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If you change to yourself, you know that you will be abandoned by the other party.

At that time, I was already heartbroken.

Ye Qingli's sadness, he can fully feel the same.

Xiao He vented a pass, and some worried: "Wang, if that is not true... then, can you find the lady back?"

"Do not worry, I will bring your lady back, complete and complete!"

"If you are a lady, you have one less hair..."

He pointed to the proud wind.

"I will pay you to you!"

The proud wind suddenly opened his mouth.

What is the nerve of the owner?

After that, Jun Aohan rushed out.

"Call all the dark guards - find someone!"

The dark guards returned to Fengyi City one after another.

The underground forces all over Fengyi City were all dispatched.

All the people have been mobilized.

Soon, they found the direction in which Ye Qingli left.

Knowing the direction he went, it was a barren mountain swamp in the West.

In the first time after getting the news, Jun Aohan rushed away.

He didn't even wait for his own men!

With the speed of the blast, he quickly came to the edge of the mountain where Ye Qingli entered.

However, when he came here, he was shocked.

The deep mountains that stretched for thousands of miles, at this time, all the entrances were guarded.

Outsiders are not allowed to enter at all.

At each entrance, there are several intermediate-level warriors in the fourth or higher order.

It is said that there is a high-end Warcraft in this deep mountain. I don’t know why, suddenly I wake up.

Being swallowed by humans inside.

Now, it is very dangerous here, and no one can be allowed to enter at all!

Moreover, there are students from Qinglong College.

Now, someone has already notified Qinglong College.

Before the arrival of the strong dragon of Qinglong College, no one is allowed to enter here.

Jun Aohan was blocked out.

His eyes suddenly became red!

Here... it is dangerous!

Moreover, it is not a general danger!

However, all the clues are indicated.

Ye Qingli, I entered this deep mountain!

At this moment, his purpose is only one.

Going into the mountains!

Even the king of heaven.

Even the most powerful master.

Can't stop him!

He left the blast outside.

Then, rush toward the entrance.

"Don't go in!"

Several fourth-order warriors immediately stopped.

"Get out!"

They simply can't stop the wrath of the arrogant cold.

Suddenly, the blood was squirting and flew out.

Jun Ao cold directly broke into the mountains!

He did not find out.

After he entered, there was a slender figure, and he quietly entered the mountains...

Ye Qingli felt very annoyed at this time.

She found that this mountain seems to be unable to go out at all.

Even the compass she carried with her seems to have lost its effectiveness here.

It is often that they have gone a long way and only recently discovered that they have returned to their original place.

Moreover, they also found that the surrounding World of Warcraft seems to be more and more.

Moreover, it is getting more and more powerful.

Once, she and Bi Xuan even discovered a fourth-order Warcraft!

If Ye Qingli did not poison it with neurotoxins, maybe two people would be swallowed by that Warcraft.

However, in blessings, they have gained a lot of magic cores.

In particular, the magic core of the fourth-order Warcraft is recorded in the cheats of the worry-free old man.

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