Ten Directions God King The latest chapter, the first thousand five hundred ninety-nine chapters
    Lin Tian was shocked and immediately stopped to look at Wu Yi.

    He could feel the solidity of the bloody cage, but nowadays, Little Taichu, who was imprisoned inside, was so quietly rescued by Wu Yi, who saw Wu Yi easily obliterate Heavenly God. The blood ancestor, at this time, still can not help but show a surprised expression.

    At the same time, on the road of the center of the Hell Blood Pond, Hell Fu Shi Wang smashed a hole and made a glimmer of light.

    What are you? \

    He looked at Wu Yi and his face was no longer as casual as before.

    He set the blood prison, he is very clear how strong, before said "Let Lin Tian and other people at will, as long as can save his town sealed in the inside of Little Taichu, take office from a pedestrian leave", that is because, he does not feel Lin Tian a line of people can break open his set of blood prison, But just want to amuse Lin Tian a line of people, for their endless years of awakening to add some fun Yue. But I don't want to, Wu Yi, a group of Lin Tian, ​​saved Little Taichu from his cage easily, and he didn't break the Secret Technique bloody set by him.

    This is more than letting him break the bloody prison he set up and then rescued Little Taichu, which makes him more moved.

    Wu Yi held Little Taichu and looked very quiet. For Fu Shi Wang's voice and gaze, it didn't seem to be heard or seen. The palms were intertwined with the gods and shrouded Little Taichu.

    The next moment, Little Taichu's closed eyes bounced a few times, then slowly opened and slammed a few times.

    Immediately, the next moment, Little Brat saw Wu Yi in front of her eyes, and her eyes suddenly became very bright.

    "Wu Yi? Wu Yi ! ”

    Little Brat's voice was so squeaky that he flew from Wu Yi to Wu Yi's eyes, and the relatives glared at Wu Yi's cheek, and the happiness was broken.

    It likes Wu Yi the most, just like Lin Tian.

    Wu Yi smiled lightly, like a beautiful ice bloom at this moment, licking the head of Little Brat.


    Little Taichu screamed in the milk, and the big eyes were turned into a pair of crescent moons, which was very cute.

    Next, An Shuishui saw this scene, almost forgot that this is the legendary Fuya Temple, looking at Little Taichu with envious eyes, his eyes flashing: "I want to be touched."

    Lin Tian heard the words of An Shuishui and couldn't help but feel a little shame. The charm of Wu Yi is too great.


    The bloody atmosphere of the monks intertwines the space of the ten-party space and spreads out from Fu Shi Wang, the center of the Hell Blood Pond.

    The heavy pressure of the Galaxy, such as the pressure of the Galaxy, caused the Lin Tian, ​​An Shuishui and Five Elements Alligator to tremble.

    These breaths are even more horrible than the bloody ancestors who had previously recovered to the Heavenly God class. It is like a difference between heaven and earth, which makes them have tremendous pressure on their shoulders in an instant, as if there is a side, the vastness of the earth is over the top of the head. .

    "This seat is asking you!"

    Fu Shi Wang is still sitting on the platform and watching Wu Yi indifferently.

    Blood pressure seems to destroy everything.

    Little Taichu fell on Wu Yi's shoulder at this time, facing the terrible pressure of the pressure, the small head could not help but shrink slightly, and then some angryly glared at Fu Shi Wang, who was accidentally separated from Lin Tian and others. In the vicinity, Fu Shi Wang was forced to suppress the cracks across the temple. Naturally, it made it very unhappy.

    Wu Yi licked Little Brat's head and didn't do anything. Little Brat suddenly felt the pressure on his body disappeared.

    At the same time, Lin Tian, ​​An Shuishui and Five Elements Alligator also felt that the shoulders were suddenly loose.


    Wu Yi looks at Lin Tian.

    In the eyes of Wu Yi, Lin Tian couldn't help but smile. The legendary hell Fu Shi Wang, the ancient existence before the ancients, one of the eleven Ruler-level characters of Hell, is now like a blood ancestor. Wu Yi is directly ignored.

    "I'm afraid, he won't let us go so simple."

    He looks at Fu Shi Wang.

    Almost at this time, in the Hell Blood Pond, a bloody wave of blood was directly directed toward them.

    "The royal family left, you and others, die."

    Fu Shi Wang looked at Wu Yi, the indifferent way. At this time, he no longer cares about who Wu Yi is. He has a bloody atmosphere in his body, and there is also a vast array of lifelessness.

    The blood wave rolled and the eyes pressed to Wu Yi and others.

    Wu Yi is on the sidelines, and a few ray of light blades come out silently, with a soft atmosphere, like a wind.

    Awkward, the blood waves emanating from the Hell Blood Pond in the ground, crushed in the blink of an eye, turned into blood and mans dissipated.

    Lin Tian and others are shocked. The bloody mans just now are very horrible. The blood of the blood ancestors is under the blood, just like the fire of fire, so amazing blood. It is still easily defeated by Wu Yi.

    In the Hell Blood Pond, Fu Shi Wang is a condensate.

    "The first is the descendant of the immortal royal family, and then it is so interesting human, very good, very interesting."He said that the Hell Blood Pond was boiling and bloody, and the whole small temple was shattered by the first time, revealing the darkness of the place, and the blood was turned into countless blood ghosts and rushed toward Wu Yi. Exuding the terrible fluctuations that swallowed the sky: "When the eternal years of waking up, this has a slightly rusty body, it seems to be able to heat up for a long time."


    The black wind is rolling, the endless bloody ghosts, just like the unspeakable grievances, will be completely submerged in all directions.

    "The royal family left, other people, all swallowed."

    Fu Shi Wang Indifferent.

    With the words, the endless blood ghosts really rushed to Wu Yi, a group of people, and fell down like a ghost.

    In this scene, Lin Tian, ​​An Shuishui, Five Elements Alligator and Little Taichu are all chilling.

    Wu Yi always looked very quiet and glanced at the endless blood ghosts who pressed from the ground.




    A bloody blast exploded, and the endless blood ghosts smashed one by one, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

    During the time, Lin Tian and his group were all shocked.

    Good.So strong! ”

    An Shuishui is full of shocking colors, although I have seen the power of the five clothes before, but at this time, seeing the horrible endless blood ghost is only shattered by Wu Yi, she still can not help but be shocked. .

    This is really terrible. After all, it was a terrible blow from the evil Fu Shi Wang before the ancients.

    Lin Tian and Five Elements Alligator are also eclipsed, even Little Taichu, this time can not help but widen their eyes.

    At the same time, at the center of the Hell Blood Pond, Fu Shi Wang was lighter and slowly stood up.

    "Human, you are really good."

    He looked at Wu Yi.

    The last blow, even the ordinary Initial Stage God King, is hard to stop, but the human woman who looks very delicate in front of her eyes, just a simple glance, will defeat the attack.

    Lin Tian then looked at Wu Tai's shoulder, Little Taichu, and then looked at Fu Shi Wang, the hell in the middle of the blood pond. After paused, he looked at Wu Yi and asked, "Wu Yi, can you solve him?" He is playing the idea of ​​Little Brat. ”

    Asking this question, he suddenly couldn't help but feel a sense of madness. After all, Hell Fu Shi Wang, one of the oldest beings between heaven and earth, is one of the Ruler-level characters of Hell. What a long time, but now, he asked Wu Yi if he could get rid of such an ancient existence.

    Next, An Shuishui and Five Elements Alligator heard his words and couldn't help but straighten their eyes.

    Wu Yi is very strong, they know, but Fu Shi Wang, that is the legendary super existence, Lin Tian is so open, even Wu Yi is in this place, killing Fu Shi Wang of ancient hell, actually Some scary.

    Wu Yi hearing this, looked at Little Taichu on the shoulder and looked at Lin Tian, ​​slightly nodded.

    Immediately, she looked at Fu Shi Wang and raised her hand for the first time. The delicate palms were opposite to Fu Shi Wang.

    Fu Shi Wang naturally heard Lin Tian ask Wu Yi's words. Now that Wu Yi is moving, the expression becomes more indifferent, and the bloody scorpion is intertwined with light. It seems to be able to swallow everything between heaven and earth: "To kill the king?" Yes


    The emptiness of the air screams and interrupts its words.

    A few pieces of light edge emerged from the side of the body, without any signs, nor the slightest horrible breath, and blinked.


    Blood Sputtering, Fu Shi Wang was directly hit by a split.

    In this scene, An Shuishui and Five Elements Alligator slammed on the spot, An Shuishui said: "This is this…"

    The powerful Fu Shi Wang, the ancient existence before the ancient times, was smashed by Wu Yi in such a face.

    Even Lin Tian, ​​who made Wu Yi's hands, was a tremor. He saw that the hell Fu Shi Wang was playing Little Taichu's idea and didn't want this person who threatened Little Brat to survive, so he tried to ask Wu Yi. Can you get rid of the other party, but then you don't want to, Wu Yi nodded quietly, and the next moment was to split Fu Shi Wang.


    The voice of Sen Han came out, Fu Shi Wang's body was smashed, but Divine Soul was Immortal, and the smoldering atmosphere was stronger.

    Its broken Mortal Body is rapidly reorganizing.

    Wu Yi's expression did not change at all. The soft palms were facing the Hell Blood Pond in the direction of the ground. More light edges emerged, seemingly soft, but powerful and unparalleled, and broken again and again toward Fu Shi Wang. Mortal Body.




    The blood spattered, Fu Shi Wang's Mortal Body, under the dense light edge, was smashed more and more.

    And, along with its Divine Soul, it was also suppressed by this dense light blade.


    Fu Shi Wang's voice has become more ruthless, Mortal Body has been continually shattered, but the atmosphere has become stronger and stronger.

    As the words fall, a drum sounds, and the smoldering ice is like a call of death. This whole space is shivering, and it seems that the next moment will collapse and destroy.

    A black light fell from the innocent sky, turning into a human drum full of ghosts, and it was raging.

    In the Kazakh, Wu Yi evoked the dense light blade, and in an instant it was shattered by the human skin drum.

    Then, the next moment, Fu Shi Wang's Mortal Body re-aggregated, and the human skin drums up and down on its head, interweaving the thick yin and death, just like the endless death.

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