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True water gate, this is the martial art where Chen Tianshuo and Divine Mansion Mansion Lord are located!

It’s just that the martial art of Zhenshuimen is not very big. In the Antiquity Saint Domain, the martial arts is just a Grade 2 martial art!

Although it has been faintly promoted to Grade 3, it is because of this promotion, it was jealous of other Grade 2 sects.

Then, they were attacked by the group, not only failed to be promoted, but even directly extinguished.

In the end, only Divine Mansion Mansion Lord and Chen Tianshuo had some small shrimps, and they were lucky to survive.

This disappointed Qin Shaofeng!

Because originally Qin Shaofeng thought that Chen Tianshuo’s martial art was a martial art of at least 7 Grade 8!

Unfortunately, the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment!

However, if you think about it, if it is really a 7 Grade 8 martial art, it is considered to be extinguished. Then there are as few surviving people as possible, no matter how weak.

Then it is impossible to come to Origin Continent after having spent several hundred years.

It’s just Grade 2. Although it’s nothing in Antiquity Saint Domain, it is definitely a colossus in terms of Origin Continent.

Fortunately, there are only Chen Tianshuo and several of them at Zhenshuimen, and the background they have is not very rich.

And precisely because of this, the background brought by Antiquity Saint Domain is not very rich, which does not allow unnecessary people to break through to the Domain Lord Realm.

In fact, this situation is slightly different.

Even if the environment is not good, the cultivation resources are insufficient, but it is the Domain Lord Realm who is from the Antiquity Saint Domain. It is still possible to break through.

But those who broke through to Domain Lord Realm were baffling’s missing.

This is what Chen Tianshuo knows.

at first Chen Tianshuo didn’t care much. Although he was surprised by the disappearance of Senior Brother, in his opinion, it may be due to other influences on Origin Continent.

But by chance, Chen Tianshuo suddenly discovered that his missing Senior Brothers were about to break through, or had broken through to the Domain Lord Realm.

This made Chen Tianshuo feel that something was wrong!

One is a coincidence, but two or three of these situations occur, but that is definitely not a coincidence, it is absolutely abnormal.

This made Chen Tianshuo pay attention, and after some investigation, Chen Tianshuo noticed that his Senior Brother, all of them who disappeared, had a relationship with his Eldest Senior Brother, which is Divine Mansion Mansion Lord.

And with a gradual investigation, Chen Tianshuo thoroughly determined this.

All of his missing Senior Brothers were not done by influence on Origin Continent, but by his Divine Mansion Mansion Lord Senior Brother.

This disturbed Chen Tianshuo!

Then, Chen Tianshuo began secretly preparing to collect all resources in preparation for his breakthrough Domain Lord Realm.

Regarding the 9 secret treasures possessed by 2 Cloud Sect, 9 jade among them is said to have a special Spirit Qi. This Spirit Qi has a higher level than Spirit Qi on Origin Continent.

It is because of this unreliable rumor that Chen Tianshuo started working on 9 Cloud Sect.

When it was learned that 9 Cloud Sect suffered the devastation because of this reason, Qin Shaofeng was almost angry and killed Chen Tianshuo on the spot.

But in the end Qin Shaofeng still held back and did not immediately take action against Chen Tianshuo.

Because Chen Tianshuo told Qin Shaofeng, the Divine Mansion Mansion Lord actually broke through to the Domain Lord Realm 500 years ago.

Although the cultivation environment of Origin Continent is not a powerhouse cultivation suitable for Domain Lord Realm at all.

But after breaking through the Domain Lord Realm, it is able to communicate the Force of Void among its own Power of World with the help of Force of Void cultivation.

Although this cultivation speed is very slow, it is also very complicated.

But after 500 years, even how slow it is, it is enough for Divine Mansion Mansion Lord to have a strong strength.

According to Chen Tianshuo’s guess, his Mansion Lord Senior Brother probably has at least 2 10th-layer Perfection Domain.

Maybe even 3 10th-layer Domain, then Divine Mansion Mansion Lord has already been cultivated!

If so, then Qin Shaofeng naturally couldn’t kill Chen Tianshuo at will.

After all, I used Kotoamatsukami once. Although I already know the situation of Divine Mansion Mansion Lord, Qin Shaofeng still wants to make the most of this Chen Tianshuo.

For three days, it seemed that Divine Mansion Mansion Lord had forgotten Qin Shaofeng, and never found him.

But Qin Shaofeng knew that it wouldn’t be long before that Divine Mansion Mansion Lord would find himself.

Sure enough, on the fourth day, Qin Shaofeng got the summon of the Divine Mansion Mansion Lord.

This day, under the leadership of a Lord Realm powerhouse, Qin Shaofeng came to the palace of Divine Mansion Mansion Lord.

The house of Divine Mansion Mansion Lord is not simple.

Not only is it located in the center of the aerial fortress, Divine Mansion Headquarters, but it is also very magnificent, with a huge area, almost 20% of the entire aerial fortress.

With the volume of the fortress in the Headquarters, these 20% are big.

Qin Shaofeng is now understood, this aerial fortress is actually a supreme treasure of Zhenshuimen.

According to Chen Tianshuo, it was originally obtained by the Gate Lord of their real water gate in the Antiquity Saint Domain’s powerful inheritance Cave Mansion.

And it is precisely because of this aerial fortress that this gives Zhenshuimen the ability to climb to the Grade 3 tier.

It’s just a pity that although True Watergate had extremely secretive measures against this aerial fortress, it was finally made known to other Grade 2 factions, and they received a treasure of Real Watergate.

In the end, Zhenshuimen suffered a sect-destroying disaster!

However, it makes Qin Shaofeng curious.

In that kind of sect-destroying disaster, this Divine Mansion Mansion Lord is actually capable of taking this air fortress away, which is really incredible.

But think about it, maybe the Gate Lord, which happened to be the real water gate, was entrusted to Divine Mansion Mansion Lord at the end of his life!

Qin Shaofeng’s guess is actually correct.

At the time of the last hopelessness, the Gate Lord of True Water Gate delivered the aerial fortress to Divine Mansion Mansion Lord and let him flee with the aerial fortress.

The Gate Lord of True Watergate did this instead of entrusting the air fortress to a powerhouse. The root cause is 2.

The first is that at that time, the experts of Zhenshuimen could not escape safely, because each of them was stared at by the experts of other Grade 2 schools.

The second and most important reason is the identity of this Divine Mansion Mansion Lord.

At first, no one knew about True Watergate. This Divine Mansion Mansion Lord had an unusual relationship with the True Watergate Gate Lord.

Because this Divine Mansion Mansion Lord is the illegitimate child of the original Watergate Gate Lord.

Because of this relationship, this made Gate Lord of Zhenshuimen at the last moment to deliver this aerial fortress to Divine Mansion Mansion Lord.

Of course, these things, Qin Shaofeng don’t know yet.

Qin Shaofeng is just feeling at this moment, the palace of Divine Mansion Mansion Lord on this aerial fortress is so huge, gorgeous and luxurious!

But at the same time Qin Shaofeng’s heart also moved a careful thought!

This aerial fortress is something of the Antiquity Saint Domain, but also something from a powerful Inheritance Land, definitely extremely important.

Now this aerial fortress seems very powerful, but only by understanding Qin Shaofeng about this, can his heart be very clear.

I am afraid that the air fortress at this moment can only exert its power which is less than 1%.

If true powerhouse is used to control this air fortress, then the formidable power that is exerted is absolutely world-shaking.

So treasure, Qin Shaofeng doesn’t want to miss it.

Of course, to get this treasure, the biggest problem before Qin Shaofeng is this Divine Mansion Mansion Lord.

And anyway, this Divine Mansion Mansion Lord is an obstacle for Qin Shaofeng.

Must be resolved!


After entering the palace, after a while, Qin Shaofeng was brought to the Divine Mansion Mansion Lord by the Lord powerhouse.

This is a great hall in the palace, gold and jade in glorious splendor, which is very atmospheric.

Qin Shaofeng glanced at it and saw ten or two huge gold pillars.

These 2 pillars are carved with some Divine Beasts. They are all three types of dragon, phoenix, and Qilin, and each has four, divided into four directions, East, South, West, and North.

However, what surprised Qin Shaofeng most is that these 2 Divine Beast statues are all lifelike, giving Qin Shaofeng the feeling as if they were some supreme expert, with the living dragon, phoenix, and Qilin three kinds of Divine Beast , The forcibly mosaic goes up.

But soon, Qin Shaofeng was dumbfounded by the thought in his heart.

True Dragon, Feng, Qilin?

How can this be?

This aerial fortress comes from the Antiquity Saint Domain, and the dragon, phoenix, and Qilin in the Antiquity Saint Domain are all Divine Beasts. Its strength is even stronger than some Antiquity Saint Races.

And in the case of those Divine Beast races, how could it be possible to allow people to incarnate their own siblings on each and everyone gold pillars?

Thinking about it that way, Qin Shaofeng could not help but dispel this ridiculous thought in his heart.

But I saw the statues on the pillars again, and for some reason, although the thoughts were dispelled, Qin Shaofeng felt a sense of inexplicability deep in his heart.

“Qin Shaofeng are you here?”

At this moment, a cold voice in the high seat of great hall interrupted Qin Shaofeng’s imagination.

Looking up, Qin Shaofeng saw it. At the height of this great hall, there was a person sitting in the only seat. The voice just came from the mouth of this person.

This person is Divine Mansion Mansion Lord!

The same is true. At this time, Qin Shaofeng suddenly remembered that it seems that he still doesn’t know the name of this Divine Mansion Mansion Lord!

However, these are not important.

With a slight hug in his fists, he shouted to Divine Mansion Mansion Lord on the high seat, “I’ve seen Mansion Lord!”


Divine Mansion Mansion Lord nodded, Qin Shaofeng’s attitude made him very satisfied.

After dismissing the Lord powerhouse that came with Qin Shaofeng, Divine Mansion Mansion Lord opened the mouth again and said: “Qin Shaofeng, to be honest, your performance surprised me Mansion Lord, because Mansion Lord at first did not believe it , You can kill the Junior Brother of this Mansion Lord. But now you say you did it, which surprises this Mansion Lord! “

“Mansion Lord joked. Although the discipline is a bit strong, it is still a lot worse than you!”

Qin Shaofeng slightly smiled, with a low attitude.

In fact, in Qin Shaofeng’s mind, if it is not possible to conflict with this Divine Mansion Mansion Lord now, it is naturally best.

After all, this Divine Mansion Mansion Lord strength is profoundly unpredictable, which makes Qin Shaofeng’s mind unclear.

Although not to say, Qin Shaofeng is afraid of this Divine Mansion Mansion Lord.

But Qin Shaofeng also knew very well that if he started working with this Divine Mansion Mansion Lord now, his win rate was not large.

And even if you can win this Divine Mansion Mansion Lord, it is estimated that you have to pay a not a small price.

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