Ten Directions God King The latest chapter, Chapter 1 601 Eternal Divine Dao, Space, Astronomy
    Lin Tian and others were shocked. Although some things have been felt before, it is faintly felt that Wu Yi’s cultivation is very tyrannical, but they did not expect to reach that level. They are already at Half-Step. God Sovereign.

    Half-Step God Sovereign, just a small Half-Step will be able to step out of the God King field and enter the true God Sovereign Level.


    Little Taichu's big eyes are very bright and a very happy look.

    "This…this…"Destroying the Immortal Territory today is a breeze! ”

    An Shuishui swallowed a saliva.

    At the Hell Blood Pond Center, Hell Fu Shi Wang looked at Wu Yi and was shocked by the power of Wu Yi.

    However, these shocks disappeared only in a blink of an eye, and the bloody scorpion became deeper and there was a glimpse of light.

    "Human, you are very unusual, this king gives you an opportunity to give you a chance, you, into my hell, how? Joining Hell, you can shine more dazzlingly. It’s easy to be famous and to force the world. ”

    He looked at Wu Yi.

    Lin Tian moved, the ancient powerhouse before the ancients, one of the eleven levels of the Grand World of Hell, and invited Wu Yi to join Hell.

    Five Elements Alligator fangs, said: "You want Wu Yi girl to abandon her own group? Little daydreaming! ”


    Little Taichu echoes the road.

    Fu Shi Wang indifferently swept the Eye Elements Alligator, his eyes fell on Little Taichu, and he looked at it for a moment, then fell to Wu Yi: "Choose into my hell, you can live today, and you can truly climb in the future." The road is the most peak, if it is rejected, it will be turned into dust here."He looked at Wu Yi and said: "It’s a pity that someone like you is dead."

    From the "surprise to the power of Wu Yi" to restore calm, this time, he once again become calm and indifferent, as if everything is under control.

    Seeing the other side's posture, An Shuishui is a little uncomfortable, even if he knows that the other is a legendary ancient existence. He had the cultivation of God Sovereign peak, but he couldn't help but sigh at this time: "Ming Ming was Wu Yi My sister crushed the Mortal Body several times and was crushed. Now I am still eager to speak in this high-pitched tone."

    Fu Shi Wang heard the anus of An Shuishui, but the expression was not changed at all, and he didn't care at all.

    His eyes fell on Wu Yi: "Human, how do you choose?"


    Soft and light intertwined with this world, Wu Yi is always quiet, and the soft palms are facing the Fu Shi Wang and Fu Shi Wang. Even if there is a dense edge of light, they will hit Fu Shi Wang from different angles. go with.

    Fu Shi Wang raised his hand, and the Hell Blood Pond boiled, blood rushed, and a strong defensive blood curtain was formed in front of him.

    "It seems that you refused, but unfortunately."

    He said.

    As the words fell, the rumble of the place, the huge Fuya Temple in this place, immediately shocked.

    In the temple of Fuya, a strange line of words emerged, and a huge array of gods was intertwined in an instant. There was a vast expanse of life surrounded by it, and there was also a profound death atmosphere that lingered around the ten sides, two opposites and contradictions. The volatility blends with each other, making this place a huge sea of ​​life and death in a blink of an eye.

    Time, Lin Tian and others are simply stunned.

    As these sacred lines emerge, the power of life and death is soaring, as if Ruler is alive and well, the sky in this place has changed color.

    "This, is it…"

    Lin Tian has a slight cold back.

    "Eternal Divine Dao, life and death."Fu Shi Wang At the Hell Blood Pond Center, the scorpion is deep and the face is indifferent: "The Hall of Hell Eleven, all of them have the life and death of the brand of the Eternal Divine Dao, which is enough to destroy everything."

    Hear this, Lin Tian is a cold back, and as he guessed, the intertwined lines of this place contain the power of Eternal Divine Dao!

    An Shuishui and others are also cool in the back, Eternal Divine Dao, but the power above the Divine Dao rule, the general means, it is impossible to resist.

    "No wonder, it is no wonder that this old and undead thing was crushed by the Wu Yi girl, but she dared to talk to the Wu Yi girl with such a high attitude. It turned out that this place has the law of life and death. This Eternal Divine Dao Branded without a god! THE

    Five Elements Alligator Grit your teeth.

    Surrounded by the array of life and death, the whole temple of Fuya is shrouded, and the laws of life and death are surging and stunned.

    Fu Shi Wang is on the sidelines, bloody and intertwined, and the scorpion is deep, still falling on Wu Yi, indifferent: "Human, you are really extraordinary, this king is cherished, finally give you a chance to brand the hell gods, join Hell, for my hell, otherwise, you will be like other people here, under the law of life and death into a blood mist."

    As his words fell, it seemed to show his majesty. In this place, the life and death gods in the Fuya Temple shook, and in a moment they radiated even more amazing life and death.

    Wu Yi looked at Fu Shi Wang, and the raised right hand was put down, but his expression was consistent, quiet and peaceful.

    These expressions immediately made Fu Shi Wang's face sink.

    "You gave up the last chance given by the king, then die, and become dust together with others."

    He is indifferently said.

    At the moment, this place, the life and death array is more powerful vibration, the infinite law of life and death is swaying toward Wu Yi, and Lin Tian and others are also shrouded.

    "It's over!"

    Five Elements Alligator couldn't help but scream.

    Lin Tian couldn't help but bite his teeth. The Eternal Divine Dao, which surpassed Divine Dao, was pressed, and there was almost nothing to stop.

    Are you going to die here?

    He looked at Wu Yi.

    Wu Yi still looks very quiet, and there is no trace of mood swings for the vast rules of life and death.

    In his soft eyes, a glimmer of light flashed.

    Suddenly, the space of this Fangfuya Temple seems to have solidified, and the law of life and death that has fallen down has been quietly stagnant. Then, all the smashing of the scorpion, together with the life and death array in the temple of Fuya, collapsed in the next moment.


    Lin Tian moved.

    An Shuishui, Five Elements Alligator and Little Taichu were also surprised.

    The rules of life and death that were suppressed in this place and the life and death arrays that lived here were actually annihilated in an instant.

    Two people and two beasts are vividly looking at Wu Yi, apparently knowing that the law of life and death and the annihilation of the god of life and death are Wu Yi.

    Lin Tian, ​​especially when he looked at Wu Yi, clearly saw that there was a strange divine light flashing in Wu Yi's eyes.

    At the same time, on the most central platform of the Hell Blood Pond, Fu Shi Wang looked at Wu Yi's face and changed his face, revealing an indescribable shock: "Space?! You actually control the space and control the Eternal Divine Dao! ”

    At that moment, Wu Yi had a glimmer of light in his eyes, which made the space of the ten parties completely solidified, and then smashed the law of life and death and the array of life and death. The space law of that moment was not very strong, and it was difficult to be noticed by ordinary people, but he still Perceived. After all, he is not an ordinary person, but Hell Fu Shi Wang, who was at God Sovereign peak.


    Lin Tian, ​​An Shuishui, Five Elements Alligator and Little Taichu listened to Fu Shi Wang's words at this time, and they were completely shocked.

    The known paths between heaven and earth, from weak to strong are Grand Dao, Immortal Dao, Divine Dao and Eternal Divine Dao above the Divine Dao. Among them, Grand Dao, Immortal Dao and Divine Dao have thousands of them, but Eternal Divine Dao has only three kinds, which are time, space and life and death. Among these three ways, time is the first, space is the first. Second, life and death third.

    The two men and two beasts were shocked at this time, Wu Yi actually controlled the second place in Eternal Divine Dao, but it was beyond the power of life and death!

    It is rumored that under the control of the law of space, wherever the eyes are, space is a weapon, space is its own body, and in the known way, only time can suppress space.

    "I actually control the space, really…"

    Lin Tian shocked the smile.

    "Only on the road, isn't it better than the Saint King in the mouth of the old guy?" That Saint King, seems to be the Lord of Hell? ”

    Five Elements Alligator couldn't help but take a breath.

    Good.So strong big! Too strong! ”

    The worship on An Shuishui's face is even stronger.

    "The clothes are so good!"

    Little Taichu is very happy.

    Wu Yi licked the head of Little Brat, his eyes moving and falling on Fu Shi Wang.

    "Eternal Divine Dao, space! good ! Humans, you are really extraordinary! ”Facing Wu Yi's gaze, Fu Shi Wang's nephew was very cold, and he swept the little Taichu on Wu Yi's shoulder. He whispered: "There was no silence before the rescue of the Emperor of the Emperor from the blood of the king. It is also because of space. The rule! The king actually looked away at that time! ”

    Lin Tian hearing this, slightly moving.

    "It turned out to be the case."

    He whispered.

    At that time, he had never seen Wu Yi hands-on, and Little Taichu was silently removed from Wu Yi by Fu Shi Wang's cage. It was originally a relationship of space law. Wu Yi ignored bloody blood and directly used space. The law moves the Little Brat in sight to the front.

    Wu Yi's eyes were very peaceful. At this time, he fell on Fu Shi Wang. A shimmer of flickering, the space around Fu Shi Wang was immediately distorted.

    After all, Fu Shi Wang was not an ordinary person. He immediately slid away. However, he took a step and slammed into the invisible space barrier of the a side. He was directly shocked, and the viscous Physique instantly appeared densely cracked. There are bright red blood spread out.

    After being shocked, his body appeared in the twisted space of the previous moment, and a space was vigorously rushing and swallowed up instantly.


    The blood sprinkled and spattered around, and its sturdy body was directly shattered by the force of the distorted space.


    The bloody power and the power of the evil spirits are intertwined. Fu Shi Wang reunites the Mortal Body, and the eyes of the cold swept Wu Yi, and waved all the blood in the Hell Blood Pond into his body, and then directly controlled Fuyao bulged out of the temple and walked away in the distance.

    At this time, he is very clear that in his current state, Wu Yi's opponent who has the rule of space is definitely not in control. If he is left with a positive confrontation, he will definitely be killed and will be killed to the whole of the exterminate body and soul.

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