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“Clear Elder Sister …”

Little Yue’er opened her mouth and planned to say something, but Feng Qingying simply didn’t give her a chance, and she was far away.

This made Little Yue’er sighed, but she turned around immediately and said to Qin Shaofeng: “Young Master, don’t blame Qing Elder Sister, she certainly did not intentionally hurt you!”

At this moment, Qin Shaofeng, who has been silent in Little Yue’er Demon Divinity Praise Song’s powerful healing ability, finally came back to his senses because of Little Yue’er’s words.

Qin Shaofeng has now fully recovered at the moment under the healing of Little Yue’er’s Demon Divinity Praise Song.

This shocked Qin Shaofeng!

Domain’s broken backlash damage was very serious, but under Demon Divinity Praise Song of Little Yue’er, he was cured instantly.

And it was an absolute perfect cure, just like it was unharmed.

Even Qin Shaofeng felt it at this moment. Not only did his injury recover, but even the broken Domain recovered as much as possible.

This also made Qin Shaofeng understand instantly. I am afraid that Little Yue’er, who hasn’t seen each other for a long time, has leveled up Demon Divinity Praise Song to an unthinkable level.

At this moment, when listening to the voice of Little Yue’er, Qin Shaofeng remembered something, and opened the mouth and said, “Little Yue’er, that woman you know?”

“Ah, Young Master, you mean Elder Sister!”

It seems that seeing Qin Shaofeng is really okay, Little Yue’er slightly smiled, this opened the mouth and said: “Young Master, let me tell you, Elder Sister Qing Qing, but Number One Genius of Phoenix Clan! Well, as for this Phoenix Where’s Clan, I’ll wait to tell you! “

Slightly paused, then Little Yue’er suddenly stopped the sound, then looked at Qin Shaofeng beautiful eyes slightly red.

next moment, when Qin Shaofeng hasn’t responded yet, the little girl was instantly in the arms of Qin Shaofeng, with a weeping voice in her voice: “Young Master, Yue’er misses you so much!”

Qin Shaofeng, who originally planned to ask Little Yue’er something, saw Fiercely somewhere in his heart when he saw Little Yue’er.

Without saying any more, Qin Shaofeng just hugged Little Yue’er tightly and said softly, “I miss you too!”

momentarily, the two were caught in the warm atmosphere of reunion they hadn’t seen in a long time.

However, it didn’t take long for this warmth to be broken.

“cough cough !”

Suddenly Qin Shaofeng heard a cough, and then a familiar old voice sounded.

“I said Qin brat! Although I don’t want to disturb you and Little Yue’er, but you two ignore me this old fogey, which makes me a little uncomfortable!”

As soon as he heard this voice, Little Yue’er immediately became sorry, shy and blushing, but did not get up from Qin Shaofeng’s arms.

Qin Shaofeng raised his head suddenly, and saw a person who surprised himself.


this is?

“Liu Old Master?”

That’s right, the person who suddenly interrupted the warm atmosphere of 2 people is the Liu Master who hasn’t seen Qin Shaofeng for a while.

Qin Shaofeng suddenly remembered something.

He remembered when Little Yue’er appeared, but there were two people, one was herself, and what Qin Shaofeng didn’t expect was that there was actually Liu Old Master.

And how did this Liu Old Master stay with Little Yue’er?


After a few hours, Qin Shaofeng and Little Yue’er also returned to the Old Master and have returned to Lihuo City again.

After returning, Qin Shaofeng learned from Little Yue’er’s mouth that many things he didn’t know.

It turned out that after Liu Old Master left, he went out through the space crack.

Although the strength of Willow Old Master cannot pass such a terrible space crack, there is a powerful treasure on Willow Old Master to let it pass safely.

And after passing the space crack, Liu Old Master even found someone who was also familiar with Qin Shaofeng.

This person was Qin Shaofeng on Thousand Mountains Sect. The suspected Skymilk Peak encountered Vermilion Bird descendant Senior.

However, Qin Shaofeng can already be sure now, that Senior is indeed the existence of Vermilion Bird descendant.

Because the other party is Phoenix Clan powerhouse with Vermilion Bird bloodline.

Phoenix Clan is a very powerful race with Vermilion Bird bloodline. It belongs to the absolute family in Antiquity Saint Domain!

Phoenix Clan and Illusion Clan made good friends, and the two races were close. Therefore, they followed Feng Yueyi of Meng Xin’er’s Little Yue’er.

That Feng Qingying is the woman who made Qin Shaofeng feel no resistance before. The strength of the other party is not only strong, but also Number One Genius of Phoenix Clan, even in the entire Antiquity Saint Domain, it is absolutely heaven’s proud daughter!

As for the so-called Antiquity Saint Domain, it is a world completely above the space where Origin Continent is!

From the words of Little Yue’er, Qin Shaofeng can be sure that the place where he is currently is indeed a huge Secret Realm world, which also belongs to the world where Origin Continent is located.

The space where Origin Continent is located is a plane-like world.

Antiquity Saint Domain is more powerful than the Origin Continent plane world.

And the Antiquity Saint Domain is huge, in the words of Little Yue’er, it’s completely boundless.

There are countless powerful races and numerous powerhouses in Antiquity Saint Domain, a world of surging forward with great momentum!

The land of Illusion Clan that Meng Xin’er visited before is the family land of Illusion Clan in Antiquity Saint Domain.

Qin Shaofeng also learned from the mouth of Little Yue’er that his grandfather is also living in Illusion Clan at the moment, and because of the relationship between Meng Xin’er and Little Yue’er, life is more moist.

However, after learning about these situations from Little Yue’er’s mouth, Qin Shaofeng had a big doubt in his mind.

After a long conversation with Little Yue’er, Qin Shaofeng returned to his room.

After returning to his room, he suddenly asked in a low voice.

“Little Qiuqiu what the hell is going on?”

Although Little Qiuqiu no longer followed, Qin Shaofeng knew that the other party could hear his own voice.

Sure enough, as Qin Shaofeng had expected, his question Little Qiuqiu heard.

“oh! ”

Lightly sighed, Little Qiuqiu not at all appeared in front of Qin Shaofeng, but instead said: “You come in!”

Little Qiuqiu’s sigh made Qin Shaofeng eyebrows slightly frowned. Once he didn’t hesitate, he immediately entered his Inner Body Source World Space, and then came to a place dedicated to his cultivating.

Little Qiuqiu is here long waiting for Qin Shaofeng’s arrival.

After seeing Little Qiuqiu, Qin Shaofeng was even more confused.

Qin Shaofeng is certainly confused!

Because until seeing Little Yue’er and knowing these things from Little Yue’er’s mouth, Qin Shaofeng suddenly found a problem that he ignored.

Little Qiuqiu knew the relationship between Meng Family and Illusion Clan.

The problem is, after coming to Origin Continent, Qin Shaofeng has never heard of the existence of Illusion Clan.

Before Qin Shaofeng didn’t care, I thought Illusion Clan was on a certain continent, but now Qin Shaofeng understood that this Illusion Clan is not simpler than I thought.

Because the opponent is a powerful race in Antiquity Saint Domain!

Little Qiuqiu knew about these things, but this little thing didn’t even mention the Antiquity Saint Domain thing to himself.

This naturally made Qin Shaofeng curious!

Qin Shaofeng naturally does not think this is a conspiracy of Little Qiuqiu, and Qin Shaofeng can be completely sure that Little Qiuqiu simply will not betray and calculate himself.

The reason is very simple. Little Qiuqiu has long been transformed into a Contracted Spirit by system, which is impossible to betray himself.

It’s just that Qin Shaofeng is a little puzzled why Little Qiuqiu didn’t tell herself about Antiquity Saint Domain.

“oh! ”

Seeing Qin Shaofeng’s doubts, Little Qiuqiu sighed again, saying: “Don’t be angry, I didn’t mean to hide from you. After all, things in Antiquity Saint Domain are still too early for you, no It’s good to know! “

Qin Shaofeng eyes flashed, naturally understand the meaning of Little Qiuqiu, nothing more than that his strength is too weak, knowing too much about the Antiquity Saint Domain, is not good for his development.


Looking up slightly, Qin Shaofeng looked at Little Qiuqiu and said calmly, “It wasn’t possible before, but is it okay now?”

“Well, you now, it’s okay!” Little Qiuqiu nodded, and then said a little helplessly, “And even if I don’t say it, you will definitely go to the little girl and ask for it!”

Seems to think of Qin Yue’er, the helplessness of Little Qiuqiu.

Pause, it seems to organize the language, Little Qiuqiu just opened the mouth and said: “Actually, I do n’t know much about Antiquity Saint Domain, after all, I was only after the Old Master came to Origin Continent. This was born, I have never been to Antiquity Saint Domain! “


The words of Little Qiuqiu let Qin Shaofeng catch a little moment.

Eyes flashed, Qin Shaofeng said in a deep voice: “You mean Master, Senior is someone from Antiquity Saint Domain!”

“En! The Old Master is indeed from the Antiquity Saint Domain, and is also a powerful Dan person in the Antiquity Saint Domain!”

Little Qiuqiu acknowledged the nodded, but then the tone was sad.

“However, this is a thing of the past, because the Old Master is the last Dan!”



Qin Shaofeng eyebrows slightly frowned, especially when I heard that Little Qiuqiu said that his Master was the last person of the so-called Dan tribe, and he was even more puzzled in his heart, and asked, “What the hell is this and what race is the Dan tribe? What does the last person mean? “

“What else can it mean, literally, the Dan people were annihilated as long as 1000 years ago, leaving only the Old Master alone!”

Little Qiuqiu sighed and explained with Qin Shaofeng.

Soon, Qin Shaofeng was understood, and his Elderly Pill Master Master is a Danc descendant of the Antiquity Saint Race in the Antiquity Saint Domain!

Antiquity Saint Domain is called Sacred Domain because of the existence of Antiquity Saint Race.

The so-called Saint Race is actually a powerful Inherited Bloodline and a strong strength race.

For example, Illusion Clan, where Meng Xin’er is, and Phoenix Clan, which belongs to Feng Qingyu, are Antiquity Saint Race.

No matter what race, the race of Antiquity Saint Race has terrifying background and strength. It has a long inheritance in the Antiquity Saint Domain, and the Dan is also one of the Antiquity Saint Race.

But it was such a powerful Antiquity Saint Race, but one night ago, it was directly destroyed by a powerful and mysterious influence.

As for his Master, Qin Shaofeng heard Little Qiuqiu that he seemed to rely on the Danish inheritance treasure, which barely saved his life.

The Dan ethnic group was destroyed, which caused a great blow to the Elderly Pill Master, but it was a pity that the Elderly Pill Master was only 8 years old at the time and was unable to maintain it at all.

Even if he did not rely on the Danish inheritance treasure to come to Origin Continent, this low-grade space interface, he would have been killed.

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