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As if something was touched, in this brief moment, the city wall filled with molten iron from Huocheng City collapsed and collapsed.

Moreover, the collapse still continued. From the city gate, it immediately extended out. The city wall momentarily separated from the fire city began to collapse.

In a blink of an eye, this powerful city wall standing in this several hundred years, in this brief moment, seemed as if the dirt was generally weak and fragile.

This scene fell into the eyes of Li Ruojun who just arrived, which made Li Ruojun’s heart 10000 points in shock, looked towards the ground-breaking city of Collian, shouting surprised and angry.

“You have to die in the city of Gelian. You dare to destroy the city wall. Do you know what you are doing?”

As the Eldest Young Lady from the City Lord Mansion, plus the name of Number One Genius, Li Ruojun naturally knew it from his father. When the city wall of the City of Fire was shaped, it was arranged into A strong great array method.

Even in case of 10000, when the city lord left the city, Li Ruojun was deliberately ordered. If any unexpected and dangerous situation occurs, do not hesitate to open this array directly, and completely protect the city from the fire.

However, Li Ruojun couldn’t imagine how she knew it a few months ago. The biggest secret from the city of fire was actually understood by the city of Goren.

It is actually a good thing to have away from the fire city to have array protection. The words spoken can make people away from the fire city feel more at ease, and there is no reason to hide anything.

But this array of fire city is powerful, but in a way, it is also very fragile.

Once the array is known, it can be easily destroyed.

Therefore, the existence of the array from Fire City is only known to City Lord Mansion from home.

Not even more than ten people knew about it at home.

Such a concealed thing, Gelian City actually did not know how to learn from it.

And at the moment, the city of Gurion was so devastating that it destroyed the city wall.

This made Li Ruojun so anxious that he frustrated the city directly.

Compared with this, there are more things that worry her.

Because at this moment, those experts who are away from the fire city have also rushed to this side and saw the scene in front of them.

Everyone was dumbfounded to see the city wall completely destroyed.

“This … how could this be?”

“City wall … how was the city wall destroyed?”

“Oh my God, what’s going on?”


Everyone was panicking. If it was normal, the city wall was destroyed, and everyone was naturally shocked, but it was impossible to panic completely.

But now it ’s different, now it ’s during the beast tide period!

If there is no city wall, what will they use to resist the beast tide?

But next moment, the thing that scared them most appeared.

“So … that … what is that?”

Suddenly, a terrifying voice burst out.

Everyone looked up subconsciously and looked out of the city, then they saw the dark line far away.

At the same time, due to the close relationship between the black lines, the ground vibration is more obvious.

Weng weng!

The vibration of the ground and the black line made the people present understand.

beast tide is here!

And it’s killing here!

And what about them?

The city wall is gone, and the other powerhouses at the Divine Level seem to be gone.

So what is waiting for them in this case?


I don’t know who it was, I couldn’t bear such a panic and shouted directly.

Then, with a bang, countless people ran wild and escaped in 4 places.

Although they know they can’t escape, what choices are left for them now, besides escape?

After seeing this scene, that city laughed, and laughed very crazy, and very happy!

I’m dead, don’t you guys!


Gently glanced at the broken city wall in front of me, Qin Shaofeng only found out that there was actually a powerful array from the fire city.

In addition, Qin Shaofeng also understood that, just now when Gorren City did something, he was afraid that he had done something to force the array into something, which caused the array to collapse.

Along with this, this city wall with array as the base point also crashed directly.

Qin Shaofeng naturally saw the reaction of those who were away from Huocheng behind him.


Gently looked up and looked at the beast tide in the distance, Qin Shaofeng faintly smiled.

beast tide?

Oh, I want to see you there!


Susanoo strode across the huge steps, Qin Shaofeng came directly to the city of Gelian, and then Divine Artifact Susanoo’s giant arm grabbed the city of Gelian and grabbed him.

Once caught by Qin Shaofeng, that Gelian City didn’t panic, and even laughed wildly: “Ha, angry? Want to kill me? Come on! Anyway, you will come down with me soon! “

“You are very proud?”

Susanoo lifted his huge arm, grabbed Gorren in front of him, and Qin Shaofeng looked at each other coldly.

“Yes, I’m just proud. You made me suffer as hard as this tribulation. It just made me die. But that’s all. You’re dead anyway. And there are so many people to be buried. I also No loss, it’s worth it! “

Gorian City’s sneer looked as if he didn’t care about his situation of being pinched to death by Qin Shaofeng at any moment.

He is alert not in his life or death.

The original plan was perfect, but in the end it was completely broken by Qin Shaofeng.

And the most important point is that Qin Shaofeng’s last God Luo Tian sign caused serious damage to Gelian City.

It didn’t take long for Gelian City to consolidate the Demi-God domain. In addition, Qin Shaofeng’s onslaught before, and then Gelian City suffered a lot of trauma. This led to the explosion of the last god Luo Tian. The foundation of the city of Gurion was shaken.

Even if it was fortunate that the city of Gorren did not die this time, it would not be possible for the city to return to the flourishing period.

Because of Qin Shaofeng ’s Luo Tian sign, he shattered the strength of the core within the body Demi-God’s realm forcibly, which made him unable to recover at all.

This is equivalent to forcibly knocking down the city of Gorren, directly from Half God Realm.

This made Gelian City desperate directly, so after despair, Gelian City was completely crazy, intending to let the whole person away from the Fire City to bury him.

Therefore, at this moment, Glien City simply doesn’t care about his life and death. He just looks forward to the helpless expression of Qin Shaofeng in such a desperate situation.

But let him down, Qin Shaofeng’s face was not at all desperate.

“Oh, right?”

Seeing that Geliancheng had gone completely crazy, Qin Shaofeng smiled slightly, and there was a hint of play in his eyes.

This city of Gorren is really hateful, and it is too heartbroken, and it has such an evil intention.

But the more you do, the more I, Qin Shaofeng won’t let you do it!

Coldly smiled in his heart, Qin Shaofeng looked at Gorren City and said, “You seem to be mistaken in Gorren City, do you think I will be afraid of this beast tide? And do you think the battle just now is all my strength?”


Qin Shaofeng’s words shocked Gelian City.

That strength also is not Qin Shaofeng true strength, and what does he mean?

Does he want to challenge beasts to form beast tide with one person?

No, this is impossible?

The madness on Gorren’s face finally receded in this brief moment, and terror and disbelief appeared on his face again.

Seeing this, Qin Shaofeng smiled slightly, as if seeing through his mind and said, “Oh, it seems you can’t believe it, so let me take a look and see if I’m wrong!”

While speaking, Qin Shaofeng a thought flashed through the mind, Susanoo’s huge wings flew, and immediately flew up, then rushed straight up to the beast tide side.

Until this moment, the extremely angry Li Ruojun reacted. When Qin Shaofeng rushed directly to the beast tide, Li Ruojun was suddenly shocked, but Qin Shaofeng had already flown away, which made her want to stop it, too late .

At the same time, Gollyn City, captured by Qin Shaofeng with Susanoo’s left hand, laughed heartily: “haha, Qin Shaofeng, are you crazy, and you intend to block the beast tide by one person, you are too believe oneself infallible!”

be that as it may, but at the moment in the laughter of Gorren City, there is a trace of restless.

But now he has been seriously injured, and even living an extra period of time is a difficult task, and can no longer pose any threat to Qin Shaofeng.

At this moment, he can only hope that Qin Shaofeng will be engulfed by endless beast tide.

Gelin Cheng laughed, Qin Shaofeng not at all cared.

Fight alone beast tide?

From an average person’s point of view, this is absolutely crazy.

Even a powerhouse as strong as Lihuo City Lord would not dare to make such a crazy move.

But Qin Shaofeng is not without the slightest certainty. This seems to be crazy behavior. In fact, Qin Shaofeng decided after some calculations.

No matter how bad it is, Qin Shaofeng is confident to escape.

Besides, this endless beast tide is an opportunity for grinding EXP value for Qin Shaofeng!


After flying for a while, Qin Shaofeng came to beast tide.

“roar! roar! roar! ”

This approach to beast tide, Qin Shaofeng just heard the roar of countless wild beasts.

But instead of being afraid, Qin Shaofeng chuckled and said, “Now the hunting feast begins!”


This Qin Shaofeng is absolutely crazy!

When he heard Qin Shaofeng’s words, Gelian City was shocked.

But what happened next made him shock.

I saw Susanoo’s right arm jerking, and the huge Thunder God’s Hammer, which was originally on his hand, flew off instantly, then fiercely fell into the beast tide.

Hong long!

With a loud world-shaking noise, a huge Thunder God’s Hammer instantly exploded with numerous lightning lightning, instantly killing countless wild beasts.

From a distance, Qin Shaofeng, Thunder God’s Hammer, directly smashed a 1000 meters pothole on the circleference, but the beast tide was affected by 1000 meters.

The potholes and all the wild beasts near several hundred meters of the potholes were directly bombarded and killed, and many barbaric beasts were killed in the distance, and numerous barbarians were injured.

It was not until this moment that Gelian City fully recognized it, and had been hit by his huge lightning sledgehammer by Qin Shaofeng, unexpectedly have such formidable power.

If it was at first, this lightning sledgehammer exploded in the space of his Demi-God domain, and he would definitely be hit hard.

It’s natural!

It was only because the space was limited in the Demi-God area of ​​Gorren City that Qin Shaofeng did not detonate Thunder God’s Hammer because he was afraid of reaching him. Instead, he used Thunder God’s Hammer as a weapon.

But now facing the beast tide of the outside world, Qin Shaofeng has nothing to worry about.

When Thunder God’s Hammer exploded, Qin Shaofeng immediately got countless system prompts.

Although most of the wild beasts that were killed by bombardment are the wild beasts in the Xuanxiang Realm and the Spirit Elephant realm, even if Qin Shaofeng used the 10x EXP Bonus Card, the Exp Points obtained were very small.

But this can’t bear much!

Even this is the level at which Qin Shaofeng’s Exp Points are directly leveled to Supreme 8th Layer 80%.

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