Ten Directions God King The latest chapter, the 1958th chapter of the Yuan Sovereign Command, floating astronomy
    Little Taichu listened to Lin Tian's words. The first time was to communicate with Profound Dragon Armor. Immediately, the innocent shook his head. After the onceful dragon soul appeared before, the immortal spirit cost too much, and now it is already in a deep sleep. Among them.

    "That, run!"

    Lin Tian Road.

    Little Taichu lit his little head and took the Profound Dragon Armor guard and walked away in the distance.

    Shi Ming beast saw Lin Tian and others squatting away, and immediately snarled, turned into a dark mans, and once again raised a huge claw, directly a paw.

    Its sharp five-claw splits the big void, and the huge claws are once again firmly on the Profound Dragon Armor light curtain.

    A slamming sound, the light curtain propped up by Profound Dragon Armor blocked the claws. However, Lin Tian and others trembled again, and the turbulent blood in the body seemed to be blasted.

    The group did not dare to stay, and Little Taichu defended the Profound Dragon Armor and continued to move away. Lin Tian and others continued to provide Divine Power for Little Taichu. Because the Profound Dragon Armor is unmatched in defense, it also needs to be supported by Divine Power, and it is very expensive Divine Power.


    The singer of the singer roared, and the fierce light in his eyes was scary. He immediately chased it down, and the other side was photographed by Lin Tian and others.

    Lin Tian and others crossed the Divine Power for Little Taichu, and Little Taichu supported the Profound Dragon Armor. They fled all the way, but they couldn't let go of the beast anyway. The speed of the other party was much faster than them.

    The huge claws fell and hit the defensive light curtain propped up by the Profound Dragon Armor again, and the space around it collapsed perfectly.

    "It won't work like this, we have to finish it all!"

    Five Elements Alligator.

    Lin Tian's face is dignified, naturally knowing this, they can't let go of the beast now, relying on the Profound Dragon Armor to defend, but the Profound Dragon Armor defense is extremely expensive Divine Power, it will take them long The Divine Power was completely drained, and at that time, without Divine Power supporting the Profound Dragon Armor, waiting for them, it was only one death.


    The singer of the singer roared, and the sound shook in the sky, staring at Lin Tian's group of people, his eyes were extremely fierce, and the claws of the beast were shot down again and again.

    Awkward, the defensive light curtain propped up by Profound Dragon Armor was hit again and again, and the light curtain became lighter and lighter.

    Lin Tian lives in the defensive light curtain produced by Profound Dragon Armor, while Diita Power is offering a steady stream of gifts to Little Taichu. While thinking about ways to stop this esoteric beast, he first thought of it. This is the Seven Colors Divine Sword in the Knowledge Sea. However, no matter how he communicated, Seven Color Divine Sword in the Knowledge Sea did not give him any reaction, and he stayed at the bottom of his Knowledge Sea.

    He gritted his teeth and began to think about other ways. He thought about all the tools he had today and all the treasures in his body. He finally took out a blue-handed blue-handed order.

    This is the Yuan Sovereign Command that I got from a strange land in Starry Sky. I even care about the Black Robe Old Man at the Immortal King level. He thinks that except for Divine Sword in the Knowledge Sea, this Yuan Sovereign Command may be able to block this release.


    Another muffled sound, the release of the beast and the claws of the beast, fell on the defensive light curtain of the Profound Dragon Armor, Lin Tian and other people in the shock inside were trembled, and the body Blood Qi rolled.

    Moreover, the defensive light curtain propped up by the Profound Dragon Armor has become more faint and seems to be broken at any time.

    The singer beast roared, staring at Lin Tian and others, his eyes were full of fierce colors, lifting the claws of the beast, and it was a shot.

    At this time, Lin Tian gritted his teeth and grabbed the blue Yuan Sovereign Command in his hand and raised his hand to throw it out.

    "Kid, is that?!"

    Five Elements Alligator was shocked. Naturally, it was Yuan Sovereign Command that was thrown out by Lin Tian.

    "I hope it is useful!"

    Lin Tian gritted his teeth.

    With a bang, Yuan Sovereign Command flew directly from the defensive light curtain propped up by Profound Dragon Armor, and fell against the claws of the sorcerer.

    The body of the sacred beast is huge. For the slap-sized Yuan Sovereign Command, it doesn't care. The claws that are shot, the trend continues unabated.

    In a blink of an eye, the two collided together.

    Then, between the Turks, a group of glaring blue glimmers broke out, and the sorcerer was directly swayed by the earthquake.


    Lin Tian was happy, although I guessed that the Yuan Sovereign Command was not normal in the early days, perhaps blocking this terrible release of the beast, but at this time, when I really saw the Yuan Sovereign Command, the release of the beast was shocked. Still can't help but be surprised.

    Five Elements Alligator and Little Taichu looked at this scene and couldn't help but blink.

    An Shuishui naturally moved, staring at the front and asking Lin Tian: "What is this you throw?! I even gave that head to the beast…It’s flying! ”

    In front, the Yuan Sovereign Command is just the size of a palm, with many strange patterns on it. This time, it is intertwined with blazing blazing blue light, even more than the Black Robe Old Man on the Starry Sky continent. Amazing, and so that the surrounding Immortal Territory void has become distorted.

    In the distance, the release of the beast was shocked, the huge body stabilized, the piercing pupil stared at the palm-sized Yuan Sovereign Command, and it was a roaring, mighty black light, directly toward Yuan Sovereign Command collided with the past. Wherever it passed, the smashing of the space collapsed, and the fragile was like bean dregs.

    Then, just for a moment, it hit the Yuan Sovereign Command.

    A loud bang, Yuan Sovereign Command did not move, but the huge release of the beast was shivering.


    Yuan Sovereign Command shines, blue light is more eye-catching.

    The void around the circumference began to distort, and a huge whirlpool of blue vortex emerged in an eye-opening, intertwined with an amazing sticky force, and the sleepy beast was firmly stuck in the near.


    The sorcerer was horrified, and made a more harsh roar, struggling to retreat, out of the shackles of the blue vortex.

    Just, but I can’t get out of it.

    The palm-sized Yuan Sovereign Command didn't move, but the blue light emitted was more intense, and the blue vortex was even more amazing. Then, the next moment, the brilliance flashed, and the huge release of the beast was directly secluded. The blue vortex engulfed and turned into a blue light that was not included in the Yuan Sovereign Command.

    Lin Tian, ​​An Shuishui, Five Elements Alligator and Little Taichu looked at this scene, and they couldn’t help but be silent.

    SwallowTo swallow? ! ”

    Five Elements Alligator Eyes are more rounded.

    Lin Tian was also unbelievable, and the horrible release of the beast was directly absorbed by Yuan Sovereign Command.

    In front, the slap-up Yuan Sovereign Command is full of strange patterns, and the faint blue light that is intertwined gradually fades, and then disappears completely, falling directly from the void, and slamming with the ground.

    Lin Tian and the group of people looked at the sound of Yuan Sovereign Command not far away, only to be close.

    Lin Tian squatted and picked up the Yuan Sovereign Command from the ground.

    "What is this, even the murderers of the sorcerer can be collected, how can they look worse than the Profound Dragon Armor? You actually have these Divine Objects!"

    An Shuishui looked at the Yuan Sovereign Command in his hand and was amazed.

    "Occasionally, I don't know what it is, just know that it is called Yuan Sovereign Command."Lin Tian said, then asked An Shuishui: "Have you heard of Yuan Sovereign Command?"

    At the beginning, the Immortal King-class Black Robe Old Man was extremely attached to the Yuan Sovereign Command. He found that he wanted to take it several times. He knew that the Yuan Sovereign Command was not simple. He thought that this Yuan Sovereign Command might be a True God-level treasure weapon. But now it seems that this Yuan Sovereign Command is even more amazing than he predicted.

    Hmmm…An Shuishui Emei, thought about it, said: "I haven't heard it."

    Lin Tian is slightly nodded, and his eyes are on the Yuan Sovereign Command.

    "In other words, the release of the beast was sucked into this Yuan Sovereign Command, will it suddenly break through the Yuan Sovereign Command and ran out?"

    Five Elements Alligator Road.

    "It shouldn't be."

    Lin Tian Road.

    However, although he said so, he still couldn't help but worry. After all, he didn't understand the Yuan Sovereign Command, and the head of the beast was so terrible. It really can't rule out the possibility that the other party is only temporarily included. After that, in case the other party suddenly broke through, they will still be in a difficult situation.

    Of course, there is a way to completely solve these risks, that is, to discard the Yuan Sovereign Command, and then they choose to leave the Peaceful Serenity Ancient Field in advance, even though the one after the breakthrough from the Yuan Sovereign Command That doesn't threaten them either, because they have already gone far, and it is not easy for the other party to find them again.

    However, because of the risk that there may or may not exist, Lin Tian obviously cannot discard this Yuan Sovereign Command.

    After all, the value of this Yuan Sovereign Command is amazing, and today, no matter how you look, it won't be worse than the Profound Dragon Armor.

    “I don’t know what the interior of this Yuan Sovereign Command is. If you can take a look, you may be able to understand a lot.”

    Lin Tian speaks to himself.

    Almost at the moment when his words fell, the Yuan Sovereign Command in his hand suddenly glowed, and a circle of faint blue light was drawn, and he was shrouded in an instant, then pulled him directly, slamming into the Yuan Sovereign Command. Among them.

    This scene can be annoying to An Shuishui, Five Elements Alligator and Little Taichu. After the release of the beast was sucked in, even Lin Tian himself was taken in.

    "How can I…What happened

    The Five Elements Alligator mouth is unfavorable.

    "The release beast was also swallowed inside, he…He won't be in danger? ! ”

    An Shuishui is worried and anxious.

    The Five Elements Alligator grabbed the slap in the face of the Yuan Sovereign Command, and the devil took a moment to sneak in. He hoped that Yuan Sovereign Command gave a little reaction and wanted to dig out Lin Tian.

    However, the Yuan Sovereign Command did not respond at all.

    "I'll try!"

    An Shuishui said that the Yuan Sovereign Command has been continually entered into Divine Power, but like the Five Elements Alligator, it has no effect.

    Little Taichu dithered the wings and injected six-color divine light into it, ending in the same way as the Five Elements Alligator and An Shuishui.


    Little Brat screamed at Yuan Sovereign Command, and Lin Tian was swallowed into the Yuan Sovereign Command as if it were a beast.


    Almost at the same time, Lin Tian was shrouded in a faint blue light, and this time appeared in a strange world.

    Looking at it, this world is boundless, the blue mist is everywhere, and nothing else can be seen.

    Here is theYuan Sovereign Command internal? ! ”

    Lin Tian was shocked.

    He remembers the previous scene, where he was shrouded in the blue glow of Yuan Sovereign Command and then forced into the Yuan Sovereign Command.


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