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“If three are not enough, what about ten?”

With this cold voice of Qin Shaofeng, Uncle Hai was shocked to find that after Qin Shaofeng beckoned, suddenly there were several huge black shadows.

If you look closely, it is exactly ten giant King beasts.

And these auras of King Barbara are not inferior to the previous three, they all have 3rd Layer attribute Domain Realm, strength is stronger than one!

“How can this be?”

Seeing this scene, the Master Shi Hai called out in alarm, his face was extremely ugly, and even a deep scare flashed in the depths of his eyes.

Indeed, the ten King beast strengths are not as good as him. If he fights alone, he can easily defeat any King beast.

But if there are ten King beasts together, then …

That would be terrible!


Without any hesitation, in the moment of fear in his heart, Uncle Hai was just a flash, and came to Young Master Chen, who had been stunned for a long time.

The appearance of ten King beasts has long shocked the Young Master Chen, and the momentarily stunned.

“Little Young Master, the situation is wrong, we will retreat for now!”

Hai Shibo was lowly shouted, and then Young Master Chen couldn’t answer. He just grabbed the opponent, flickered into a black light, and shot away from a distance.

Want to escape?

Looking at the black light that Rapid Speed ​​swept away, Qin Shaofeng corner of the mouth slightly raised, with a sneer of ridicule.

Want to run away?

It’s so ridiculous!

After gently shook the head and giving orders to ten King beasts to suppress Heiyunfu, Qin Shaofeng’s whole body shook slightly, and instantly turned into a stream of light, ten times faster than that of Master Nahi Speed, caught up directly.



The streamer flew away, but with just 3 or 5 breaths, Qin Shaofeng directly surpassed Master Shi and Young Master Chen, and then passed 2 people, waved a wave of qi energy, and fled 2 people from Rapid Speed ​​directly to Shocked.


When he saw the way being intercepted by Qin Shaofeng, Uncle Hai’s face became angry.

But next moment, when it was only Qin Shaofeng who saw him, the naval master was happy again, laughing heartily.

“Hahaha, Qin Shaofeng, you are really stupid. If there are ten King barbaras, there is still some trouble for the old man, but now you are just chasing after him, I really do n’t know to let the old man say you What is it! “

“You are really act recklessly !!!”

“I act recklessly?”

Gently raised his head and chuckled, next moment, Qin Shaofeng flashed a bright light in his eyes, and said coldly, “I want to see, who is act recklessly!”


As soon as the voice fell, the aura on Qin Shaofeng suddenly burst out, and it was just like overflowing heaven galaxy.



Surging like a tide!

In this brief moment, the place and space of the circleference 1000 meters, all under the outbreak of Qin Shaofeng aura, fiercely shook.


First and foremost is this naval master, who directly suffered the terrifying aura of Qin Shaofeng, which caused him instantaneous wounds and severe injuries.

This sea master has cultivated the Domain of the 3rd Layer Fire Element Perfection Realm, and naturally condensed some Power of World.

Therefore, before fleeing, Uncle Hai Shi directly used Power of World.

But when Qin Shaofeng broke out that overbearing aura, because it was too strong, Qin Shaofeng’s aura directly dispelled the Master of World’s Power of World, forcibly.

Power of World is the further strength of Domain. Like Domain, once Power of World is damaged, it can easily cause backlash to be seriously injured.

At this moment, Uncle Hai Shi is seriously hurt by vomiting blood because of this backlash.

“You … you … how did you have such strength?”

After vomiting blood, Uncle Hai paid no attention to the pain in his body at all, but pointed at Qin Shaofeng’s unbelievable face.

Just the outbreak of aura, he will already own the 3rd Layer Perfection Domain, and will be seriously injured.

In this way, the strength of terrifying, even his Master, could not be owned?

“Oh, do you want to know?”

Looking at Uncle Hai Shi with a horrified look, Qin Shaofeng smiled slightly, and then gaze went cold, ice-cold saying: “Then I will tell you after going to hell!”


While speaking, Qin Shaofeng just shook his right hand.

Then, the shock shook the surrounding space instantly.

Immediately afterwards, Uncle Hai opened his eyes wide and opened his mouth to say something.

But he didn’t wait for him to say a bang, and the whole man burst into the air!

Powdered bones!

No trace of residue was left, and even in the whole process, there was no blurring of flesh and blood.

Uncle Hai is like a piece of glass, which is shattered into nothingness in a shock.

Power of World!

This is the Power of World condensed by Qin Shaofeng’s 10th-layer Perfection Domain, which directly shocked the opponent.

Unlike Hai Shibo, Qin Shaofeng within the body has long been bounded. At this moment, the Power of World condensed by the 10th-layer Perfection Domain has surpassed the low grade Power of World.

Supreme, like Hai Shibo, even if he is a 3th-layer Domain person with a 4rd Layer Perfection Domain, the Power of World he has condensed has only barely entered the low grade Power of World, and has not even completely left. Saint Realm, the stage of Saint Origin Power.

Compared with Qin Shaofeng, this is naturally far from it.

Realm is worse, strength is worse!

And they are all very different. Together, Qin Shaofeng shook Uncle Hai into a powder, and forcibly turned a powerful Supreme powerhouse into nothingness.

In this regard, what does Qin Shaofeng not at all care about, because in his opinion, it is exactly a normal strength.

The gap is so big, if I can’t do this step, I might as well hit a piece of tofu and die!

After solving an annoying fly, Qin Shaofeng’s eyes fell on that Young Master Chen.

At this moment, the Young Master Chen is no longer proud.

He was scared!

After seeing the ten King Beasts and being run away by his own sea master, Young Master Chen was already panicking.

Although he had a trace of trust in his master’s strength.

But the ten auras of the King King beasts appeared together, shaking this trust in his heart completely.

Now looking at his naval master, he was so baffling in front of him, and still died very terribly, he was already terrified.

His face was pale, there was no arrogance before facing the dark cloud Supreme!

Especially when Qin Shaofeng looked towards him, he was so scared that his legs were hot and he was scared to pee.

If it wasn’t for Qin Shaofeng’s Power of World’s aura, the circumference 1000 meters space was completely suppressed to make him speechless, I’m afraid he would just ask Qin Shaofeng for mercy.


Qin Shaofeng froze for a moment, randomly looking towards this Young Master Chen, his eyes were full of contempt.

Seeing this Young Master Chen was so embarrassed, Qin Shaofeng didn’t plan to continue entanglement with the other party.

In the next moment, in the eyes of the other person’s extremely begging for mercy, Qin Shaofeng did not hesitate, his eyes flashed a purple light.



After a while, after Tsukuyomi Space tortured the soul of this Young Master Chen, and asked what he wanted to know, Qin Shaofeng waved his hand directly, completely shaking Young Master Chen as a whole.

“Interesting, didn’t expect this Divine Mansion to have such strength!”

Thinking back to the soul of Young Master Chen, Qin Shaofeng’s eyes flashed a light.

Until then, Qin Shaofeng did not know that the origin of Divine Mansion was not simple.

Seriously speaking of which, this Divine Mansion is an influence from Antiquity Saint Domain.

But because the enemy was killed, the influence suffered a heavy loss, and only a few people survived.

In order not to completely cut off their inheritance, these people finally came to this Origin Continent after several hundred years of twists and turns.

Then, with the help of the martial arts, these people still have some resources and background left, and they have established a powerful strength of Divine Mansion on the Origin Continent.

Perhaps in the Antiquity Saint Domain, the strength of these people is exactly the existence of the ant class, which is extremely small.

But on Origin Continent, their few people are the most powerful beings. Therefore, after the establishment of Divine Mansion, development has been rapid, and Divine Mansion has quickly become one of the ten influences on Origin Continent.

Even after the development of several hundred years, Divine Mansion is now faintly becoming the first influence on Origin Continent.

In fact, if it wasn’t for the sudden emergence of the source crystal space that made the Secret Realm world come to life, which caused the battle between Human Race and Demon Race, those people have already begun to plan to directly unify all influences on Origin Continent Already.

The identity of the Young Master Chen is not simple, because his grandfather Sir was one of those who fled from the Antiquity Saint Domain to Origin Continent.

Because the Young Master Chen was so loved by his grandfather, he was fortunate enough to know these secrets.

But now it is Qin Shaofeng understood.

“Oh, fortunately understood. Otherwise, if you are not prepared, it will be really completely unprepared to be killed by those people!”

His eyes flashed, Qin Shaofeng whispered, but his heart was alive.

That Young Master Chen’s grandfather was the original one, and the strength is naturally not low.

As his grandson, Young Master Chen, it is not clear how strong his grandfather has strength.

However, from the memory of his soul, Qin Shaofeng faintly guessed that the person also possessed a minimum of 7th-8th Layer Perfection Domain Realm strength.

Maybe even own a Domain of 10th-layer Perfection Realm like yourself!

However, even if the other party also owns the 10th-layer Perfection Domain, Qin Shaofeng doesn’t care.

Because under the same 10th-layer Perfection Domain Realm, the opponent is definitely not his opponent!

Qin Shaofeng has great confidence in this!

However, apart from this person, there were 8 people who came from Antiquity Saint Domain together.

Even now there are only four people left!

But the remaining four people are not simple, especially the Divine Mansion Mansion Lord, which made Qin Shaofeng care.

That’s right, as the highest existence of Divine Mansion, the mysterious Mansion Lord is also one of them.

And compared to the grandfather of Young Master Chen, Divine Mansion Mansion Lord is the most terrifying person!

Qin Shaofeng guessed that the opponent terrifying had already broken through the Lord realm and was already the powerhouse of the Domain Lord Realm.

Now the only thing that is uncertain is how many domain owners the other party has.

“I hope that Divine Mansion Mansion Lord Realm is not too high. If it is too high, the other party ’s Power of World is not as good as my High Level, and that will also suppress my Power of World by volume!”

This is true!

Because if the opponent only has more than a dozen 2th-layer Perfection Domains, Qin Shaofeng still has the confidence to fight.

But if Realm is a little higher, that would be bad!

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