips moved, and the four words were drawn from the mouth: "Repair, can't use."

    Lin Tian suddenly moved, and quickly touched his body, and then his face changed.

    He couldn't sense his repairs, and the Divine Power in the body seemed to disappear. Even the sturdy Mortal Body became like a normal mortal.

    "Our repair is gone?!"

    He looks at Wu Yi.

    Wu Yi shook his head: "It was just suppressed by this piece of heaven."

    "Is this world suppressed?"Listening this, Lin Tian frowns and glances around: "It means that our cultivation has not disappeared, but it is not used in this world. After leaving here, will it return to what it used to be?"


    Wu Yi nodded.

    Seeing Wu Yi nod, Lin Tian was slightly relieved.

    Immediately, the next moment, he was puzzled again, glanced around again for four weeks, and then asked Wu Yi: "Where is this place?"

    At this time, the place where he and Wu Yi were able to suppress their cultivation to "zero" really surprised him. He didn't know where these differences were, but from the perspective of Wu Yi's words and demeanor, Wu Yi seems to know it.


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