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"the host……"

The konjac weakly asked.

"Do we want to run the road right away?"

The injured Ye Qingli is probably only the ordinary level of the king's peak.

She was injured by the turmoil in space, and it took at least a few months to recover.

At this time, play against a group of holy level Warcraft.

It’s just killing!

"If you want to die, you can run."

Ye Qingli gave it a white look.

"If we didn't guess wrong, we should have come to the dark side."


The konjac turned his eyes and almost fainted.

"Master, did you ask God to worship Buddha when you recently went out?"

In the past, it went out with the owner, and it was all out of luck. As long as you followed, you could eat spicy and spicy.

Why are you so sad now?

Dark black is the most mysterious and scary place in the dark forest.

I heard that this place was once the remains of a sacred beast.

Has a strong enchantment.

Someone once wanted to come here to find a chance.

However, almost without exception, all died here.


Looking at his feet, the konjac screamed loudly.

It only found out that at his own feet, there is actually a bone!

"Don't call."

Ye Qingli rolled his eyes.

"If it's useful, you can call it."

The konjac immediately closed his mouth.

At this time, in the bush behind him, came out a series of Warcraft.

Their forms are more different, some have long horns on their heads, and some are covered with fiery red scales.

However, without exception, there is a very strong pressure on them!

"Where are you from?"

The head is a flying dragon with a pair of golden wings.

It stared at the big bell-like eyes and looked at Ye Qingli with great vigilance.

"We haven't seen humans here for a long time."

It grinds his own fangs and says.

"Do you see your feet?"

"Those, all are the so-called holy powers of your humanity!"

"There is no shortage of land and heaven!"

"However, they are all buried here!"

Ye Qingli stretched out his hands very simply.

"I surrender."

The hero does not eat before the loss, she will not make unnecessary sacrifices.


The tiger headed up laughed.

"You humans are too embarrassed."

"I thought that if we surrender, will we let you go?"

Its nostrils snorted into the sky.

"Only the dead are the most secretive secrets."

"However, you must be sent by a big force and want to steal our holy things!"

"Catch her up and send it to Hellfire, and slowly torture!"

After that, there were several feet of erect fire that went up.

Then, put a chain on the body of Ye Qingli.


Ye Qingli couldn't help but **** a cold breath.

On that chain, carry a raging fire.

Almost instantaneously invaded her meridians.

However, she still resisted the pain.

Look at the tiger in front of you.

“How do you call it?”

"You can call me Jin Feihu."

The tiger said proudly.

"My cultivation is equivalent to the human being's duality."

The Holy Order is a nine-day heaven, divided into heaven and earth.

The second dimension is the fifth realm.

In the five elements of the mainland, it is also an uncompromising master.

"You are so dark in the dark world of Warcraft, are you so powerful?"

"Oh, I am just a leader. What awesome..."

Jin Feihu said with pride.

Suddenly I found out that I was talking about my mouth and immediately covered my mouth.

"Come, take her away!"

A few fires pushed Ye Qingli to go forward.

At this time, behind him, suddenly came the sound of the hooves of the mountain.

Then, there was a snow-white one-horned rhinoceros rushing over.

"Not good, the Lord does not eat again!"

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