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Ye Qingli solved the problem after Wen Yu.

I left the place immediately, and then rushed in the direction of the Temple of Heaven.

"Miss Ye!"

On the street, a team of soldiers, rushed to!

They looked at Ye Qingli's eyes and they were all full of admiration.

"So what happened?"

"Miss Si Ying sent a signal before the serious injury, saying that there were foreign invasions. Now, we are closely checking out!"

Ye Qingli is about to talk.

Suddenly, in her heart, there is a warning sign.

Then she saw that in the distant city, countless beams of light rose to the sky!

Then, the entire Star City, all filled with a huge mask of great incomparable!

"A large city guard?"

The face of the guard leader was suddenly shocked!

This is the big battle that Tianxing City will open when it comes to life and death!

Today, sitting on the head of the city is a calm and calm Hooch.

He will never make this decision easily!

In other words, it must have come to a very powerful strong!

Let him have to open the big city!

"Miss Ye, I will **** you back to the Star Temple. Now, the city is not safe."

"I am afraid, it is already late..."

Ye Qingli narrowed his eyes.

She has already sensed that a powerful force is coming to the sky above the Star City.

Then she saw that the dazzling glare filled her eyes.

Feng Ziyan's fibrin hand, raised the sword to cover the sky!

At that moment, the sky shook and the mountains collapsed.

The huge mask was lifted directly from the top of the Star City!

The strong airflow instantly crushed thousands of soldiers who guarded the city into a group of flesh and blood!

Ye Qingli suddenly took a breath!

The enemy that came this time is even stronger than Luochen!

"Leave now!"

She pushed the guard head out with one hand.

"Tell everyone!"

"Hide up as soon as possible!"

This battle is not something they can participate in!

These people, once involved, will only be the part of the cannon fodder!

"Miss Ye..."

The head of the guard did not leave with his hand.

Instead, I looked at Ye Qingli.

"They, is it for you?"

"Maybe it is."

Ye Qingli no expression.

She didn’t know until now that the saint had anything to do with her!

Why did she destroy her wedding?

I have to put her to death!


After that, she flew up.

Rushing toward the Temple of Heaven.

Now, she only has to meet with Jun Ao.

Then, you can discuss everything else!

However, when she left without heading back.

She did not find that the leader, standing in the dark corner.

Did not leave.

In front of him, there are a lot of people.

His face is serious.

"Miss Ye’s enemies are coming."

"Now, they have entered the Star City and searched for Miss Ye's trace."

"Do you think we can sit back and ignore?"

He looked in front of him, the tender face.

In the huge change of the previous Star City, countless people died.

Most of these people have just been recruited into the city guards.

They are young and their experience is very young.

However, what you have is a bloody!

"Of course not!"

Everyone shouted.

"Although in front of those who are high, we are just a group of ants, but we must also contribute our own strength!"

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