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“Death to death?”

As soon as Chen Tianshuo’s voice fell, the clone of Divine Mansion Mansion Lord was a moan.

Then, this Divine Mansion Mansion Lord did not wait for Qin Shaofeng to respond, that is, nodded and said, “It’s good, after all, this is your personal grudge, and it’s a perfect solution to this!


This Divine Mansion Mansion Lord’s decision really surprised Qin Shaofeng.

But Qin Shaofeng didn’t pay much attention, it was just Chen Tianshuo and he could handle it.

It’s just that this Divine Mansion Mansion Lord has decided so, it seems a bit tricky!

Although there was something wrong in my heart, this is the end of the matter, and Qin Shaofeng can now only be nodded.

“Oh, now that Sir Mansion Lord has decided, then naturally I won’t say much! After Chen Tiansuo 3 days, I will compete with you arena!”

“Hmph, there is backbone, just hope you when the time comes, don’t run away!”

After coldly snorted, that Chen Tianshuo no longer made any more stoppages, directly flashed, turned into an azure light, and walked away.

As soon as Chen Tianshuo left, the clone not at all of Divine Mansion Mansion Lord disappeared.

Seems to be deliberately waiting for Chen Tianshuo to leave, then the Mansion Lord of Divine Mansion, after a while, suddenly turned his head to Qin Shaofeng opened the mouth and said: “Qin Shaofeng, Ben Mansion Lord knows your recent actions and also knows your heart intend.”

Qin Shaofeng heart startled, but do n’t wait for him to say anything, then Divine Mansion Mansion Lord actually said: “Relax, as long as you can kill Chen Tiansuo after 3 days, even if you want to rebuild 9 Cloud Sect, this Mansion Lord There will be no slightest opinion! “


This voice has not yet landed, and the clone of Divine Mansion Mansion Lord is a flash, and disappears instantly.

Watching Divine Mansion Mansion Lord clone disappear, Qin Shaofeng was silent for a long time.

“Oh, it seems that the situation of Divine Mansion is more special than I thought!”

With a small smile, Qin Shaofeng’s mind came alive.

Obviously, between this Divine Mansion Mansion Lord and that of Chen Tianshuo, not only are they not in harmony, they have even reached your death.

Maybe there are some things to worry about, even if you have a strong enough strength, Divine Mansion Mansion Lord did not kill his Chen Tianshuo Junior Brother.

But he hoped to kill Chen Tianshuo with his own hands.

However, Qin Shaofeng also wanted to understand.

This did not happen, and for Divine Mansion Mansion Lord, nothing was lost.

If he fails and is killed by Chen Tianshuo, it will have little effect on Divine Mansion Mansion Lord.

I am afraid that in the eyes of the other party, there is not much hope at all!

“Oh, that’s the case, then I’m round Sir Mansion Lord. Your mind is good!”

Slightly smiled, but Qin Shaofeng’s eyes flashed a cold cold glow.

In any case, even without the requirements of this Divine Mansion Mansion Lord, Qin Shaofeng does not intend to let go of Chen Tianshuo.

After all, seriously calculate, destroy the real culprit of Nine Clouds Hall, but this Chen Tianshuo!

The hatred of Nine Clouds Hall, the hatred of Old Lei, the hatred of Old Hall Master, and their hatred of Junhai City!

Don’t look for him Chen Tianshuo, who do you want? ? ?

However, Qin Shaofeng’s mind was not confused by hatred, which is not an unclear situation.

Qin Shaofeng knew that once he killed Chen Tianshuo, I am afraid that the next Sir Mansion Lord of Divine Mansion should face himself.

Qin Shaofeng doesn’t think that after knowing that he has rebuilt 9 Cloud Sect, Divine Mansion Mansion Lord will identify with himself.

Qin Shaofeng didn’t forget that Divine Mansion’s ambition to dominate the Origin Continent was also proposed by the Sir Mansion Lord.

There will be no slightest opinion?

Go to the devil!

Qin Shaofeng sneered again and again, and at the same time he was thinking about countermeasures.

Chen Tianshuo is nothing, but Divine Mansion Mansion Lord is a big trouble!


Soon, a hot news instantly swept the entire Origin Continent.

After 3 days, Chen Tianshuo, one of Divine Mansion’s 3 Supreme Elders, and Divine Mansion disciple Qin Shaofeng will perform an absolute death on Arena!

This is amazing!

The 3 Supreme Elders of Divine Mansion Although not many people know, everyone who knows knows the Supreme Elders of 3 Divine Mansion, but they are very powerful.

It was exactly these three Supreme Elders and the Divine Mansion Mansion Lord that made Divine Mansion become the first influence of Origin Continent in a very short time.

Powerful, mysterious, terrifying!

This is what the Divine Mansion Supreme Elder knows about those powerhouses.

But for Chen Tianshuo’s opponent, it is actually a small common disciple of Divine Mansion, which is a bit confusing.

That’s right, even if Qin Shaofeng won the 1st place in the Divine Mansion election, in the eyes of most powerhouses, Qin Shaofeng is irrelevant.

However, this does not need to be taken care of, because these are not important.

Now that Chen Tiansuo, one of the Divine Mansion Supreme Elder’s powerhouse take action, can have a one-on-one battle of life and death on arena.

That’s the Qin Shaofeng, no matter how crap, it’s a bit strong.

Otherwise, it would be a joke.

Of course, in the eyes of most powerhouses, this is definitely a drain.

A small common disciple from Divine Mansion, dare to challenge Supreme Elder of Divine Mansion?

This is really overestimate one’s capabilities, and it is ridiculous!

Before the duel started, the result was already there.

The news was naturally released by God Mansion Lord.

Qin Shaofeng immediately knew the meaning of Divine Mansion when he heard the news.

No, exactly what Sir Mansion Lord of Divine Mansion meant.

Now all the attention of influence on Origin Continent is focused on the Secret Realm world of the source crystal space.

Divine Mansion Mansion Lord just wants to use this to attract the attention of great influences.

As for the reason, it is actually very simple.

This is mostly the Sir Mansion Lord of Divine Mansion, who is ready to start his ambitions.

Qin Shaofeng’s duel with Chen Tianshuo shows Divine Mansion’s strong strength.

Qin Shaofeng has even guessed that when the time comes, there must be other influence great characters to watch his duel with Chen Tianshuo.

And when the time comes, Divine Mansion will definitely have a lot of expert and powerhouse lineups unknown to outsiders.

In this way, the Divine Mansion subduing other influence plans are basically smooth.

When faced with an irresistible strength, many people choose to acknowledge allegiance.

As long as Divine Mansion shows a strong enough strength, there must be someone who acknowledges allegiance.

Not all powerhouses are hot-blooded men.

The longer you live, the more you cherish your life!

After Divine Mansion sent such news, those who were not clear about Divine Mansion Supreme Elder at first also quickly knew how this Supreme Elder existed.

Because it seems that I want to pay attention to the reminder, how strong is true powerhouse, then Divine Mansion Mansion Lord has continued to spread the cultivation of Power of World.

Until then, ordinary people on Origin Continent realized that the so-called Supreme was just a starting point.

And those Supreme people know about Supreme, in fact, are the weakest existence in Supreme.

Even if the cultivation of Power of World exists, it is said.

But Divine Mansion still didn’t tell all the Realm of World Seven Realms.

This also made countless people mistakenly believe that after 1st-layer Domain cultivated to Perfection Realm, it still belongs to Supreme Realm, not Lord Realm.

But even so, it was enough to amaze countless people.

momentarily, the entire Origin Continent is lively.


Soon, 3 days passed.

To this day, Divine Mansion can open a huge arena in the aerial fortress of the Headquarters.

With Qin Shaofeng and Chen Tianshuo at this strength, once they fight, they will naturally be fierce.

Therefore, under the direction of Divine Mansion Mansion Lord, the diameter of the opened Arena not only exceeded 1000 meters, but also the Space Great Array was arranged on the edge of the Arena.

In this way, even if the battle is fierce, it will not affect the Arena.

As for the auditorium outside Arena, it’s big!

The closest arena seat, there are more than 1000.

Don’t underestimate these 1000 seats, because the people who can sit here are either great characters with great influences or strong powerhouses with strong strength.

This circle is only a small part. What is even more huge is the huge square behind the seats in this circle.

At this moment, the square was full of people.

These people want to see, this amazing Divine Mansion 3 powerhouse, one of the top Supreme Elders, has an amazing cultivation base.

One of arena, Qin Shaofeng came here early.

But Chen Tianshuo hasn’t seen the trace yet, and he doesn’t know where he is.

But Qin Shaofeng knew that Chen Tianshuo had already arrived now, and even the other party had already stood on Arena.

It ’s just that the other party did n’t know if it was a mystery or something. He hid with Power of World and let everyone find that ’s all.

Of course, there was some true powerhouse present, and Chen Tianshuo’s position could be detected.

Perhaps some other influences are not like Divine Mansion. Their inheritance is from Antiquity Saint Domain.

In any case, Origin Continent always has some innate talent.

That’s no specific cultivation method. It’s been a long time. I’m afraid there will be some powerhouses in the Lord realm.

Besides, there are many relics on Origin Continent, although it is not known what happened to Origin Continent.

From all indications, Origin Continent may have appeared in the Powerhouse of World Seven Realms long ago.

In this way, it is not impossible for influence to know about World Seven Realms and to cultivated to Lord.

Even the Ten Great Influences on Origin Continent can become the Ten Great Influences in the Powerhouse of World Seven Realms.

Although it is basically only the Lord environment, the Origin Continent cultivation environment can be used, and the cultivation Lord environment can be regarded as the limit.

The Divine Mansion Mansion Lord can have a cultivation base that exceeds Lord’s realm, and Qin Shaofeng is likely to rely on the background he brought from the Antiquity Saint Domain.

But even the cultivation base in the Lord realm is definitely as rare as phoenix feathers and unicorn horns in Origin Continent, and only true powerhouse in Ten Great Influences can appear.

And Qin Shaofeng has long noticed that there is also a Lord Realm powerhouse besides Divine Mansion on the spot today.

Therefore, it is natural that someone will notice that there is already one person in Arena at this moment.

As soon as the duel arrived, the space on Arena was distorted.

Then one silhouette appeared, that is, Chen Tianshuo.

When Chen Tianshuo appeared, Arena suddenly remembered countless exclamations.

“Appeared! Appeared! Someone on Arena has appeared!”

“Is that the legendary Divine Mansion’s Supreme Elder Chen Tianshuo Senior? Sure enough, I didn’t even realize how he appeared!”

“Fart, I have the Supreme 7th-layer cultivation base, and the 1st-layer Domain has also been cultivated to 6 Heavenly Layer Realm. I can’t feel it. You Saint Saint Sovereign can see it!”

“Tsk tsk, so powerful! Thanks to Supreme Elder of Divine Mansion!”


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