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Time passed, and half a month passed, so silently passed.

But Qin Shaofeng is very puzzled that the grandfather of Young Master Chen has not moved yet.

Even the seizure of Heiyunfu House, Divine Mansion already knew it by reason!

But until now, Divine Mansion has remained indifferent to this.

This makes Qin Shaofeng incomprehensible.

Although Qin Shaofeng seized Heiyunfu and changed Heiyunfu back to 9 Cloud Sect, the matter was not fully publicized.

But even if you change Heiyunfu to 9yunfu, Divine Mansion will ask a little bit, and then determine yourself as the Mansion Lord?

But now it’s better, nothing happened.

Qin Shaofeng doesn’t believe that what happened in Heiyun Prefecture is unknown to Divine Mansion.

So Qin Shaofeng felt a little scratched by the movement of Divine Mansion.

But that doesn’t matter, because for Qin Shaofeng, this now gives him time and prepares.

After more than half a month, the number of wild animals staying at 9 Cloud Sect at this moment has exceeded 3000, and among these 3000 Barbarian Beasts, King wild animals are more than 10% of 300.

300 Kings, this is terrifying strength.

More importantly, because Qin Shaofeng already has EXP.

This has caused these King beasts to awaken the dual, 3rd Layer attribute Domain. The strength is comparable to the 1st-layer attribute 9th Layer on the Origin Continent, and even the Supreme powerhouse of the 10th Layer Realm.

Especially the more than 100 King beasts that started with Qin Shaofeng subduing, now most of them have cultivated the awakened Domain to Perfection Realm.

When Feng Qingying left, he deliberately taught Little Yue’er a secret technique.

This secret technique allows anyone from Realm, or a wild beast, to enter the realm of the realm without being suppressed by the realm.

This is regarded as Feng Qing’s at first meeting with Qin Shaofeng, which paid Qin Shaofeng a serious injury.

Because of this secret technique, Qin Shaofeng already put a lot of wild beasts in the source area for mining of source crystals.

And it is precisely because of this situation that the wild animals here at 9 Cloud Sect always have the source crystal cultivation, and this Realm strength increases naturally and quickly.

There are more King beasts, and naturally there are some King beasts with extremely innate talent.

In fact, there are many wild beasts. After awakening themselves to the 1st-layer attribute Domain and cultivated to Perfection Realm, they have begun to understand the 2nd Layer and even the 3rd Layer attribute Domain.

Among them is a black tiger King beast, which has three types of attribute domains. After awakening the Domain, it has not only cultivated the 3st-layer Domain of each attribute to Perfection Realm.

Until now, this black tiger has started to cultivate the 3rd Layer Domain of each attribute.

That is to say, this blackhead already owns the 6th-layer Perfection Domain, and now has awakened the 9th Layer Domain.

Such strength, even if the Master of the Sea Master of the Young Master Chen met, it was a matter of minute killing.

Of course, in addition to the outstanding talent of innate talent, the reason why this black tiger can make progress so fast is thanks to Hu Ye.

The reason is very simple, this black tiger is only a tigress, and then Hu Ye fell in love with it.

Regarding her Huniu, Hu Ye didn’t take politeness at all, and Yuan Jingxuan threw it away.

This makes that black tiger not as fast as it is, it is also difficult!

In this regard, Qin Shaofeng did not care.

After all, Hu Ye has been with him for a long time, and he is also his own peerage.

In addition, the goods always shouted at the little girl, Qin Shaofeng was annoyed.

Now it is one of them, even if it is a waste of some source crystal, that is not a big problem.

In addition to that black tiger, King’s wild beasts also appeared, and many powerful wild beasts with 7th-8th Layer Domain.

Momentally, the strength around Qin Shaofeng suddenly became scary.

In the past half a month, in addition to improving the strength of King Barbara and Jun Shaoyang, as well as the strength of the Yanhuo Villagers, Qin Shaofeng secluded again.

After thinking that Divine Mansion would not take any action soon, Qin Shaofeng took a break and was ready to spend 3 days using the treasures brought by Feng Qingying and the Super Devil Fruit he just got. , And cooperate with Phoenix Clan’s Nirvana incarnation method, and then condensed out his second immortal incarnation.

The result was very smooth, with the experience of the first immortal avatar, that is, the world avatar of refining, and Feng Qingyi also gave a lot of experience on Phoenix Clan’s refining avatar.

This made Qin Shaofeng’s process of consolidating the second immortal incarnation very smooth.

But in this second immortal incarnation, about to consolidate the successful strength, an accident happened.

After Sharingan promotes to Level 9, I also awakened one ability, which is Power of Yin-Yang.

At first Qin Shaofeng didn’t care about this, because after awakening Power of Yin-Yang, Qin Shaofeng not at all got a lot of skills like the previous awakening wooden cricket.

Not even a skill!

According to Qin Shaofeng, this Power of Yin-Yang does not help him for the time being.

But when condensing the second immortal avatar, Qin Shaofeng runs the Phoenix Clan Nirvana incarnation method. When molding the immortal avatar, within the body actually appears a special strength that is directly injected into the immortal avatar. in.

And this strength is the Power of Yin-Yang just acquired by Qin Shaofeng.

Originally, Qin Shaofeng was about to bring his second immortal incarnation directly to success.

But because of the sudden joining of Power of Yin-Yang, there has been some change in the immortal avatar, which has become extremely unstable.

At this moment, when Qin Shaofeng is about to fail, Qin Shaofeng’s heart is fierce, in order not to let the incarnation fail to condense, and not to waste those valuable treasures in vain.

At this critical moment, Qin Shaofeng had an idea in his mind and took out a Super Evil Pieces to fuse his second incarnation.

It turned out unexpectedly!

The second immortal incarnation successfully condensed, but Qin Shaofeng finally found out that his second immortal incarnation became his own peerage.

Peerage: The Sun (2nd Immortal Incarnation)

Level: Lord 1st-layer

Profession: Pawn

Boundary value: 210000 / 210000

Innate Spirit Root

Innate Skill: Yin Yang Yang Huo, Niu Niu

Skill 1: Kaio-ken

Familiar: None

Although he is his second immortal incarnation, but has an independent and even communion ideology, Qin Shaofeng named his second incarnation as Yan Yang.

Be regarded as the people of Yanhuo Village.

The Spirit Root of the Incarnation of Yan and Yang is very unusual, the Holy Spirit of Yin and Yang!

The Holy Spirit of Yin and Yang: Special Spirit Root, the flame of Nirvana from Phoenix Clan, blended with Power of Yin-Yang. After Super Evil Pieces strength, it has evolved into a powerful Special Spirit Root that can achieve Throne of Demon God!

And because of the spiritual sense of the yin and yang flames, the awakening of the yin and yang flames and the nirvana of the bath fire, these two skills of skills, let Qin Shaofeng see a very pleasant surprise.

Yinyang Flame: Unranked’s special skill, exclusive Innate Skill of Yinyang Flame. It can make the possessor get ten times the cultivation speed, have unique innate talent for Fire Element cultivation, and every time you realize that 1st-layer Domain, there are 2 types of yin and yang domains.

Nirvana of the Fire: Unranked’s special skill, the exclusive Innate Skill of the Yin and Yang Holy Fire Spirit. Nirvana Rebirth can be performed after reaching a certain Realm, and each time Nirvana Rebirth can get a strong strength.

The skill of Yin and Yang torch is extremely abnormal.

Like Qin Shaofeng’s second immortal incarnation now, because there are not a few source crystals invested, after this awakening, it is Lord Realm, which owns 2st-layer Domain.

In fact, this 1st-layer Domain is a double domain.

Qin Shaofeng has the Fire Element attribute Domain, but there are 2 types of Fire Element attribute.

One for Yang Fire and one for Yin Fire!

Yin and Yang 20%, a fire for 2!

That is to say, in fact, this immortal incarnation of Qin Shaofeng exists, Yang Fire and Yin Fire 2 attribute domains.

If that was the case, it would be nothing.

But because of the special ability of the Yin-Yang flame, Qin Shaofeng now understands one kind of fire domain, which is equivalent to understand two kinds.

For example, Qin Shaofeng, the immortal incarnation, realizes the fiery domain of the fire, which is the instant possession of the fiery domain of the yang and the fiery domain of the yin!

This doesn’t count, because in this case, Qin Shaofeng only needs to cultivate two kinds of yin and yang fiery domains at the same time.

This is exactly the results for half the effort!

And because of the complementary role of Yang Yang, this cultivation is very fast.

Just for a moment, Qin Shaofeng felt that his second immortal incarnation had already upgraded the 2st-layer Domain from the 1st-layer Realm to the 1rd-3th Layer Realm.

In this case, Qin Shaofeng, the second incarnation, has become a super evildoer.

Because of this special situation, Qin Shaofeng finally shared Kaio-ken with him, his second incarnation.

And Qin Shaofeng also found that when his main consciousness enters his second immortal incarnation, he can actually use some of his main body’s abilities.

Although there are only a few limited skills, in general, at most, only the Qin Shaofeng main body can borrow the strength of the avatar, and it is absolutely impossible for the avatar to rely on the strength of the main body.

Qin Shaofeng estimates that the reason for this situation is because of his incarnation and the addition of a Super Evil Pieces.

Because the avatar becomes a peerage, the connection between the Qin Shaofeng main body and the avatar should be closer.

Then there was the situation where the avatar could use some of the capabilities of the main body.

This is a good thing for Qin Shaofeng. Qin Shaofeng has been worried before. If you really let your avatar enter the Antiquity Saint Domain alone, it will be a bit dangerous.

After all, no matter how good the avatar is, it’s definitely not as good as Qin Shaofeng’s main body.

Qin Shaofeng main body With the Divine Cultivation System, there are many powerful means of cultivation, whether it is fighting or running to save lives, there are many.

But the incarnation is different!

The incarnation does not get the help of the system. Even if is innate talent is evildoer, it may be difficult to cultivate.

But now it’s different!

There is a connection with the avatar peerage, so that the avatar can use some strength of its main body.

This is enough for Qin Shaofeng to do a lot of things.

Because of this, Qin Shaofeng has directly decided to enter the Antiquity Saint Domain and enter this 2nd immortal incarnation under the pseudonym Yan Yang.

After doing these things, Qin Shaofeng immediately immediately put this immortal incarnation directly into the lava space of the starting ball cultivation.

After all, with the attribute of the second immortal incarnation, that lava space is the best cultivation environment.

Just at this time seclusion, Qin Shaofeng spent 3 days.

On this day of leaving seclusion, 9 Cloud Sect is a group of uninvited guests!

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