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He is already strong enough to be so!

It’s like killing chickens to crush your own holy steps!

In his body, how many surprises are there, waiting for myself?

Such a good man must not let go!

He is born, it should be his own!

Only by himself can he let out the most dazzling brilliance!

That monk.

What are the qualifications to fight with yourself!

Looking at the disciples around the medical school, they fell like grass mowing.

The look on her face is even more indifferent.

"The grass is rooted, one does not stay!"

Above the entire college's land, it has now become a **** Shura field.

The original life of a strip is constantly becoming cold.

The heart of Ye Qingli gradually sank into the bottom of the valley.

The people on their side are starting to get fewer and fewer.

Because, no matter how hard they fight, there is no strength at all, and they compete with each other!

This is the real hard power crush!

At this time, no matter what organs, poisons, etc...

All lost their utility!

All this, it’s too sudden!

Previously, when dealing with Luo Chen, she passed through painstaking arrangements and precise calculations.

But this time, Feng Ziyan brought more than ten times the strength of Luochen!

But they don't give them a chance to react at all!

They can hold on to the present, it is already a miracle!

However, since the miracle is called a miracle, it means that it cannot last.

Now, the staff has fallen down one by one.

She saw with her own eyes that Xuanguang was after a holy step.

The skull is directly smashed by the other side!

Lin Qingxuan laughed and threw his long sword.

However, his chest was pierced by the other side...

These are all comrades who fought with her!

Being one by one, falling down...

And Jun Ao cold people?

She looked up.

At this time, the figure of Jun Ao Han has been drowned by countless holy steps.

In the field, a black person is crushed.

I can't see him at all.

Her heart suddenly tightened.

To win... must win!

Ye Qingli’s mind is spinning fast.

Countless ways, one after another.

However, she was vetoed one by one.

She simply can't see that there is any chance to reverse the battle!

She bit her lip.

At this moment, she finally had a sense of frustration.

Because, I am still not strong enough!

Without enough strength, you can't wait for your lover, friend...

Waiting for everything!

Her gaze suddenly saw the phoenix standing in the air.

At this time, her eyes were tense and she looked down.

His eyes are always on the left and right of the arrogant.

There are only a few maids by her side.

There are no more people around.

Ye Qingli’s slyness is firm.

It seems like a determination is made.

Then she suddenly picked up the law.

The purple gold armor on the body, the light blooms.

"Little Phoenix, give me a drop of blood!"

"Yes, boss!"

The little phoenix, who has always cherished his own blood, never hesitated, and once again contributed his own blood.

A drop of blood, flying quickly to the phoenix knife.

Then, a tens of meters long flame, the sky is skyrocketing!

She broke open and smashed the void.

"Green glass!"

Shen Qingfeng exclaimed!

I immediately rushed out behind her!

He did not expect that Ye Qingli was so decisive.

Directly rushed to Feng Ziyan!

The thief first smashed the king!

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