Mo Yuling took the paper, and after a while, his face became solemn.

"I see.


if you don't believe me, you can look at the gold bars." Wang Xian opened the safe, took out a gold bar, and handed it to Mo Yuling.

Mo Yuling glanced at it: "Sure enough, no, I went back, it seems that the next thing to look for should be Zhengfang." "

Thank you, Wang Xian, let's go.

Mo Yuling took the things and left in a hurry.

The corners of Wang Xian's mouth hooked, and he smiled helplessly.

Wang Xian walked out of the room and came to the bedroom.

The baby hippopotamus has not yet risen.

Wang Xian walked up and lay directly in the arms of the little hippopotamus:

"Don't you get up yet?"

Wang Xian hugged her with his arms and walked towards the bathroom.

"Brother Jin, you really are. The little hippopotamus pouted.

Wang Xian smiled, ignoring her struggles at all.

The baby hippopotamus exercises every day, and it is impossible to play badly at all.


Wang Xian came out of the bathroom.

The baby hippopotamus is still bathing.

Girls wash much more carefully than boys.

"What am I going to do next?" Wang Xian couldn't help but think for a moment.

Wang Xian lay on the sofa, thinking about it, and fell asleep after a while.

When I opened my eyes again.

Wang Xian looked at the sky.

It's all dark.

"It seems that if you play too much and control it in the future, even the little hippopotamus can't be too long, and you obviously feel lost.

Wang Xian clutched his waist and got up.

Wang Xian walked out of the room, and at first glance, he saw the little hippopotamus bouncing in the live broadcast room.

Wang Xian was angry in his heart.

She is a dancing girl.

The physical fitness is high.

Wang Xian went directly to the gym and worked out for half an hour.

Half an hour later.

Wang Xian came out of the gym like a dead dog.

Wang Xian breathed a long sigh of relief, drove the car, and headed towards the restaurant.

Ate a meal.

Wang Xian was just about to leave.

Something came to mind.

Wang Xian took out his mobile phone, clicked on the album, and began to view the pictures.

When Wang Xian looked at it, he was also super happy in his heart.

"Tsk, this Mo Yuling's figure is really good. "

There was another one, undressed, found in the bathroom. "

This girl, it's so open, tsk.

Wang Xian looked at it for a while, and then began to look at the photos of the beautiful woman again.

Wang Xian knows who this beautiful woman is.

It was a woman who had a dead husband.

He never remarried.

Wang Xian looked at it for a while, and then stopped looking.

Wang Xian turned off his mobile phone, checked out and left.

"Sure enough, the man still needs to make up for it!"

"It's over, I don't have anything to do."

Wang Xian thought for a while: "Well, I don't want to taste Sister Lin Yun's small mouth for the time being." "

Xie Lingxi, forget it. "

I heard that there is a ball at the Magic University today, go and see it. "

Say it's a prom.

In fact, it was in the stadium that a dance student danced away.

After Wang Xian came to the Demon University.

I found that many young people in society are going inside.

It seems that I came to see the little fan girl of the dance department dance.

The security guards didn't stop either.

After all.

Universities are semi-open.

We're all adults.

Wang Xian bought a bottle of water and went in.

Wang Xian came to the stadium, sat on a chair, and looked at the sky.

It's about to start.

Wang Xian looked at the field intently.

This look.

Wang Xian was directly stunned.

Why Xie Lingxi is also on it.

This girl has a figure?

Wang Xian saw Xi Qianyu.

Now Wang Xian's heart became happy.

"Xi Qianyu, this chick, jumping up, is definitely the most beautiful kind in the audience. "

After a while.

The dance of the dance department began.

Wang Xian also knew from the students next to him that there were a total of ten dances.

Finally, there is a solo dance of Xie Lingxi and Xi Qianyu.

Basically, the people in the audience came for Xie Lingxi and Xi Qianyu.

Wang Xian looked at it with a smile.

Suddenly, a little girl passed in front of Wang Xian and accidentally stepped on Wang Xian's feet, and her delicate figure sat directly in Wang Xian's arms.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry..."

After the little girl saw Wang Xian, she smiled on her face:

"Handsome guy, can we add a WeChat?"

"Sorry, don't add it." Wang Xian directly refused.

If you add it.

The ten little girls who asked for WeChat before are estimated to have to come over.

Wang Xian can't add it at all.

Not for a while.

The prom began.

Twenty girls from the dance department with first-class figures came to the center of the track and field.

The light in front of them shone directly on them.

They began to dance.

The whole audience was staring at each other.

Wang Xian is also admiring, Xi Qianyu.

"It's beautiful.

Wang Xian looked at it lightly, looking at Xi Qianyu's dancing sexy body.

As for Xie Lingxi.

Excuse me.

Wang Xian didn't look at it for the time being.

And Wang Xian observed.

I found that most of the boys were staring at Xi Qianyu.

It seems that most of the boys still like Xi Qianyu's figure.

The dance ended slowly.

Start slowly.

Not for a while.

It's time for Xie Lingxi's solo dance.

Xie Lingxi was wearing a miniskirt and walked up, his eyes were crisp and slowly beating.

She jumped.

Wang Xian found something different.

"This Nizi, her figure is a little soft~"

After a while.

The dance ends.

Wang Xian applauded cooperatively.

At this time, a boy ran up, knelt in front of Xie Lingxi, raised his head, and shouted loudly:

"Xie Lingxi, I like you."

Xie Lingxi's pretty face was stunned, he ignored it directly, and walked down.

Halfway through.

Xie Lingxi subconsciously looked in one direction.

Directly opposite Wang Xian's four eyes.

A smile appeared on Xie Lingxi's pretty face, and he jumped up and walked towards Wang Xian.

With a rub of the little buttocks, he sat directly in Wang Xian's arms.


The lamenting voices of the little boys sounded directly around them.

Wang Xian smiled and kissed Xie Lingxi on the cheek.

This time.

Wang Xian seemed to hear the heartbroken voices of countless boys. 、

Next is the solo dance of Xi Qianyu。

The end of the dance is even more exaggerated.

The three boys ran up, and they all seemed to be rich second generations.

knelt on the ground one by one, looked at Xi Qianyu with all their hearts, and said in unison:

"Qianyu, I like you, you can be my girlfriend, okay?" Xi Qianyu's

performance was exactly the same as Xie Lingxi's.

didn't say anything, and walked directly towards Wang Xian.

She pushed away Xie Lingxi from Wang Xian's body and sat directly in Wang Xian's arms.


The experience for Wang Xian is different.

Wang Xian didn't move his hand originally, but directly placed it on Xi Qianyu's lower abdomen, and said jokingly:

"If you are like this, I will be the public enemy of the whole school."

"It doesn't matter, anyway, people like my brother in the first place.

"You get out of the way. Xie Lingxi shouted.

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