Ten Directions God King The latest chapter, the first thousand five hundred and sixty-eight chapters are mixed with the enemy, floating astronomy

    The huge broken palace, made of bronze, has a lot of mottled rust on it, engraved with dense lines of print, but basically it is also bleak, apparently has lost its original power.

    "War Palace?"

    Lin Tian asked An Shuishui, who was puzzled, and heard the words for the first time.

    Five Elements Alligator and Little Taichu are also looking at An Shuishui, very curious.

    An Shuishui explained, “The War Palace is a powerful Magic Treasure in the form of a palace. It can be used as a person. It can be defended and can be attacked. It is generally used in large-scale fairy wars and is controlled by the people. ”Looking at the temple in front, she was a little surprised in her eyes. Then she said: "The Magic Treasure is not difficult to refine. However, the scale of the war palace that is usually refining is relatively small, but the war palace in this place. It’s a bit of exaggeration. With these scales and the above-mentioned lines, the original battle hall is at least the Heavenly Immortal Magic Treasure."

    Listening to her, Lin Tian, ​​Five Elements Alligator and Little Taichu are a bit strange.

    "You mean, this huge palace is broken, is a Magic Treasure? Also, is the Heavenly Immortal Magic Treasure? ”

    Five Elements Alligator blinks.

    "Yes."An Shuishui nodded, and then he showed his brilliance in his eyes. "This kind of war palace is usually forged by the super-powerful forces on the king's Great Province. It usually contains other small Magic Treasures, with huge The battle palace is going to kill together. Those little Magic Treasures are not as good as the War Palace itself. ”

    She continued: "The most important thing is that these huge battle halls, as the core of their Magic Treasure, must be printed with a very large number of Immortal Dao symbols, which are equivalent to the existence of Weapon Soul and will not follow The passage of time has passed away. If, if the Immortal Dao symbols in this battle hall were not destroyed in the original great war, we would have only taken a handful of them, which is a huge gain, because those Immortal Dao symbols can be directly refined. The tempering Divine Soul, the enhanced Dao Power, and the perception of the ascension are all powerful. ”

    Lin Tian was slightly brighter and thought about it. He said: "Before, in the rumors, the sensation of the fairy light and the rich Immortal Dao in the ruins, is it possible that the Immortal Dao symbol of what you said is intertwined?"

    An Shuishui Wei Wei, then immediately brightened: "very likely!"

    "Let's go……" Get in

    Lin Tian Road.

    At the moment, the two men and two beasts went inside the huge bronze palace.

    This bronze palace, which was previously rumored to be a relic, was said to have flashed through the very amazing Fairy light and immortal dao fluctuations, so it is very likely that the core of the war Palace mentioned by an Shuishui immortal Dao fulu out, The celestial is the most at least also heavenly immortal class strong left, even in the original Great War only left a penny, for today's they, it can also be said to be a rare treasure, once found, they have a big use.

    Outside the bronze palace, a strain of dead wood stands, and there are many bones on the ground, apparently the cultivator that died in this place. After all, this Peaceful Serenity Ancient Field used to be a very large battlefield of a side.




    The sound of the empty voice said that the people coming here are not only the people, but also many other people, bringing a lot of empty sounds, and soon there are hundreds of figures appearing here, all of them are True Immortal, qi The blood is amazing.

    Lin Tian didn't care about these people, and An Shuishui, Five Elements Alligator and Little Taichu went straight to the battle hall.


    Suddenly, the piercing sword rang, and a sword slammed into him.

    The sword is fierce and the amazing sword intent is in the air.

    Lin Tian squints at a fast speed, traversing An Shuishui, Five Elements Alligator and Little Taichu, avoiding the sword.

    Five youth men came from a distance, and their eyes fell on Lin Tian, ​​all eyes cold.

    “What do you mean?”

    Lin Tian looked at five people, coldly.

    The sword just now is obviously one of the five people.

    Five of your eyes fell on Lin Tian, ​​all with a cold heart.

    "Sure enough, you!"

    One of them is humane.

    Five Elements Alligator Looking at the person who said the opening: "Sure enough, your mother! Say, why are you shooting us? Do you want to die! ”

    The eyes of the opening look at the Five Elements Alligator, and the cold eyes are getting colder.

    He swept through the Five Elements Alligator and swept through Little Taichu. Finally, his eyes fell on Lin Tian: "Break me a few brothers and relatives of the elders of the real treasure, we are ordered by Du," For a long time, there has been no gain, no trace of yours, but I never thought that I met you at this Peaceful Serenity Ancient Field!"

    Lin Tian, ​​Five Elements Alligator and Little Taichu hearing this, instantly.

    At the beginning, one person and two beasts had just entered Immortal Territory and saved a youth man named Du Qingzhou, but after that, the other party introduced them to the Du Family estate in order to capture their True Immortal Treasure. They are the savior of Du Qingzhou, and they also deal with Du Qingzhou, trying to kill them to win True Immortal Treasure.

    At that time, Lin Tian shot, directly to the Du Family in Du Family and Du Qingzhou, and also knows one thing, Du Family's third, in the mix of the real treasure for an elder. At that time, they didn't care, they left Du Family directly, then they met An Shuishui and joined the Purple Unfettered Treasure Faction. They almost forgot about Du Family. I don't want to, Du Family is always looking for them, now Several fragments of the mixed treasures were killed in front of them.

    What happened

    An Shuishui asked Lin Tian.

    I heard that the three disciplines of the Zhenzhengbao called Lin Tian to kill several brothers and relatives of an elder of the Zhenzhengbao. She believed that there must be some special reasons for this. At this time, she was somewhat curious and concerned. .

    Lin Tian spoke, simple and An Shuishui talked about the original and Du Family's grudges.

    "What?"An Shuishui airway: "Too too much, death is not enough!"

    The forefoot was saved by Lin Tian and others, and the hind foot was to kill his savior in order to win the True Immortal Treasure. Even the Du Family’s elders knew that these things also contributed to the abuse. This fact surprised her. Angry again.

    Lin Tian looks at the five people who are mixed with the real treasure: "I just said it to her, I will talk to you again…"He spoke, and the reason why he killed the Du Family several people and Du Qingzhou had been talked about by the simple and mixed truths of the five people, and then said: "There are twists and turns, you are self-righteous, Don't bother us."

    There are five youth men who are trying to be this, but their faces are the same, and there is no intention to let go of a few people.

    "Whether you have any reason, killing me and sharing the real brothers and elder brothers and relatives is a sin!"

    One of them was cold and in black.

    "Don't say anything nonsense. You have been destined to die since you killed the brothers and relatives of my elders."

    Another person opened and wore a yellow robe.

    Next to it, the other three are brown hair, green shirt and blue robe. Looking at Lin Tian's eyes are also cold and indifferent, the killing intent in the eyes is not hidden, and there is already Divine Sense out. Lin Tian and others are firmly locked.

    Lin Tian's face suddenly cooled down.

    "You, are you looking for death?!"

    The five people first came to a sword. He didn't care about each other, and he would kill the Du Family and Du Qingzhou. But these people didn't care about it. They still had to deal with them. He is very upset.

    Five youth hearing this, the face is colder.

    Yout said in black: "Do not talk nonsense with him, do it directly! The meaning of Elder Du, no matter whether he lives or not, as long as he brings it to his eyes, he has a big reward. He is stunned and brings his head to the front of Du, just now, Du is now in this Peaceful Serenity Ancient Field. ”

    "What about that woman?"

    Huangpao youth looks at An Shuishui.

    "It’s awkward together."

    Black clothes youth.

    This person fell, and directly stepped out and killed Lin Tian.

    At the same time, the other four guests also worked together and attacked Lin Tian. At the same time, An Shuishui, Five Elements Alligator and Little Taichu were also enveloped in the attack circle.

    Five people are at the True Immortal Initial Stage, and at the same time, True Immortal is very sultry.

    "Find something to die!"

    Five Elements Alligator Eyes are cold.

    Lin Tian was indifferent, didn't say much, and started to punch forward with a punch.


    As he punched his fists, a thunderous roar sounded in an instant, and the violent boxing force shrouded the five people at the same time, turning into an unparalleled fist, and rushing toward the five people who rushed. .

    Immediately, the muffled sound of the cymbal sounded, and the five people who mixed the real-life treasures were practically shaken by this boxing.


    Five people stabilized their postures in the distance, and looked at Lin Tian again, and all eyes were shocked.

    It was just that simple punch, and it had such a strong momentum, and they all flew out at the same time.

    "Let's give you a chance, don't want to die, just roll!"

    Lin Tian looked at the five people, coldly said.

    The five youth hearing this, the face of the soul is the same, the chill in the eyes is becoming more intense.

    "I was lucky to take the top when I waited for the idea, I thought I was strong? Dare let us roll! ”

    Black clothes you cold.

    "Hands, don't care too much, the speed is gone."

    Brown hair youth road.

    At the moment, the five people started again, this time simultianly offered the Divine Ability technique, and the strong and secretive method was pressed to Lin Tian.

    For a time, the actual killing power surged in this place, and the ground was rumbling.

    Lin Tian's eyes are cold and no longer say anything to these five people.


    The Four Form Seal rushed behind him, mixed with the breath of Seal and annihilation, and slammed it toward the five.

    At the same time, he unveiled the Heaven Development Divine Technique, and in the blink of an eye, dozens of Heaven Development Divine Imitations, each with a very breathtaking atmosphere, from the vastness of the sky, will be mixed with the real treasure Five youth are shrouded at the same time.

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