Ten Directions God King The latest chapter, the first thousand five hundred and seventy-one chapters of the clever people, floating astronomy
    Seeing Lin Tian's bloody bat, listening to Lin Tian's "fashion", An Shuishui couldn't help rolling one's eyes.

    This is simply too pit.

    "It seems that pure cultivation is not a kingdom, and conspiracy is still very important."

    She shouted.

    Lin Tian was right next to her, and she naturally heard her words. She raised her hand and knocked her: "What is the intrigue, is it a resourceful, intellectually understanding?"

    An Shuishui licked his forehead and licked his teeth against Lin Tian. He raised his hand and pulled Lin Tian's ear.

    Lin Tian laughed and flashed sideways, continuing on this channel.

    This channel is very long, spread across all kinds of array marks, the more you go forward, the more bodies you see.

    Moreover, there are gradually many evil spirits, but it is not too strong, and they are simply solved by Lin Tian and others.

    So, a dazzling, half an hour passed.

    At this time, there was a flash of fairy light in front of it, and it was accompanied by a very strong Immortal Dao fluctuation.

    Immediately, both of them and the beasts are bright, because this is most likely the light of the Immortal Dao that was previously engraved by An Shuishui, at least by the Heavenly Immortal class.

    "Let's go……"

    Lin Tian said that the speed has become faster, and soon it has crossed over a thousand feet.

    Across the thousands of feet, the group of people came to a spacious stone room with a square access. The interior of the stone room was engraved with a lot of streaks, and it was difficult to count how many clear and connected with the array in this battle hall. .

    "These, is the Immortal Dao symbol? so much? ! ”

    Five Elements Alligator was surprised.

    An Shuishui said: "Yes, absolutely!" Here is the core of the war palace, these are the Immortal Dao symbols! ”

    Immortal Dao, the powerful of Heavenly Immortal, is a rune that is completely illusory, and has extraordinary significance.

    It can be said that none of the Immortal Dao is equivalent to an extraordinary treasure.

    "Immortal Dao is very good on this channel, and Lin Boy is really accurate."

    The Five Elements Alligator is another way.


    Lin Tian Road.

    At this time, he was also watching the Immortal Dao in this place, and his eyes were full of enthusiasm…The Immortal Dao here is a lot of symbols, at least there are tens of thousands, but almost all of them are dull and dark. When it was destroyed in the original great war, only eight symbols are still shining, there are amazing The power of the road is circulating.

    At the same time, An Shuishui, Five Elements Alligator and Little Taichu naturally saw these eight luminous symbols.

    “The preservation is very good, and each one has great value!”

    An Shuishui is happy.

    Lin Tian directly hands, intertwined with the big hands, the eight Immortal Dao symbols directly grabbed into the hands.

    Holding the eight Immortal Dao charms, he first sensed that the Thunder Immortal Dao in the body was shaking, and the rich scent of the winding entanglement made his Dao Power boil.

    “Very extraordinary!”

    He secretly thought.

    Five Elements Alligator and others looked at the eight symbols and their eyes were bright.

    Just eight Immortal Dao symbols, Lin Tian waved and assigned two of An Shuishui, Five Elements Alligator and Little Taichu.

    "Refining them, we can definitely make a big move!"

    Five Elements Alligator binoculars.

    An Shuishui said: "You can all make great progress, condense the ninth Immortal Essence, and then step into True Immortal. In my words, it can't be improved, but it can make my True Immortal and Immortal Dao rules more concise. ”

    An Shuishui is already in the realm of True Immortal, and naturally it is impossible to step into the True Immortal Intermediate Stage because of two Immortal Dao symbols.

    Lin Tian naturally knows this, paused said: "Go, go out and find a quiet place to refine."

    The eyes of his eyes are intertwined, and the Immortal Dao, which is taken from here, can condense the ninth Immortal Essence, and then, by blending nine Immortal Essences, it is possible to step into the True Immortal Level. Of course, after the ninth Immortal Essence, he will not merge in the first time, because there is still the real Immortal Great Tribulation waiting for him, he needs to choose the location of the robbery, and perfect for the robbery. Prepare, after all, his Heavenly Tribulation is terrible.

    Now, he, An Shuishui, Five Elements Alligator and Little Taichu, along the way, walked outside the battle hall.

    "Hand over!"

    Just then, a voice sounded.

    There was a black shirt in front of you, and there was a smirk on his face. Sensen looked at Lin Tian and others.

    "You have been following us?"

    Lin Tian slightly condenses the eyebrows.

    Look at the appearance of this black shirt, the other side is clearly hiding the body shape to follow them, watching them take the Immortal Dao symbol to the hand, and then show the figure.

    This made his heart move. This person was only the repair of True Immortal Initial Stage. He could follow these silent figures and follow them, and they have not been discovered by them.

    An Shuishui looks at the black shirt youth, saying: "It is said that Dark Ink Treasure Faction has a secret method called 'Dark Elemental Treasure', which can hide the figure and eliminate all the spirits, even if the realm is higher than the realm of oneself. The strong one is hard to find. Are you a Dark Ink Treasure Faction?"

    "The eyesight is good."The black shirt you snorted, and a group of fist-sized Baoguang appeared in his hand, sneer: "You and the elders of the real treasure have a big hatred, and the elder, it seems to happen to be in this Peaceful Serenity Ancient In the Field, and the five people who killed the Lineage before, I saw it."

    "Now, my hand this group of treasure Light contains your appearance whereabouts, also contains you kill mixed true treasure send five people of the picture, once I play, it will in the blink of an eye to the soul of the true Treasure faction imprint in this ancient land of transmission array, this lineage elder when is soul really treasure faction this one, now must be in that position. Once you are known by the elders of Du, as a great enemy, you are in this ancient land, knowing your specific location, and you have killed the five inner door disciplines of this Lineage. What do you think will happen? You will all die. ”

    He sneered, and then said: "Now, if I don't want to play this group of treasures, I will honestly hand over the Immortal Dao that I got, otherwise, hey!"

    Before, he saw the scene of the fierce battle between Lin Tian and other people, and learned from the five populations of the soul Zhenbao faction that Lin Tian and other elders of the Zhenzhengbao had a big hatred. Also don't care. And then, after entering the war palace, he happened to see Lin Tian and other people in the war palace choose which road in the scene, Heard Lin Tian at that time rely on the surrounding array Mark analyzed immortal Dao Fulu in front of that channel words, now moved, and Born out of a strange mind, carefully display "dark ingot technique" secret law with Lin Tian and other people behind.

    As An Shuishui said, he is indeed the Discip of the Dark Ink Treasure Faction. The Dark Elemental is an extraordinary technique of the Dark Ink Treasure Faction. It can hide the figure and eliminate all the spirits, even if the realm is higher than the realm. A strong person in a big realm is hard to find. He followed Lin Tian and others with such treasures, and watched Lin Tian and others get eight Immortal Dao symbols, and there were no other people nearby, so he immediately showed his body shape and let Lin Tian and others hand over Immortal. Dao symbol.

    Because I have seen the battles of Lin Tian and other people, I know very well that I am not an opponent of Lin Tian and others. Therefore, I have never thought of fighting with Lin Tian and others to snatch the Immortal Dao. It is relying on the hearing of Lin Tian and others who are the elders of the soul Zhenbao, and Lin Tian and others killing the soul of the real treasure five internal organs to do such threats, coercing Lin Tian and others to hand over Immortal Dao is a symbol, because once he hits the divine light in his hand, the elders of the real treasure will definitely kill immediately. At that time, Lin Tian and others will fall into a critical situation.

    After all, he can sense the cultivation of Lin Tian and others, and the strongest person is only True Immortal. It is impossible to stop a Sect Golden Immortal elder. Therefore, he concluded that in these circumstances, in order not to expose his trace to the eyes of a Golden Immortal enemy, Lin Tian will definitely take the lead and hand over the Immortal Dao.

    "Hand over!"

    He sneered.

    An Shuishui, Five Elements Alligator and Little Taichu looked at this person and they all looked awkward.

    This person has threatened them like this.

    In fact, if the other party really wants to shoot out the divine light in the hand, fly to the real-life treasure in the Peaceful Serenity Ancient Field. The elders of the real treasure will know, and will definitely kill. This place is coming.

    It’s no secret that the Hybrid’s position in the Peaceful Serenity Ancient Field is in this position. Many people know the approximate location, and the other party can naturally send the divine light in the hand to the transmission array. Where the location is.

    "Kid, how do you say that?"

    Five Elements Alligator asked Lin Tian.

    For them today, it would be very dangerous if the elders who were mixed with the real treasure knew their traces. After all, it was a strong Golden Immortal.

    Lin Tian’s expression was very calm, saying: “It’s self-righteous and clever, don’t care about him, kill it.”

    He never accepts threats.

    "That, Du Family, that Golden Immortal…"

    Five Elements Alligator frowns.

    "It’s still the same sentence, the soldiers will stop, the water will cover the earth."Lin Tian said: "When did we surrender to others? Not before, not there now, not in the future. ”

    Five Elements Alligator This time, there is no roll for the Tian Tian, ​​but instead of the nodded, the slightly frowning brows are stretched out.

    "That's true."

    They have been walking in the cultivation sector for so many years. During these years, they have experienced all kinds of hardships and twists. They have never succumbed to anyone. In Lin Tian’s words, this kind of thing has not existed before. It will not exist now, and it will not be possible in the future.

    An Shuishui looked at Lin Tian, ​​blinked and smiled, and naturally had no opinion on Lin Tian's decision.

    Lin Tian's expression was calm, and then the eyes of the group all fell on the black shirt youth, they are very bad.

    "You, you…"

    The black shirt youth naturally heard the words of Lin Tian. At this moment, seeing the poor eyes of Lin Tian and others, I immediately couldn’t help but take a step back.

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