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But at this time, before Divine Mansion Mansion Lord opened his mouth, Qin Shaofeng, not far from him, was a flash of gaze, and an eerie purple light erupted.

And in this brief moment, under the amazing purple light, Qin Shaofeng’s 6 tomoe Rinnegan finally appeared.

As with the “tomb” of the round tomb, as long as Qin Shaofeng cannot appear, it is difficult for outsiders to see the true look of Qin Shaofeng’s eyes.

But at this moment, Qin Shaofeng has completely revealed his 6 tomoe Rinnegan.

what is that?

Seeing the purple pattern around Qin Shaofeng’s eyes, and the pattern of each and everyone tomoe on the pattern, Divine Mansion Mansion Lord heart startled, momentarily surprised.

Antiquity Saint Domain is extraordinary, and there are some special races in Antiquity Saint Domain.

These races all have special Bloodline, and their Bloodline contains magical strength.

Therefore, even without cultivation, just with their own Strength of Bloodline, they can have great strength.

And such races all have a name-Antiquity Saint Race!

There are also many races in the Antiquity Saint Race, and each race has a very magical and powerful strength.

Even because bloodline is too powerful, the body of Antiquity Saint Race basically has the characteristics of bloodline manifestation.

Body appearance, body color, body shape …

There are also special organs, such as the mouth, nose, and eyes and ears.

But no matter what kind of special manifestation, it has an incredible strength.

Qin Shaofeng knows this too, so that’s why he completely revealed his 6 tomoe Rinnegan.

Qin Shaofeng’s Sharingan is very special. Once it is not his initiative to show up, except for Qin Shaofeng’s peerage and the others, it is basically difficult for outsiders to see.

Unless it is someone with a special existence, if not even Qin Shaofeng opened Sharingan, then outsiders will not see the changes in Qin Shaofeng’s eyes.

At this moment, it was Qin Shaofeng’s active appearance, so Divine Mansion Mansion Lord instantly saw the circles of light purple patterns on Qin Shaofeng’s eyes, and the toee pattern of each and everyone scarlet on the patterns.

Such weird eyes patterns reminded Divine Mansion Mansion Lord of the Antiquity Saint Race in Antiquity Saint Domain.

Because Qin Shaofeng’s eyes gave him that feeling.

Is this Qin Shaofeng Antiquity Saint Race?

Divine Mansion Mansion Lord heart startled, momentarily the whole person was a little sluggish.

No wonder he is so, because the Antiquity Saint Race in Antiquity Saint Domain is too terrifying and powerful.

Although Antiquity Saint Domain has graded these influence levels of Grades 1-9, no matter which race influence of Antiquity Saint Race, it is the existence of Transcendent Grade influence.

As for the existence of Transcendent Grade influence, this is actually just a legendary word for Divine Mansion Mansion Lord.

Because the area where the real watergate was originally was just a remote corner of the infinite Antiquity Saint Domain. Most of the influences were only Grade 2 and even Grade 3 was very rare.

As for Grade 4 martial influence, even more needless to say.

Even seriously, the influence of all the influences in the area of ​​Zhenshuimen is not as good as an ordinary Grade 4 sect influence in Antiquity Saint Domain.

Therefore, having the Transcendent Grade influence of the Antiquity Saint Race, that existence has completely exceeded the imagination of Divine Mansion Mansion Lord. To him and even to True Watergate, it is a legendary colossus!

Therefore, when seeing Qin Shaofeng’s eyes and suddenly guessing that Qin Shaofeng might be the person of the Antiquity Saint Race, Divine Mansion Mansion Lord froze.


But soon, Divine Mansion Mansion Lord thought it was impossible.

Because the real Antiquity Saint Race, no matter how unbearable, it definitely has an incomparable Bloodline innate talent.

Don’t say that the Domain Lord Realm, even if it is 20 years old cultivation from Inner World, it is normal to become a World Lord.

No matter how it is, you can at least understand the 100-domain, and cultivate Inner World!

After all those Antiquity Saint Race Bloodline innate talent, but very scary.

Thinking of this, Divine Mansion Mansion Lord has 2 deny Qin Shaofeng’s identity as Antiquity Saint Race.

But it was such a stubbornness and a negation, but this has already been over for a while.

What can you do in one breath?

To the worldly mortal, without cultivating them, one breath is just a breath.

But for Qin Shaofeng, there are too many things to do in this time.

Huh! Huh! Huh! Huh! Huh!

Immediately, 5 illusory silhouettes of Qin Shaofeng instantly appeared beside him, but it was the ‘tomb’ of the round tomb next to that round of tomb!

Qin Shaofeng previously self-destruction a round tomb ‘shadow’, and now the remaining 5 round tombs ‘shadow’ are all summoned all at once.

As soon as these 5 round tombs ‘shadows’ appeared, not at all was promptly driven by Qin Shaofeng to attack Divine Mansion Mansion Lord. Instead, they surrounded Qin Shaofeng’s own group strangely, leaving no trace of escape.

Just after the 5 round tombs ‘Shadow’ had just done all of this, Qin Shaofeng looked up sharply, then looked towards Divine Mansion Mansion Lord, staring closely at Divine Mansion Mansion Lord.

The next moment, Qin Shaofeng’s eyes were full of purple light.

At this moment, Divine Mansion Mansion Lord has scared himself from himself, and Qin Shaofeng is sober from the idea of ​​Antiquity Saint Race.

But also in this brief moment, Divine Mansion Mansion Lord was stared at him by Qin Shaofeng, and a moment of purple light flashed in his eyes, and a stun in his heart.

Although I do n’t know what Qin Shaofeng is doing now, Divine Mansion Mansion Lord understands that with Qin Shaofeng eyes, even if Qin Shaofeng is not an Antiquity Saint Race, it is definitely not simple.

This has to be guarded!

Therefore, the moment when Qin Shaofeng eyes saw purple light erupt, Divine Mansion Mansion Lord’s whole body tightened up instantly, and the whole person fell into alert.

It was a pity that even then, he was hit.

The next moment, Divine Mansion Mansion Lord felt that he was caught in a special, weird feeling, and then the whole person slammed.


Inverted space, saw a flash, Divine Mansion Mansion Lord just felt that he was suddenly transferred.

How is this going?

Suddenly, Divine Mansion Mansion Lord found something that was terrifying.

Because in this brief moment, he suddenly found that he seemed to be in direct conflict with Qin Shaofeng’s position.

Not like it!

In fact, Divine Mansion Mansion Lord’s position is reversed from Qin Shaofeng.

Heaven’s Hand!

Just at that moment, Qin Shaofeng directly concentrated a lot of eyes power of 6 tomoe Rinnegan, instantly consumed within the body of all Power of World, performed a hand of the sky, and then directly reversed his position with Divine Mansion Mansion Lord. .

Because Divine Mansion Mansion Lord was surprised by the pattern of Qin Shaofeng eyes, despite the timely response to the return of God.

But unfortunately, he was caught by Qin Shaofeng. Such a gap, he turned it with himself in the sky.

This time, it’s amazing.

You know, before Qin Shaofeng used Zhantian’s hand, he had formed 5 round tombs of the “shadow” and surrounded him with his position.

And not only that, these 5 round tombs ‘Shadows’ are still in an emergency state!

Well, just like the “Shadow” of the previous round tomb, these 5 round tombs are now in the state of Self-destruction.

Almost instantly, the Divine Mansion Mansion Lord was too late to be surprised, why he was swapped by Qin Shaofeng.

Because he had felt it, the danger of the ‘shadow’ Self-destruction from the round tomb.


Absolutely dangerous!

After the position change, Divine Mansion Mansion Lord felt a chill in his heart, his body shaking, it seemed that a kind of Cold Qi came out from the soles of his feet, and the whole person was extremely cold.

However, this icy chill is not icy chill in the sense.

This chill was entirely an instinctual response to the crisis.

not good!

Feeling the bitter chilling crisis, Divine Mansion Mansion Lord immediately responded.

Without paying attention to Qin Shaofeng himself, Divine Mansion Mansion Lord directly withdrew the suppression of Qin Shaofeng and mobilized the strength of the great hall space, and wanted to protect himself.

Unfortunately, how could Qin Shaofeng give him that time?

Almost at the moment when Divine Mansion Mansion Lord withdrew the great hall space to suppress himself, Qin Shaofeng opened his mouth slightly and sneered at Divine Mansion Mansion Lord with a sneer.


The great hall at this moment is very quiet. The sound of Qin Shaofeng is so clear and so loud!

But for the explosion of Qin Shaofeng, the face of Divine Mansion Mansion Lord turned pale immediately.

“Do not……”

It seemed to feel the previous crisis, and at this instant it has skyrocketed countless times. Divine Mansion Mansion Lord screamed angrily.

Unfortunately, as soon as he shouted a word, he was interrupted completely by 5 loud world-shaking bangs.

Bang! bang! bang! bang! bang!

Purple light flashed, 5 times in a row, the 5 round tombs ‘shadow’ in this brief moment, Self-destruction is up!

This is the Self-destruction of the round tomb ‘shadow’ that gathers all of its Power of World in an instant and one-time manner.

And it was prepared in advance, this formidable power is naturally unusual.

The most important thing is that this time is still a series of 5 round tombs ‘shadow’ together Self-destruction.

This formidable power is not as simple as one plus one!

The five round tombs ‘shadows’ were deliberately joined by Qin Shaofeng, which led to the self-destruction of the five round tombs ‘shadows’ at this moment, all of which showed signs of blending in an instant.

Therefore, the formidable power of the “Shadow” Self-destruction of these 5 round tombs not only surpasses Lord’s realm, even the powerhouse of the Domain Lord Realm in general, it can’t bear it at all.


The 5 loud Self-destruction directly caused an overflowing heaven horror strength, which shocked the great hall to fiercely.

Fortunately, this great hall is the core of this aerial fortress. The casting material is absolutely not simple, not at all. Because of this terrible Self-destruction strength, what damage has occurred.

Even so, this great hall still seemed to be fiercely cleaned by a terrifying space storm.

The seat of the seat in the great hall was destroyed in this brief moment.

It can be said that everything except the 2 pillars of the Divine Beast statue that already existed in the great hall was destroyed in this brief moment.

In fact, long after Qin Shaofeng entered the great hall, before the Divine Mansion Mansion Lord planned to take action on Qin Shaofeng, he used the power of the great hall to isolate the space of the great hall from the outside world.

This puts the great hall in a state of Independent Space.

If this is not the case, then the explosion at this time would have spread to the outside world long ago, and it might even cause considerable damage!

But it is precisely because of this that this leads to everything happening in the great hall space at the moment, except for the parties’ Qin Shaofeng and Divine Mansion Mansion Lord, there is no third people understood.

No one knows that such a terrifying battle happened here!

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