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“Hateful Human Race, even if I die, I won’t make you feel better!”

After the shock, Qin Shaofeng heard it immediately, and the roar of the Flood Dragon Beast Emperor came from within the starburst star.

Then, at the next moment, Qin Shaofeng felt it. A terrifying explosion strenght appeared in the earth star.

Although the state of Devil King Balance Breaker has been lifted, but the ground-breaking star has taken shape, Qin Shaofeng can still feel his connection with the ground-breaking star, and he can control the strength of the ground-breaking star.

It is for this reason that what happened to Qin Shaofeng at the moment is extremely clear to the earth.

That violent explosion, Qin Shaofeng immediately knew what it was.


That is the horror strength generated by the Flood Dragon Beast Emperor’s Domain Self-destruction.

Apparently after being completely sealed into the inner space by the Earthburst star, the Flood Dragon Beast Emperor knew that he could never escape.

Since it is impossible to escape, what kind of result can the fate left to it?

No need to think about it, the Flood Dragon Beast Emperor also knows.

Definitely dead end!

In fact, the Dragon Dragon is not afraid of this ending. What makes him most afraid and worried is that he will be branded as a slave by Human Race without his resistance, and then become a slave of Human Race.

As the proud Dragon Dragon Beast Emperor who inherited True Dragon, this result is 10000000 million times more painful than killing it!

Therefore, it chose the extreme way, intending to end its own life.

Then, the gang will give the Human Race he encountered this way, and the last hit is a perish together.

Therefore, the Flood Dragon Beast Emperor did not hesitate and directly detonated his 5th layer Domain.

Such a detonation, but there is no possibility of recovery, at that moment, the Flood Dragon Beast Emperor cast aside life and death.

A loud sound!

A fierce explosion inside the starburst star, a surge of Power of Space, erupted from the inside out instantly.

The next moment, a starburst starburst, suddenly collapsed after being lightly paused.

At the same time, Qin Shaofeng immediately felt that the situation was not good, and did not hesitate to enter the Devil King Balance Breaker again, and then at the expense of Exp Points, he wanted to re-gather the Earthburst star again.

The Flood Dragon Beast Emperor also seemed to immediately feel the intention of Qin Shaofeng, and suddenly became angry, and the crazy field burst into the sky.

But apparently because of Self-destruction Domain, it suffered a very serious injury, although because of the explosion of momentarily, it also has some strength.

But at the moment when the sky was closed, the attraction appeared again, and the strength of the seal struck again.

“No, I’m unwilling!”

Feeling that he was about to be sealed again, the Dragon Dragon roared fiercely, as if the last strength of this life had erupted, and suddenly broke the attraction of the starburst.

In fact, the starburst star at the moment, at the moment of the Flood Dragon Beast Emperor’s Self-destruction Domain, most of the internal volume has been blown up instantly.

Even if Qin Shaofeng closed it again, the volume of this starburst star is now less than 10 li.

Maybe it’s because the body size is reduced and the attraction is weakened, or it may be the last outbreak of the Flood Dragon Beast Emperor, and finally the Flood Dragon Beast Emperor is freed.

Seeing that the Flood Dragon Beast Emperor broke away from the earth-exploding star, Qin Shaofeng was ruthless in his heart and instantly ignored the increase in Exp Points consumption to increase the output of the earth-exploding star.


The next moment, the starburst starburst shook, and instantly collapsed and merged, and the Flood Dragon Beast Emperor who was about to escape from the trap was sealed again.

But it has always been broken, and even if it is finally sealed again, it is not that fast.

This caused the head of the Flood Dragon Beast Emperor to reach out of the starburst.

Looking at Qin Shaofeng stunned, before being completely sealed again, the Flood Dragon beast emperor slammed his head, exhausting his entire strength, and facing Qin Shaofeng was a mouth.


A ray of silver light suddenly shot from the mouth of the Flood Dragon Beast Emperor, smashing the space directly, banging at it at a speed that Qin Shaofeng could not see clearly.

not good!

Seeing this to Yinguang, Qin Shaofeng felt a chill in his heart and felt an unprecedented crisis.

That’s too late!

Qin Shaofeng flickered subconsciously as his thoughts flashed in his mind.



A flash of blood light flashed, Qin Shaofeng’s right hand lifted sharply, and then it flew up.

Although at the last minute, Qin Shaofeng avoided this mortal blow, but the silver light spit out by the Flood Dragon Beast Emperor struck Qin Shaofeng’s right shoulder.

This silver light edge seems to have gathered. The last strength of the Dragon Dragon Beast Emperor, the strong formidable power, is so horrible that the Devil King Set in the state of Devil King Balance Breaker is not defended.

With a blast, Qin Shaofeng felt a pain in his right shoulder, and the entire right hand was cut off and blown away.


The right hand was blown away, making Qin Shaofeng cry subconsciously.

This pain caused Qin Shaofeng to give up the control of the starburst star, and even the state of Devil King Balance Breaker did not continue.


The high-altitude skyburst star shook, and then the Flood Dragon Beast Emperor seemed to feel it again, and he was free again.

Such a situation made the Flood Dragon beast emperor’s fierce joy, and the whole body surged, barely breaking free.

After breaking free, the Flood Dragon Beast Emperor intends to escape.

It did not attack Qin Shaofeng for a simple reason, and it was unable to fight again.

Even floating in the air at this moment, it just uses the flight-ability of its True Dragon bloodline. If not, it may not even be able to fly.

“Damn Human Race, wait for me, I will definitely be back!”

Roaring in a low voice, the Flood Dragon Beast Emperor waved his tail and was about to leave.

But the next moment, a black head, made the Flood Dragon Beast Emperor feel something wrong.

Looking up, the eyes of the Flood Dragon Beast Emperor suddenly widened, because at this moment the earth-bending star floating above his head suddenly lost the general strength, and began to fall freely and fell to the ground.

“Not good !”

Seeing this scene, the Flood Dragon Beast Emperor was instantly shocked and felt turned and ran away.

But at this moment, even if it is because of its previous Self-destruction Domain, it has been weakened by more than half of its volume, but the seven-eight li diameter volume at this moment is still extremely huge.

If it ’s normal, do n’t say seven-eight li, even in the eventy-eighty, the Flood Dragon Beast Emperor can fly out instantly.

But now he can’t do it.

So, very tragedy, the Flood Dragon Beast Emperor was immediately impressed by the huge earth-burst star, and brought together, and fell at a horrible speed from a high altitude of several thousand meters.

Seeing this scene, Qin Shaofeng of myself was also a bitter smile.

He also wanted to escape, but Qin Shaofeng couldn’t move at this moment.

It was just that his right arm was chopped. Although it was painful, Qin Shaofeng could not bear it.

What really makes Qin Shaofeng feel the pain is that the last silver light attack by the Flood Dragon Beast Emperor looks like an attack by Power of Space.

But in fact, Power of Space is just an auxiliary. The real killing intent of this strike is the Innate Ability of the Flood Dragon Beast Emperor-Poison!

In the case of Power of Space, as long as people who understand Domain have more or less control, especially the existence of a dual Perfection Domain like the Dragon Dragon Beast Emperor.

Therefore, even if it is Domain Self-destruction, the Flood Dragon Beast Emperor can attack with Power of Space.

As for the capabilities of Domain, they cannot be launched.

But innate talent Domain is different, even if it is Self-destruction innate talent Domain, but Innate Ability is born by nature, even if Domain is gone, it can exist within the body.

So, in the final blow, the Flood Dragon Beast Emperor concentrated on the strongest poison in the body and injected it into the silver light front.

So Qin Shaofeng was poisoned at the moment of injury, and was terrifying extremely poisonous.

Immediately Qin Shaofeng felt paralyzed, and even this paralysis affected even Divine Consciousness, so that Qin Shaofeng lost control of the starburst, and even Qin Shaofeng momentarily unable to move.

Not only that, the most terrifying thing is the corrosion ability brought by that toxin, so that Qin Shaofeng always felt that he was within the body and was quickly eroded and melted away.

All these circumstances led Qin Shaofeng to only watch at this moment, watching the huge earthburst star falling to himself at high altitude.

Can I count myself as shooting myself in the foot?

Oh, right? It seems to be smashing yourself?

Suddenly, such a single thought came to Qin Shaofeng’s mind.

Then, next moment, Qin Shaofeng felt that the sky was dark and a strong wind came.

Hong long!

With a loud world-shaking noise, the earth-burst star completely fell to the ground.

At this moment, this scene was like a comet colliding with Earth. The severe impact caused a terrifying shock wave, which swept directly to the surroundings.

Such a terrifying shock wave, even if it was the Self-destruction Domain before the Flood Dragon Beast Emperor, could not match it.

Thorough sweep!

In the area of ​​momentarily around 100 miles, no matter how powerful the barbarians, even the King barbarians burst into a mass of blood mist, skeleton doesn’t exist in an instant.

This is true of the King beasts, and those under the King Realm are even more unbearable.

Even under this shock wave, mountains and rivers were swept directly.

When everything has subsided, the core area of ​​this wild animal wasteland has completely disappeared.

No, it should be completely erased.

It was replaced by a huge pothole with a diameter of several hundred li. The earth-explosion star with a diameter of seven-eight li had already disintegrated in an instant at the time of the impact, and completely exploded. Huge impact pothole.

And beyond this pothole, there is an endless level of flatness.

The impact of this time completely changed the terrain here.

Later, this place became a huge lake directly, and the barbarian wasteland Core Zone died after this time, causing the beast tide of this time to end prematurely.

Of course these all are the last words, not to mention!

At the moment, in the center of the giant pit, there is a very striking semi-circular pit.

In this pothole, there was a person lying quietly, but it was Qin Shaofeng.

It can actually survive such a collision, and if this scene is seen, it will be extremely shocking.

However, the situation of Qin Shaofeng at this moment is very bad. Not only is the right hand, but even Qin Shaofeng’s right hand, from right hand to right leg, has disappeared.

Obviously, the horrible impact just now did not affect Qin Shaofeng in the slightest.

If at the last minute, Qin Shaofeng uses the Luo Tian sign to resist the horrible impact, I am afraid he has already completely broken his bones.

However, even if there was a god Luo Tian, ​​Qin Shaofeng was severely traumatized in the end, and now he has only kept his breath.

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