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East China Sea, the desert village.

Jun Ao's face is extremely blue.

The proud wind stood in front of him and shivered.

"What about the family?"

His voice is as cold as an iceberg.

"Don't tell me, you haven't found the family's trace for so long!"

"Being incompetent..."

"I don't want to hear this!"

"If you can't find it for another two days, just take the head and see me!"

The proud wind is going on.

Jun proudly took the horse.

He already felt that something was wrong.

It seems a bit like this time, it’s too coincidental...

Especially when looking for the whereabouts of the family.

It seems that someone is deliberately hanging him, so that he can't find them as soon as possible.

But why is this?

Lead yourself to Fengyi City...

Jun Aohan suddenly had a cold sweat!

In Fengyi City, there are Ye Qingli!

Can it be said that the purpose of that person is to lead himself away from her side?

Then bad for her?

Thinking of this, Jun Aohan can't wait to slap himself.

How is he so stupid!

Why didn't you think about this?

Thinking of this, he immediately called the proud wind back.

"You stay, look here, I will go back!"

The proud wind looked at him blankly, wondering why he suddenly changed his mind.

Jun Aohan didn't have time to explain to him. He took a blast and just had to go back.

At this time, he suddenly saw it. In the distance, the secret guard of a team was rushing to the front.

The eyes of Jun Ao’s cold suddenly became cold and incomparable.

"What are you doing here-"

This is why he specially stayed in Fengyi City, specializing in protecting Ye Qingli.

They are here.

So who is protecting the leaves?

His voice almost brought the blind head in front of him to the frozen.

He groaned and said: "It's not that the owner is in distress, the proud landlord orders, let us come to the rescue?"

The proud wind heard this sentence and suddenly stopped.


"I have never issued such an order at all!"

"But there is a token..."

The dark guard head took the token out.

The proud wind saw it too.

That token is exactly the same as the landlord token he owns.

Even he himself can't tell the truth!

Jun Ao Han took over.


He fell with his hand and suddenly became a pile of powder!

"It's something that the refiner has made, you can't tell..."

His heart was now, like falling into a hail.

Some are nervous, fear...

This is clearly someone who deliberately wants to turn his power away from Fengyicheng!

Ye Qingli is dangerous!

"Bring everyone together, follow me..."

He snorted hard.

Everyone flies on the horse, just about to fly.

At this time, the proud wind suddenly screamed.

There was a blue sky on the top of the head. I didn’t know when it was suddenly black.

Dark as ink.

A black shadow with a **** color appeared quietly in the air.

When the black shadow appeared, it gave everyone, a feeling of incomparable repression.

The black shadow stayed on the top of Jun Ao's head.

Then, drifting away to the distance.

Everyone is relieved.

When the shadow stayed on top of his head.

In the heart of Jun Ao cold, suddenly I took a moment.

In his heart, suddenly a thought floated.

This shadow does not know where to fly from.

It should be going to Ye Qingli!

As for why it came to his head first.

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