Ten Directions God King The latest chapter, the first thousand five hundred and sixty-three chapters are not pleasing to the eye, floating astronomy
    Purple Unfettered Treasure Faction has a large number of exteriors, and everyone wants to enter the ancient and ancient history of the Peaceful Serenity Province, because there are so many Immortal Karma treasures, everyone wants to enter the ancient land. Income. However, in the outer section of the entire Purple Unfettered Treasure Faction, only the top ten people are eligible to enter, so naturally there will be a big competition, before the real opening of the gods is determined, The top ten candidates in the outer door.

    Lin Tian stood in a corner of Martial Arts Field with a faint smile on his face and calmly looked at everything in front of him.

    Purple Unfettered Treasure Faction Martial Arts Field is very large. Among the ten martial stages, there is a person standing on each stage, and it is a person in front of the front door. On this day, the top ten people will stand on the ten martial stages and accept the challenge of any outside discipline. If they win, they will continue to maintain the top ten. If they are defeated, they will fall out of the top ten.


    The top ten competition of the outer door was supported by a Golden Immortal elder. At this time, the elders who hosted the competition made a sound.

    In an instant, each and everyone outside the discipline disciples, each chooses ten people on the stage to launch a challenge.

    For a time, the sound of the rumble continued to sound, and the varied gods bloomed.

    There are a lot of outside disciplines to launch the challenge. However, the people who can become the top ten in the front are very strong. The outside door has many challenges to the ten people, but no one has succeeded and failed. .

    Even so, there are still one outside door discipline openings, and it is very tempting to challenge the ten people before boarding. It is the temptation of the ancient land in the center of Peaceful Serenity Province. Everyone wants to enter it.

    "Hey, when are you going to challenge?"

    A corner of Martial Arts Field, An Shuishui asked Lin Tian.

    During this time, she has condensed nine Immortal Essence into the True Immortal Level, and now it is the internal identity of the Purple Unfettered Treasure Faction, no longer participate in the top ten competition of the outer discipline, already has the ancient Qualification of the land.

    Go now

    Lin Tian smiled.

    At this time, fewer and fewer people are challenged, and he is ready to challenge.

    An Shuishui looked at the ten stage and asked: "So, who are you going to challenge?"

    Lin Tian's current strength, even the people of True Immortal Initial Stage can be defeated, no matter who Lin Tian challenges the top ten, everyone is unbeaten, but for Lin Tian, ​​who will choose the next challenge, she More curious.

    Lin Tian smiled and his eyes fell on one of the ten stage performances, standing on top of a black shirt.

    The black shirt youth is not someone else, it is the ninth Liu Yongxin of the outer door. He was beaten by him when he challenged him.

    An Shuishui looks at Lin Tian's gaze, even if it rolls over one's eyes: "You guys can really avenge."

    Lin Tian looks at the stage where Liu Yongxin is. She naturally knows that Lin Tian is going to choose Liu Yongxin to challenge. At the same time, she naturally knows that Liu Yongxin once provoked Lin Tian.

    Lin Tian also rolls one's eyes: "In any case, I am looking for personal challenges, naturally looking for a person who can't look good." Compared with one of the other nine people who are crushing down, of course, it is better to squeeze people who are not pleasing to the eye. ”

    "Oh, it makes sense."

    An Shuishui Road.

    Lin Tian smiled and then walked forward.

    In front, ten martial stages, the outer door of the challenge has become less and less.

    Liu Yongxin stood on a delaying platform with a faint arrogance in his eyes, standing with his hands on his back, and some disdainful look at the other outer door discipline under the martial stage. Nowadays, he has already condensed eight Immortal Essences. It is not far from True Immortal. These ordinary outer door disciplines want to challenge him, but if you want to defeat him, it is delusion!

    Thinking about this, his eyes will inevitably give birth to a plume of fine mans, his outside door 10, no one can shake, and after that, he would be eligible to enter the peaceful Serenity Province center of the miraculous ancient land, rumors of immortal Karma ancient treasures of the unclear, He believes that with his ability to enter into it, there will be a lot of extraordinary gain.

    For a time, his mouth could not help but rise.

    “The outer door discipline Lin Tian, ​​challenge Liu Yongxin.”

    Just then, a faint voice sounded.

    Lin Tian walked from the corner of Martial Arts Field to the martial stage where Liu Yongxin was located, and it appeared on the martial stage.

    In the time, all people in the Martial Arts Field are discolored.

    "Lin Tian !"

    "That is, Lin Tian who is in the inner door!"

    It's him?

    On this Martial Arts Field, a group of Purple Unfettered Treasure Faction disciple looked at Lin Tian, ​​with obvious taboos in his eyes.

    Not long ago, Lin Tian made a big noise inside, and then led Ning Yueyue, who even feared the elders. Even Ning Yueyue could control the guarding of the Purple Unfettered Treasure Faction, and urged the elders to apologize to Lin Tian and deprive the elders. Yi Yi’s year-round slogan, and deprived all the inner door disciplines of all the cultivation resources in the next three years, attracted the entire Purple Unfettered Treasure Faction, and Lin Tian’s reputation was so high that many people knew Lin Tian behind him. Standing on a person who has great energy in the Purple Unfettered Treasure Faction, a person who is afraid of jealousy by the Golden Immortal elders of the Purple Unfettered Treasure Faction.

    Moreover, Lin Tian's own strength is also very powerful, has long been known, so, after that, within the Purple Unfettered Treasure Faction, a group of Purple Unfettered Treasure Faction disciples are very awesome for Lin Tian, ​​even some real discriminating discipline I am jealous. At this time, I saw Lin Tian boarding the martial stage and challenged Liu Yongxin. Naturally, each and everyone couldn’t help but change his face.

    At the same time, even the Golden Immortal elder who presided over the top ten competitions in the outer door, seeing Lin Tian is a taboo color, slightly squatting, it is the living ancestor behind Lin Tian that makes him feel Somewhat terrible, that is the immediate descendant of the original ancestor of Purple Unfettered Treasure Faction, whose grandfather is the Purple Unfettered Treasure Faction first Supreme Elder, in Profound Immortal, no one in the Purple Unfettered Treasure Faction, even the Purple Unfettered Treasure Faction's Headmaster is not willing to provoke that person.

    At the moment, the elder is far from the polite smile of Lin Tian, ​​and then said: "Agree to challenge, start."

    Suddenly, everyone’s eyes fell on the martial stage that Lin Tian had boarded.

    On the martial stage, Liu Yongxin's face was unusually ugly. He was already thinking that he could keep the top ten positions in the outer door and then enter the magical place in the center of Peaceful Serenity Province. Many Immortal Karma Divine Treasure, the strength increased, but did not want to, the next moment, Lin Tian jumped out, even thought he launched a challenge.

    He had provoked Lin Tian at the beginning. He knew the strength of Lin Tian. He was a monster. He could never win.

    "You…You are not knowing a person with great energy at Sect! Obviously, you can qualify to enter the ancient land without a challenge, for…Why are you coming to participate in this Great Competition? ! ”

    He looked at Lin Tian, ​​and his voice couldn't help but be a little embarrassed.

    "so what?"Lin Tian looked at Liu Yongxin: "I want to participate, so I joined, do you have opinions?"

    Indeed, if he is willing, and Ning Yueyue, he naturally can enter the ancient land of the Peaceful Serenity Province center without doing anything. However, it obviously does not conform to his character and goes to the world. As long as it is an absolutely fair and just rule, he will not break, absolutely fair and just rules, he will follow.

    Liu Yongxin's face is even more ugly, but he is afraid to say anything to Lin Tian.

    I……I surrender! ”

    He gritted his teeth.

    Whether Lin Tian knows a person with great energy in the Purple Unfettered Treasure Faction, or Lin Tian itself has extremely strong strength, he can't fight with Lin Tian, ​​he really can't it is good.

    “Lin Tian wins and is promoted to the top ten.”

    The elder of Golden Immortal, who presided over the Great Competition of the outer door, immediately announced it loudly, and then smiled politely at Lin Tian.

    On the martial stage, Lin Tian also smiled at the Golden Immortal elder.

    This elder is so polite to him, he knows that because the other side is jealous of Ning Yueyue, but even so, others are polite to him, he is also a courtesy, this is his principle.

    Liu Yongxin's face could not be seen well, and the wolverine jumped from the martial stage and was replaced by Lin Tian.

    Towards the martial stage, he looked at the other nine martial stages, except Lin Tian, ​​on one of them, standing on a brown dress, who was the tenth of the outer door, and he turned to challenge this person. I want to re-enter the top ten. This is also within the rules of the outer competition of the Great Competition. The former ten people who have been challenged and failed can challenge the other nine top ten people after the defeat. If they win, they can return. To the top ten.


    Nowadays, the amazing divine ability blooms on this platform where the youth of the brown dress is located.

    Then, it was almost half a quarter of an hour later.


    A muffled sound, Liu Yongxin's body was beaten by the browns.

    "How……How could you……"

    Looking at this brown dress, Liu Yongxin is incredibly colorful. This brown dress was before the tenth door of the outer door. It was weaker than him. He confessed to Lin Tian and then challenged this person. There must be no doubt, but I did not expect that he was defeated, and he was given a martial stage by the tenth person who was weaker than him.


    The browns are coldly snorted, the divine ability blooms, and the waves of Immortal Essence are intertwined.

    This makes Liu Yongxin's face even more ugly. This person who was originally in the tenth door of the outer door has been repaired more than him.

    He gritted his teeth and looked at the other eight people in the outer door. He wanted to challenge to return to the top ten and get the qualification to enter the ancient land of Peaceful Serenity Province. Unfortunately, he finally gave up. He is very clear about the strength of the eight people, and he is not a victory.

    For a time, his whole person seemed to be detached, and he was unwilling and remorseful. He regretted why he had to provoke Lin Tian. If he did not provoke Lin Tian, ​​perhaps he would not have the end of today.

    When he thought of it, he was very uncomfortable. In the fingertips of other outside disciplines, he walked outside the Martial Arts Field.

    Lin Tian looked at the wolf's Liu Yongxin who left Martial Arts Field and couldn't help but smile.

    It’s a very pleasant thing to look at the disobedience of someone who doesn’t look good.

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