Ten Directions God King The latest chapter, the first thousand five hundred and seventy-seven chapters of the blood ancestors, floating astronomy
    The sorrow of the blood ancestors disappeared in the distance, and Lin Tian suddenly felt a loose body, as if a huge tens of thousands of pounds of boulder were unloaded on his shoulder.

    It is really that the blood shadow of the blood ancestor is too horrible.

    At the same time, in the distance, An Shuishui and others were also a long sigh of relief.

    "What blood ancestors, what the end is, the breath, simply…"

    Five Elements Alligator.

    An Shuishui stunned: "It’s terrible, the peak period is definitely above the gods."

    The other side is just a broken soul, and it can exude a weak atmosphere of Immortal King, which is really scary.


    The thunder roared and rang through the sky.

    The sky and the earth are quietly sounding, and a new round of Main Thunder Retribution falls, as if to crush everything.

    Five Elements Alligator and An Shuishui immediately looked up and looked in the direction of Lin Tian to see the new Thunder Retribution falling from the sky.

    This round of Thunder Retribution, the scent of destruction is undoubtedly more terrible than the previous dozens of Thunder Retribution, devastating.

    Lin Tian was thinking about the blood ancestor at this time. However, with this new round of Thunder Retribution, he stopped thinking about the blood ancestors for the time being, and all his energy was put on the robbery.

    Take a deep breath, the Five Thunder Shake Heaven Secret Art and the Thunder Immortal Dao simultaneous, the tyrannical Raytheon.

    The silver lightning is intertwined on his side, much thicker than before. He condenses the Divine Technique, and with the power of the Thunder Immortal Dao, they are bombarding the Thunder Retribution that has fallen from the sky.

    In a blink of an eye, the two collided together and immediately broke out of Heavenly God.

    Then, both of them collapsed and they dispersed.


    Lin Tian looked at the sky.

    At this time, taking a pass to Shen Dan, superimposed ten times of combat power, coupled with Five Thunder Shake Heaven Secret Art and Thunder Immortal Dao, for this true Immortal Great Tribulation, there is no sense of taboo.


    The sky roared, the thunder rolled, and the bloody lightning was intertwined in the lacquered black thunder vortex.

    Immediately after a dozen breaths, the thirteenth round of the Main Thunder Retribution emerged, and the mighty fell down.

    Lin Tian is fearless, facing up, and hard-hitting.

    At the same time, he raised his hand and summoned the Immortal Emperor Tower from the body and washed the tower with the Strength of Heavenly Tribulation.

    This tower is his origin Divine Weapon, and he will evolve with him, and he naturally has to be serious about it.


    The Immortal Emperor Tower is in Guleihai. Under his traction, he took the initiative to withstand thousands of lightning. The entire tower immediately appeared dense cracks. However, the purple gods outside the tower became more generous and full of vastness and vastness.

    In such a scene, An Shuishui in the distance was immediately eclipsed.

    "That, that is…Hong Mengguang? ! And, is it so thick? ! ”She looked at the Immortal Emperor Tower taken out by Lin Tian, ​​and naturally felt the extraordinary purple divine light outside the Immortal Emperor Tower. The scary eyes almost didn't come out: "This, this is…The legendary Hongmeng Tianjing forged? ! ”

    "Well, it is."

    Five Elements Alligator Road.

    At this time, since Lin Tian called Immortal Emperor Tower in front of An Shuishui, it was enough to think that Lin Tian didn't mind An Shuishui seeing Immortal Emperor Tower, so he did not hide it.

    An Shuishui was even more shocked by the positive answer from Five Elements Alligator.


    Hongmeng Tianjing, that is the ultimate sacred object of the legendary forging soldiers, the value is infinite, there is no material for the forging soldiers can be compared with it, even the god-level powers have to be jealous, they will fight hard, but now, On Lin Tian, ​​there is a fairy tower forged by Hongmeng Tianjing, which is simply the embryonic form of the ultimate Divine Weapon!


    The Thunder screamed and rang through the nine.

    The thirteenth round of Main Thunder Retribution In the past, the fourteenth round of the Main Thunder Retribution began to fall, a huge Thunder Starry Sky.

    Lin Tian has no fear, and has been welcoming himself. The Immortal Emperor Tower is followed by the arrogance of Heavenly Tribulation.

    Under this Thunder Retribution, he needs to call the Immortal Emperor Tower and forge tempering with this Strength of Heavenly Tribulation, which will not be seen by An Shuishui. In fact, as the Five Elements Alligator guessed, he didn't really care about An Shuishui's Immortal Emperor Tower forged by Hongmen Tianjing. After all, he had been with him for a while, for An Shuishui, he Still can be absolutely trusted, Immortal Emperor Tower is presented in front of the other side, there is no risk.


    Thunder Retribution is rolling and constantly roaring.

    The thunder of repression and destruction is cozy in this world.

    Lin Tian runs Five Thunder Shake Heaven Secret Art and Thunder Immortal Dao, with ten times the superimposed force, hard Trumm Immortal Heavenly Tribulation, fourteen rounds of Thunder Retribution, the fifteenth round of Thunder Retribution, the sixteenth round Thunder Retribution, the 17th round of Thunder Retribution and the 18th round of Thunder Retribution, then the dark vortex on the sky finally dissipated slowly, and the sky regained its former appearance.

    True Immortal Heavenly Tribulation, let go.

    "The crossing is over."

    In the distance, the Five Elements Alligator is in the fangs.

    An Shuishui's gaze is always on the Immortal Emperor Tower next to Lin Tian, ​​with beautiful eyes rolling round.

    Ahead, through true immortal Heavenly tribulation, Lin Tian face slightly pale, but it is not seriously injured, because, as he expected, Five Thunder Shake Heaven Secret Art With the Thunder Immortal Dao, for he engaged also belongs to Leili Heavenly tribulation has great help, and then, combined with superimposed 10 times times the force, so, even if true immortal Heavenly tribulation very scary , but he is still unscathed from the past, just divine Power is almost spent clean.


    On the sky, Seven Color God Light is intertwined, and a Seven-colored Auspicious Clouds condenses and directly hangs down the colorful lights.

    These Seven Color God Lights are so amazing that they contain the power of pure heaven and earth and directly cover Lin Tian.

    This is the gift after Heavenly Tribulation.

    Lin Tian didn't hesitate to run Sun Heart Sutra for the first time, absorbing and refining these colorful lights.

    And, at the same time, he motivated these Seven Color God Light to further tempering his Immortal Emperor Tower.

    Time flies, and in a blink of an eye it is half a quarter of an hour.

    After a quarter of an hour, on the Scorpio, the seven colored clouds trembled slightly, and then slowly dissipated. The Seven Color God Light, which fell down, was also scattered.

    Lin Tian interweaves the golden mans, spends True Immortal Heavenly Tribulation, refines the Seven Color God Light after the large Heavenly Tribulation, and at this time, the spirit grows to a very high level, within the True Immortal level, almost It is unbeatable.

    He looks inside, his body divine ability is rolling, True Immortal is full of power, Divine Soul is bigger, and he is not as strong as Half-Step True Immortal. It is totally different. Nowadays, he is confident that even the ordinary True Immortal peak is hard to be his opponent. Under Half-Step Golden Immortal, his combat power can be called invincible.

    Immediately, he shook his fist and felt his Mortal Body. The flesh and blood contained endless power, as if he could smash the sky with pure punches. Pure Physique force seems to be stronger than the Golden Immortal Initial Stage. Will be too weak.


    He whispered, and his face was covered with a flaw.

    Then he looked at the Immortal Emperor Tower, which has been washed several times by Heavenly Tribulation, which is covered with various kinds of lightning marks, entangled with lightning, more majestic, imposing and heavy as a star.

    Moreover, as he passed the true Immortal Great Tribulation and truly entered True Immortal, this fairy tower evolved into True Immortal Treasure, and it is absolutely enough to be king in True Immortal Treasure, without any True Immortal Treasure. compared to.

    He was secretly thought, and his thoughts moved. Immortal Emperor Tower swayed and disappeared directly into his body.

    "This breath is strong enough!"

    The Five Elements Alligator flashed from a distance at this time, and felt the scent of Lin Tian at this time. Some of them were shocked and really powerful.

    "Oh, okay."

    Lin Tian smiled faintly, and his mind was slightly moved. He took a breath of his own body and became much more dull than before.

    Little Taichu screamed at the milk and fell on his shoulder.

    "That said, you guys, stepping into the True Immortal Level can lead to Heavenly Tribulation! Moreover, every step into a big realm can lead to Heavenly Tribulation, Immemorial is too enchanting? ! This is simply not in line with common sense! Even those with a super-Bloodline will only bring Heavenly Tribulation at the Spirit Immortal Level. ”An Shuishui looked at Lin Tian and looked surprised. "And, you have a pagoda forged from Hongmeng Tianjing. This is simply…"

    She stared at Lin Tian, ​​and this day was really shocked by Lin Tian.

    Lin Tian smiled and didn't say anything on it. At this time, he passed Heavenly Tribulation and couldn't help but think of the blood ancestors.

    The other side is just a broken soul, but the breath is really terrible. It is hard to imagine how terrible the opponent is if he is in the peak state.

    "Thinking about the blood ancestor?"

    Five Elements Alligator Looking at Lin Tian's expression, it is natural to guess what Lin Tian was thinking about at this time.

    Lin Tian nodded.

    "The blood ancestor is really scary."Five Elements Alligator said, looking to An Shuishui, "Is it true that you have heard of this character?" Can you know the origin of the other party? ”

    "I haven't heard of it, I don't know."An Shuishui shook his head. Then, she seems to think of something again, saying: "Speaking, the old guy mentioned the heavenly dragon breath and the sacred armor, not the discovery of the legendary Profound Dragon Armor in this side of the Peaceful Serenity Ancient Field. Is it?"

    Listening to this, Five Elements Alligator glimpsed: "This, it seems…"

    Listening to An Shuishui, it seems that the possibility is really big.

    "It should be."

    Lin Tian Road.

    An Shuishui can think of problems, he naturally thought of it early.

    It is possible to make such a horrible blood ancestor move, and to say "heavenly dragon breath" and "the holy armor", even if you think with your toes, you must have discovered the mighty defense. Peerless Profound Dragon Armor.

    Listening to Lin Tian's affirmation of his own conjecture, An Shuishui blinked, and then suddenly laughed with no heart and lungs, sticking out his thin fingers and poked Lin Tian, ​​tweeting: "That said, you enter this piece Peaceful Serenity Ancient Field, it seems to be looking for the sacred armor, now I am afraid there is no hope."

    Lin Tian gave her a squint and said nothing.

    Huh? Don't you care about the Profound Dragon Armor? ”

    Seeing the appearance of Lin Tian, ​​An Shuishui is slightly surprised.

    Five Elements Alligator roll one's eyes : "An girl, now is not for the sake of the sacred armor, although the holy armor is good, but after all, it is only a foreign object. Now, the main problem is that the Min Boy's Mortal Body is remembered by the old goods. ”

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