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This has a Domain of 3000 layers of Perfection Realm, but it is not really the apex of World Realm.

Because it has a 3000-strong Perfection Domain, but this Inner World is still Inner World, and it can’t be considered a real world.

At this time, only by integrating all the domains of the Inner World within the body and condensing a real world, can this be regarded as the real vertex of World Realm.

“… So, this World Seven Realms is actually the process of Domain cultivation Inner World, and then Inner World cultivation into a real world!” At the end, Little Yue’er concluded.

However, as soon as he finished, Little Yue’er added a word quickly.

“However, because of the entry of World Seven Realms, the Initial Accomplishment, the Great Accomplishment, the Perfection, and other Realm, I guess this is a bit awkward, so Antiquity Saint Domain will use the Realm of World Seven Realms, and call them Lord and Domain respectively. Lord, Great Domain Lord, World Lord, Great World Lord, and World King and Emperor Realm! “

After Little Yue’er said that, Qin Shaofeng finally understood.

This so-called World Seven Realms has 7 Realms, namely Immigration, Initial Accomplishment, Small Accomplishment, Great Accomplishment, Peak, Perfection, Fusion!

Instead, the realm names corresponding to these 7 Realm are Lord, Domain Master, Great Domain Lord, World Lord, Great World Lord, World King, Emperor Realm!

And these 7 Realm are all divided into 10th Layer Realm, subject to the progress of Domain cultivating.

So according to such a situation, isn’t he now equivalent to Lord 6th-layer Realm?


But because of the system mission, I am the Supreme Peak Realm now!

This hasn’t broken through to Lord Realm yet!

And one more thing is that I seem to already have an Inner World!

Suddenly remembered that Qin Shaofeng had another doubt and puzzlement in his inner body source world space.

According to Little Yue’er, I am afraid that my Inner Body Source World Space is already the world after fusion.

Because of the Inner Body Source World Space, it can already be regarded as a real world. Simply doesn’t need to work hard to cultivate.

Is this the strongest and most mysterious Dan Yuanzhu’s ability among the three Supreme treasures of the Dan?

Can I own the world in advance?

Thinking about it that way, Qin Shaofeng suddenly remembered the sentence that Feng Qingying said before: ‘Owning Dan Yuanzhu can eliminate the biggest cultivation problem at this stage of World Realm’.

Could it be that the biggest problem is to integrate the Domain and thoroughly refine the Inner World into a real world?

In the end, Qin Shaofeng could only think so.

After all, about Qin Shaofeng’s situation about Dan Yuanzhu, it’s not easy to say anything.

Now, no matter whether it is Liu Xiaowan or Feng Qingying, Liu Xiaowan thinks that the place where Liu Xiaowan stayed before is just a space for his own treasure.

Although it is accessible, it also has a treasure treasure equivalent to the Secret Realm world, even if it is in the Antiquity Saint Domain, it is a precious item.

But like Qin Shaofeng’s previous statement about jade slip, Feng Qingyi subconsciously believed that this was also the treasure Qin Shaofeng got from a ruin somewhere.

If it was before, I am afraid Feng Qingyi would not believe such words. After all, this is just a low grade plane. How could there be a treasure in that.

However, after knowing some aspects of this plane in his own 3 grandfather Feng 9 Xuankou, Feng Qingyi thought so.

Since this plane has some traces of the existence of the so-called treasure due to the situation, it is not impossible to store the treasure in the Secret Realm world space.

And after knowing the existence of the source, Feng Qingyi thinks so.

In order not to cause unnecessary trouble, Qin Shaofeng still hasn’t said that he owns Source World Space, so let’s talk about it now.

However, there is another problem, but it makes Qin Shaofeng care a little.

Involuntarily, Qin Shaofeng spoke again and asked Little Yue’er.

“Little Yue’er, you already know this World Seven Realms. But you haven’t told me yet, what other Realm exists on this World Realm?” Qin Shaofeng asked suddenly.

“On World Realm!” Little Yue’er froze a little, didn’t expect his Young Master to ask like this.

But after a moment’s fuss, Little Yue’er was honestly ready to answer Qin Shaofeng’s question.

But without waiting for her to speak, Feng Qingying, who was already dissatisfied, had a sneer: “Oh, you only have a 6th-layer Perfection Domain, and you plan to ask the World Realm above Realm, Qin Shaofeng, you may be too aiming too High now! “

Feng Qingyi’s tone was full of irony, but this time, Little Yue’er was slightly smiled, and there was an inexplicable glance in her eyes.

Because she heard it, although Feng Qingyi’s tone was very ironic, there was an inexplicable pride and joy in it.

This feels as if he finally caught Qin Shaofeng’s shortcomings, and then started to be sarcastic.

Therefore, Little Yue’er naturally knows that his young Elder Sister does not really sneer at his Young Master.

Maybe there is, but irony is probably not the real purpose of Feng Qingying.

Little Yue’er said that Feng Qingying had never seen him.

Therefore, she not at all stopped Feng Qingying.

In particular, Feng Qingyong’s words made Little Yue’er think so.

Because after ridiculing Qin Shaofeng, Feng Qingyi didn’t stop.

“Well, let you understand a little better, and understand your situation!”

Feng Qingyi sneered again, and then said, “When you can cultivate the real world, Realm will jump out of the World Realm Rank 1 segment. Then the world is Nirvana Rebirth!”

“Nirvana Rebirth?”

Qin Shaofeng didn’t care about Feng Qingyong’s sarcastic tone, because he could feel that the other party was not at all malicious.

So, he humbly asked: “Girl Phoenix, how dare to ask this world Nirvana Rebirth!”

“What else can be said, not just Nirvana Rebirth that’s all!”

Glancing at Qin Shaofeng for a moment, seeing that Qin Shaofeng didn’t seem to understand it, Feng Qingyi opened the mouth and said: “Isn’t that clear? Let alone, let me explain it to you!”

“This so-called world Nirvana Rebirth is actually equivalent to Vermilion Bird Nirvana Rebirth. Such Nirvana Rebirth exists ten times. Whenever the world is cultivated to the apex, Nirvana Rebirth can be performed, and after each Nirvana Rebirth, the world is To get promoted! “

“The improvement of the world means that within the body can accommodate more rules. The simple point is that you can integrate yourself into Heavenly Dao rules. And if Nirvana Rebirth succeeds ten times, then the world can be Undying and Inextinguishable. You can have Eternal Inextinguishable life! “


Nirvana Rebirth Ten times, can you have Eternal Inextinguishable life?

Qin Shaofeng was completely shocked by Feng Qing’s words.

Seeing Qin Shaofeng’s shocked look, Feng Qingye was very satisfied, and said, “Of course this is only a relative situation. As long as I pass through Nirvana Realm, I do have Eternal Inextinguishable life. But there are countless Antiquity Saint Domain powerhouses, even with Eternal Inextinguishable Life is likely to fall, this Undying and Inextinguishable is not absolute! “

“Well, if you can reach that step, it will be in the Antiquity Saint Domain, which also has a ruler in general, so this Realm is also called the ruler realm!”


Qin Shaofeng’s eyes flashed a light, and his heart was shocked.

If you can reach Ruler Realm yourself, then …

Seems to be aware of it, Qin Shaofeng thought to himself, Feng Qingying could not helpered: “Come, you don’t have daydreams. The others don’t say, just the 3 major obstacles of World Realm, it is enough for countless days to stop. Becoming a Ruler is even more difficult. Today the Ruler Level of the entire Antiquity Saint Domain exists and is very rare. You now want to … “

Suddenly, Feng Qingying, who was talking more and more vigorously, saw Little Yue’er looking towards his eyes at this moment.

When I saw Little Yue’er looking into her gaze, she was surprised with a strange expression of playfulness and excitement, Feng Qing stunned.

Then, Feng Qingsong found out that she was getting stronger and stronger with Qin Shaofeng. There was absolutely no reason!

And in this case, it seems that simply cannot appear to myself.

With her character, why ever said so much to a man?

Not to mention, the time it took for me to meet Qin Shaofeng was barely one day.

When I realized this, especially Little Yue’er’s little girl’s gaze, Feng Qingyi was uncomfortable for a while and couldn’t stay at all.

“Forget it, nonsense with you, these things will become clear after you enter Antiquity Saint Domain!”

Said, Feng Qingying stood up, and then from Qin Shaofeng, directly dragged Liu Xiaowan, who had not been fascinated by the words he had long heard.

“Well, Xiao Wan is coming with me. Is there a cultivation Domain junior realm here? I will now tell you my Phoenix Clan cultivation method. When we leave, you can reach the Domain Lord Realm!”

When these words were finished, Feng Qingyu dragged a series of unwilling Liu Xiaowan, which had completely disappeared.

And seeing this scene of Little Yue’er, beautiful eyes are full of radiance, and my heart is constantly whining.

Wow, it ’s the first time I’ve seen such a young Elder Sister!


When I go back, I must tell Xin’er Elder Sister!

Qin Shaofeng didn’t care about Feng Qingyi’s departure. As for Little Yue’er’s appearance at the moment, Qin Shaofeng did not see it.

At this moment, Qin Shaofeng’s mind is still shaking.

Nirvana Realm ?


It seems that this world is far more powerful than I thought.

However, this is fun!

Qin Shaofeng had a hint of confusion after Realm reached Supreme Peak.

But now I know that there are so many, so powerful Realm above Supreme Peak, there is also a higher level powerful plane like Antiquity Saint Domain, but my heart is a little excited.

At the same time, Qin Shaofeng’s heart is full of motivation!

In an unconsciously situation, Qin Shaofeng has become increasingly eager to be strong.

As for Feng Qingying’s World Realm 3 crisis, Qin Shaofeng has automatically ignored it.

The so-called 3 major obstacles are nothing more than Great Accomplishment Realm. The number of Domain cultivation reaches 100 Realms, and the subsequent 3000 and the final integration stage, that’s all.

When the Domain reaches 100 weights, it will be in a bottleneck state.

Because at this time, if Inner World is not condensed, simply cannot be cultivated.

And only by cultivation out of Inner World can we integrate ourselves into more Domains.

But in this bottleneck breakthrough person, 100 don’t save one!

And this is just the easiest one of the three difficulties, and the next 3 heavy ones are even more difficult.

And the hardest part is the step of merging the 3000 domains.

Combine Inner World’s 3000-strong Perfection Domain as many as possible, and then use these Domain strengths to refine Inner World into a real world.

Such a difficulty, I am afraid that the World Lord of 10000 World Realm Perfection, it is difficult to achieve a successful one.

Therefore, Feng Qingyin felt that Qin Shaofeng was aiming too high.

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